diff --git a/pyguide.md b/pyguide.md index 61361e4..00bd89d 100644 --- a/pyguide.md +++ b/pyguide.md @@ -27,105 +27,26 @@ Table of Contents * [1 Background](#1-background) * [2 Python Language Rules](#2-python-language-rules) * [2.1 Lint](#21-lint) - * [2.1.1 Definition](#211-definition) - * [2.1.2 Pros](#212-pros) - * [2.1.3 Cons](#213-cons) - * [2.1.4 Decision](#214-decision) * [2.2 Imports](#22-imports) - * [2.2.1 Definition](#221-definition) - * [2.2.2 Pros](#222-pros) - * [2.2.3 Cons](#223-cons) - * [2.2.4 Decision](#224-decision) * [2.3 Packages](#23-packages) - * [2.3.1 Pros](#231-pros) - * [2.3.2 Cons](#232-cons) - * [2.3.3 Decision](#233-decision) * [2.4 Exceptions](#24-exceptions) - * [2.4.1 Definition](#241-definition) - * [2.4.2 Pros](#242-pros) - * [2.4.3 Cons](#243-cons) - * [2.4.4 Decision](#244-decision) * [2.5 Global variables](#25-global-variables) - * [2.5.1 Definition](#251-definition) - * [2.5.2 Pros](#252-pros) - * [2.5.3 Cons](#253-cons) - * [2.5.4 Decision](#254-decision) * [2.6 Nested/Local/Inner Classes and Functions](#26-nestedlocalinner-classes-and-functions) - * [2.6.1 Definition](#261-definition) - * [2.6.2 Pros](#262-pros) - * [2.6.3 Cons](#263-cons) - * [2.6.4 Decision](#264-decision) * [2.7 Comprehensions & Generator Expressions](#27-comprehensions--generator-expressions) - * [2.7.1 Definition](#271-definition) - * [2.7.2 Pros](#272-pros) - * [2.7.3 Cons](#273-cons) - * [2.7.4 Decision](#274-decision) * [2.8 Default Iterators and Operators](#28-default-iterators-and-operators) - * [2.8.1 Definition](#281-definition) - * [2.8.2 Pros](#282-pros) - * [2.8.3 Cons](#283-cons) - * [2.8.4 Decision](#284-decision) * [2.9 Generators](#29-generators) - * [2.9.1 Definition](#291-definition) - * [2.9.2 Pros](#292-pros) - * [2.9.3 Cons](#293-cons) - * [2.9.4 Decision](#294-decision) * [2.10 Lambda Functions](#210-lambda-functions) - * [2.10.1 Definition](#2101-definition) - * [2.10.2 Pros](#2102-pros) - * [2.10.3 Cons](#2103-cons) - * [2.10.4 Decision](#2104-decision) * [2.11 Conditional Expressions](#211-conditional-expressions) - * [2.11.1 Definition](#2111-definition) - * [2.11.2 Pros](#2112-pros) - * [2.11.3 Cons](#2113-cons) - * [2.11.4 Decision](#2114-decision) * [2.12 Default Argument Values](#212-default-argument-values) - * [2.12.1 Definition](#2121-definition) - * [2.12.2 Pros](#2122-pros) - * [2.12.3 Cons](#2123-cons) - * [2.12.4 Decision](#2124-decision) * [2.13 Properties](#213-properties) - * [2.13.1 Definition](#2131-definition) - * [2.13.2 Pros](#2132-pros) - * [2.13.3 Cons](#2133-cons) - * [2.13.4 Decision](#2134-decision) * [2.14 True/False evaluations](#214-truefalse-evaluations) - * [2.14.1 Definition](#2141-definition) - * [2.14.2 Pros](#2142-pros) - * [2.14.3 Cons](#2143-cons) - * [2.14.4 Decision](#2144-decision) * [2.15 Deprecated Language Features](#215-deprecated-language-features) - * [2.15.1 Definition](#2151-definition) - * [2.15.2 Decision](#2152-decision) * [2.16 Lexical Scoping](#216-lexical-scoping) - * [2.16.1 Definition](#2161-definition) - * [2.16.2 Pros](#2162-pros) - * [2.16.3 Cons](#2163-cons) - * [2.16.4 Decision](#2164-decision) * [2.17 Function and Method Decorators](#217-function-and-method-decorators) - * [2.17.1 Definition](#2171-definition) - * [2.17.2 Pros](#2172-pros) - * [2.17.3 Cons](#2173-cons) - * [2.17.4 Decision](#2174-decision) * [2.18 Threading](#218-threading) * [2.19 Power Features](#219-power-features) - * [2.19.1 Definition](#2191-definition) - * [2.19.2 Pros](#2192-pros) - * [2.19.3 Cons](#2193-cons) - * [2.19.4 Decision](#2194-decision) * [2.20 Modern Python: Python 3 and from __future__ imports {#modern-python}](#220-modern-python-python-3-and-from-__future__-imports-modern-python) - * [2.20.1 Definition](#2201-definition) - * [2.20.2 Pros](#2202-pros) - * [2.20.3 Cons](#2203-cons) - * [2.20.4 Decision](#2204-decision) - * [from __future__ imports](#from-__future__-imports) - * [The six, future, or past libraries.](#the-six-future-or-past-libraries) * [2.21 Type Annotated Code](#221-type-annotated-code) - * [2.21.1 Definition](#2211-definition) - * [2.21.2 Pros](#2212-pros) - * [2.21.3 Cons](#2213-cons) - * [2.21.4 Decision](#2214-decision) * [3 Python Style Rules](#3-python-style-rules) * [3.1 Semicolons](#31-semicolons) * [3.2 Line length](#32-line-length) @@ -135,12 +56,6 @@ Table of Contents * [3.6 Whitespace](#36-whitespace) * [3.7 Shebang Line](#37-shebang-line) * [3.8 Comments and Docstrings](#38-comments-and-docstrings) - * [3.8.1 Docstrings](#381-docstrings) - * [3.8.2 Modules](#382-modules) - * [3.8.3 Functions and Methods](#383-functions-and-methods) - * [3.8.4 Classes](#384-classes) - * [3.8.5 Block and Inline Comments](#385-block-and-inline-comments) - * [3.8.6 Punctuation, Spelling and Grammar](#386-punctuation-spelling-and-grammar) * [3.9 Classes](#39-classes) * [3.10 Strings](#310-strings) * [3.11 Files and Sockets](#311-files-and-sockets) @@ -149,26 +64,9 @@ Table of Contents * [3.14 Statements](#314-statements) * [3.15 Access Control](#315-access-control) * [3.16 Naming](#316-naming) - * [3.16.1 Names to Avoid](#3161-names-to-avoid) - * [3.16.2 Naming Convention](#3162-naming-convention) - * [3.16.3 File Naming {#s3.16.3-file-naming}](#3163-file-naming-s3163-file-naming) - * [3.16.4 Guidelines derived from Guido's Recommendations](#3164-guidelines-derived-from-guidos-recommendations) * [3.17 Main](#317-main) * [3.18 Function length](#318-function-length) * [3.19 Type Annotations](#319-type-annotations) - * [3.19.1 General Rules](#3191-general-rules) - * [3.19.2 Line Breaking](#3192-line-breaking) - * [3.19.3 Forward Declarations](#3193-forward-declarations) - * [3.19.4 Default Values](#3194-default-values) - * [3.19.5 NoneType](#3195-nonetype) - * [3.19.6 Type Aliases](#3196-type-aliases) - * [3.19.7 Ignoring Types](#3197-ignoring-types) - * [3.19.8 Typing internal variables](#3198-typing-internal-variables) - * [3.19.9 Tuples vs Lists](#3199-tuples-vs-lists) - * [3.19.10 TypeVar](#31910-typevar) - * [3.19.11 Strings types](#31911-strings-types) - * [3.19.12 Imports For Typing](#31912-imports-for-typing) - * [3.19.13 Circular Dependencies](#31913-circular-dependencies) * [4 Parting Words](#4-parting-words) Created by [gh-md-toc](https://github.com/ekalinin/github-markdown-toc)