
194 lines
4.7 KiB

// sometimes people provide sizing in their rst, while will break the responsive layout
max-width: 100%
height: auto !important
.section > img
margin-bottom: $base-line-height
.note, .attention, .caution, .danger, .error, .hint, .important, .tip, .warning
@extend .wy-alert
p.last, p.first
margin-bottom: 0
font-weight: bold
@extend .icon
@extend .icon-exclamation-sign
margin-right: 4px
@extend .wy-alert.wy-alert-info
.hint, .tip, .important
@extend .wy-alert.wy-alert-info
.error, .danger
@extend .wy-alert.wy-alert-danger
.warning, .caution, .attention
@extend .wy-alert.wy-alert-warning
.section ul, ul.simple, ul.stimple ul, .toctree-wrapper ul
@extend .wy-plain-list-disc
.section ol, ol.simple, ol.arabic
@extend .wy-plain-list-decimal
font-weight: bold
margin-bottom: $base-line-height / 2
color: $text-color
float: right
margin: 0px 0px $base-line-height $base-line-height
float: left
margin: 0px $base-line-height $base-line-height 0px
h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, dl dt
display: none
visibility: hidden
font-size: 14px
@extend .icon
visibility: visible
content: "\f0c1"
font-family: fontawesome-webfont
display: inline-block
&:hover .headerlink
display: inline-block
float: right
width: 40%
display: block
margin: 0 0 $base-line-height $base-line-height
padding: $base-line-height
background: $table-stripe-color
border: solid 1px $table-border-color
p, ul, dl
font-size: 90%
margin-bottom: 0
display: block
font-family: $custom-font-family
font-weight: bold
background: $table-border-color
padding: $base-line-height / 4 $base-line-height / 2
margin: -$base-line-height
margin-bottom: $base-line-height
font-size: 100%
@extend .wy-table
@extend .wy-table-bordered-all
@extend .wy-table-striped
table.docutils.citation, table.docutils.footnote
background: none
border: none
color: $gray-light
td, tr
border: none
background-color: transparent !important
white-space: normal
padding-left: 0
padding-right: 0
vertical-align: top
.footnote-reference, .citation-reference
vertical-align: super
font-size: 90%
@extend .wy-table
border: none
border: none
padding-right: 5px
text-align: left
text-align: left
padding-left: 0
// This is seen in sphinx.ext.autodoc output
display: inline-block
margin: $base-line-height / 4 0
font-size: 90%
line-height: normal
background: $gray-lighter
color: $gray-dark
border: none
border-left: solid 3px $gray-light
padding: $base-line-height / 4
color: $text-color
font-size: 100% !important
margin-top: 0
margin-left: $base-line-height
tt // for sphinx.ext.autodoc generated content
&.descname, &.descclassname
background-color: transparent
font-weight: bold
padding-right: 0.08em
dl dl
display: inline-block
margin-bottom: $base-line-height / 4
font-size: 90%
background: none
border: none
color: $text-color
font-size: 100% !important
// reST for ``inline code`` statements
// This does a few things to make inline code easier to read
// Even though the font size of $code-font-family is same as normal font
// it looks huge compared to it, so lets trial with it @ 90%.
background-color: $table-stripe-color
font-family: $code-font-family
font-size: 90%
padding: 1px, 2px
big, em
font-size: 100% !important
line-height: normal
.xref, a &
font-weight: bold
margin-left: $base-line-height
line-height: $base-line-height
margin-bottom: $base-line-height
.search li
margin-bottom: $base-line-height
border-bottom: solid 1px $table_border_color
padding-bottom: $base-line-height
.search li:first-child
border-top: solid 1px $table_border_color
padding-top: $base-line-height
.search li a
font-size: 120%
margin-bottom: $base-line-height / 2
display: inline-block
color: $text-medium
font-size: 90%
width: 100%