
270 lines
8.0 KiB

#include <catch.hpp>
#include <sol.hpp>
std::string free_function() {
std::cout << "free_function()" << std::endl;
return "test";
struct object {
std::string operator() () {
std::cout << "member_test()" << std::endl;
return "test";
int plop_xyz(int x, int y, std::string z) {
std::cout << x << " " << y << " " << z << std::endl;
return 11;
TEST_CASE("simple/set_global", "Check if the set_global works properly.") {
sol::state lua;
lua.set("a", 9);
REQUIRE_NOTHROW(lua.script("if a ~= 9 then error('wrong value') end"));
lua.set("d", "hello");
REQUIRE_NOTHROW(lua.script("if d ~= 'hello' then error('expected \\'hello\\', got '.. tostring(d)) end"));
lua.set("e", std::string("hello"));
REQUIRE_NOTHROW(lua.script("if d ~= 'hello' then error('expected \\'hello\\', got '.. tostring(d)) end"));
lua.set("f", true);
REQUIRE_NOTHROW(lua.script("if f ~= true then error('wrong value') end"));
TEST_CASE("simple/get", "Tests if the get function works properly.") {
sol::state lua;
lua.script("a = 9");
auto a = lua.get<int>("a");
REQUIRE(a == 9.0);
lua.script("b = nil");
lua.script("d = 'hello'");
auto d = lua.get<std::string>("d");
REQUIRE(d == "hello");
lua.script("e = true");
auto e = lua.get<bool>("e");
REQUIRE(e == true);
TEST_CASE("simple/addition", "") {
sol::state lua;
lua.set("b", 0.2);
lua.script("c = 9 + b");
auto c = lua.get<double>("c");
REQUIRE(c == 9.2);
TEST_CASE("simple/if", "") {
sol::state lua;
std::string program = "if true then f = 0.1 else f = 'test' end";
auto f = lua.get<double>("f");
REQUIRE(f == 0.1);
TEST_CASE("simple/callWithParameters", "Lua function is called with a few parameters from C++") {
sol::state lua;
REQUIRE_NOTHROW(lua.script("function my_add(i, j, k) return i + j + k end"));
auto f = lua.get<sol::function>("my_add");
REQUIRE_NOTHROW(lua.script("function my_nothing(i, j, k) end"));
auto fvoid = lua.get<sol::function>("my_nothing");
int a;
REQUIRE_NOTHROW(fvoid(1, 2, 3));
REQUIRE_NOTHROW(a =<int>(1, 2, 3));
REQUIRE(a == 6);
REQUIRE_THROWS(a =<int>(1, 2, "arf"));
TEST_CASE("simple/callCppFunction", "C++ function is called from lua") {
sol::state lua;
lua.set_function("plop_xyz", plop_xyz);
lua.script("x = plop_xyz(2, 6, 'hello')");
REQUIRE(lua.get<int>("x") == 11);
TEST_CASE("simple/callLambda", "A C++ lambda is exposed to lua and called") {
sol::state lua;
int x = 0;
lua.set_function("foo", [ &x ] { x = 1; });
REQUIRE(x == 1);
TEST_CASE("advanced/callLambdaReturns", "Checks for lambdas returning values") {
const static std::string lol = "lol", str = "str";
const static std::tuple<int, float, double, std::string> heh_tuple = std::make_tuple(1, 6.28f, 3.14, std::string("heh"));
sol::state lua;
REQUIRE_NOTHROW(lua.set_function("a", [ ] { return 42; }));
REQUIRE(lua["a"]( sol::types<int>() ) == 42);
REQUIRE_NOTHROW(lua.set_function("b", [ ] { return 42u; }));
REQUIRE(lua["b"](sol::types<unsigned int>()) == 42u);
REQUIRE_NOTHROW(lua.set_function("c", [ ] { return 3.14; }));
REQUIRE(lua["c"](sol::types<double>()) == 3.14);
REQUIRE_NOTHROW(lua.set_function("d", [ ] { return 6.28f; }));
REQUIRE(lua["d"](sol::types<float>()) == 6.28f);
REQUIRE_NOTHROW(lua.set_function("e", [ ] { return "lol"; }));
REQUIRE(lua["e"](sol::types<std::string>()) == lol);
REQUIRE_NOTHROW(lua.set_function("f", [ ] { return true; }));
REQUIRE_NOTHROW(lua.set_function("g", [ ] { return std::string("str"); }));
REQUIRE(lua["g"](sol::types<std::string>()) == str);
REQUIRE_NOTHROW(lua.set_function("h", [ ] { }));
REQUIRE_NOTHROW(lua.set_function("i", [ ] { return sol::nil; }));
REQUIRE(lua["i"](sol::types<sol::nil_t>()) == sol::nil);
REQUIRE_NOTHROW(lua.set_function("j", [ ] { return std::make_tuple(1, 6.28f, 3.14, std::string( "heh" )); } ));
//REQUIRE(lua["j"](sol::types<int, float, double, std::string>()) == heh_tuple);
TEST_CASE("advanced/callLambda2", "A C++ lambda is exposed to lua and called") {
sol::state lua;
int x = 0;
lua.set_function("set_x", [ &] (int new_x) {
x = new_x;
return 0;
REQUIRE(x == 9);
TEST_CASE("negative/basicError", "Check if error handling works correctly") {
sol::state lua;
TEST_CASE("libraries", "Check if we can open libraries through sol") {
sol::state lua;
REQUIRE_NOTHROW(lua.open_libraries(sol::lib::base, sol::lib::os));
TEST_CASE("tables/variables", "Check if tables and variables work as intended") {
sol::state lua;
lua.open_libraries(sol::lib::base, sol::lib::os);
lua.get<sol::table>("os").set("name", "windows");
REQUIRE_NOTHROW(lua.script("assert( == \"windows\")"));
TEST_CASE("tables/functions_variables", "Check if tables and function calls work as intended") {
sol::state lua;
lua.open_libraries(sol::lib::base, sol::lib::os);
auto run_script = [ ] (sol::state& lua) -> void {
lua.script("assert( == \"test\")");
[ ] () {
std::cout << "stateless lambda()" << std::endl;
return "test";
lua.get<sol::table>("os").set_function("fun", &free_function);
// l-value, can optomize
auto lval = object();
lua.get<sol::table>("os").set_function("fun", &object::operator(), lval);
// stateful lambda: non-convertible, unoptomizable
int breakit = 50;
[ &breakit ] () {
std::cout << "stateless lambda()" << std::endl;
return "test";
// r-value, cannot optomize
lua.get<sol::table>("os").set_function("fun", &object::operator(), object());
// r-value, cannot optomize
auto rval = object();
lua.get<sol::table>("os").set_function("fun", &object::operator(), std::move(rval));
TEST_CASE("tables/operator[]", "Check if operator[] retrieval and setting works properly") {
sol::state lua;
lua.script("foo = 20\nbar = \"hello world\"");
// basic retrieval
std::string bar = lua["bar"];
int foo = lua["foo"];
REQUIRE(bar == "hello world");
REQUIRE(foo == 20);
// basic setting
lua["bar"] = 20.4;
lua["foo"] = "goodbye";
// doesn't modify the actual values obviously.
REQUIRE(bar == "hello world");
REQUIRE(foo == 20);
// function setting
lua["test"] = plop_xyz;
REQUIRE_NOTHROW(lua.script("assert(test(10, 11, \"hello\") == 11)"));
// function retrieval
sol::function test = lua["test"];
REQUIRE(<int>(10, 11, "hello") == 11);
// setting a lambda
lua["lamb"] = [](int x) {
return x * 2;
REQUIRE_NOTHROW(lua.script("assert(lamb(220) == 440)"));
// function retrieval of a lambda
sol::function lamb = lua["lamb"];
REQUIRE(<int>(220) == 440);
// test const table retrieval
auto assert1 = [](const sol::table& t) {
std::string a = t["foo"];
int b = t["bar"];
std::cout << a << ',' << b << '\n';