## Official * [twitter-extension][1] - Adds support of Twitter usernames and hastags * [prettify-extension][2] - Adds [Google Prettify][3] hints to HTML output ## Community * [showdown-icon][4] - Adds support of Glyphicon and font-awesome into Markdown * [showdown-xss-filter][5] - Filters XSS, using leizongmin/js-xss * [showdown-toc][6] - Adds Table of Contents * [showdown-footnotes][7] - Adds simple footnotes * [katex-latex][8] - Displays math using KaTeX and LaTeX or AsciiMath !!! note "" If you have a Showdown extension you would like to add here, you can [raise an issue](https://github.com/showdownjs/showdown/issues). [1]: https://github.com/showdownjs/twitter-extension [2]: https://github.com/showdownjs/prettify-extension [3]: https://github.com/googlearchive/code-prettify [4]: https://github.com/dbtek/showdown-icon [5]: https://github.com/VisionistInc/showdown-xss-filter [6]: https://github.com/ravisorg/showdown-toc [7]: https://github.com/Kriegslustig/showdown-footnotes [8]: https://obedm503.github.io/showdown-katex