PrincessNyanara 77901bb654 massive rework of stack
get turned into getter<T>, matches pusher<T> and uses same semantics as std::allocator and other things used throughout the codebase
userdata has its traits defined outside in new file of userdata to prevent errors when trying to use those typetraits in places before userdata.hpp gets included
userdata was changed to support returning itself via pointers or references.
rework of stack changes semantics based on T&, T*, and T&& (the last one tries to create a new userdata and move in data)
solves problems maybe presented in

container.hpp is attempt at solving original problem before going on wild tangent with userdata, stack, and get
is going to attempt to use userdata to allow transporation of containers losslessly, perhaps without copying need
found out trying to return a std::function does not work -- not sure what do exactly?
perhaps should push c closure as last thing, but right now it is tied to a key value (code comes from table.hpp and set_function)
will just have to think over how stack arranges itself and learn what to do
2014-06-09 06:28:55 -04:00

90 lines
2.8 KiB

#include "userdata.hpp"
namespace sol {
template <typename Tc>
struct container {
typedef typename std::conditional<std::is_lvalue_reference<Tc>::value, Tc, Decay<Tc>>::type T;
typedef Decay<decltype(*(std::declval<T>().begin()))> value_type;
T cont;
template <typename... Args>
container (Args&&... args) : cont(std::forward<Args>(args)...){
operator T& () const {
return cont;
void set( std::ptrdiff_t i, const value_type& value ) {
cont[ i ] = value;
value_type& get( std::ptrdiff_t i ) {
return cont[ i ];
std::size_t size( ) const {
return cont.size();
namespace stack {
template<typename T>
struct pusher<T, typename std::enable_if<has_begin_end<T>::value>::type> {
template <typename U>
static void push(lua_State *L, U&& t){
typedef container<U> container_t;
// todo: NEED to find a different way of handling this...
static std::vector<std::shared_ptr<void>> classes{};
userdata<container_t> classdata(default_constructor,
"__index", &container_t::get,
"__newindex", &container_t::set,
"__len", &container_t::size);
auto&& ptr = classes.back();
auto udata = std::static_pointer_cast<userdata<container_t>>(ptr);
stack::push(L, *udata);
container_t* c = static_cast<container_t*>(lua_newuserdata(L, sizeof(container_t)));
std::allocator<container_t> alloc{};
alloc.construct(c, std::forward<U>(t));
auto&& meta = userdata_traits<T>::metatable;
luaL_getmetatable(L, std::addressof(meta[0]));
lua_setmetatable(L, -2);
template<typename U = T, EnableIf<Not<has_key_value_pair<U>>> = 0>
static void push(lua_State* L, const T& cont) {
lua_createtable(L, cont.size(), 0);
unsigned index = 1;
for(auto&& i : cont) {
// push the index
pusher<unsigned>::push(L, index++);
// push the value
pusher<Unqualified<decltype(i)>>::push(L, i);
// set the table
lua_settable(L, -3);
template<typename U = T, EnableIf<has_key_value_pair<U>> = 0>
static void push(lua_State* L, const T& cont) {
lua_createtable(L, cont.size(), 0);
for(auto&& pair : cont) {
pusher<Unqualified<decltype(pair.first)>>::push(L, pair.first);
pusher<Unqualified<decltype(pair.second)>>::push(L, pair.second);
lua_settable(L, -3);
} // stack
} // sol