` with an actual full length version you're interested in e.g. `1.9.0`
-## Browser Compatibility
-Showdown has been tested successfully with:
- * Firefox 1.5 and 2.0
- * Chrome 12.0
- * Internet Explorer 6 and 7
- * Safari 2.0.4
- * Opera 8.54 and 9.10
- * Netscape 8.1.2
- * Konqueror 3.5.4
-In theory, Showdown will work in any browser that supports ECMA 262 3rd Edition (JavaScript 1.5).
-The converter itself might even work in things that aren't web browsers, like Acrobat. No promises.
-## Node compatibility
-Showdown is intended to work on any supported Node.js version (see the [Node.js releases schedule](https://nodejs.org/en/about/releases/). The code may work with previous versions of Node.js, but no accomidations are made to ensure it does.
-## Legacy version
-If you're looking for showdown v<1.0.0, you can find it in the [**legacy branch**][legacy-branch].
-## Changelog
-You can check the full [changelog][changelog]
-## Extended documentation
-Check our [wiki pages][wiki] for examples and a more in-depth documentation.
-## Quick Example
-### Node
-var showdown = require('showdown'),
- converter = new showdown.Converter(),
- text = '# hello, markdown!',
- html = converter.makeHtml(text);
-### Browser
-var converter = new showdown.Converter(),
- text = '# hello, markdown!',
- html = converter.makeHtml(text);
-### Output
-Both examples should output...
- hello, markdown!
-## Options
-You can change some of showdown's default behavior through options.
-### Setting options
-Options can be set:
-#### Globally
-Setting a "global" option affects all instances of showdown
-showdown.setOption('optionKey', 'value');
-#### Locally
-Setting a "local" option only affects the specified Converter object.
-Local options can be set:
- * **through the constructor**
- ```js
- var converter = new showdown.Converter({optionKey: 'value'});
- ```
- * **through the setOption() method**
- ```js
- var converter = new showdown.Converter();
- converter.setOption('optionKey', 'value');
- ```
-### Getting an option
-Showdown provides 2 methods (both local and global) to retrieve previous set options.
-#### getOption()
-// Global
-var myOption = showdown.getOption('optionKey');
-var myOption = converter.getOption('optionKey');
-#### getOptions()
-// Global
-var showdownGlobalOptions = showdown.getOptions();
-var thisConverterSpecificOptions = converter.getOptions();
-### Retrieve the default options
-You can get showdown's default options with:
-var defaultOptions = showdown.getDefaultOptions();
-### Valid Options
- * **omitExtraWLInCodeBlocks**: (boolean) [default false] Omit the trailing newline in a code block. Ex:
- This:
- ```html
- var foo = 'bar';
- ```
- Becomes this:
- ```html
- var foo = 'bar';
- ```
- * **noHeaderId**: (boolean) [default false] Disable the automatic generation of header ids.
- Setting to true overrides **prefixHeaderId**
- * **customizedHeaderId**: (boolean) [default false] Use text in curly braces as header id. **(since v1.7.0)**
- Example:
- ```
- ## Sample header {real-id} will use real-id as id
- ```
- * **ghCompatibleHeaderId**: (boolean) [default false] Generate header ids compatible with github style
- (spaces are replaced with dashes and a bunch of non alphanumeric chars are removed) **(since v1.5.5)**
- * **prefixHeaderId**: (string/boolean) [default false] Add a prefix to the generated header ids.
- Passing a string will prefix that string to the header id. Setting to `true` will add a generic 'section' prefix.
- * **rawPrefixHeaderId**: (boolean) [default false] Setting this option to true will prevent showdown from modifying the prefix.
- This might result in malformed IDs (if, for instance, the " char is used in the prefix).
- Has no effect if prefixHeaderId is set to false. **(since v 1.7.3)**
- * **rawHeaderId**: (boolean) [default false] Remove only spaces, ' and " from generated header ids (including prefixes),
- replacing them with dashes (-). WARNING: This might result in malformed ids **(since v1.7.3)**
- * **headerLevelStart**: (integer) [default 1] Set the header starting level. For instance, setting this to 3 means that
- ```md
- # foo
- ```
- will be parsed as
- ```html
- foo
- ```
- * **parseImgDimensions**: (boolean) [default false] Enable support for setting image dimensions from within markdown syntax.
- Examples:
- ```
- ![foo](foo.jpg =100x80) simple, assumes units are in px
- ![bar](bar.jpg =100x*) sets the height to "auto"
- ![baz](baz.jpg =80%x5em) Image with width of 80% and height of 5em
- ```
- * **simplifiedAutoLink**: (boolean) [default false] Turning this option on will enable automatic linking to urls.
- This means that:
- ```md
- some text www.google.com
- ```
- will be parsed as
- ```html
- some text www.google.com
- ```
- * ~~**excludeTrailingPunctuationFromURLs**: (boolean) [default false] This option excludes trailing punctuation from autolinking urls.
- Punctuation excluded: `. ! ? ( )`. Only applies if **simplifiedAutoLink** option is set to `true`.~~
- * **literalMidWordUnderscores**: (boolean) [default false] Turning this on will stop showdown from interpreting
- underscores in the middle of words as `` and `` and instead treat them as literal underscores.
- Example:
- ```md
- some text with__underscores__in middle
- ```
- will be parsed as
- ```html
- some text with__underscores__in middle
- ```
- * ~~**literalMidWordAsterisks**: (boolean) [default false] Turning this on will stop showdown from interpreting asterisks
- in the middle of words as `` and `` and instead treat them as literal asterisks.~~
- * **strikethrough**: (boolean) [default false] Enable support for strikethrough syntax.
- `~~strikethrough~~` as `strikethrough`
- * **tables**: (boolean) [default false] Enable support for tables syntax. Example:
- ```md
- | h1 | h2 | h3 |
- |:------|:-------:|--------:|
- | 100 | [a][1] | ![b][2] |
- | *foo* | **bar** | ~~baz~~ |
- ```
- See the wiki for more info
- * **tablesHeaderId**: (boolean) [default false] If enabled adds an id property to table headers tags.
- * **ghCodeBlocks**: (boolean) [default true] Enable support for GFM code block style.
- * **tasklists**: (boolean) [default false] Enable support for GFM tasklists. Example:
- ```md
- - [x] This task is done
- - [ ] This is still pending
- ```
- * **smoothLivePreview**: (boolean) [default false] Prevents weird effects in live previews due to incomplete input
- * **smartIndentationFix**: (boolean) [default false] Tries to smartly fix indentation problems related to es6 template
- strings in the midst of indented code.
- * **disableForced4SpacesIndentedSublists**: (boolean) [default false] Disables the requirement of indenting sublists
- by 4 spaces for them to be nested, effectively reverting to the old behavior where 2 or 3 spaces were enough.
- **(since v1.5.0)**
- * **simpleLineBreaks**: (boolean) [default false] Parses line breaks as `
`, without
- needing 2 spaces at the end of the line **(since v1.5.1)**
- ```md
- a line
- wrapped in two
- ```
- turns into:
- ```html
- a line
- wrapped in two
- ```
- * **requireSpaceBeforeHeadingText**: (boolean) [default false] Makes adding a space between `#` and the header text mandatory **(since v1.5.3)**
- * **ghMentions**: (boolean) [default false] Enables github @mentions, which link to the username mentioned **(since v1.6.0)**
- * **ghMentionsLink**: (string) [default `https://github.com/{u}`] Changes the link generated by @mentions.
- Showdown will replace `{u}` with the username. Only applies if ghMentions option is enabled.
- Example: `@tivie` with ghMentionsOption set to `//mysite.com/{u}/profile` will result in `@tivie`
- * **encodeEmails**: (boolean) [default true] Enable e-mail addresses encoding through the use of Character Entities, transforming ASCII e-mail addresses into its equivalent decimal entities. (since v1.6.1)
- NOTE: Prior to version 1.6.1, emails would always be obfuscated through dec and hex encoding.
- * **openLinksInNewWindow**: (boolean) [default false] Open all links in new windows
- (by adding the attribute `target="_blank"` to `` tags) **(since v1.7.0)**
- * **backslashEscapesHTMLTags**: (boolean) [default false] Support for HTML Tag escaping. ex: `\foo\
` **(since v1.7.2)**
- * **emoji**: (boolean) [default false] Enable emoji support. Ex: `this is a :smile: emoji`
- For more info on available emojis, see https://github.com/showdownjs/showdown/wiki/Emojis **(since v.1.8.0)**
- * **underline**: (boolean) [default false] ***EXPERIMENTAL FEATURE*** Enable support for underline.
- Syntax is **double** or **triple** **underscores** ex: `__underlined word__`. With this option enabled, underscores are no longer parses into `` and ``.
- * **ellipsis**: (boolean) [default true] Replaces three dots with the ellipsis unicode character.
- * **completeHTMLDocument**: (boolean) [default false] Outputs a complete html document,
- including ``, `` and `` tags' instead of an HTML fragment. (since v.1.8.5)
- * **metadata**: (boolean) [default false] Enable support for document metadata (defined at the top of the document
- between `«««` and `»»»` or between `---` and `---`). (since v.1.8.5)
- ```js
- var conv = new showdown.Converter({metadata: true});
- var html = conv.makeHtml(someMd);
- var metadata = conv.getMetadata(); // returns an object with the document metadata
- ```
- * **splitAdjacentBlockquotes**: (boolean) [default false] Split adjacent blockquote blocks.(since v.1.8.6)
- * **moreStyling**: (boolean) [default false] Adds some useful classes for css styling. (since v2.0.1)
- - Tasklists: Adds the class `task-list-item-complete` to completed tasks items in GFM tasklists.
-**NOTE**: Please note that until **version 1.6.0**, all of these options are ***DISABLED*** by default in the cli tool.
-## Flavors
-You can also use flavors or presets to set the correct options automatically, so that showdown behaves like popular markdown flavors.
-Currently, the following flavors are available:
- * original - original markdown flavor as in [John Gruber's spec](https://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/)
- * vanilla - showdown base flavor (as from v1.3.1)
- * github - GFM (GitHub Flavored Markdown)
-### Global
-### Instance
-## CLI Tool
-Showdown also comes bundled with a Command Line Interface tool. You can check the [CLI wiki page][cli-wiki] for more info
-## Integration with AngularJS
-ShowdownJS project also provides seamlessly integration with AngularJS via a "plugin".
-Please visit https://github.com/showdownjs/ngShowdown for more information.
-## Integration with TypeScript
-If you're using TypeScript you maybe want to use the types from [DefinitelyTyped][definitely-typed]
-## Integration with SystemJS/JSPM
-Integration with SystemJS can be obtained via the third party ["system-md" plugin](https://github.com/guybedford/system-md).
-## Integration with VueJS
-To use ShowdownJS as a Vue component quickly, you can check [vue-showdown](https://vue-showdown.js.org/).
-## XSS vulnerability
-Showdown doesn't sanitize the input. This is by design since markdown relies on it to allow certain features to be correctly parsed into HTML.
-This, however, means XSS injection is quite possible.
-Please refer to the wiki article [Markdown's XSS Vulnerability (and how to mitigate it)][xss-wiki]
-for more information.
-## Extensions
-Showdown allows additional functionality to be loaded via extensions. (you can find a list of known showdown extensions [here][ext-wiki])
-You can also find a boilerplate, to create your own extensions in [this repository][boilerplate-repo]
-### Client-side Extension Usage
-var converter = new showdown.Converter({ extensions: ['twitter'] });
-### Server-side Extension Usage
-var showdown = require('showdown'),
- myExtension = require('myExtension'),
- converter = new showdown.Converter({ extensions: ['myExtension'] });
-## Building
-Building your clone of the repository is easy.
-> Prerequesites: [Node.js](https://nodejs.org/) v12, [npm](https://www.npmjs.com/package/npm) and [npx](https://www.npmjs.com/package/npx) must be installed.
-1. run `npm install`.
-2. run `npx grunt build` (see [`Gruntfile.js`](/Gruntfile.js)). This command:
- 1. Cleans the repo.
- 2. Checks code quality ([JSHint](https://jshint.com/) and [ESLint](https://eslint.org/)).
- 3. Runs tests.
- 4. Creates the [distributable](/showdown.js) and [minified](/showdown.min.js) files in the [`dist`](/dist) folder.
-## Tests
-A suite of tests is available which require Node.js. Once Node is installed, run the following command from
-the project root to install the dependencies:
- npm install
-Once installed the tests can be run from the project root using:
- npm test
-New test cases can easily be added. Create a markdown file (ending in `.md`) which contains the markdown to test.
-Create a `.html` file of the exact same name. It will automatically be tested when the tests are executed with `mocha`.
-## Contributing
-If you wish to contribute please read the following quick guide.
-### Want a Feature?
-You can request a new feature by submitting an issue. If you would like to implement a new feature feel free to issue a
-Pull Request.
-### Pull requests (PRs)
-PRs are awesome. However, before you submit your pull request consider the following guidelines:
- - Search GitHub for an open or closed Pull Request that relates to your submission. You don't want to duplicate effort.
- - When issuing PRs that change code, make your changes in a new git branch based on master:
- ```bash
- git checkout -b my-fix-branch master
- ```
- - Documentation (i.e: README.md) changes can be made directly against master.
- - Run the full test suite before submitting and make sure all tests pass (obviously =P).
- - Try to follow our [**coding style rules**][coding-rules].
- Breaking them prevents the PR to pass the tests.
- - Refrain from fixing multiple issues in the same pull request. It's preferable to open multiple small PRs instead of one
- hard to review big one.
- - If the PR introduces a new feature or fixes an issue, please add the appropriate test case.
- - We use commit notes to generate the changelog. It's extremely helpful if your commit messages adhere to the
- [**AngularJS Git Commit Guidelines**][ng-commit-guide].
- - If we suggest changes then:
- - Make the required updates.
- - Re-run the Angular test suite to ensure tests are still passing.
- - Rebase your branch and force push to your GitHub repository (this will update your Pull Request):
- ```bash
- git rebase master -i
- git push origin my-fix-branch -f
- ```
- - After your pull request is merged, you can safely delete your branch.
-If you have time to contribute to this project, we feel obliged that you get credit for it.
-These rules enable us to review your PR faster and will give you appropriate credit in your GitHub profile.
-We thank you in advance for your contribution!
-### Joining the team
-We're looking for members to help maintaining Showdown.
-Please see [this issue](https://github.com/showdownjs/showdown/issues/114) to express interest or comment on this note.
+If you want to contribute to the project, that's awesome! Please check our [guide][contribution-guide].
## Credits
-Full credit list at https://github.com/showdownjs/showdown/blob/master/CREDITS.md
-Showdown is powered by:
+Full credit list across the versions is available [here][credits].
+## License
+ShowdownJS v 2.0 is release under the MIT version.
+Previous versions are release under BSD.
[sd-logo]: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/showdownjs/logo/master/dist/logo.readme.png
-[legacy-branch]: https://github.com/showdownjs/showdown/tree/legacy
-[releases]: https://github.com/showdownjs/showdown/releases
-[changelog]: https://github.com/showdownjs/showdown/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md
-[wiki]: https://github.com/showdownjs/showdown/wiki
-[cli-wiki]: https://github.com/showdownjs/showdown/wiki/CLI-tool
-[definitely-typed]: https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped/tree/master/types/showdown
-[xss-wiki]: https://github.com/showdownjs/showdown/wiki/Markdown's-XSS-Vulnerability-(and-how-to-mitigate-it)
-[ext-wiki]: https://github.com/showdownjs/showdown/wiki/extensions
-[coding-rules]: https://github.com/showdownjs/code-style/blob/master/README.md
-[ng-commit-guide]: https://github.com/showdownjs/code-style/blob/master/README.md#commit-message-convention
-[boilerplate-repo]: https://github.com/showdownjs/extension-boilerplate
+[quickstart]: https://showdownjs.com/docs/quickstart/
+[installation-methods]: https://showdownjs.com/docs/quickstart/#other-installation-methods
+[extensions]: https://showdownjs.com/docs/extensions/
+[cli]: https://showdownjs.com/docs/cli/
+[contribution-guide]: https://showdownjs.com/docs/contribution-guide/
+[credits]: https://showdownjs.com/docs/credits/
\ No newline at end of file