require('source-map-support').install(); require('chai').should(); var expect = require('chai').expect, showdown = require('../../dist/showdown.js'); describe('showdown.options', function () { 'use strict'; describe('setOption() and getOption()', function () { it('should set option foo=bar', function () { showdown.setOption('foo', 'bar'); showdown.getOption('foo').should.equal('bar'); showdown.resetOptions(); expect(showdown.getOption('foo')); }); }); }); describe('showdown.extension()', function () { 'use strict'; var extObjMock = { type: 'lang', filter: function () {} }, extObjFunc = function () { return extObjMock; }; describe('should register', function () { it('an extension object', function () { showdown.extension('foo', extObjMock); showdown.extension('foo').should.eql([extObjMock]); showdown.resetExtensions(); }); it('an extension function', function () { showdown.extension('foo', extObjFunc); showdown.extension('foo').should.eql([extObjMock]); showdown.resetExtensions(); }); }); describe('should refuse to register', function () { it('a generic object', function () { var fn = function () { showdown.extension('foo', {}); }; expect(fn).to.throw(); }); it('an extension with invalid type', function () { var fn = function () { showdown.extension('foo', { type: 'foo' }); }; expect(fn).to.throw(/type .+? is not recognized\. Valid values: "lang" or "output"/); }); it('an extension without regex or filter', function () { var fn = function () { showdown.extension('foo', { type: 'lang' }); }; expect(fn).to.throw(/extensions must define either a "regex" property or a "filter" method/); }); }); }); describe('showdown.getAllExtensions()', function () { 'use strict'; var extObjMock = { type: 'lang', filter: function () {} }; it('should return all extensions', function () { showdown.extension('bar', extObjMock); showdown.getAllExtensions().should.eql({bar: [extObjMock]}); }); });