Futago-za Ryuu 82f90ebda2 fix: reduce npm package size
Add files field to package.json so that the size of the published package is reduced by only including the files required (the bin and the dist folders)

Closes #619
2018-11-13 21:47:31 +00:00

70 lines
1.6 KiB

"name": "showdown",
"version": "2.0.0-alpha1",
"description": "A Markdown to HTML converter written in Javascript",
"author": "Estevão Santos",
"homepage": "",
"keywords": [
"contributors": [
"John Gruber",
"John Fraser",
"Corey Innis",
"Remy Sharp",
"Konstantin Käfer",
"Roger Braun",
"Dominic Tarr",
"Cat Chen",
"Titus Stone",
"Rob Sutherland",
"Pavel Lang",
"Ben Combee",
"Adam Backstrom",
"Pascal Deschênes",
"Estevão Santos"
"repository": {
"type": "git",
"url": "",
"web": ""
"license": "BSD-3-Clause",
"main": "./dist/showdown.js",
"scripts": {
"test": "grunt test"
"bin": {
"showdown": "bin/showdown.js"
"files": [
"devDependencies": {
"chai": "4.1.x",
"grunt": "^1.0.3",
"grunt-contrib-clean": "1.1.x",
"grunt-contrib-concat": "1.0.x",
"grunt-contrib-jshint": "1.1.x",
"grunt-contrib-uglify": "~3.3.0",
"grunt-conventional-changelog": "6.1.x",
"grunt-conventional-github-releaser": "1.0.x",
"grunt-endline": "0.6.x",
"grunt-eslint": "19.0.x",
"grunt-simple-mocha": "0.4.x",
"load-grunt-tasks": "3.5.x",
"performance-now": "2.0.x",
"quiet-grunt": "0.2.x",
"semver": "5.4.x",
"semver-sort": "0.0.x",
"sinon": "^5.1.1",
"source-map-support": "^0.5.9"
"dependencies": {
"jsdom": "^11.0.0",
"yargs": "^12.0.2"