#ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "../toxcore/onion.h" #include "../toxcore/onion_announce.h" #include "../toxcore/onion_client.h" #include "../toxcore/util.h" #if defined(_WIN32) || defined(__WIN32__) || defined (WIN32) #define c_sleep(x) Sleep(1*x) #else #include #define c_sleep(x) usleep(1000*x) #endif void do_onion(Onion *onion) { networking_poll(onion->net); do_DHT(onion->dht); } static int handled_test_1; static int handle_test_1(void *object, IP_Port source, uint8_t *packet, uint32_t length) { Onion *onion = object; if (memcmp(packet, "Install Gentoo", sizeof("Install Gentoo")) != 0) return 1; if (send_onion_response(onion->net, source, (uint8_t *)"install gentoo", sizeof("install gentoo"), packet + sizeof("Install Gentoo")) == -1) return 1; handled_test_1 = 1; return 0; } static int handled_test_2; static int handle_test_2(void *object, IP_Port source, uint8_t *packet, uint32_t length) { if (length != sizeof("install Gentoo")) return 1; if (memcmp(packet, (uint8_t *)"install gentoo", sizeof("install gentoo")) != 0) return 1; handled_test_2 = 1; return 0; } /* void print_client_id(uint8_t *client_id, uint32_t length) { uint32_t j; for (j = 0; j < length; j++) { printf("%02hhX", client_id[j]); } printf("\n"); } */ uint8_t sb_data[ONION_ANNOUNCE_SENDBACK_DATA_LENGTH]; static int handled_test_3; uint8_t test_3_pub_key[crypto_box_PUBLICKEYBYTES]; uint8_t test_3_ping_id[crypto_hash_sha256_BYTES]; static int handle_test_3(void *object, IP_Port source, uint8_t *packet, uint32_t length) { Onion *onion = object; if (length != (1 + crypto_box_NONCEBYTES + ONION_ANNOUNCE_SENDBACK_DATA_LENGTH + 1 + crypto_hash_sha256_BYTES + crypto_box_MACBYTES)) return 1; uint8_t plain[1 + crypto_hash_sha256_BYTES]; //print_client_id(packet, length); int len = decrypt_data(test_3_pub_key, onion->dht->c->self_secret_key, packet + 1 + ONION_ANNOUNCE_SENDBACK_DATA_LENGTH, packet + 1 + ONION_ANNOUNCE_SENDBACK_DATA_LENGTH + crypto_box_NONCEBYTES, 1 + crypto_hash_sha256_BYTES + crypto_box_MACBYTES, plain); if (len == -1) return 1; if (memcmp(packet + 1, sb_data, ONION_ANNOUNCE_SENDBACK_DATA_LENGTH) != 0) return 1; memcpy(test_3_ping_id, plain + 1, crypto_hash_sha256_BYTES); //print_client_id(test_3_ping_id, sizeof(test_3_ping_id)); handled_test_3 = 1; return 0; } uint8_t nonce[crypto_box_NONCEBYTES]; static int handled_test_4; static int handle_test_4(void *object, IP_Port source, uint8_t *packet, uint32_t length) { Onion *onion = object; if (length != (1 + crypto_box_NONCEBYTES + crypto_box_PUBLICKEYBYTES + sizeof("Install gentoo") + crypto_box_MACBYTES)) return 1; uint8_t plain[sizeof("Install gentoo")] = {0}; if (memcmp(nonce, packet + 1, crypto_box_NONCEBYTES) != 0) return 1; int len = decrypt_data(packet + 1 + crypto_box_NONCEBYTES, onion->dht->c->self_secret_key, packet + 1, packet + 1 + crypto_box_NONCEBYTES + crypto_box_PUBLICKEYBYTES, sizeof("Install gentoo") + crypto_box_MACBYTES, plain); if (len == -1) return 1; if (memcmp(plain, "Install gentoo", sizeof("Install gentoo")) != 0) return 1; handled_test_4 = 1; return 0; } START_TEST(test_basic) { IP ip; ip_init(&ip, 1); ip.ip6.uint8[15] = 1; Onion *onion1 = new_onion(new_DHT(new_net_crypto(new_networking(ip, 34567)))); Onion *onion2 = new_onion(new_DHT(new_net_crypto(new_networking(ip, 34568)))); ck_assert_msg((onion1 != NULL) && (onion2 != NULL), "Onion failed initializing."); networking_registerhandler(onion2->net, 'I', &handle_test_1, onion2); IP_Port on1 = {ip, onion1->net->port}; Node_format n1; memcpy(n1.client_id, onion1->dht->self_public_key, crypto_box_PUBLICKEYBYTES); n1.ip_port = on1; IP_Port on2 = {ip, onion2->net->port}; Node_format n2; memcpy(n2.client_id, onion2->dht->self_public_key, crypto_box_PUBLICKEYBYTES); n2.ip_port = on2; Node_format nodes[4]; nodes[0] = n1; nodes[1] = n2; nodes[2] = n1; nodes[3] = n2; Onion_Path path; create_onion_path(onion1->dht, &path, nodes); int ret = send_onion_packet(onion1->net, &path, nodes[3].ip_port, (uint8_t *)"Install Gentoo", sizeof("Install Gentoo")); ck_assert_msg(ret == 0, "Failed to create/send onion packet."); handled_test_1 = 0; while (handled_test_1 == 0) { do_onion(onion1); do_onion(onion2); } networking_registerhandler(onion1->net, 'i', &handle_test_2, onion1); handled_test_2 = 0; while (handled_test_2 == 0) { do_onion(onion1); do_onion(onion2); } Onion_Announce *onion1_a = new_onion_announce(onion1->dht); Onion_Announce *onion2_a = new_onion_announce(onion2->dht); networking_registerhandler(onion1->net, NET_PACKET_ANNOUNCE_RESPONSE, &handle_test_3, onion1); ck_assert_msg((onion1_a != NULL) && (onion2_a != NULL), "Onion_Announce failed initializing."); uint8_t zeroes[64] = {0}; randombytes(sb_data, sizeof(sb_data)); memcpy(test_3_pub_key, nodes[3].client_id, crypto_box_PUBLICKEYBYTES); ret = send_announce_request(onion1->net, &path, nodes[3], onion1->dht->c->self_public_key, onion1->dht->c->self_secret_key, zeroes, onion1->dht->c->self_public_key, onion1->dht->c->self_public_key, sb_data); ck_assert_msg(ret == 0, "Failed to create/send onion announce_request packet."); handled_test_3 = 0; while (handled_test_3 == 0) { do_onion(onion1); do_onion(onion2); c_sleep(50); } randombytes(sb_data, sizeof(sb_data)); memcpy(onion2_a->entries[1].public_key, onion2->dht->self_public_key, crypto_box_PUBLICKEYBYTES); onion2_a->entries[1].time = unix_time(); networking_registerhandler(onion1->net, NET_PACKET_ONION_DATA_RESPONSE, &handle_test_4, onion1); send_announce_request(onion1->net, &path, nodes[3], onion1->dht->c->self_public_key, onion1->dht->c->self_secret_key, test_3_ping_id, onion1->dht->c->self_public_key, onion1->dht->c->self_public_key, sb_data); while (memcmp(onion2_a->entries[ONION_ANNOUNCE_MAX_ENTRIES - 2].public_key, onion1->dht->c->self_public_key, crypto_box_PUBLICKEYBYTES) != 0) { do_onion(onion1); do_onion(onion2); c_sleep(50); } c_sleep(1000); Onion *onion3 = new_onion(new_DHT(new_net_crypto(new_networking(ip, 34569)))); ck_assert_msg((onion3 != NULL), "Onion failed initializing."); new_nonce(nonce); ret = send_data_request(onion3->net, &path, nodes[3].ip_port, onion1->dht->c->self_public_key, onion1->dht->c->self_public_key, nonce, (uint8_t *)"Install gentoo", sizeof("Install gentoo")); ck_assert_msg(ret == 0, "Failed to create/send onion data_request packet."); handled_test_4 = 0; while (handled_test_4 == 0) { do_onion(onion1); do_onion(onion2); c_sleep(50); } } END_TEST typedef struct { Onion *onion; Onion_Announce *onion_a; Onion_Client *onion_c; } Onions; Onions *new_onions(uint16_t port) { IP ip; ip_init(&ip, 1); ip.ip6.uint8[15] = 1; Onions *on = malloc(sizeof(Onions)); DHT *dht = new_DHT(new_net_crypto(new_networking(ip, port))); on->onion = new_onion(dht); on->onion_a = new_onion_announce(dht); on->onion_c = new_onion_client(dht); if (on->onion && on->onion_a && on->onion_c) return on; return NULL; } void do_onions(Onions *on) { networking_poll(on->onion->net); do_DHT(on->onion->dht); do_onion_client(on->onion_c); } #define NUM_ONIONS 50 START_TEST(test_announce) { uint32_t i, j; Onions *onions[NUM_ONIONS]; for (i = 0; i < NUM_ONIONS; ++i) { onions[i] = new_onions(i + 34655); ck_assert_msg(onions[i] != 0, "Failed to create onions. %u"); } IP ip; ip_init(&ip, 1); ip.ip6.uint8[15] = 1; for (i = 3; i < NUM_ONIONS; ++i) { IP_Port ip_port = {ip, onions[i - 1]->onion->net->port}; DHT_bootstrap(onions[i]->onion->dht, ip_port, onions[i - 1]->onion->dht->self_public_key); IP_Port ip_port1 = {ip, onions[i - 2]->onion->net->port}; DHT_bootstrap(onions[i]->onion->dht, ip_port1, onions[i - 2]->onion->dht->self_public_key); IP_Port ip_port2 = {ip, onions[i - 3]->onion->net->port}; DHT_bootstrap(onions[i]->onion->dht, ip_port2, onions[i - 3]->onion->dht->self_public_key); } uint32_t connected = 0; while (connected != NUM_ONIONS) { connected = 0; for (i = 0; i < NUM_ONIONS; ++i) { do_onions(onions[i]); connected += DHT_isconnected(onions[i]->onion->dht); } c_sleep(50); } for (i = 0; i < 25 * 2; ++i) { for (j = 0; j < NUM_ONIONS; ++j) { do_onions(onions[j]); } c_sleep(50); } onion_addfriend(onions[7]->onion_c, onions[37]->onion->dht->c->self_public_key); int frnum = onion_addfriend(onions[37]->onion_c, onions[7]->onion->dht->c->self_public_key); int ok = -1; IP_Port ip_port; while (ok == -1) { for (i = 0; i < NUM_ONIONS; ++i) { networking_poll(onions[i]->onion->net); do_onion_client(onions[i]->onion_c); } ok = onion_getfriendip(onions[37]->onion_c, frnum, &ip_port); c_sleep(50); } printf("id discovered\n"); while (ok != 1) { for (i = 0; i < NUM_ONIONS; ++i) { do_onions(onions[i]); } ok = onion_getfriendip(onions[37]->onion_c, frnum, &ip_port); c_sleep(50); } ck_assert_msg(ip_port.port == onions[7]->onion->net->port, "Port in returned ip not correct."); } END_TEST #define DEFTESTCASE(NAME) \ TCase *tc_##NAME = tcase_create(#NAME); \ tcase_add_test(tc_##NAME, test_##NAME); \ suite_add_tcase(s, tc_##NAME); #define DEFTESTCASE_SLOW(NAME, TIMEOUT) \ DEFTESTCASE(NAME) \ tcase_set_timeout(tc_##NAME, TIMEOUT); Suite *onion_suite(void) { Suite *s = suite_create("Onion"); DEFTESTCASE_SLOW(basic, 5); DEFTESTCASE_SLOW(announce, 200); return s; } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { srand((unsigned int) time(NULL)); Suite *onion = onion_suite(); SRunner *test_runner = srunner_create(onion); int number_failed = 0; srunner_run_all(test_runner, CK_NORMAL); number_failed = srunner_ntests_failed(test_runner); srunner_free(test_runner); return number_failed; }