new sol::filters (currently undocumented)
new gc tests, new plain_type tests
core abstractions over usertypes streamlined
update single
improve exception documentation
improve state_view default handlers
add SAFE_PROPAGATION defines for compiling C++ as Lua
add examples for automatic operator registrations and as_container
fix tutorial code
change tests to not throw unless absolutely necessary
provide synchronization for file writing in tests
provide thread safety around thread tests for REQUIRE
add ostream automatic support
change 5.1 compat to only kick in luaL_loadbufferx and luaL_loadfilex when LuaJIT is version 2.0.1 and lower
Slight breaking change, but at the source level almost nothing changes (ipairs is the only thing that changes because for some reason it checks if what is passed is a table and that really doesn't make any fucking sense)
* Removes unecessary verbosity.
I tried to wrap the `INFO` calls in a lua function to remove some of the
`print()` statements, but it turns out Catch relies on the macros heavily,
so that fails.
Closes#111 - fixed
Closes#110 - need to test exactly how much extra speed was gained
Closes#108 - seems to be fixed, albeit std::mutex is a butt on VC++
sol::this_state is a transparent argument that gets the current state at any position in any callback
sol::variadic_args allows a person to get something that can reference the "rest of the arguments", though it doesn't enforce that it has to be the last argument