Estevao Soares dos Santos 0bdd02b2cc fix(subParsers/lists.js): partial fix for odd behavior on multiple consecutive lists
Consecutive lists we're previously being condensed into one unique list, with odd paragraph output.
This fix correctly splits lists, but does not change the weird paragraph output

closes #142
2015-06-13 14:59:14 +01:00

2017 lines
54 KiB

;/*! showdown 13-06-2015 */
* Created by Tivie on 06-01-2015.
// Private properties
var showdown = {},
parsers = {},
extensions = {},
defaultOptions = {
omitExtraWLInCodeBlocks: false,
prefixHeaderId: false,
noHeaderId: false
globalOptions = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(defaultOptions)); //clone default options out of laziness =P
* helper namespace
* @type {{}}
showdown.helper = {};
* @type {{}}
showdown.extensions = {};
* Set a global option
* @static
* @param {string} key
* @param {*} value
* @returns {showdown}
showdown.setOption = function (key, value) {
'use strict';
globalOptions[key] = value;
return this;
* Get a global option
* @static
* @param {string} key
* @returns {*}
showdown.getOption = function (key) {
'use strict';
return globalOptions[key];
* Get the global options
* @static
* @returns {{omitExtraWLInCodeBlocks: boolean, prefixHeaderId: boolean}}
showdown.getOptions = function () {
'use strict';
return globalOptions;
showdown.resetOptions = function () {
'use strict';
globalOptions = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(defaultOptions));
* Get or set a subParser
* subParser(name) - Get a registered subParser
* subParser(name, func) - Register a subParser
* @static
* @param {string} name
* @param {function} [func]
* @returns {*}
showdown.subParser = function (name, func) {
'use strict';
if (showdown.helper.isString(name)) {
if (typeof func !== 'undefined') {
parsers[name] = func;
} else {
if (parsers.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
return parsers[name];
} else {
throw Error('SubParser named ' + name + ' not registered!');
* Gets or registers an extension
* @static
* @param {string} name
* @param {object|function=} ext
* @returns {*}
showdown.extension = function (name, ext) {
'use strict';
if (!showdown.helper.isString(name)) {
throw Error('Extension \'name\' must be a string');
name = showdown.helper.stdExtName(name);
// Getter
if (showdown.helper.isUndefined(ext)) {
if (!extensions.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
throw Error('Extension named ' + name + ' is not registered!');
return extensions[name];
// Setter
} else {
// Expand extension if it's wrapped in a function
if (typeof ext === 'function') {
ext = ext();
// Ensure extension is an array
if (!showdown.helper.isArray(ext)) {
ext = [ext];
var validExtension = validate(ext, name);
if (validExtension.valid) {
extensions[name] = ext;
} else {
throw Error(validExtension.error);
* Gets all extensions registered
* @returns {{}}
showdown.getAllExtensions = function () {
'use strict';
return extensions;
* Remove an extension
* @param {string} name
showdown.removeExtension = function (name) {
'use strict';
delete extensions[name];
* Removes all extensions
showdown.resetExtensions = function () {
'use strict';
extensions = {};
* Validate extension
* @param {array} extension
* @param {string} name
* @returns {{valid: boolean, error: string}}
function validate(extension, name) {
'use strict';
var errMsg = (name) ? 'Error in ' + name + ' extension->' : 'Error in unnamed extension',
ret = {
valid: true,
error: ''
if (!showdown.helper.isArray(extension)) {
extension = [extension];
for (var i = 0; i < extension.length; ++i) {
var baseMsg = errMsg + 'sub-extension ' + i + ': ',
ext = extension[i];
if (typeof ext !== 'object') {
ret.valid = false;
ret.error = baseMsg + 'must be an object, but ' + typeof ext + ' given';
return ret;
if (!showdown.helper.isString(ext.type)) {
ret.valid = false;
ret.error = baseMsg + 'property "type" must be a string, but ' + typeof ext.type + ' given';
return ret;
var type = ext.type = ext.type.toLowerCase();
// normalize extension type
if (type === 'language') {
type = ext.type = 'lang';
if (type === 'html') {
type = ext.type = 'output';
if (type !== 'lang' && type !== 'output') {
ret.valid = false;
ret.error = baseMsg + 'type ' + type + ' is not recognized. Valid values: "lang" or "output"';
return ret;
if (ext.filter) {
if (typeof ext.filter !== 'function') {
ret.valid = false;
ret.error = baseMsg + '"filter" must be a function, but ' + typeof ext.filter + ' given';
return ret;
} else if (ext.regex) {
if (showdown.helper.isString(ext.regex)) {
ext.regex = new RegExp(ext.regex, 'g');
if (!ext.regex instanceof RegExp) {
ret.valid = false;
ret.error = baseMsg + '"regex" property must either be a string or a RegExp object, but ' +
typeof ext.regex + ' given';
return ret;
if (showdown.helper.isUndefined(ext.replace)) {
ret.valid = false;
ret.error = baseMsg + '"regex" extensions must implement a replace string or function';
return ret;
} else {
ret.valid = false;
ret.error = baseMsg + 'extensions must define either a "regex" property or a "filter" method';
return ret;
if (showdown.helper.isUndefined(ext.filter) && showdown.helper.isUndefined(ext.regex)) {
ret.valid = false;
ret.error = baseMsg + 'output extensions must define a filter property';
return ret;
return ret;
* Validate extension
* @param {object} ext
* @returns {boolean}
showdown.validateExtension = function (ext) {
'use strict';
var validateExtension = validate(ext, null);
if (!validateExtension.valid) {
return false;
return true;
* showdownjs helper functions
if (!showdown.hasOwnProperty('helper')) {
showdown.helper = {};
* Check if var is string
* @static
* @param {string} a
* @returns {boolean}
showdown.helper.isString = function isString(a) {
'use strict';
return (typeof a === 'string' || a instanceof String);
* ForEach helper function
* @static
* @param {*} obj
* @param {function} callback
showdown.helper.forEach = function forEach(obj, callback) {
'use strict';
if (typeof obj.forEach === 'function') {
} else {
for (var i = 0; i < obj.length; i++) {
callback(obj[i], i, obj);
* isArray helper function
* @static
* @param {*} a
* @returns {boolean}
showdown.helper.isArray = function isArray(a) {
'use strict';
return a.constructor === Array;
* Check if value is undefined
* @static
* @param {*} value The value to check.
* @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is `undefined`, else `false`.
showdown.helper.isUndefined = function isUndefined(value) {
'use strict';
return typeof value === 'undefined';
* Standardidize extension name
* @static
* @param {string} s extension name
* @returns {string}
showdown.helper.stdExtName = function (s) {
'use strict';
return s.replace(/[_-]||\s/g, '').toLowerCase();
function escapeCharactersCallback(wholeMatch, m1) {
'use strict';
var charCodeToEscape = m1.charCodeAt(0);
return '~E' + charCodeToEscape + 'E';
* Callback used to escape characters when passing through String.replace
* @static
* @param {string} wholeMatch
* @param {string} m1
* @returns {string}
showdown.helper.escapeCharactersCallback = escapeCharactersCallback;
* Escape characters in a string
* @static
* @param {string} text
* @param {string} charsToEscape
* @param {boolean} afterBackslash
* @returns {XML|string|void|*}
showdown.helper.escapeCharacters = function escapeCharacters(text, charsToEscape, afterBackslash) {
'use strict';
// First we have to escape the escape characters so that
// we can build a character class out of them
var regexString = '([' + charsToEscape.replace(/([\[\]\\])/g, '\\$1') + '])';
if (afterBackslash) {
regexString = '\\\\' + regexString;
var regex = new RegExp(regexString, 'g');
text = text.replace(regex, escapeCharactersCallback);
return text;
if (showdown.helper.isUndefined(console)) {
console = {
warn: function (msg) {
'use strict';
log: function (msg) {
'use strict';
* Created by Estevao on 31-05-2015.
* Showdown Converter class
* @class
* @param {object} [converterOptions]
* @returns {
* {makeHtml: Function},
* {setOption: Function},
* {getOption: Function},
* {getOptions: Function}
* }
showdown.Converter = function (converterOptions) {
'use strict';
* Options used by this converter
* @private
* @type {{}}
options = {
omitExtraWLInCodeBlocks: false,
prefixHeaderId: false,
noHeaderId: false
* Language extensions used by this converter
* @private
* @type {Array}
langExtensions = [],
* Output modifiers extensions used by this converter
* @private
* @type {Array}
outputModifiers = [],
* The parser Order
* @private
* @type {string[]}
parserOrder = [
* Converter constructor
* @private
function _constructor() {
converterOptions = converterOptions || {};
for (var gOpt in globalOptions) {
if (globalOptions.hasOwnProperty(gOpt)) {
options[gOpt] = globalOptions[gOpt];
// Merge options
if (typeof converterOptions === 'object') {
for (var opt in converterOptions) {
if (converterOptions.hasOwnProperty(opt)) {
options[opt] = converterOptions[opt];
} else {
throw Error('Converter expects the passed parameter to be an object, but ' + typeof converterOptions +
' was passed instead.');
if (options.extensions) {
showdown.helper.forEach(options.extensions, _parseExtension);
* Parse extension
* @param {*} ext
* @private
function _parseExtension(ext) {
// If it's a string, the extension was previously loaded
if (showdown.helper.isString(ext)) {
ext = showdown.helper.stdExtName(ext);
if (showdown.extensions[ext]) {
console.warn('DEPRECATION WARNING: ' + ext + ' is an old extension that uses a deprecated loading method.' +
'Please inform the developer that the extension should be updated!');
legacyExtensionLoading(showdown.extensions[ext], ext);
} else if (!showdown.helper.isUndefined(extensions[ext])) {
ext = extensions[ext];
} else {
throw Error('Extension "' + ext + '" could not be loaded. It was either not found or is not a valid extension.');
if (typeof ext === 'function') {
ext = ext();
if (!showdown.helper.isArray(ext)) {
ext = [ext];
if (!showdown.validateExtension(ext)) {
for (var i = 0; i < ext.length; ++i) {
switch (ext[i].type) {
case 'lang':
case 'output':
// should never reach here
throw Error('Extension loader error: Type unrecognized!!!');
* @param {*} ext
* @param {string} name
function legacyExtensionLoading(ext, name) {
if (typeof ext === 'function') {
ext = ext(new showdown.Converter());
if (!showdown.helper.isArray(ext)) {
ext = [ext];
var valid = validate(ext, name);
if (!valid.valid) {
throw Error(valid.error);
for (var i = 0; i < ext.length; ++i) {
switch (ext[i].type) {
case 'lang':
case 'output':
default:// should never reach here
throw Error('Extension loader error: Type unrecognized!!!');
* Converts a markdown string into HTML
* @param {string} text
* @returns {*}
this.makeHtml = function (text) {
//check if text is not falsy
if (!text) {
return text;
var globals = {
gHtmlBlocks: [],
gUrls: {},
gTitles: {},
gListLevel: 0,
hashLinkCounts: {},
langExtensions: langExtensions,
outputModifiers: outputModifiers,
converter: this
// attacklab: Replace ~ with ~T
// This lets us use tilde as an escape char to avoid md5 hashes
// The choice of character is arbitrary; anything that isn't
// magic in Markdown will work.
text = text.replace(/~/g, '~T');
// attacklab: Replace $ with ~D
// RegExp interprets $ as a special character
// when it's in a replacement string
text = text.replace(/\$/g, '~D');
// Standardize line endings
text = text.replace(/\r\n/g, '\n'); // DOS to Unix
text = text.replace(/\r/g, '\n'); // Mac to Unix
// Make sure text begins and ends with a couple of newlines:
text = '\n\n' + text + '\n\n';
// detab
text = showdown.subParser('detab')(text, options, globals);
// stripBlankLines
text = showdown.subParser('stripBlankLines')(text, options, globals);
//run languageExtensions
showdown.helper.forEach(langExtensions, function (ext) {
text = showdown.subParser('runExtension')(ext, text, options, globals);
// Run all registered parsers
for (var i = 0; i < parserOrder.length; ++i) {
var name = parserOrder[i];
text = parsers[name](text, options, globals);
// attacklab: Restore dollar signs
text = text.replace(/~D/g, '$$');
// attacklab: Restore tildes
text = text.replace(/~T/g, '~');
// Run output modifiers
showdown.helper.forEach(outputModifiers, function (ext) {
text = showdown.subParser('runExtension')(ext, text, options, globals);
return text;
* Set an option of this Converter instance
* @param {string} key
* @param {*} value
this.setOption = function (key, value) {
options[key] = value;
* Get the option of this Converter instance
* @param {string} key
* @returns {*}
this.getOption = function (key) {
return options[key];
* Get the options of this Converter instance
* @returns {{}}
this.getOptions = function () {
return options;
* Add extension to THIS converter
* @param {{}} extension
this.addExtension = function (extension) {
* Use a global registered extension with THIS converter
* @param {string} extensionName Name of the previously registered extension
this.useExtension = function (extensionName) {
* Remove an extension from THIS converter.
* Note: This is a costly operation. It's better to initialize a new converter
* and specify the extensions you wish to use
* @param {Array} extension
this.removeExtension = function (extension) {
if (!showdown.helper.isArray(extension)) {
extension = [extension];
for (var a = 0; a < extension.length; ++a) {
var ext = extension[a];
for (var i = 0; i < langExtensions.length; ++i) {
if (langExtensions[i] === ext) {
langExtensions[i].splice(i, 1);
for (var ii = 0; ii < outputModifiers.length; ++i) {
if (outputModifiers[ii] === ext) {
outputModifiers[ii].splice(i, 1);
* Get all extension of THIS converter
* @returns {{language: Array, output: Array}}
this.getAllExtensions = function () {
return {
language: langExtensions,
output: outputModifiers
* Turn Markdown link shortcuts into XHTML <a> tags.
showdown.subParser('anchors', function (text, config, globals) {
'use strict';
var writeAnchorTag = function (wholeMatch, m1, m2, m3, m4, m5, m6, m7) {
if (showdown.helper.isUndefined(m7)) {
m7 = '';
wholeMatch = m1;
var linkText = m2,
linkId = m3.toLowerCase(),
url = m4,
title = m7;
if (!url) {
if (!linkId) {
// lower-case and turn embedded newlines into spaces
linkId = linkText.toLowerCase().replace(/ ?\n/g, ' ');
url = '#' + linkId;
if (!showdown.helper.isUndefined(globals.gUrls[linkId])) {
url = globals.gUrls[linkId];
if (!showdown.helper.isUndefined(globals.gTitles[linkId])) {
title = globals.gTitles[linkId];
} else {
if (\(\s*\)$/m) > -1) {
// Special case for explicit empty url
url = '';
} else {
return wholeMatch;
url = showdown.helper.escapeCharacters(url, '*_', false);
var result = '<a href="' + url + '"';
if (title !== '' && title !== null) {
title = title.replace(/"/g, '&quot;');
title = showdown.helper.escapeCharacters(title, '*_', false);
result += ' title="' + title + '"';
result += '>' + linkText + '</a>';
return result;
// First, handle reference-style links: [link text] [id]
text = text.replace(/
( // wrap whole match in $1
\[[^\]]*\] // allow brackets nested one level
[^\[] // or anything else
[ ]? // one optional space
(?:\n[ ]*)? // one optional newline followed by spaces
(.*?) // id = $3
)()()()() // pad remaining backreferences
text = text.replace(/(\[((?:\[[^\]]*\]|[^\[\]])*)\][ ]?(?:\n[ ]*)?\[(.*?)\])()()()()/g, writeAnchorTag);
// Next, inline-style links: [link text](url "optional title")
text = text.replace(/
( // wrap whole match in $1
\[[^\]]*\] // allow brackets nested one level
[^\[\]] // or anything else
\( // literal paren
[ \t]*
() // no id, so leave $3 empty
<?(.*?)>? // href = $4
[ \t]*
( // $5
(['"]) // quote char = $6
(.*?) // Title = $7
\6 // matching quote
[ \t]* // ignore any spaces/tabs between closing quote and )
)? // title is optional
text = text.replace(/(\[((?:\[[^\]]*\]|[^\[\]])*)\]\([ \t]*()<?(.*?(?:\(.*?\).*?)?)>?[ \t]*((['"])(.*?)\6[ \t]*)?\))/g,
// Last, handle reference-style shortcuts: [link text]
// These must come last in case you've also got [link test][1]
// or [link test](/foo)
text = text.replace(/
( // wrap whole match in $1
([^\[\]]+) // link text = $2; can't contain '[' or ']'
)()()()()() // pad rest of backreferences
/g, writeAnchorTag);
text = text.replace(/(\[([^\[\]]+)\])()()()()()/g, writeAnchorTag);
return text;
showdown.subParser('autoLinks', function (text) {
'use strict';
text = text.replace(/<((https?|ftp|dict):[^'">\s]+)>/gi, '<a href=\"$1\">$1</a>');
// Email addresses: <>
text = text.replace(/
var pattern = /<(?:mailto:)?([-.\w]+\@[-a-z0-9]+(\.[-a-z0-9]+)*\.[a-z]+)>/gi;
text = text.replace(pattern, function (wholeMatch, m1) {
var unescapedStr = showdown.subParser('unescapeSpecialChars')(m1);
return showdown.subParser('encodeEmailAddress')(unescapedStr);
return text;
* These are all the transformations that form block-level
* tags like paragraphs, headers, and list items.
showdown.subParser('blockGamut', function (text, options, globals) {
'use strict';
text = showdown.subParser('headers')(text, options, globals);
// Do Horizontal Rules:
var key = showdown.subParser('hashBlock')('<hr />', options, globals);
text = text.replace(/^[ ]{0,2}([ ]?\*[ ]?){3,}[ \t]*$/gm, key);
text = text.replace(/^[ ]{0,2}([ ]?\-[ ]?){3,}[ \t]*$/gm, key);
text = text.replace(/^[ ]{0,2}([ ]?\_[ ]?){3,}[ \t]*$/gm, key);
text = showdown.subParser('lists')(text, options, globals);
text = showdown.subParser('codeBlocks')(text, options, globals);
text = showdown.subParser('blockQuotes')(text, options, globals);
// We already ran _HashHTMLBlocks() before, in Markdown(), but that
// was to escape raw HTML in the original Markdown source. This time,
// we're escaping the markup we've just created, so that we don't wrap
// <p> tags around block-level tags.
text = showdown.subParser('hashHTMLBlocks')(text, options, globals);
text = showdown.subParser('paragraphs')(text, options, globals);
return text;
showdown.subParser('blockQuotes', function (text, options, globals) {
'use strict';
text = text.replace(/
( // Wrap whole match in $1
^[ \t]*>[ \t]? // '>' at the start of a line
.+\n // rest of the first line
(.+\n)* // subsequent consecutive lines
\n* // blanks
/gm, function(){...});
text = text.replace(/((^[ \t]*>[ \t]?.+\n(.+\n)*\n*)+)/gm, function (wholeMatch, m1) {
var bq = m1;
// attacklab: hack around Konqueror 3.5.4 bug:
// "----------bug".replace(/^-/g,"") == "bug"
bq = bq.replace(/^[ \t]*>[ \t]?/gm, '~0'); // trim one level of quoting
// attacklab: clean up hack
bq = bq.replace(/~0/g, '');
bq = bq.replace(/^[ \t]+$/gm, ''); // trim whitespace-only lines
bq = showdown.subParser('blockGamut')(bq, options, globals); // recurse
bq = bq.replace(/(^|\n)/g, '$1 ');
// These leading spaces screw with <pre> content, so we need to fix that:
bq = bq.replace(/(\s*<pre>[^\r]+?<\/pre>)/gm, function (wholeMatch, m1) {
var pre = m1;
// attacklab: hack around Konqueror 3.5.4 bug:
pre = pre.replace(/^ /mg, '~0');
pre = pre.replace(/~0/g, '');
return pre;
return showdown.subParser('hashBlock')('<blockquote>\n' + bq + '\n</blockquote>', options, globals);
return text;
* Process Markdown `<pre><code>` blocks.
showdown.subParser('codeBlocks', function (text, options, globals) {
'use strict';
text = text.replace(text,
( // $1 = the code block -- one or more lines, starting with a space/tab
(?:[ ]{4}|\t) // Lines must start with a tab or a tab-width of spaces - attacklab: g_tab_width
(\n*[ ]{0,3}[^ \t\n]|(?=~0)) // attacklab: g_tab_width
// attacklab: sentinel workarounds for lack of \A and \Z, safari\khtml bug
text += '~0';
var pattern = /(?:\n\n|^)((?:(?:[ ]{4}|\t).*\n+)+)(\n*[ ]{0,3}[^ \t\n]|(?=~0))/g;
text = text.replace(pattern, function (wholeMatch, m1, m2) {
var codeblock = m1,
nextChar = m2,
end = '\n';
codeblock = showdown.subParser('outdent')(codeblock);
codeblock = showdown.subParser('encodeCode')(codeblock);
codeblock = showdown.subParser('detab')(codeblock);
codeblock = codeblock.replace(/^\n+/g, ''); // trim leading newlines
codeblock = codeblock.replace(/\n+$/g, ''); // trim trailing newlines
if (options.omitExtraWLInCodeBlocks) {
end = '';
codeblock = '<pre><code>' + codeblock + end + '</code></pre>';
return showdown.subParser('hashBlock')(codeblock, options, globals) + nextChar;
// attacklab: strip sentinel
text = text.replace(/~0/, '');
return text;
* * Backtick quotes are used for <code></code> spans.
* * You can use multiple backticks as the delimiters if you want to
* include literal backticks in the code span. So, this input:
* Just type ``foo `bar` baz`` at the prompt.
* Will translate to:
* <p>Just type <code>foo `bar` baz</code> at the prompt.</p>
* There's no arbitrary limit to the number of backticks you
* can use as delimters. If you need three consecutive backticks
* in your code, use four for delimiters, etc.
* * You can use spaces to get literal backticks at the edges:
* ... type `` `bar` `` ...
* Turns to:
* ... type <code>`bar`</code> ...
showdown.subParser('codeSpans', function (text) {
'use strict';
text = text.replace(/
(^|[^\\]) // Character before opening ` can't be a backslash
(`+) // $2 = Opening run of `
( // $3 = The code block
[^`] // attacklab: work around lack of lookbehind
\2 // Matching closer
/gm, function(){...});
text = text.replace(/(^|[^\\])(`+)([^\r]*?[^`])\2(?!`)/gm, function (wholeMatch, m1, m2, m3) {
var c = m3;
c = c.replace(/^([ \t]*)/g, ''); // leading whitespace
c = c.replace(/[ \t]*$/g, ''); // trailing whitespace
c = showdown.subParser('encodeCode')(c);
return m1 + '<code>' + c + '</code>';
return text;
* Convert all tabs to spaces
showdown.subParser('detab', function (text) {
'use strict';
// expand first n-1 tabs
text = text.replace(/\t(?=\t)/g, ' '); // g_tab_width
// replace the nth with two sentinels
text = text.replace(/\t/g, '~A~B');
// use the sentinel to anchor our regex so it doesn't explode
text = text.replace(/~B(.+?)~A/g, function (wholeMatch, m1) {
var leadingText = m1,
numSpaces = 4 - leadingText.length % 4; // g_tab_width
// there *must* be a better way to do this:
for (var i = 0; i < numSpaces; i++) {
leadingText += ' ';
return leadingText;
// clean up sentinels
text = text.replace(/~A/g, ' '); // g_tab_width
text = text.replace(/~B/g, '');
return text;
* Smart processing for ampersands and angle brackets that need to be encoded.
showdown.subParser('encodeAmpsAndAngles', function (text) {
'use strict';
// Ampersand-encoding based entirely on Nat Irons's Amputator MT plugin:
text = text.replace(/&(?!#?[xX]?(?:[0-9a-fA-F]+|\w+);)/g, '&amp;');
// Encode naked <'s
text = text.replace(/<(?![a-z\/?\$!])/gi, '&lt;');
return text;
* Returns the string, with after processing the following backslash escape sequences.
* attacklab: The polite way to do this is with the new escapeCharacters() function:
* text = escapeCharacters(text,"\\",true);
* text = escapeCharacters(text,"`*_{}[]()>#+-.!",true);
* ...but we're sidestepping its use of the (slow) RegExp constructor
* as an optimization for Firefox. This function gets called a LOT.
showdown.subParser('encodeBackslashEscapes', function (text) {
'use strict';
text = text.replace(/\\(\\)/g, showdown.helper.escapeCharactersCallback);
text = text.replace(/\\([`*_{}\[\]()>#+-.!])/g, showdown.helper.escapeCharactersCallback);
return text;
* Encode/escape certain characters inside Markdown code runs.
* The point is that in code, these characters are literals,
* and lose their special Markdown meanings.
showdown.subParser('encodeCode', function (text) {
'use strict';
// Encode all ampersands; HTML entities are not
// entities within a Markdown code span.
text = text.replace(/&/g, '&amp;');
// Do the angle bracket song and dance:
text = text.replace(/</g, '&lt;');
text = text.replace(/>/g, '&gt;');
// Now, escape characters that are magic in Markdown:
text = showdown.helper.escapeCharacters(text, '*_{}[]\\', false);
// jj the line above breaks this:
//* Item
// 1. Subitem
// special char: *
// ---
return text;
* Input: an email address, e.g. ""
* Output: the email address as a mailto link, with each character
* of the address encoded as either a decimal or hex entity, in
* the hopes of foiling most address harvesting spam bots. E.g.:
* <a href="&#x6D;&#97;&#105;&#108;&#x74;&#111;:&#102;&#111;&#111;&#64;&#101;
* x&#x61;&#109;&#x70;&#108;&#x65;&#x2E;&#99;&#111;&#109;">&#102;&#111;&#111;
* &#64;&#101;x&#x61;&#109;&#x70;&#108;&#x65;&#x2E;&#99;&#111;&#109;</a>
* Based on a filter by Matthew Wickline, posted to the BBEdit-Talk
* mailing list: <>
showdown.subParser('encodeEmailAddress', function (addr) {
'use strict';
var encode = [
function (ch) {
return '&#' + ch.charCodeAt(0) + ';';
function (ch) {
return '&#x' + ch.charCodeAt(0).toString(16) + ';';
function (ch) {
return ch;
addr = 'mailto:' + addr;
addr = addr.replace(/./g, function (ch) {
if (ch === '@') {
// this *must* be encoded. I insist.
ch = encode[Math.floor(Math.random() * 2)](ch);
} else if (ch !== ':') {
// leave ':' alone (to spot mailto: later)
var r = Math.random();
// roughly 10% raw, 45% hex, 45% dec
ch = (
r > 0.9 ? encode[2](ch) : r > 0.45 ? encode[1](ch) : encode[0](ch)
return ch;
addr = '<a href="' + addr + '">' + addr + '</a>';
addr = addr.replace(/">.+:/g, '">'); // strip the mailto: from the visible part
return addr;
* Within tags -- meaning between < and > -- encode [\ ` * _] so they
* don't conflict with their use in Markdown for code, italics and strong.
showdown.subParser('escapeSpecialCharsWithinTagAttributes', function (text) {
'use strict';
// Build a regex to find HTML tags and comments. See Friedl's
// "Mastering Regular Expressions", 2nd Ed., pp. 200-201.
var regex = /(<[a-z\/!$]("[^"]*"|'[^']*'|[^'">])*>|<!(--.*?--\s*)+>)/gi;
text = text.replace(regex, function (wholeMatch) {
var tag = wholeMatch.replace(/(.)<\/?code>(?=.)/g, '$1`');
tag = showdown.helper.escapeCharacters(tag, '\\`*_', false);
return tag;
return text;
* Handle github codeblocks prior to running HashHTML so that
* HTML contained within the codeblock gets escaped properly
* Example:
* ```ruby
* def hello_world(x)
* puts "Hello, #{x}"
* end
* ```
showdown.subParser('githubCodeBlocks', function (text, options, globals) {
'use strict';
text += '~0';
text = text.replace(/(?:^|\n)```(.*)\n([\s\S]*?)\n```/g, function (wholeMatch, m1, m2) {
var language = m1,
codeblock = m2,
end = '\n';
if (options.omitExtraWLInCodeBlocks) {
end = '';
codeblock = showdown.subParser('encodeCode')(codeblock);
codeblock = showdown.subParser('detab')(codeblock);
codeblock = codeblock.replace(/^\n+/g, ''); // trim leading newlines
codeblock = codeblock.replace(/\n+$/g, ''); // trim trailing whitespace
codeblock = '<pre><code' + (language ? ' class="' + language + '"' : '') + '>' + codeblock + end + '</code></pre>';
return showdown.subParser('hashBlock')(codeblock, options, globals);
// attacklab: strip sentinel
text = text.replace(/~0/, '');
return text;
showdown.subParser('hashBlock', function (text, options, globals) {
'use strict';
text = text.replace(/(^\n+|\n+$)/g, '');
return '\n\n~K' + (globals.gHtmlBlocks.push(text) - 1) + 'K\n\n';
showdown.subParser('hashElement', function (text, options, globals) {
'use strict';
return function (wholeMatch, m1) {
var blockText = m1;
// Undo double lines
blockText = blockText.replace(/\n\n/g, '\n');
blockText = blockText.replace(/^\n/, '');
// strip trailing blank lines
blockText = blockText.replace(/\n+$/g, '');
// Replace the element text with a marker ("~KxK" where x is its key)
blockText = '\n\n~K' + (globals.gHtmlBlocks.push(blockText) - 1) + 'K\n\n';
return blockText;
showdown.subParser('hashHTMLBlocks', function (text, options, globals) {
'use strict';
// attacklab: Double up blank lines to reduce lookaround
text = text.replace(/\n/g, '\n\n');
// Hashify HTML blocks:
// We only want to do this for block-level HTML tags, such as headers,
// lists, and tables. That's because we still want to wrap <p>s around
// "paragraphs" that are wrapped in non-block-level tags, such as anchors,
// phrase emphasis, and spans. The list of tags we're looking for is
// hard-coded:
//var block_tags_a =
// 'p|div|h[1-6]|blockquote|pre|table|dl|ol|ul|script|noscript|form|fieldset|iframe|math|ins|del|style|section|header|footer|nav|article|aside';
// var block_tags_b =
// 'p|div|h[1-6]|blockquote|pre|table|dl|ol|ul|script|noscript|form|fieldset|iframe|math|style|section|header|footer|nav|article|aside';
// First, look for nested blocks, e.g.:
// <div>
// <div>
// tags for inner block must be indented.
// </div>
// </div>
// The outermost tags must start at the left margin for this to match, and
// the inner nested divs must be indented.
// We need to do this before the next, more liberal match, because the next
// match will start at the first `<div>` and stop at the first `</div>`.
// attacklab: This regex can be expensive when it fails.
var text = text.replace(/
( // save in $1
^ // start of line (with /m)
<($block_tags_a) // start tag = $2
\b // word break
// attacklab: hack around khtml/pcre bug...
[^\r]*?\n // any number of lines, minimally matching
</\2> // the matching end tag
[ \t]* // trailing spaces/tabs
(?=\n+) // followed by a newline
) // attacklab: there are sentinel newlines at end of document
text = text.replace(/^(<(p|div|h[1-6]|blockquote|pre|table|dl|ol|ul|script|noscript|form|fieldset|iframe|math|ins|del)\b[^\r]*?\n<\/\2>[ \t]*(?=\n+))/gm,
showdown.subParser('hashElement')(text, options, globals));
// Now match more liberally, simply from `\n<tag>` to `</tag>\n`
var text = text.replace(/
( // save in $1
^ // start of line (with /m)
<($block_tags_b) // start tag = $2
\b // word break
// attacklab: hack around khtml/pcre bug...
[^\r]*? // any number of lines, minimally matching
</\2> // the matching end tag
[ \t]* // trailing spaces/tabs
(?=\n+) // followed by a newline
) // attacklab: there are sentinel newlines at end of document
text = text.replace(/^(<(p|div|h[1-6]|blockquote|pre|table|dl|ol|ul|script|noscript|form|fieldset|iframe|math|style|section|header|footer|nav|article|aside|address|audio|canvas|figure|hgroup|output|video)\b[^\r]*?<\/\2>[ \t]*(?=\n+)\n)/gm,
showdown.subParser('hashElement')(text, options, globals));
// Special case just for <hr />. It was easier to make a special case than
// to make the other regex more complicated.
text = text.replace(/
( // save in $1
\n\n // Starting after a blank line
[ ]{0,3}
(<(hr) // start tag = $2
\b // word break
([^<>])*? //
\/?>) // the matching end tag
[ \t]*
(?=\n{2,}) // followed by a blank line
/g,showdown.subParser('hashElement')(text, options, globals));
text = text.replace(/(\n[ ]{0,3}(<(hr)\b([^<>])*?\/?>)[ \t]*(?=\n{2,}))/g,
showdown.subParser('hashElement')(text, options, globals));
// Special case for standalone HTML comments:
text = text.replace(/
( // save in $1
\n\n // Starting after a blank line
[ ]{0,3} // attacklab: g_tab_width - 1
[ \t]*
(?=\n{2,}) // followed by a blank line
/g,showdown.subParser('hashElement')(text, options, globals));
text = text.replace(/(\n\n[ ]{0,3}<!(--[^\r]*?--\s*)+>[ \t]*(?=\n{2,}))/g,
showdown.subParser('hashElement')(text, options, globals));
// PHP and ASP-style processor instructions (<?...?> and <%...%>)
text = text.replace(/
\n\n // Starting after a blank line
( // save in $1
[ ]{0,3} // attacklab: g_tab_width - 1
<([?%]) // $2
[ \t]*
(?=\n{2,}) // followed by a blank line
/g,showdown.subParser('hashElement')(text, options, globals));
text = text.replace(/(?:\n\n)([ ]{0,3}(?:<([?%])[^\r]*?\2>)[ \t]*(?=\n{2,}))/g,
showdown.subParser('hashElement')(text, options, globals));
// attacklab: Undo double lines (see comment at top of this function)
text = text.replace(/\n\n/g, '\n');
return text;
showdown.subParser('headers', function (text, options, globals) {
'use strict';
var prefixHeader = options.prefixHeaderId;
// Set text-style headers:
// Header 1
// ========
// Header 2
// --------
text = text.replace(/^(.+)[ \t]*\n=+[ \t]*\n+/gm, function (wholeMatch, m1) {
var spanGamut = showdown.subParser('spanGamut')(m1, options, globals),
hID = (options.noHeaderId) ? '' : ' id="' + headerId(m1) + '"',
hashBlock = '<h1' + hID + '>' + spanGamut + '</h1>';
return showdown.subParser('hashBlock')(hashBlock, options, globals);
text = text.replace(/^(.+)[ \t]*\n-+[ \t]*\n+/gm, function (matchFound, m1) {
var spanGamut = showdown.subParser('spanGamut')(m1, options, globals),
hID = (options.noHeaderId) ? '' : ' id="' + headerId(m1) + '"',
hashBlock = '<h2' + hID + '>' + spanGamut + '</h2>';
return showdown.subParser('hashBlock')(hashBlock, options, globals);
// atx-style headers:
// # Header 1
// ## Header 2
// ## Header 2 with closing hashes ##
// ...
// ###### Header 6
text = text.replace(/
^(\#{1,6}) // $1 = string of #'s
[ \t]*
(.+?) // $2 = Header text
[ \t]*
\#* // optional closing #'s (not counted)
/gm, function() {...});
text = text.replace(/^(#{1,6})[ \t]*(.+?)[ \t]*#*\n+/gm, function (wholeMatch, m1, m2) {
var span = showdown.subParser('spanGamut')(m2, options, globals),
hID = (options.noHeaderId) ? '' : ' id="' + headerId(m2) + '"',
header = '<h' + m1.length + hID + '>' + span + '</h' + m1.length + '>';
return showdown.subParser('hashBlock')(header, options, globals);
function headerId(m) {
var title, escapedId = m.replace(/[^\w]/g, '').toLowerCase();
if (globals.hashLinkCounts[escapedId]) {
title = escapedId + '-' + (globals.hashLinkCounts[escapedId]++);
} else {
title = escapedId;
globals.hashLinkCounts[escapedId] = 1;
// Prefix id to prevent causing inadvertent pre-existing style matches.
if (prefixHeader === true) {
prefixHeader = 'section';
if (showdown.helper.isString(prefixHeader)) {
return prefixHeader + title;
return title;
return text;
* Turn Markdown image shortcuts into <img> tags.
showdown.subParser('images', function (text, options, globals) {
'use strict';
var writeImageTag = function (wholeMatch, m1, m2, m3, m4, m5, m6, m7) {
wholeMatch = m1;
var altText = m2,
linkId = m3.toLowerCase(),
url = m4,
title = m7,
gUrls = globals.gUrls,
gTitles = globals.gTitles;
if (!title) {
title = '';
if (url === '' || url === null) {
if (linkId === '' || linkId === null) {
// lower-case and turn embedded newlines into spaces
linkId = altText.toLowerCase().replace(/ ?\n/g, ' ');
url = '#' + linkId;
if (typeof gUrls[linkId] !== 'undefined') {
url = gUrls[linkId];
if (typeof gTitles[linkId] !== 'undefined') {
title = gTitles[linkId];
} else {
return wholeMatch;
altText = altText.replace(/"/g, '&quot;');
url = showdown.helper.escapeCharacters(url, '*_', false);
var result = '<img src="' + url + '" alt="' + altText + '"';
if (title) {
title = title.replace(/"/g, '&quot;');
title = showdown.helper.escapeCharacters(title, '*_', false);
result += ' title="' + title + '"';
result += ' />';
return result;
// First, handle reference-style labeled images: ![alt text][id]
text = text.replace(/
( // wrap whole match in $1
(.*?) // alt text = $2
[ ]? // one optional space
(?:\n[ ]*)? // one optional newline followed by spaces
(.*?) // id = $3
)()()()() // pad rest of backreferences
text = text.replace(/(!\[(.*?)\][ ]?(?:\n[ ]*)?\[(.*?)\])()()()()/g, writeImageTag);
// Next, handle inline images: ![alt text](url "optional title")
// Don't forget: encode * and _
text = text.replace(/
( // wrap whole match in $1
(.*?) // alt text = $2
\s? // One optional whitespace character
\( // literal paren
[ \t]*
() // no id, so leave $3 empty
<?(\S+?)>? // src url = $4
[ \t]*
( // $5
(['"]) // quote char = $6
(.*?) // title = $7
\6 // matching quote
[ \t]*
)? // title is optional
text = text.replace(/(!\[(.*?)\]\s?\([ \t]*()<?(\S+?)>?[ \t]*((['"])(.*?)\6[ \t]*)?\))/g, writeImageTag);
return text;
showdown.subParser('italicsAndBold', function (text) {
'use strict';
// <strong> must go first:
text = text.replace(/(\*\*|__)(?=\S)([^\r]*?\S[*_]*)\1/g, '<strong>$2</strong>');
text = text.replace(/(\*|_)(?=\S)([^\r]*?\S)\1/g, '<em>$2</em>');
return text;
* Form HTML ordered (numbered) and unordered (bulleted) lists.
showdown.subParser('lists', function (text, options, globals) {
'use strict';
var spl = '~1';
* Process the contents of a single ordered or unordered list, splitting it
* into individual list items.
* @param {string} listStr
* @returns {string}
function processListItems (listStr) {
// The $g_list_level global keeps track of when we're inside a list.
// Each time we enter a list, we increment it; when we leave a list,
// we decrement. If it's zero, we're not in a list anymore.
// We do this because when we're not inside a list, we want to treat
// something like this:
// I recommend upgrading to version
// 8. Oops, now this line is treated
// as a sub-list.
// As a single paragraph, despite the fact that the second line starts
// with a digit-period-space sequence.
// Whereas when we're inside a list (or sub-list), that line will be
// treated as the start of a sub-list. What a kludge, huh? This is
// an aspect of Markdown's syntax that's hard to parse perfectly
// without resorting to mind-reading. Perhaps the solution is to
// change the syntax rules such that sub-lists must start with a
// starting cardinal number; e.g. "1." or "a.".
// trim trailing blank lines:
listStr = listStr.replace(/\n{2,}$/, '\n');
// attacklab: add sentinel to emulate \z
listStr += '~0';
list_str = list_str.replace(/
(\n)? // leading line = $1
(^[ \t]*) // leading whitespace = $2
([*+-]|\d+[.]) [ \t]+ // list marker = $3
([^\r]+? // list item text = $4
(?= \n* (~0 | \2 ([*+-]|\d+[.]) [ \t]+))
/gm, function(){...});
var rgx = /(\n)?(^[ \t]*)([*+-]|\d+[.])[ \t]+([^\r]+?(\n{1,2}))(?=\n*(~0|\2([*+-]|\d+[.])[ \t]+))/gm;
listStr = listStr.replace(rgx, function (wholeMatch, m1, m2, m3, m4) {
var item = showdown.subParser('outdent')(m4, options, globals);
//m1 - LeadingLine
if (m1 || (\n{2,}/) > -1)) {
item = showdown.subParser('blockGamut')(item, options, globals);
} else {
// Recursion for sub-lists:
item = showdown.subParser('lists')(item, options, globals);
item = item.replace(/\n$/, ''); // chomp(item)
item = showdown.subParser('spanGamut')(item, options, globals);
// this is a "hack" to differentiate between ordered and unordered lists
// related to issue #142
var tp = ([*+-]/g) > -1) ? 'ul' : 'ol';
return spl + tp + '<li>' + item + '</li>\n';
// attacklab: strip sentinel
listStr = listStr.replace(/~0/g, '');
return listStr;
* Slit consecutive ol/ul lists (related to issue 142)
* @param {Array} results
* @param {string} listType
* @returns {string|*}
function splitConsecutiveLists (results, listType) {
var cthulhu = /(<p[^>]+?>|<p>|<\/p>)/img,
holder = [[]],
res = '',
y = 0;
// Initialize first sublist
holder[0].type = listType;
for (var i = 0; i < results.length; ++i) {
var txt = results[i].slice(2),
nListType = results[i].slice(0, 2);
if (listType != nListType) {
holder[y] = [];
holder[y].type = nListType;
listType = nListType;
for (i = 0; i < holder.length; ++i) {
res += '<' + holder[i].type + '>\n';
for (var ii = 0; ii < holder[i].length; ++ii) {
if (holder[i].length > 1 && ii === holder[i].length - 1 && !cthulhu.test(holder[i][ii - 1])) {
//holder[i][ii] = holder[i][ii].replace(cthulhu, '');
res += holder[i][ii];
res += '</' + holder[i].type + '>\n';
return res;
// attacklab: add sentinel to hack around khtml/safari bug:
text += '~0';
// Re-usable pattern to match any entire ul or ol list:
var whole_list = /
( // $1 = whole list
( // $2
[ ]{0,3} // attacklab: g_tab_width - 1
([*+-]|\d+[.]) // $3 = first list item marker
[ \t]+
( // $4
~0 // sentinel for workaround; should be $
(?! // Negative lookahead for another list item marker
[ \t]*
(?:[*+-]|\d+[.])[ \t]+
var wholeList = /^(([ ]{0,3}([*+-]|\d+[.])[ \t]+)[^\r]+?(~0|\n{2,}(?=\S)(?![ \t]*(?:[*+-]|\d+[.])[ \t]+)))/gm;
if (globals.gListLevel) {
text = text.replace(wholeList, function (wholeMatch, m1, m2) {
var listType = ([*+-]/g) > -1) ? 'ul' : 'ol',
result = processListItems(m1);
// Turn double returns into triple returns, so that we can make a
// paragraph for the last item in a list, if necessary:
//list = list.replace(/\n{2,}/g, '\n\n\n');
//result = processListItems(list);
// Trim any trailing whitespace, to put the closing `</$list_type>`
// up on the preceding line, to get it past the current stupid
// HTML block parser. This is a hack to work around the terrible
// hack that is the HTML block parser.
result = result.replace(/\s+$/, '');
var splRes = result.split(spl);
result = splitConsecutiveLists(splRes, listType);
return result;
} else {
wholeList = /(\n\n|^\n?)(([ ]{0,3}([*+-]|\d+[.])[ \t]+)[^\r]+?(~0|\n{2,}(?=\S)(?![ \t]*(?:[*+-]|\d+[.])[ \t]+)))/g;
//wholeList = /(\n\n|^\n?)( {0,3}([*+-]|\d+\.)[ \t]+[\s\S]+?)(?=(~0)|(\n\n(?!\t| {2,}| {0,3}([*+-]|\d+\.)[ \t])))/g;
text = text.replace(wholeList, function (wholeMatch, m1, m2, m3) {
// Turn double returns into triple returns, so that we can make a
// paragraph for the last item in a list, if necessary:
var list = m2.replace(/\n{2,}/g, '\n\n\n'),
//var list = (m2.slice(-2) !== '~0') ? m2 + '\n' : m2, //add a newline after the list
listType = ([*+-]/g) > -1) ? 'ul' : 'ol',
result = processListItems(list),
splRes = result.split(spl);
return m1 + splitConsecutiveLists(splRes, listType) + '\n';
// attacklab: strip sentinel
text = text.replace(/~0/, '');
return text;
* Remove one level of line-leading tabs or spaces
showdown.subParser('outdent', function (text) {
'use strict';
// attacklab: hack around Konqueror 3.5.4 bug:
// "----------bug".replace(/^-/g,"") == "bug"
text = text.replace(/^(\t|[ ]{1,4})/gm, '~0'); // attacklab: g_tab_width
// attacklab: clean up hack
text = text.replace(/~0/g, '');
return text;
showdown.subParser('paragraphs', function (text, options, globals) {
'use strict';
// Strip leading and trailing lines:
text = text.replace(/^\n+/g, '');
text = text.replace(/\n+$/g, '');
var grafs = text.split(/\n{2,}/g),
grafsOut = [],
end = grafs.length; // Wrap <p> tags
for (var i = 0; i < end; i++) {
var str = grafs[i];
// if this is an HTML marker, copy it
if (\d+)K/g) >= 0) {
} else if (\S/) >= 0) {
str = showdown.subParser('spanGamut')(str, options, globals);
str = str.replace(/^([ \t]*)/g, '<p>');
str += '</p>';
/** Unhashify HTML blocks */
end = grafsOut.length;
for (i = 0; i < end; i++) {
// if this is a marker for an html block...
while (grafsOut[i].search(/~K(\d+)K/) >= 0) {
var blockText = globals.gHtmlBlocks[RegExp.$1];
blockText = blockText.replace(/\$/g, '$$$$'); // Escape any dollar signs
grafsOut[i] = grafsOut[i].replace(/~K\d+K/, blockText);
return grafsOut.join('\n\n');
* Run extension
showdown.subParser('runExtension', function (ext, text, options, globals) {
'use strict';
if (ext.filter) {
text = ext.filter(text, globals.converter, options);
} else if (ext.regex) {
// TODO remove this when old extension loading mechanism is deprecated
var re = ext.regex;
if (!re instanceof RegExp) {
re = new RegExp(re, 'g');
text = text.replace(re, ext.replace);
return text;
* These are all the transformations that occur *within* block-level
* tags like paragraphs, headers, and list items.
showdown.subParser('spanGamut', function (text, options, globals) {
'use strict';
text = showdown.subParser('codeSpans')(text, options, globals);
text = showdown.subParser('escapeSpecialCharsWithinTagAttributes')(text, options, globals);
text = showdown.subParser('encodeBackslashEscapes')(text, options, globals);
// Process anchor and image tags. Images must come first,
// because ![foo][f] looks like an anchor.
text = showdown.subParser('images')(text, options, globals);
text = showdown.subParser('anchors')(text, options, globals);
// Make links out of things like `<>`
// Must come after _DoAnchors(), because you can use < and >
// delimiters in inline links like [this](<url>).
text = showdown.subParser('autoLinks')(text, options, globals);
text = showdown.subParser('encodeAmpsAndAngles')(text, options, globals);
text = showdown.subParser('italicsAndBold')(text, options, globals);
// Do hard breaks:
text = text.replace(/ +\n/g, ' <br />\n');
return text;
* Strip any lines consisting only of spaces and tabs.
* This makes subsequent regexs easier to write, because we can
* match consecutive blank lines with /\n+/ instead of something
* contorted like /[ \t]*\n+/
showdown.subParser('stripBlankLines', function (text) {
'use strict';
return text.replace(/^[ \t]+$/mg, '');
* Strips link definitions from text, stores the URLs and titles in
* hash references.
* Link defs are in the form: ^[id]: url "optional title"
* ^[ ]{0,3}\[(.+)\]: // id = $1 attacklab: g_tab_width - 1
* [ \t]*
* \n? // maybe *one* newline
* [ \t]*
* <?(\S+?)>? // url = $2
* [ \t]*
* \n? // maybe one newline
* [ \t]*
* (?:
* (\n*) // any lines skipped = $3 attacklab: lookbehind removed
* ["(]
* (.+?) // title = $4
* [")]
* [ \t]*
* )? // title is optional
* (?:\n+|$)
* /gm,
* function(){...});
showdown.subParser('stripLinkDefinitions', function (text, options, globals) {
'use strict';
var regex = /^[ ]{0,3}\[(.+)]:[ \t]*\n?[ \t]*<?(\S+?)>?[ \t]*\n?[ \t]*(?:(\n*)["|'(](.+?)["|')][ \t]*)?(?:\n+|(?=~0))/gm;
// attacklab: sentinel workarounds for lack of \A and \Z, safari\khtml bug
text += '~0';
text = text.replace(regex, function (wholeMatch, m1, m2, m3, m4) {
m1 = m1.toLowerCase();
globals.gUrls[m1] = showdown.subParser('encodeAmpsAndAngles')(m2); // Link IDs are case-insensitive
if (m3) {
// Oops, found blank lines, so it's not a title.
// Put back the parenthetical statement we stole.
return m3 + m4;
} else if (m4) {
globals.gTitles[m1] = m4.replace(/"|'/g, '&quot;');
// Completely remove the definition from the text
return '';
// attacklab: strip sentinel
text = text.replace(/~0/, '');
return text;
* Swap back in all the special characters we've hidden.
showdown.subParser('unescapeSpecialChars', function (text) {
'use strict';
text = text.replace(/~E(\d+)E/g, function (wholeMatch, m1) {
var charCodeToReplace = parseInt(m1);
return String.fromCharCode(charCodeToReplace);
return text;
var root = this;
// CommonJS/nodeJS Loader
if (typeof module !== 'undefined' && module.exports) {
module.exports = showdown;
// AMD Loader
} else if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
define('showdown', function () {
'use strict';
return showdown;
// Regular Browser loader
} else {
root.showdown = showdown;