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PiperOrigin-RevId: 385825978
This commit is contained in:
Google Python team 2021-07-20 11:02:30 -07:00 committed by Gregory P. Smith [Google LLC]
parent 78f4fca97f
commit d88a5b7b59

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@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ See for details.
* [2.17 Function and Method Decorators](#s2.17-function-and-method-decorators)
* [2.18 Threading](#s2.18-threading)
* [2.19 Power Features](#s2.19-power-features)
* [2.20 Modern Python: Python 3 and from \_\_future\_\_ imports](#s2.20-modern-python)
* [2.20 Modern Python: from \_\_future\_\_ imports](#s2.20-modern-python)
* [2.21 Type Annotated Code](#s2.21-type-annotated-code)
- [3 Python Style Rules](#s3-python-style-rules)
* [3.1 Semicolons](#s3.1-semicolons)
@ -1386,11 +1386,10 @@ to use (for example, `abc.ABCMeta`, `dataclasses`, and `enum`).
<a id="220-modern-python"></a>
<a id="modern-python"></a>
### 2.20 Modern Python: Python 3 and from \_\_future\_\_ imports
### 2.20 Modern Python: from \_\_future\_\_ imports
Python 3 is here! While not every project is ready to use it yet,
all code should be written to be 3 compatible (and tested under 3 when
New language version semantic changes may be gated behind a special future
import to enable them on a per-file basis within earlier runtimes.
<a id="s2.20.1-definition"></a>
<a id="2201-definition"></a>
@ -1398,10 +1397,9 @@ possible).
<a id="modern-python-definition"></a>
#### 2.20.1 Definition
Python 3 is a significant change in the Python language. While existing code is
often written with 2.7 in mind, there are some simple things to do to make code
more explicit about its intentions and thus better prepared for use under Python
3 without modification.
Being able to turn on some of the more modern features via `from __future__
import` statements allows early use of features from expected future Python
<a id="s2.20.2-pros"></a>
<a id="2202-pros"></a>
@ -1409,8 +1407,11 @@ more explicit about its intentions and thus better prepared for use under Python
<a id="modern-python-pros"></a>
#### 2.20.2 Pros
Code written with Python 3 in mind is more explicit and easier to get running
under Python 3 once all of the dependencies of your project are ready.
This has proven to make runtime version upgrades smoother as changes can be made
on a per-file basis while declaring compatibility and preventing regressions
within those files. Modern code is more maintainable as it is less likely to
accumulate technical debt that will be problematic during future runtime
<a id="s2.20.3-cons"></a>
<a id="2203-cons"></a>
@ -1418,9 +1419,9 @@ under Python 3 once all of the dependencies of your project are ready.
<a id="modern-python-cons"></a>
#### 2.20.3 Cons
Some people find the additional boilerplate to be ugly. It's unusual to add
imports to a module that doesn't actually require the features added by the
Such code may not work on very old interpreter versions prior to the
introduction of the needed future statement. The need for this is more common in
projects supporting an extremely wide variety of environments.
<a id="s2.20.4-decision"></a>
<a id="2204-decision"></a>
@ -1430,9 +1431,18 @@ import.
##### from \_\_future\_\_ imports
Use of `from __future__ import` statements is encouraged. All new code should
contain the following and existing code should be updated to be compatible when
Use of `from __future__ import` statements is encouraged. It allows a given
source file to start using more modern Python syntax features today. Once you no
longer need to run on a version where the features are hidden behind a
`__future__` import, feel free to remove those lines.
In code that may execute on versions as old as 3.5 rather than >= 3.7, import:
from __future__ import generator_stop
For legacy code with the burden of continuing to support 2.7, import:
from __future__ import absolute_import
@ -1440,27 +1450,26 @@ from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
For more information on these imports, see
[absolute imports](,
[`/` division behavior](, and
[the `print` function](
For more information read the
[Python future statement definitions](
Please don't remove these imports until you are confident the code is only ever
used in a sufficiently modern environment. Even if you do not currently use the
feature a specific future import enables in your code today, keeping it in place
in the file prevents later modifications of the code from inadvertently
depending on the older behavior.
Please don't omit or remove these imports, even if they're not currently used in
the module, unless the code is Python 3 only. It is better to always have the
future imports in all files so that they are not forgotten during later edits
when someone starts using such a feature.
There are other `from __future__` import statements. Use them as you see fit. We
do not include `unicode_literals` in our recommendations as it is not a clear
win due to implicit default codec conversion consequences it introduces in many
places within Python 2.7. Most code is better off with explicit use of `b''` and
`u''` bytes and unicode string literals as necessary.
Use other `from __future__` import statements as you see fit. We did not include
`unicode_literals` in our recommendations for 2.7 as it was not a clear win due
to implicit default codec conversion consequences it introduced in many places
within 2.7. Most dual-version 2-and-3 code was better off with explicit use of
`b''` and `u''` bytes and unicode string literals where necessary.
##### The six, future, and past libraries
When your project needs to actively support use under both Python 2 and 3, use
the [six](,
When your project still needs to support use under both Python 2 and 3, use the
[future](, and
[past]( libraries as you see fit. They exist to
make your code cleaner and life easier.
@ -3264,40 +3273,30 @@ def check_length(x: AnyStr) -> AnyStr:
The proper type for annotating strings depends on what versions of Python the
code is intended for.
For Python 3 only code, prefer to use `str`. `Text` is also acceptable. Be
consistent in using one or the other.
For Python 2 compatible code, use `Text`. In some rare cases, `str` may make
sense; typically to aid compatibility when the return types aren't the same
between the two Python versions. Avoid using `unicode`: it doesn't exist in
Python 3.
The reason this discrepancy exists is because `str` means different things
depending on the Python version.
Prefer to use `str`, though `Text` is also acceptable. Be consistent in using
one or the other. For code that deals with binary data, use `bytes`. For Python
2 compatible code that processes text data (`str` or `unicode` in Python 2,
`str` in Python 3), use `Text`.
def py2_code(x: str) -> unicode:
def deals_with_text_data_in_py3(x: str) -> str:
For code that deals with binary data, use `bytes`.
def deals_with_binary_data(x: bytes) -> bytes:
def py2_compatible_text_data_processor(x: Text) -> Text:
For Python 2 compatible code that processes text data (`str` or `unicode` in
Python 2, `str` in Python 3), use `Text`. For Python 3 only code that process
text data, prefer `str`.
In some uncommon Python 2 compatibility cases, `str` may make sense instead of
`Text`, typically to aid compatibility when the return types aren't the same
between Python 2 and Python 3. Never use `unicode` as it doesn't exist in Python
3. The reason this discrepancy exists is because `str` means something different
in Python 2 than in Python 3.
from typing import Text
def py2_compatible(x: Text) -> Text:
def py3_only(x: str) -> str:
def py2_code(x: str) -> unicode:
@ -3307,18 +3306,16 @@ type.
from typing import Text, Union
def py2_compatible(x: Union[bytes, Text]) -> Union[bytes, Text]:
def py3_only(x: Union[bytes, str]) -> Union[bytes, str]:
def py2_compatible(x: Union[bytes, Text]) -> Union[bytes, Text]:
If all the string types of a function are always the same, for example if the
return type is the same as the argument type in the code above, use
Writing it like this will simplify the process of porting the code to Python 3.
<a id="s3.19.12-imports-for-typing"></a>
<a id="s3.19.12-imports"></a>
<a id="31912-imports-for-typing"></a>