// Copyright 2020 Google LLC // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. #include "test_utils.h" // NOLINT(build/include) #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // NOLINT(build/c++11) int CurlTestUtils::port_; std::thread CurlTestUtils::server_thread_; absl::Status curl::tests::CurlTestUtils::CurlTestSetUp() { // Initialize sandbox2 and sapi sandbox_ = std::make_unique(); absl::Status init = sandbox_->Init(); if (!init.ok()) { return init; } api_ = std::make_unique(sandbox_.get()); // Initialize curl absl::StatusOr curl_handle = api_->curl_easy_init(); if (!curl_handle.ok()) { return curl_handle.status(); } if (!curl_handle.value()) { return absl::UnavailableError("curl_easy_init returned NULL "); } curl_ = std::make_unique(curl_handle.value()); absl::StatusOr curl_code; // Specify request URL sapi::v::ConstCStr sapi_url(kUrl.data()); curl_code = api_->curl_easy_setopt_ptr(curl_.get(), curl::CURLOPT_URL, sapi_url.PtrBefore()); if (!curl_code.ok()) { return curl_code.status(); } if (curl_code.value() != curl::CURLE_OK) { return absl::UnavailableError( "curl_easy_setopt_ptr returned with the error code " + curl_code.value()); } // Set port curl_code = api_->curl_easy_setopt_long(curl_.get(), curl::CURLOPT_PORT, port_); if (!curl_code.ok()) { return curl_code.status(); } if (curl_code.value() != curl::CURLE_OK) { return absl::UnavailableError( "curl_easy_setopt_long returned with the error code " + curl_code.value()); } // Generate pointer to the WriteToMemory callback void* function_ptr; absl::Status symbol = sandbox_->rpc_channel()->Symbol("WriteToMemory", &function_ptr); if (!symbol.ok()) { return symbol; } sapi::v::RemotePtr remote_function_ptr(function_ptr); // Set WriteToMemory as the write function curl_code = api_->curl_easy_setopt_ptr( curl_.get(), curl::CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, &remote_function_ptr); if (!curl_code.ok()) { return curl_code.status(); } if (curl_code.value() != curl::CURLE_OK) { return absl::UnavailableError( "curl_easy_setopt_ptr returned with the error code " + curl_code.value()); } // Pass memory chunk object to the callback chunk_ = std::make_unique(0); curl_code = api_->curl_easy_setopt_ptr(curl_.get(), curl::CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, chunk_->PtrBoth()); if (!curl_code.ok()) { return curl_code.status(); } if (curl_code.value() != curl::CURLE_OK) { return absl::UnavailableError( "curl_easy_setopt_ptr returned with the error code " + curl_code.value()); } return absl::OkStatus(); } absl::Status curl::tests::CurlTestUtils::CurlTestTearDown() { // Cleanup curl return api_->curl_easy_cleanup(curl_.get()); } absl::StatusOr curl::tests::CurlTestUtils::PerformRequest() { // Perform the request absl::StatusOr curl_code = api_->curl_easy_perform(curl_.get()); if (!curl_code.ok()) { return curl_code.status(); } if (curl_code.value() != curl::CURLE_OK) { return absl::UnavailableError( "curl_easy_perform returned with the error code " + curl_code.value()); } // Get pointer to the memory chunk absl::Status status = sandbox_->TransferFromSandboxee(chunk_.get()); if (!status.ok()) { return status; } return std::string{reinterpret_cast(chunk_->GetData())}; } namespace { // Read the socket until str is completely read std::string ReadUntil(const int socket, const std::string& str, const size_t max_request_size) { std::string str_read; str_read.reserve(max_request_size); // Read one char at a time until str is suffix of buf while (!absl::EndsWith(str_read, str)) { char next_char; if (str_read.size() >= max_request_size || read(socket, &next_char, 1) < 1) { return ""; } str_read += next_char; } return str_read; } // Parse HTTP headers to return the Content-Length ssize_t GetContentLength(const std::string& headers) { // Find the Content-Length header std::string::size_type length_header_start = headers.find("Content-Length: "); // There is no Content-Length field if (length_header_start == std::string::npos) { return 0; } // Find Content-Length string std::string::size_type length_start = length_header_start + std::string{"Content-Length: "}.size(); std::string::size_type length_bytes = headers.find("\r\n", length_start) - length_start; // length_bytes exceeds maximum if (length_bytes >= 64) { return -1; } // Convert string to int and return return std::stoi(headers.substr(length_start, length_bytes)); } // Read exactly content_bytes from the socket std::string ReadExact(int socket, size_t content_bytes) { std::string str_read; str_read.reserve(content_bytes); // Read one char at a time until all chars are read while (str_read.size() < content_bytes) { char next_char; if (read(socket, &next_char, 1) < 1) { return ""; } str_read += next_char; } return str_read; } // Listen on the socket and answer back to requests void ServerLoop(int listening_socket, sockaddr_in socket_address) { socklen_t socket_address_size = sizeof(socket_address); // Listen on the socket (maximum 1 connection) if (listen(listening_socket, 1) == -1) { return; } // Keep accepting connections until the thread is terminated // (i.e. server_thread_ is assigned to a new thread or destroyed) for (;;) { // File descriptor to the connection socket // This blocks the thread until a connection is established int accepted_socket = accept(listening_socket, reinterpret_cast(&socket_address), reinterpret_cast(&socket_address_size)); if (accepted_socket == -1) { return; } constexpr int kMaxRequestSize = 4096; // Read until the end of the headers std::string headers = ReadUntil(accepted_socket, "\r\n\r\n", kMaxRequestSize); if (headers == "") { close(accepted_socket); return; } // Get the length of the request content ssize_t content_length = GetContentLength(headers); if (content_length > kMaxRequestSize - headers.size() || content_length < 0) { close(accepted_socket); return; } // Read the request content std::string content = ReadExact(accepted_socket, content_length); // Prepare a response for the request std::string http_response = "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\nContent-Type: text/plain\nContent-Length: "; if (headers.substr(0, 3) == "GET") { http_response += "2\r\n\r\nOK"; } else if (headers.substr(0, 4) == "POST") { http_response += std::to_string(content.size()) + "\r\n\r\n" + std::string{content}; } else { close(accepted_socket); return; } // Ignore any errors, the connection will be closed anyway write(accepted_socket, http_response.c_str(), http_response.size()); // Close the socket close(accepted_socket); } } } // namespace void curl::tests::CurlTestUtils::StartMockServer() { // Get the socket file descriptor int listening_socket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); // Create the socket address object // The port is set to 0, meaning that it will be auto assigned // Only local connections can access this socket sockaddr_in socket_address{AF_INET, 0, htonl(INADDR_LOOPBACK)}; socklen_t socket_address_size = sizeof(socket_address); if (listening_socket == -1) { return; } // Bind the file descriptor to the socket address object if (bind(listening_socket, reinterpret_cast(&socket_address), socket_address_size) == -1) { return; } // Assign an available port to the socket address object if (getsockname(listening_socket, reinterpret_cast(&socket_address), &socket_address_size) == -1) { return; } // Get the port number port_ = ntohs(socket_address.sin_port); // Set server_thread_ operation to socket listening server_thread_ = std::thread(ServerLoop, listening_socket, socket_address); }