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Sol is a C++ library binding to Lua. It currently supports all Lua versions 5.1+ (LuaJIT 2.x included). Sol aims to be easy to use and easy to add to a project.
Find it [here](http://sol2.rtfd.io/). A run-through kind of tutorial is [here](http://sol2.readthedocs.io/en/latest/tutorial/all-the-things.html)! The API documentation goes over most cases (particularly, the "api/usertype" and "api/proxy" and "api/function" sections) that should still get you off your feet and going, and there's an examples directory [here](https://github.com/ThePhD/sol2/tree/develop/examples) as well.
You can grab a single header out of the library [here](https://github.com/ThePhD/sol2/tree/develop/single/sol). For stable version, check the releases tab on github for a provided single header file for maximum ease of use. A script called `single.py` is provided in the repository if there's some bleeding edge change that hasn't been published on the releases page. You can run this script to create a single file version of the library so you can only include that part of it. Check `single.py --help` for more info.
Sol makes use of C++11/14 features. GCC 4.9 and Clang 3.4 (with std=c++1z and appropriate standard library) or higher should be able to compile without problems. However, the