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encapsulation table for script sandboxing
.. code-block:: cpp
:caption: environment
class environment : public table;
template <typename T>
void set_environment( const environment& env, const T& target );
This type is passed to :ref:`sol::state(_view)::script/do_x<state-script-function>` to provide an environment where local variables that are set and get retrieve. It is just a plain table, and all the same operations :doc:`from table still apply<table>`. This is important because it allows you to do things like set the table's metatable (using :doc:`sol::metatable_key<metatable_key>` for instance) and having its ``__index`` entry point to the global table, meaning you can get -- but not set -- variables from a Global environment.
Also note that ``sol::environment`` derives from ``sol::table``, which also derives from ``sol::reference``: in other words, copying one ``sol::environment`` value to another ``sol::environment`` value **does not** deep-copy the table, just creates a new reference pointing to the same lua object.
``sol::environment`` objects can be used with `script calls`_, and it can also be `set on functions`_. It can even be applied to :doc:`threads<thread>`.
You can set the environment using ``sol::set_environment( some_reference, my_env );`` or ``my_env.apply_to( some_reference );``.
free functions
.. code-block:: cpp
:caption: function: set_environment
template <typename T>
void set_environment( const environment& env, const T& target );
See :ref:`environment::set_on<environment-set-on>`.
.. code-block:: cpp
:caption: constructor: environment
environment(lua_State* L, sol::new_table nt, const sol::reference& fallback);
The ones from table are used here (of particular note is the ability to use ``sol::environment(my_lua_state, sol::create);`` to make a fresh, unnamed environment), plus the one unique constructor shown above. It is generally used as ``sol::environmeny my_env(my_lua_state, sol::create, my_fallback_table);``. The fallback table serves as the backup to lookup attempts on the environment table being created. It is achieved by simply creating a metatable for the ``sol::environment`` being created, and then doing ``env_metatable["__index"] = fallback;``. You can achieve fancier effects by changing the metatable of the environment to your liking, by creating it in some fashion and then setting the metatable explicitly and populating it with data, particularly with :doc:`sol::metatable_key<metatable_key>`.
.. code-block:: cpp
:caption: function: set_on
:name: environment-set-on
template <typename T>
void set_on(const T& target);
This function applies the environment to the desired target. Not that lua 5.1 only tolerates the application of environments to userdata, threads and functions, while 5.2+ has different (more relaxed) rules. It is called by the free function ``sol::set_environment( env, target );``.
.. _script calls: https://github.com/ThePhD/sol2/blob/develop/examples/environments.cpp
.. _set on functions: https://github.com/ThePhD/sol2/blob/develop/examples/environments_on_functions.cpp