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This commit is contained in:
mannol 2015-04-18 19:15:46 +02:00
parent eb9f4ad592
commit 3a12a3b329

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@ -485,18 +485,17 @@ bool toxav_send_audio_frame(ToxAV *av, uint32_t friend_number,
* The function type for the `receive_video_frame` callback.
* Each plane contains (width * height) pixels. The Alpha plane can be NULL, in
* which case every pixel should be assumed fully opaque.
* @param friend_number The friend number of the friend who sent a video frame.
* @param width Width of the frame in pixels.
* @param height Height of the frame in pixels.
* @param planes Plane data. To access Y (Luminance) plane use index 0,
* To access U (Chroma) plane use index 1,
* To access V (Chroma) plane use index 2.
* The size of plane data is derived from width and height where
* Y = width * height, U = (width/2) * (height/2) and V = (width/2) * (height/2).
* @param stride Strides data. Indexing is the same as in 'planes' param.
* @param y
* @param u
* @param v Plane data.
* The size of plane data is derived from width and height where
* Y = width * height, U = (width/2) * (height/2) and V = (width/2) * (height/2).
* @param ystride
* @param ustride
* @param vstride Strides data. Indexing is the same as in 'planes' param.
typedef void toxav_receive_video_frame_cb(ToxAV *av, uint32_t friend_number,
uint16_t width, uint16_t height,