2022-02-27 19:12:55 +08:00
site_name: Showdown documentation
site_description: Showdown is a JavaScript Markdown to HTML converter
name: material
logo: http://showdownjs.com/apple-touch-icon.png
favicon: http://showdownjs.com/apple-touch-icon.png
repo: fontawesome/brands/github
2022-03-20 22:37:51 +08:00
- navigation.tabs
- admonition
2022-03-26 02:21:21 +08:00
- pymdownx.superfences
- pymdownx.tabbed:
alternate_style: true
2022-04-10 04:20:41 +08:00
- pymdownx.tasklist
2022-03-20 22:37:51 +08:00
- pymdownx.emoji:
emoji_index: !!python/name:materialx.emoji.twemoji
emoji_generator: !!python/name:materialx.emoji.to_svg
2022-02-27 19:12:55 +08:00
2022-03-26 01:23:08 +08:00
- assets/extra.css
2022-02-27 19:12:55 +08:00
repo_url: https://github.com/showdownjs/showdown
repo_name: showdownjs/showdown
site_dir: public
2022-03-20 22:37:51 +08:00
- Home:
- Introduction: index.md
- Donations: donations.md
2022-04-17 20:03:05 +08:00
- Credits: credits.md
2022-03-26 02:21:21 +08:00
- Quickstart:
- Quickstart: quickstart.md
2022-04-10 04:20:41 +08:00
- Showdown's Markdown syntax: markdown-syntax.md
2022-03-28 06:59:41 +08:00
- Compatibility: compatibility.md
- Configuration:
2022-03-29 02:54:41 +08:00
- Showdown options: configuration.md
2022-03-30 06:27:06 +08:00
- Available options: available-options.md
2022-03-30 07:13:37 +08:00
- Flavors: flavors.md
2022-03-31 01:12:35 +08:00
- CLI: cli.md
2022-03-31 04:35:17 +08:00
- Integrations: integrations.md
- Extensions:
2022-03-31 06:29:59 +08:00
- Overview: extensions.md
2022-04-09 07:06:07 +08:00
- Create an extension: create-extension.md
2022-04-10 00:01:05 +08:00
- List of known extensions: extensions-list.md
2022-04-09 07:06:07 +08:00
- Tutorials: tutorials/index.md