We would like to thank everyone that contributed to this library. If you find our library useful and wish to donate as well, you can do so [through Pledgie](https://pledgie.com/campaigns/34908) or directly [through paypal](https://www.paypal.me/tiviesantos)!! Your contribution will be greatly appreciated. # Donors - **Maya Lekova** (10$) > Great work with the showdown library! I just used it and it worked exactly the way I expected (given a complex inline HTML inside the Markdown, which renders fine with other viewers). The other libraries I've tried (markdown-it and marked) produced a lot of bogus output. Y our library saved me at least half a day, thanks! Good luck :) - **Lin Wang** (10$) - **Juan Marcelo Russo** (1$) - **Walter Schnell** (10$)