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2014-01-18 22:59:59 -05:00
#include <sol.hpp>
#include <cassert>
inline int my_add(int x, int y) {
return x + y;
struct multiplier {
int operator()(int x) {
return x * 10;
static int by_five(int x) {
return x * 5;
int main() {
sol::state lua;
// setting a function is simple
lua.set_function("my_add", my_add);
// you could even use a lambda
lua.set_function("my_mul", [](double x, double y) { return x * y; });
// member function pointers and functors as well
lua.set_function("mult_by_ten", multiplier{});
lua.set_function("mult_by_five", &multiplier::by_five);
// assert that the functions work
lua.script("assert(my_add(10, 11) == 21)");
lua.script("assert(my_mul(4.5, 10) == 45)");
lua.script("assert(mult_by_ten(50) == 500)");
lua.script("assert(mult_by_five(10) == 50)");
// using lambdas, functions could have state.
int x = 0;
lua.set_function("inc", [&x]() { x += 10; });
// calling a stateful lambda modifies the value
assert(x == 10);
// this can be done as many times as you want
assert(x == 40);
// retrieval of a function is done similarly
// to other variables, using sol::function
sol::function add = lua["my_add"];
assert(<int>(10, 11) == 21);
// multi-return functions are supported using
// std::tuple as the interface.
lua.set_function("multi", []{ return std::make_tuple(10, "goodbye"); });
lua.script("x, y = multi()");
lua.script("assert(x == 10 and y == 'goodbye')");
auto multi = lua.get<sol::function>("multi");
int first;
std::string second;
std::tie(first, second) =<int, std::string>();
// assert the values
assert(first == 10);
assert(second == "goodbye");