
509 lines
13 KiB

/* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
#ifndef _WIN32_WINNT
#define _WIN32_WINNT 0x500
#include "common.h"
#include "utils.h"
#include "log.h"
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#ifndef WIN32
#include <dirent.h>
#include "block-backend.h"
#include "obj-store.h"
struct _BHandle {
char *store_id;
int version;
char block_id[41];
int fd;
int rw_type;
char *tmp_file;
typedef struct {
char *v0_block_dir;
int v0_block_dir_len;
char *block_dir;
int block_dir_len;
char *tmp_dir;
int tmp_dir_len;
} FsPriv;
static char *
get_block_path (BlockBackend *bend,
const char *block_sha1,
char path[],
const char *store_id,
int version);
static int
open_tmp_file (BlockBackend *bend,
const char *basename,
char **path);
static BHandle *
block_backend_fs_open_block (BlockBackend *bend,
const char *store_id,
int version,
const char *block_id,
int rw_type)
BHandle *handle;
int fd = -1;
char *tmp_file;
g_return_val_if_fail (block_id != NULL, NULL);
g_return_val_if_fail (strlen(block_id) == 40, NULL);
g_return_val_if_fail (rw_type == BLOCK_READ || rw_type == BLOCK_WRITE, NULL);
if (rw_type == BLOCK_READ) {
char path[SEAF_PATH_MAX];
get_block_path (bend, block_id, path, store_id, version);
fd = g_open (path, O_RDONLY | O_BINARY, 0);
if (fd < 0) {
ccnet_warning ("[block bend] failed to open block %s for read: %s\n",
block_id, strerror(errno));
return NULL;
} else {
fd = open_tmp_file (bend, block_id, &tmp_file);
if (fd < 0) {
ccnet_warning ("[block bend] failed to open block %s for write: %s\n",
block_id, strerror(errno));
return NULL;
handle = g_new0(BHandle, 1);
handle->fd = fd;
memcpy (handle->block_id, block_id, 41);
handle->rw_type = rw_type;
if (rw_type == BLOCK_WRITE)
handle->tmp_file = tmp_file;
if (store_id)
handle->store_id = g_strdup(store_id);
handle->version = version;
return handle;
static int
block_backend_fs_read_block (BlockBackend *bend,
BHandle *handle,
void *buf, int len)
return (readn (handle->fd, buf, len));
static int
block_backend_fs_write_block (BlockBackend *bend,
BHandle *handle,
const void *buf, int len)
return (writen (handle->fd, buf, len));
static int
block_backend_fs_close_block (BlockBackend *bend,
BHandle *handle)
int ret;
ret = close (handle->fd);
return ret;
static void
block_backend_fs_block_handle_free (BlockBackend *bend,
BHandle *handle)
if (handle->rw_type == BLOCK_WRITE) {
/* make sure the tmp file is removed even on failure. */
g_unlink (handle->tmp_file);
g_free (handle->tmp_file);
g_free (handle->store_id);
g_free (handle);
static int
create_parent_path (const char *path)
char *dir = g_path_get_dirname (path);
if (!dir)
return -1;
if (g_file_test (dir, G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS)) {
g_free (dir);
return 0;
if (g_mkdir_with_parents (dir, 0777) < 0) {
seaf_warning ("Failed to create object parent path: %s.\n", dir);
g_free (dir);
return -1;
g_free (dir);
return 0;
static int
block_backend_fs_commit_block (BlockBackend *bend,
BHandle *handle)
char path[SEAF_PATH_MAX];
g_return_val_if_fail (handle->rw_type == BLOCK_WRITE, -1);
get_block_path (bend, handle->block_id, path, handle->store_id, handle->version);
if (create_parent_path (path) < 0) {
seaf_warning ("Failed to create path for block %s:%s.\n",
handle->store_id, handle->block_id);
return -1;
if (g_rename (handle->tmp_file, path) < 0) {
seaf_warning ("[block bend] failed to commit block %s:%s: %s\n",
handle->store_id, handle->block_id, strerror(errno));
return -1;
return 0;
static gboolean
block_backend_fs_block_exists (BlockBackend *bend,
const char *store_id,
int version,
const char *block_sha1)
char block_path[SEAF_PATH_MAX];
get_block_path (bend, block_sha1, block_path, store_id, version);
if (g_access (block_path, F_OK) == 0)
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
static int
block_backend_fs_remove_block (BlockBackend *bend,
const char *store_id,
int version,
const char *block_id)
char path[SEAF_PATH_MAX];
get_block_path (bend, block_id, path, store_id, version);
return g_unlink (path);
static BMetadata *
block_backend_fs_stat_block (BlockBackend *bend,
const char *store_id,
int version,
const char *block_id)
char path[SEAF_PATH_MAX];
SeafStat st;
BMetadata *block_md;
get_block_path (bend, block_id, path, store_id, version);
if (seaf_stat (path, &st) < 0) {
seaf_warning ("[block bend] Failed to stat block %s:%s at %s: %s.\n",
store_id, block_id, path, strerror(errno));
return NULL;
block_md = g_new0(BMetadata, 1);
memcpy (block_md->id, block_id, 40);
block_md->size = (uint32_t) st.st_size;
return block_md;
static BMetadata *
block_backend_fs_stat_block_by_handle (BlockBackend *bend,
BHandle *handle)
SeafStat st;
BMetadata *block_md;
if (seaf_fstat (handle->fd, &st) < 0) {
seaf_warning ("[block bend] Failed to stat block %s:%s.\n",
handle->store_id, handle->block_id);
return NULL;
block_md = g_new0(BMetadata, 1);
memcpy (block_md->id, handle->block_id, 40);
block_md->size = (uint32_t) st.st_size;
return block_md;
static int
block_backend_fs_foreach_block (BlockBackend *bend,
const char *store_id,
int version,
SeafBlockFunc process,
void *user_data)
FsPriv *priv = bend->be_priv;
char *block_dir = NULL;
int dir_len;
GDir *dir1 = NULL, *dir2;
const char *dname1, *dname2;
char block_id[128];
char path[SEAF_PATH_MAX], *pos;
int ret = 0;
#if defined MIGRATION
if (version > 0)
block_dir = g_build_filename (priv->block_dir, store_id, NULL);
block_dir = g_strdup(priv->v0_block_dir);
block_dir = g_build_filename (priv->block_dir, store_id, NULL);
dir_len = strlen (block_dir);
dir1 = g_dir_open (block_dir, 0, NULL);
if (!dir1) {
goto out;
memcpy (path, block_dir, dir_len);
pos = path + dir_len;
while ((dname1 = g_dir_read_name(dir1)) != NULL) {
snprintf (pos, sizeof(path) - dir_len, "/%s", dname1);
dir2 = g_dir_open (path, 0, NULL);
if (!dir2) {
seaf_warning ("Failed to open block dir %s.\n", path);
while ((dname2 = g_dir_read_name(dir2)) != NULL) {
snprintf (block_id, sizeof(block_id), "%s%s", dname1, dname2);
if (!process (store_id, version, block_id, user_data)) {
g_dir_close (dir2);
goto out;
g_dir_close (dir2);
if (dir1)
g_dir_close (dir1);
g_free (block_dir);
return ret;
static int
block_backend_fs_copy (BlockBackend *bend,
const char *src_store_id,
int src_version,
const char *dst_store_id,
int dst_version,
const char *block_id)
char src_path[SEAF_PATH_MAX];
char dst_path[SEAF_PATH_MAX];
get_block_path (bend, block_id, src_path, src_store_id, src_version);
get_block_path (bend, block_id, dst_path, dst_store_id, dst_version);
if (g_file_test (dst_path, G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS))
return 0;
if (create_parent_path (dst_path) < 0) {
seaf_warning ("Failed to create dst path %s for block %s.\n",
dst_path, block_id);
return -1;
#ifdef WIN32
if (!CreateHardLinkA (dst_path, src_path, NULL)) {
seaf_warning ("Failed to link %s to %s: %lu.\n",
src_path, dst_path, GetLastError());
return -1;
return 0;
int ret = link (src_path, dst_path);
if (ret < 0 && errno != EEXIST) {
seaf_warning ("Failed to link %s to %s: %s.\n",
src_path, dst_path, strerror(errno));
return -1;
return ret;
static int
block_backend_fs_remove_store (BlockBackend *bend, const char *store_id)
FsPriv *priv = bend->be_priv;
char *block_dir = NULL;
GDir *dir1, *dir2;
const char *dname1, *dname2;
char *path1, *path2;
block_dir = g_build_filename (priv->block_dir, store_id, NULL);
dir1 = g_dir_open (block_dir, 0, NULL);
if (!dir1) {
g_free (block_dir);
return 0;
while ((dname1 = g_dir_read_name(dir1)) != NULL) {
path1 = g_build_filename (block_dir, dname1, NULL);
dir2 = g_dir_open (path1, 0, NULL);
if (!dir2) {
seaf_warning ("Failed to open block dir %s.\n", path1);
g_dir_close (dir1);
g_free (path1);
g_free (block_dir);
return -1;
while ((dname2 = g_dir_read_name(dir2)) != NULL) {
path2 = g_build_filename (path1, dname2, NULL);
g_unlink (path2);
g_free (path2);
g_dir_close (dir2);
g_rmdir (path1);
g_free (path1);
g_dir_close (dir1);
g_rmdir (block_dir);
g_free (block_dir);
return 0;
static char *
get_block_path (BlockBackend *bend,
const char *block_sha1,
char path[],
const char *store_id,
int version)
FsPriv *priv = bend->be_priv;
char *pos = path;
int n;
#if defined MIGRATION
if (version > 0) {
n = snprintf (path, SEAF_PATH_MAX, "%s/%s/", priv->block_dir, store_id);
pos += n;
} else {
memcpy (pos, priv->v0_block_dir, priv->v0_block_dir_len);
pos[priv->v0_block_dir_len] = '/';
pos += priv->v0_block_dir_len + 1;
n = snprintf (path, SEAF_PATH_MAX, "%s/%s/", priv->block_dir, store_id);
pos += n;
memcpy (pos, block_sha1, 2);
pos[2] = '/';
pos += 3;
memcpy (pos, block_sha1 + 2, 41 - 2);
return path;
static int
open_tmp_file (BlockBackend *bend,
const char *basename,
char **path)
FsPriv *priv = bend->be_priv;
int fd;
*path = g_strdup_printf ("%s/%s.XXXXXX", priv->tmp_dir, basename);
fd = g_mkstemp (*path);
if (fd < 0)
g_free (*path);
return fd;
BlockBackend *
block_backend_fs_new (const char *seaf_dir, const char *tmp_dir)
BlockBackend *bend;
FsPriv *priv;
bend = g_new0(BlockBackend, 1);
priv = g_new0(FsPriv, 1);
bend->be_priv = priv;
priv->v0_block_dir = g_build_filename (seaf_dir, "blocks", NULL);
priv->v0_block_dir_len = strlen(priv->v0_block_dir);
priv->block_dir = g_build_filename (seaf_dir, "storage", "blocks", NULL);
priv->block_dir_len = strlen (priv->block_dir);
priv->tmp_dir = g_strdup (tmp_dir);
priv->tmp_dir_len = strlen (tmp_dir);
if (g_mkdir_with_parents (priv->block_dir, 0777) < 0) {
seaf_warning ("Block dir %s does not exist and"
" is unable to create\n", priv->block_dir);
goto onerror;
if (g_mkdir_with_parents (tmp_dir, 0777) < 0) {
seaf_warning ("Blocks tmp dir %s does not exist and"
" is unable to create\n", tmp_dir);
goto onerror;
bend->open_block = block_backend_fs_open_block;
bend->read_block = block_backend_fs_read_block;
bend->write_block = block_backend_fs_write_block;
bend->commit_block = block_backend_fs_commit_block;
bend->close_block = block_backend_fs_close_block;
bend->exists = block_backend_fs_block_exists;
bend->remove_block = block_backend_fs_remove_block;
bend->stat_block = block_backend_fs_stat_block;
bend->stat_block_by_handle = block_backend_fs_stat_block_by_handle;
bend->block_handle_free = block_backend_fs_block_handle_free;
bend->foreach_block = block_backend_fs_foreach_block;
bend->remove_store = block_backend_fs_remove_store;
bend->copy = block_backend_fs_copy;
return bend;
g_free (bend);
g_free (bend->be_priv);
return NULL;