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synced 2024-03-22 13:10:44 +08:00
shill out on the docs prepare to update all docs fix #809
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*so does anyone cool use this thing...?*
First off, feel free to `tell me about your uses!`_
Okay, so the features don't convince you, the documentation doesn't convince you, you want to see what *other* people think about Sol? Well, aside from the well-wishes that come through in the issue tracker, here's a few things floating around about sol3 that I occasionally get pinged about:
`eevee`_ demonstrating the sheer code reduction by using sol3:
.. |before| image:: media/eevee_code_before.jpg
:target: https://twitter.com/eevee/status/762039984085798913
:alt: Plain C API
:align: middle
.. |after| image:: media/eevee_code_after.jpg
:target: https://twitter.com/eevee/status/762039984085798913
:alt: Now with sol3!
:align: middle
| |before| | |after| |
* In `High Performance Computing research`_
* The `Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator (MAME)`_ project switched from using LuaBridge to sol3!
- `The pull request`_ in which it was introduced to the master branch.
* For scripting, in `OpenMPT`_
* (CppNow) sol3 was mentioned in a comparison to other scripting languages by ChaiScript developer, Jason Turner (@lefticus), at a conference!
- `Jason Turner's presentation`_
* (CppCast) Showed up in CppCast with Elias Daler!
- `Elias Daler's blog`_
- `CppCast`_
* (Eevee) A really nice and neat developer/artist/howaretheysotalented person is attempting to use it for zdoom!
- `eevee's blog`_
* (Twitter) Twitter has some people that link it:
- The image above, `tweeted out by eevee`_
- Eevee: `"I heartily recommend sol3"`_
- Elias Daler: `"sol3 saved my life."`_
- Racod's Lair: `"from outdated LuaBridge to superior #sol3"`_
* (Reddit) Posts on reddit about it!
- `sol3's initial reddit release`_
- `Benchmarking Discussing`_
* Somehow landed on a Torque3D thread...
- http://forums.torque3d.org/viewtopic.php?f=32&t=629&p=5246&sid=8e759990ab1ce38a48e896fc9fd62653#p5241
Are you using sol3 for something neat? Want it to be featured here or think it's unfair that ThePhD hasn't found it yet? Well, drop an issue in the repo or send an e-mail!
.. _tell me about your uses!: https://github.com/ThePhD/sol2/issues/189
.. _eevee: https://twitter.com/eevee
.. _eevee's blog: https://eev.ee/dev/2016/08/07/weekly-roundup-three-big-things/
.. _Jason Turner's presentation: https://github.com/lefticus/presentations/blob/master/HowAndWhyToAddScripting.md
.. _Elias Daler's blog: https://eliasdaler.github.io/cppcast#read-more
.. _CppCast: http://cppcast.com/2016/07/elias-daler/
.. _tweeted out by eevee: https://twitter.com/eevee/status/762039984085798913
.. _"I heartily recommend sol3": https://twitter.com/eevee/status/762040086540144644
.. _"from outdated LuaBridge to superior #sol3": https://twitter.com/racodslair/status/754031870640267264
.. _sol3's initial reddit release: https://www.reddit.com/r/cpp/comments/4a8gy7/sol2_lua_c_binding_framework/
.. _Benchmarking Discussing: https://www.reddit.com/r/cpp/comments/4x82hd/plain_c_versus_lua_libraries_benchmarking_speed/
.. _"sol3 saved my life.": https://twitter.com/EliasDaler/status/739215685264494593
.. _Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator (MAME): http://www.mamedev.org/index.php
.. _The pull request: https://github.com/mamedev/mame/pull/1626
.. _OpenMPT: https://openmpt.org/
.. _High Performance Computing research: https://github.com/ThePhD/sol2/issues/568