#define CATCH_CONFIG_MAIN #define SOL_CHECK_ARGUMENTS #include #include #include #include #include #include "test_stack_guard.hpp" struct self_test { int bark; self_test() : bark(100) { } void g(const std::string& str) { std::cout << str << '\n'; bark += 1; } void f(const self_test& t) { std::cout << "got test" << '\n'; if (t.bark != bark) throw sol::error("bark values are not the same for self_test f function"); if (&t != this) throw sol::error("call does not reference self for self_test f function"); } }; int func_1(int) { return 1; } std::string func_1s(std::string a) { return "string: " + a; } int func_2(int, int) { return 2; } void func_3(int, int, int) { } struct vars { vars () { } int boop = 0; ~vars () { } }; struct fuser { int x; fuser() : x(0) {} fuser(int x) : x(x) {} int add(int y) { return x + y; } int add2(int y) { return x + y + 2; } }; namespace crapola { struct fuser { int x; fuser() : x(0) {} fuser(int x) : x(x) {} fuser(int x, int x2) : x(x * x2) {} int add(int y) { return x + y; } int add2(int y) { return x + y + 2; } }; } // crapola class Base { public: Base(int a_num) : m_num(a_num) { } int get_num() { return m_num; } protected: int m_num; }; class Derived : public Base { public: Derived(int a_num) : Base(a_num) { } int get_num_10() { return 10 * m_num; } }; struct Vec { float x, y, z; Vec(float x, float y, float z) : x{x}, y{y}, z{z} {} float length() { return sqrtf(x*x + y*y + z*z); } Vec normalized() { float invS = 1 / length(); return {x * invS, y * invS, z * invS}; } }; struct giver { int a = 0; giver () { } void gief () { a = 1; } static void stuff () { } static void gief_stuff (giver& t, int a) { t.a = a; } ~giver () { } }; struct factory_test { private: factory_test() { a = true_a; } ~factory_test() { a = 0; } public: static int num_saved; static int num_killed; struct deleter { void operator()(factory_test* f) { f->~factory_test(); } }; static const int true_a; int a; static std::unique_ptr make() { return std::unique_ptr( new factory_test(), deleter()); } static void save(factory_test& f) { new(&f)factory_test(); ++num_saved; } static void kill(factory_test& f) { f.~factory_test(); ++num_killed; } }; int factory_test::num_saved = 0; int factory_test::num_killed = 0; const int factory_test::true_a = 156; bool something() { return true; } TEST_CASE("table/traversal", "ensure that we can chain requests and tunnel down into a value if we desire") { sol::state lua; int begintop = 0, endtop = 0; lua.script("t1 = {t2 = {t3 = 24}};"); { test_stack_guard g(lua.lua_state(), begintop, endtop); int traversex24 = lua.traverse_get("t1", "t2", "t3"); REQUIRE(traversex24 == 24); } REQUIRE(begintop == endtop); { test_stack_guard g(lua.lua_state(), begintop, endtop); int x24 = lua["t1"]["t2"]["t3"]; REQUIRE(x24 == 24); } REQUIRE(begintop == endtop); { test_stack_guard g(lua.lua_state(), begintop, endtop); lua["t1"]["t2"]["t3"] = 64; int traversex64 = lua.traverse_get("t1", "t2", "t3"); REQUIRE(traversex64 == 64); } REQUIRE(begintop == endtop); { test_stack_guard g(lua.lua_state(), begintop, endtop); int x64 = lua["t1"]["t2"]["t3"]; REQUIRE(x64 == 64); } REQUIRE(begintop == endtop); { test_stack_guard g(lua.lua_state(), begintop, endtop); lua.traverse_set("t1", "t2", "t3", 13); int traversex13 = lua.traverse_get("t1", "t2", "t3"); REQUIRE(traversex13 == 13); } REQUIRE(begintop == endtop); { test_stack_guard g(lua.lua_state(), begintop, endtop); int x13 = lua["t1"]["t2"]["t3"]; REQUIRE(x13 == 13); } REQUIRE(begintop == endtop); } TEST_CASE("simple/set", "Check if the set works properly.") { sol::state lua; int begintop = 0, endtop = 0; { test_stack_guard g(lua.lua_state(), begintop, endtop); lua.set("a", 9); } REQUIRE(begintop == endtop); REQUIRE_NOTHROW(lua.script("if a ~= 9 then error('wrong value') end")); { test_stack_guard g(lua.lua_state(), begintop, endtop); lua.set("d", "hello"); } REQUIRE(begintop == endtop); REQUIRE_NOTHROW(lua.script("if d ~= 'hello' then error('expected \\'hello\\', got '.. tostring(d)) end")); { test_stack_guard g(lua.lua_state(), begintop, endtop); lua.set("e", std::string("hello"), "f", true); } REQUIRE(begintop == endtop); REQUIRE_NOTHROW(lua.script("if d ~= 'hello' then error('expected \\'hello\\', got '.. tostring(d)) end")); REQUIRE_NOTHROW(lua.script("if f ~= true then error('wrong value') end")); } TEST_CASE("simple/get", "Tests if the get function works properly.") { sol::state lua; int begintop = 0, endtop = 0; lua.script("a = 9"); { test_stack_guard g(lua.lua_state(), begintop, endtop); auto a = lua.get("a"); REQUIRE(a == 9.0); } REQUIRE(begintop == endtop); lua.script("b = nil"); { test_stack_guard g(lua.lua_state(), begintop, endtop); REQUIRE_NOTHROW(lua.get("b")); } REQUIRE(begintop == endtop); lua.script("d = 'hello'"); lua.script("e = true"); { test_stack_guard g(lua.lua_state(), begintop, endtop); std::string d; bool e; std::tie( d, e ) = lua.get("d", "e"); REQUIRE(d == "hello"); REQUIRE(e == true); } REQUIRE(begintop == endtop); } TEST_CASE("simple/set-get-global-integer", "Tests if the get function works properly with global integers") { sol::state lua; lua[1] = 25.4; lua.script("b = 1"); double a = lua.get(1); double b = lua.get("b"); REQUIRE(a == 25.4); REQUIRE(b == 1); } TEST_CASE("simple/get_or", "check if table.get_or works correctly") { sol::state lua; auto bob_table = lua.create_table("bob"); bob_table.set("is_set", 42); int is_set = bob_table.get_or("is_set", 3); int is_not_set = bob_table.get_or("is_not_set", 22); REQUIRE(is_set == 42); REQUIRE(is_not_set == 22); lua["joe"] = 55.6; double bark = lua.get_or("joe", 60); REQUIRE(bark == 55.6); } TEST_CASE("simple/proxy_get_or", "check if proxy.get_or works correctly") { sol::state lua; auto bob_table = lua.create_table("bob"); bob_table.set("is_set", 42); int is_set = bob_table["is_set"].get_or( 3 ); int is_not_set = bob_table[ "is_not_set" ].get_or( 22 ); REQUIRE(is_set == 42); REQUIRE(is_not_set == 22); lua["joe"] = 55.6; double bark = lua["joe"].get_or( 60 ); REQUIRE(bark == 55.6); } TEST_CASE("simple/addition", "check if addition works and can be gotten through lua.get and lua.set") { sol::state lua; lua.set("b", 0.2); lua.script("c = 9 + b"); auto c = lua.get("c"); REQUIRE(c == 9.2); } TEST_CASE("simple/if", "check if if statements work through lua") { sol::state lua; std::string program = "if true then f = 0.1 else f = 'test' end"; lua.script(program); auto f = lua.get("f"); REQUIRE(f == 0.1); REQUIRE((f == lua["f"])); } TEST_CASE("negative/basic_errors", "Check if error handling works correctly") { sol::state lua; REQUIRE_THROWS(lua.script("nil[5]")); } TEST_CASE("libraries", "Check if we can open libraries") { sol::state lua; REQUIRE_NOTHROW(lua.open_libraries(sol::lib::base, sol::lib::os)); } TEST_CASE("libraries2", "Check if we can open ALL the libraries") { sol::state lua; REQUIRE_NOTHROW(lua.open_libraries(sol::lib::base, sol::lib::bit32, sol::lib::coroutine, sol::lib::debug, sol::lib::ffi, sol::lib::jit, sol::lib::math, sol::lib::os, sol::lib::package, sol::lib::string, sol::lib::table)); } TEST_CASE("usertype/usertype", "Show that we can create classes from usertype and use them") { sol::state lua; sol::usertype lc{ "add", &fuser::add, "add2", &fuser::add2 }; lua.set_usertype(lc); lua.script("a = fuser:new()\n" "b = a:add(1)\n" "c = a:add2(1)\n"); sol::object a = lua.get("a"); sol::object b = lua.get("b"); sol::object c = lua.get("c"); REQUIRE((a.is())); auto atype = a.get_type(); auto btype = b.get_type(); auto ctype = c.get_type(); REQUIRE((atype == sol::type::userdata)); REQUIRE((btype == sol::type::number)); REQUIRE((ctype == sol::type::number)); int bresult = b.as(); int cresult = c.as(); REQUIRE(bresult == 1); REQUIRE(cresult == 3); } TEST_CASE("usertype/usertype-constructors", "Show that we can create classes from usertype and use them with multiple constructors") { sol::state lua; sol::constructors, sol::types, sol::types> con; sol::usertype lc(con, "add", &crapola::fuser::add, "add2", &crapola::fuser::add2); lua.set_usertype(lc); lua.script( "a = fuser.new(2)\n" "u = a:add(1)\n" "v = a:add2(1)\n" "b = fuser:new()\n" "w = b:add(1)\n" "x = b:add2(1)\n" "c = fuser.new(2, 3)\n" "y = c:add(1)\n" "z = c:add2(1)\n"); sol::object a = lua.get("a"); auto atype = a.get_type(); REQUIRE((atype == sol::type::userdata)); sol::object u = lua.get("u"); sol::object v = lua.get("v"); REQUIRE((u.as() == 3)); REQUIRE((v.as() == 5)); sol::object b = lua.get("b"); auto btype = b.get_type(); REQUIRE((btype == sol::type::userdata)); sol::object w = lua.get("w"); sol::object x = lua.get("x"); REQUIRE((w.as() == 1)); REQUIRE((x.as() == 3)); sol::object c = lua.get("c"); auto ctype = c.get_type(); REQUIRE((ctype == sol::type::userdata)); sol::object y = lua.get("y"); sol::object z = lua.get("z"); REQUIRE((y.as() == 7)); REQUIRE((z.as() == 9)); } TEST_CASE("usertype/usertype-utility", "Show internal management of classes registered through new_usertype") { sol::state lua; lua.new_usertype("fuser", "add", &fuser::add, "add2", &fuser::add2); lua.script("a = fuser.new()\n" "b = a:add(1)\n" "c = a:add2(1)\n"); sol::object a = lua.get("a"); sol::object b = lua.get("b"); sol::object c = lua.get("c"); REQUIRE((a.is())); auto atype = a.get_type(); auto btype = b.get_type(); auto ctype = c.get_type(); REQUIRE((atype == sol::type::userdata)); REQUIRE((btype == sol::type::number)); REQUIRE((ctype == sol::type::number)); int bresult = b.as(); int cresult = c.as(); REQUIRE(bresult == 1); REQUIRE(cresult == 3); } TEST_CASE("usertype/usertype-utility-derived", "usertype classes must play nice when a derived class does not overload a publically visible base function") { sol::state lua; lua.open_libraries(sol::lib::base); sol::constructors> basector; sol::usertype baseusertype(basector, "get_num", &Base::get_num); lua.set_usertype(baseusertype); lua.script("base = Base.new(5)"); REQUIRE_NOTHROW(lua.script("print(base:get_num())")); sol::constructors> derivedctor; sol::usertype derivedusertype(derivedctor, "get_num_10", &Derived::get_num_10, "get_num", &Derived::get_num ); lua.set_usertype(derivedusertype); lua.script("derived = Derived.new(7)"); Derived& derived = lua["derived"]; lua.script("dgn = derived:get_num()\n" "print(dgn)"); lua.script("dgn10 = derived:get_num_10()\n" "print(dgn10)"); REQUIRE((lua.get("dgn10") == 70)); REQUIRE((lua.get("dgn") == 7)); } TEST_CASE("usertype/self-referential usertype", "usertype classes must play nice when C++ object types are requested for C++ code") { sol::state lua; lua.open_libraries(sol::lib::base); lua.new_usertype("test", "g", &self_test::g, "f", &self_test::f); lua.script( "local a = test.new()\n" "a:g(\"woof\")\n" "a:f(a)\n" ); } TEST_CASE("usertype/issue-number-twenty-five", "Using pointers and references from C++ classes in Lua") { struct test { int x = 0; test& set() { x = 10; return *this; } int get() { return x; } test* pget() { return this; } test create_get() { return *this; } int fun(int xa) { return xa * 10; } }; sol::state lua; lua.open_libraries(sol::lib::base); lua.new_usertype("test", "set", &test::set, "get", &test::get, "pointer_get", &test::pget, "fun", &test::fun, "create_get", &test::create_get); REQUIRE_NOTHROW(lua.script("x = test.new()")); REQUIRE_NOTHROW(lua.script("assert(x:set():get() == 10)")); REQUIRE_NOTHROW(lua.script("y = x:pointer_get()")); REQUIRE_NOTHROW(lua.script("y:set():get()")); REQUIRE_NOTHROW(lua.script("y:fun(10)")); REQUIRE_NOTHROW(lua.script("x:fun(10)")); REQUIRE_NOTHROW(lua.script("assert(y:fun(10) == x:fun(10), '...')")); REQUIRE_NOTHROW(lua.script("assert(y:fun(10) == 100, '...')")); REQUIRE_NOTHROW(lua.script("assert(y:set():get() == y:set():get(), '...')")); REQUIRE_NOTHROW(lua.script("assert(y:set():get() == 10, '...')")); } TEST_CASE("usertype/issue-number-thirty-five", "using value types created from lua-called C++ code, fixing user-defined types with constructors") { sol::state lua; lua.open_libraries(sol::lib::base); sol::constructors> ctor; sol::usertype udata(ctor, "normalized", &Vec::normalized, "length", &Vec::length); lua.set_usertype(udata); REQUIRE_NOTHROW(lua.script("v = Vec.new(1, 2, 3)\n" "print(v:length())")); REQUIRE_NOTHROW(lua.script("v = Vec.new(1, 2, 3)\n" "print(v:normalized():length())" )); } TEST_CASE("usertype/lua-stored-usertype", "ensure usertype values can be stored without keeping usertype object alive") { sol::state lua; lua.open_libraries(sol::lib::base); { sol::constructors> ctor; sol::usertype udata(ctor, "normalized", &Vec::normalized, "length", &Vec::length); lua.set_usertype(udata); // usertype dies, but still usable in lua! } REQUIRE_NOTHROW(lua.script("collectgarbage()\n" "v = Vec.new(1, 2, 3)\n" "print(v:length())")); REQUIRE_NOTHROW(lua.script("v = Vec.new(1, 2, 3)\n" "print(v:normalized():length())" )); } TEST_CASE("usertype/member-variables", "allow table-like accessors to behave as member variables for usertype") { sol::state lua; lua.open_libraries(sol::lib::base); sol::constructors> ctor; sol::usertype udata(ctor, "x", &Vec::x, "y", &Vec::y, "z", &Vec::z, "normalized", &Vec::normalized, "length", &Vec::length); lua.set_usertype(udata); REQUIRE_NOTHROW(lua.script("v = Vec.new(1, 2, 3)\n" "v2 = Vec.new(0, 1, 0)\n" "print(v:length())\n" )); REQUIRE_NOTHROW(lua.script("v.x = 2\n" "v2.y = 2\n" "print(v.x, v.y, v.z)\n" "print(v2.x, v2.y, v2.z)\n" )); REQUIRE_NOTHROW(lua.script("assert(v.x == 2)\n" "assert(v2.x == 0)\n" "assert(v2.y == 2)\n" )); REQUIRE_NOTHROW(lua.script("v.x = 3\n" "local x = v.x\n" "assert(x == 3)\n" )); struct breaks { sol::function f; }; lua.open_libraries(sol::lib::base); lua.set("b", breaks()); lua.new_usertype("breaks", "f", &breaks::f ); breaks& b = lua["b"]; REQUIRE_NOTHROW(lua.script("b.f = function () print('BARK!') end")); REQUIRE_NOTHROW(lua.script("b.f()")); REQUIRE_NOTHROW(b.f()); } TEST_CASE("usertype/nonmember-functions", "let users set non-member functions that take unqualified T as first parameter to usertype") { sol::state lua; lua.open_libraries( sol::lib::base ); lua.new_usertype( "giver", "gief_stuff", giver::gief_stuff, "gief", &giver::gief, "__tostring", [](const giver& t) { return std::to_string(t.a) + ": giving value"; } ).get( "giver" ) .set_function( "stuff", giver::stuff ); REQUIRE_NOTHROW(lua.script("giver.stuff()")); REQUIRE_NOTHROW(lua.script("t = giver.new()\n" "print(tostring(t))\n" "t:gief()\n" "t:gief_stuff(20)\n")); REQUIRE((lua.get("t").a == 20)); } TEST_CASE("usertype/unique-shared-ptr", "manage the conversion and use of unique and shared pointers ('unique usertypes')") { const int64_t unique_value = 0x7125679355635963; auto uniqueint = std::make_unique(unique_value); auto sharedint = std::make_shared(unique_value); long preusecount = sharedint.use_count(); { sol::state lua; lua.open_libraries(sol::lib::base); lua.set("uniqueint", std::move(uniqueint)); lua.set("sharedint", sharedint); std::unique_ptr& uniqueintref = lua["uniqueint"]; std::shared_ptr& sharedintref = lua["sharedint"]; int siusecount = sharedintref.use_count(); REQUIRE(uniqueintref != nullptr); REQUIRE(sharedintref != nullptr); REQUIRE(unique_value == *uniqueintref.get()); REQUIRE(unique_value == *sharedintref.get()); REQUIRE(siusecount == sharedint.use_count()); std::shared_ptr moreref = sharedint; REQUIRE(unique_value == *moreref.get()); REQUIRE(moreref.use_count() == sharedint.use_count()); REQUIRE(moreref.use_count() == sharedintref.use_count()); } REQUIRE(preusecount == sharedint.use_count()); } TEST_CASE("regressions/one", "issue number 48") { sol::state lua; lua.new_usertype("vars", "boop", &vars::boop); REQUIRE_NOTHROW(lua.script("beep = vars.new()\n" "beep.boop = 1")); // test for segfault auto my_var = lua.get("beep"); REQUIRE(my_var.boop == 1); auto* ptr = &my_var; REQUIRE(ptr->boop == 1); } TEST_CASE("usertype/get-set-references", "properly get and set with std::ref semantics. Note that to get, we must not use Unqualified on the type...") { sol::state lua; lua.new_usertype("vars", "boop", &vars::boop); vars var{}; vars rvar{}; lua.set("beep", var); lua.set("rbeep", std::ref(rvar)); auto& my_var = lua.get("beep"); auto& ref_var = lua.get>("rbeep"); vars& proxy_my_var = lua["beep"]; std::reference_wrapper proxy_ref_var = lua["rbeep"]; var.boop = 2; rvar.boop = 5; // Was return as a value: var must be diferent from "beep" REQUIRE_FALSE(std::addressof(var) == std::addressof(my_var)); REQUIRE_FALSE(std::addressof(proxy_my_var) == std::addressof(var)); REQUIRE((my_var.boop == 0)); REQUIRE(var.boop != my_var.boop); REQUIRE(std::addressof(ref_var) == std::addressof(rvar)); REQUIRE(std::addressof(proxy_ref_var.get()) == std::addressof(rvar)); REQUIRE(rvar.boop == 5); REQUIRE(rvar.boop == ref_var.boop); } TEST_CASE("interop/null-to-nil-and-back", "nil should be the given type when a pointer from C++ is returned as nullptr, and nil should result in nullptr in connected C++ code") { sol::state lua; lua.open_libraries(sol::lib::base); lua.set_function("lol", []() -> int* { return nullptr; }); lua.set_function("rofl", [](int* x) { std::cout << x << std::endl; }); REQUIRE_NOTHROW(lua.script("x = lol()\n" "rofl(x)\n" "assert(x == nil)")); } TEST_CASE("usertype/destructor-tests", "Show that proper copies / destruction happens") { static int created = 0; static int destroyed = 0; static void* last_call = nullptr; struct x { x() {++created;} x(const x&) {++created;} x(x&&) {++created;} x& operator=(const x&) {return *this;} x& operator=(x&&) {return *this;} ~x () {++destroyed;} }; { sol::state lua; lua.new_usertype("x"); x x1; x x2; lua.set("x1copy", x1, "x2copy", x2, "x1ref", std::ref(x1)); x& x1copyref = lua["x1copy"]; x& x2copyref = lua["x2copy"]; x& x1ref = lua["x1ref"]; REQUIRE(created == 4); REQUIRE(destroyed == 0); REQUIRE(std::addressof(x1) == std::addressof(x1ref)); } REQUIRE(created == 4); REQUIRE(destroyed == 4); } TEST_CASE("functions/overloading", "Check if overloading works properly for regular set function syntax") { sol::state lua; lua.open_libraries(sol::lib::base); lua.set_function("func_1", func_1); lua.set_function("func", sol::overload(func_1, func_1s, func_2, func_3)); const std::string string_bark = "string: bark"; REQUIRE_NOTHROW(lua.script( "a = func(1)\n" "b = func('bark')\n" "c = func(1,2)\n" "func(1,2,3)\n" )); REQUIRE((lua["a"] == 1)); REQUIRE((lua["b"] == string_bark)); REQUIRE((lua["c"] == 2)); REQUIRE_THROWS(lua.script("func(1,2,'meow')")); } TEST_CASE("usertype/private-constructible", "Check to make sure special snowflake types from Enterprise thingamahjongs work properly.") { int numsaved = factory_test::num_saved; int numkilled = factory_test::num_killed; { sol::state lua; lua.open_libraries(sol::lib::base); lua.new_usertype("factory_test", "new", sol::initializers(factory_test::save), "__gc", sol::destructor(factory_test::kill), "a", &factory_test::a ); std::unique_ptr f = factory_test::make(); lua.set("true_a", factory_test::true_a, "f", f.get()); REQUIRE_NOTHROW(lua.script("assert(f.a == true_a)")); REQUIRE_NOTHROW(lua.script( "local fresh_f = factory_test:new()\n" "assert(fresh_f.a == true_a)\n")); } int expectednumsaved = numsaved + 1; int expectednumkilled = numkilled + 1; REQUIRE(expectednumsaved == factory_test::num_saved); REQUIRE(expectednumkilled == factory_test::num_killed); } TEST_CASE("usertype/overloading", "Check if overloading works properly for usertypes") { struct woof { int var; int func(int x) { return var + x; } double func2(int x, int y) { return var + x + y + 0.5; } std::string func2s(int x, std::string y) { return y + " " + std::to_string(x); } }; sol::state lua; lua.open_libraries(sol::lib::base); lua.new_usertype("woof", "var", &woof::var, "func", sol::overload(&woof::func, &woof::func2, &woof::func2s) ); const std::string bark_58 = "bark 58"; REQUIRE_NOTHROW(lua.script( "r = woof:new()\n" "a = r:func(1)\n" "b = r:func(1, 2)\n" "c = r:func(58, 'bark')\n" )); REQUIRE((lua["a"] == 1)); REQUIRE((lua["b"] == 3.5)); REQUIRE((lua["c"] == bark_58)); REQUIRE_THROWS(lua.script("r:func(1,2,'meow')")); } TEST_CASE("usertype/reference-and-constness", "Make sure constness compiles properly and errors out at runtime") { struct bark { int var = 50; }; struct woof { bark b; }; struct nested { const int f = 25; }; struct outer { nested n; }; bool caughterror = false; std::string msg; sol::state lua; lua.new_usertype("woof", "b", &woof::b); lua.new_usertype("bark", "var", &bark::var); lua.new_usertype("outer", "n", &outer::n); lua.set("w", woof()); lua.set("n", nested()); lua.set("o", outer()); lua.set("f", sol::c_call); lua.script(R"( x = w.b x.var = 20 val = w.b.var == x.var v = f(n); )"); woof& w = lua["w"]; bark& x = lua["x"]; nested& n = lua["n"]; int v = lua["v"]; bool val = lua["val"]; // enforce reference semantics REQUIRE(std::addressof(w.b) == std::addressof(x)); REQUIRE(n.f == 25); REQUIRE(v == 25); REQUIRE(val); REQUIRE_THROWS(lua.script("f(n, 50)")); REQUIRE_THROWS(lua.script("o.n = 25")); } TEST_CASE("usertype/readonly-and-static-functions", "Check if static functions can be called on userdata and from their originating (meta)tables") { struct bark { int var = 50; void func() {} int operator()(int x) { return x; } }; sol::state lua; lua.open_libraries(sol::lib::base); lua.new_usertype("bark", "var", &bark::var, "var2", sol::readonly( &bark::var ), "something", something, "something2", [](int x, int y) { return x + y; }, "func", &bark::func, sol::meta_function::call_function, &bark::operator() ); bark b; lua.set("b", &b); sol::table b_table = lua["b"]; sol::function member_func = b_table["func"]; sol::function s = b_table["something"]; sol::function s2 = b_table["something2"]; sol::table b_metatable = b_table[sol::metatable_key]; bool isvalidmt = b_metatable.valid(); REQUIRE(isvalidmt); sol::function b_call = b_metatable["__call"]; sol::function b_as_function = lua["b"]; int x = b_as_function(1); int y = b_call(b, 1); bool z = s(); int w = s2(2, 3); REQUIRE(x == 1); REQUIRE(y == 1); REQUIRE(z); REQUIRE(w == 5); lua.script(R"( lx = b(1) ly = getmetatable(b).__call(b, 1) lz = b.something() lz2 = bark.something() lw = b.something2(2, 3) lw2 = bark.something2(2, 3) )"); int lx = lua["lx"]; int ly = lua["ly"]; bool lz = lua["lz"]; int lw = lua["lw"]; bool lz2 = lua["lz2"]; int lw2 = lua["lw2"]; REQUIRE(lx == 1); REQUIRE(ly == 1); REQUIRE(lz); REQUIRE(lz2); REQUIRE(lw == 5); REQUIRE(lw2 == 5); REQUIRE(lx == ly); REQUIRE(lz == lz2); REQUIRE(lw == lw2); REQUIRE_THROWS(lua.script("b.var2 = 2")); } TEST_CASE("usertype/properties", "Check if member properties/variables work") { struct bark { int var = 50; int var2 = 25; int get_var2() const { return var2; } int get_var3() { return var2; } void set_var2( int x ) { var2 = x; } }; sol::state lua; lua.open_libraries(sol::lib::base); lua.new_usertype("bark", "var", &bark::var, "var2", sol::readonly( &bark::var2 ), "a", sol::property(&bark::get_var2, &bark::set_var2), "b", sol::property(&bark::get_var2), "c", sol::property(&bark::get_var3), "d", sol::property(&bark::set_var2) ); bark b; lua.set("b", &b); lua.script("b.a = 59"); lua.script("var2_0 = b.a"); lua.script("var2_1 = b.b"); lua.script("b.d = 1568"); lua.script("var2_2 = b.c"); int var2_0 = lua["var2_0"]; int var2_1 = lua["var2_1"]; int var2_2 = lua["var2_2"]; REQUIRE(var2_0 == 59); REQUIRE(var2_1 == 59); REQUIRE(var2_2 == 1568); REQUIRE_THROWS(lua.script("b.var2 = 24")); REQUIRE_THROWS(lua.script("r = b.d")); REQUIRE_THROWS(lua.script("r = b.d")); REQUIRE_THROWS(lua.script("b.b = 25")); REQUIRE_THROWS(lua.script("b.c = 11")); } TEST_CASE("utilities/this_state", "Ensure this_state argument can be gotten anywhere in the function.") { struct bark { int with_state(sol::this_state l, int a, int b) { lua_State* L = l; int c = lua_gettop(L); return a + b + (c - c); } static int with_state_2(int a, sol::this_state l, int b) { std::cout << "inside with_state_2" << std::endl; lua_State* L = l; std::cout << "L is" << (void*)L << std::endl; int c = lua_gettop(L); return a * b + (c - c); } }; sol::state lua; std::cout << "created lua state" << std::endl; lua.open_libraries(sol::lib::base); lua.new_usertype("bark", "with_state", &bark::with_state ); std::cout << "setting b and with_state_2" << std::endl; bark b; lua.set("b", &b); lua.set("with_state_2", bark::with_state_2); std::cout << "finished setting" << std::endl; std::cout << "getting fx" << std::endl; sol::function fx = lua["with_state_2"]; std::cout << "calling fx" << std::endl; int a = fx(25, 25); std::cout << "finished setting fx" << std::endl; std::cout << "calling a script" << std::endl; lua.script("a = with_state_2(25, 25)"); std::cout << "calling c script" << std::endl; lua.script("c = b:with_state(25, 25)"); std::cout << "getting a" << std::endl; int la = lua["a"]; std::cout << "getting b" << std::endl; int lc = lua["c"]; REQUIRE(lc == 50); REQUIRE(a == 625); REQUIRE(la == 625); }