ThePhD 42978a9ed4 Fixed segfault on GCC. It was picking the wrong overload:
by forward-declaring the std::function overload in `stack`, it is able to find the right function to use.
All tests are passing
the ninja file has been tweaked to make it easier to invoke a g++ build on windows
2014-05-31 14:29:14 -04:00

49 lines
1.5 KiB

# This file has been generated by shinobi version 0.9.5
ninja_required_version = 1.3
builddir = bin
objdir = obj
cxx = g++
cxxflagsd = -std=c++11 -pedantic -pedantic-errors -g -Wextra -Wall -O0 -DEBUG
cxxflags = -std=c++11 -pedantic -pedantic-errors -Wextra -Wall -O2 -DNDEBUG
incflags = -I"." -I"./include" -I"." -I"/usr/include/lua5.2" -I"./lua-5.2.2/src/" -I"./Catch/include/"
linkflags = -static -L"./lib" -llua5.2 -ldl
linkflags_win = -static -L"./lib" -llua5.2
rule compile
command = $cxx -MMD -MF $out.d $cxxflags -c $in -o $out $incflags
deps = gcc
depfile = $out.d
description = Compiling $in
rule compiled
command = $cxx -MMD -MF $out.d $cxxflagsd -c $in -o $out $incflags
deps = gcc
depfile = $out.d
description = Compiling $in
rule link
command = $cxx $in -o $out $linkflags
description = Creating $out
rule link_win
command = $cxx $in -o $out $linkflags_win
description = Creating $out
build $objdir/tests.o: compile tests.cpp
build $objdir/debug/tests.o: compiled tests.cpp
build $objdir/win/tests.o: compile tests.cpp
build $objdir/win/debug/tests.o: compiled tests.cpp
build $builddir/tests: link $objdir/tests.o
build $builddir/debug/tests: link $objdir/debug/tests.o
build $builddir/win/tests: link_win $objdir/win/tests.o
build $builddir/win/debug/tests: link_win $objdir/win/debug/tests.o
build install: phony $builddir/tests
build install_debug: phony $builddir/debug/tests
build install_win: phony $builddir/win/tests
build install_win_debug: phony $builddir/win/debug/tests
default install