name: 'BrowserStack Test' on: push: branches: [ master, develop ] pull_request: branches: [ master, develop ] jobs: ubuntu-job: name: 'BrowserStack Test on Ubuntu' runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: set up env vars # Only the first line of commit msg run: echo "COMMIT_MSG=$(printf "%s" "${{ github.event.head_commit.message }}" | head -n 1)" >> $GITHUB_ENV - name: '📦 Checkout the repository' uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: '🚚 Upgrade NPM' run: npm install -g npm - name: '⚙ Setup Node.js v17.x' uses: actions/setup-node@v2 with: node-version: 17.x cache: 'npm' - name: '📖 Get current package version' id: package-version uses: martinbeentjes/npm-get-version-action@v1.1.0 - name: '📝 Print build version and commit msg' run: 'printf "version: %s\n build:%s\n message:%s\n" "${{ steps.package-version.outputs.current-version}}" "${{ github.run_id }}" "$COMMIT_MSG"' - name: '📱 BrowserStack Env Setup' # Invokes the setup-env action uses: browserstack/github-actions/setup-env@master with: username: ${{ secrets.BROWSERSTACK_USERNAME }} access-key: ${{ secrets.BROWSERSTACK_ACCESSKEY }} project-name: 'showdown' build-name: ${{ steps.package-version.outputs.current-version}}-${{ github.run_id }} - name: '🚇 BrowserStack Local Tunnel Setup' # Invokes the setup-local action uses: browserstack/github-actions/setup-local@master with: local-testing: start local-identifier: random - name: '🚚 Install dependencies for CI' run: npm ci - name: '🏗 Building src files for testing' run: npx grunt concat:test - name: '✅ Running test on BrowserStack with Karma' run: npx karma start karma.browserstack.js - name: '🛑 BrowserStackLocal Stop' # Terminating the BrowserStackLocal tunnel connection uses: browserstack/github-actions/setup-local@master with: local-testing: stop