ThePhD bb29127785 Proper semantics for set/get
`set_function`/`set_usertype` now properly use `set`
For the time being, we are going to avoid implementing `traverse`; aside from performance of nested table access (e.g. `int x = lua["a"]["b"]["c"]`), it's a pain. ;~;
2016-02-02 16:18:44 -05:00

18 lines
657 B

#include "bench_cpp_function.hpp"
#include "bench_lua_function.hpp"
#include "bench_get.hpp"
#include "bench_set.hpp"
#include "bench_usertype.hpp"
#include "nonius/nonius.h++"
int main( int argc, char* argv[] ) {
using namespace std::literals::string_literals;
std::string configurationname = argv[ 1 ];
std::string platformname = argv[ 2 ];
bench_lua_function( "bench/", configurationname, platformname );
bench_cpp_function( "bench/", configurationname, platformname );
bench_get( "bench/", configurationname, platformname );
bench_set( "bench/", configurationname, platformname );
bench_usertype( "bench/", configurationname, platformname );