// Copyright 2020 Google LLC // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. #include #include #include #include #include "../sandboxed.h" #include "sandboxed_api/sandbox2/util/fileops.h" #include "sandboxed_api/sandbox2/util/path.h" #include "sandboxed_api/vars.h" #include "tiffio.h" // NOLINT(build/include) // sapi functions: // TIFFTileSize // TIFFOpen // TIFFReadEncodedTile // TIFFSetField // TIFFClose // TIFFReadRGBATile // TIFFGetField constexpr std::array kCluster0 = {0, 0, 2, 0, 138, 139}; constexpr std::array kCluster64 = {0, 0, 9, 6, 134, 119}; constexpr std::array kCluster128 = {44, 40, 63, 59, 230, 95}; namespace { absl::Status CheckCluster(int cluster, const sapi::v::Array& buffer, const std::array& expected_cluster) { uint8_t* target = buffer.GetData() + cluster * 6; if (!std::memcmp(target, expected_cluster.data(), 6)) { return absl::OkStatus(); } return absl::InternalError( absl::StrCat("Cluster ", cluster, " did not match expected results.\n", "Expect: ", expected_cluster[0], "\t", expected_cluster[1], "\t", expected_cluster[4], "\t", expected_cluster[5], "\t", expected_cluster[2], "\t", expected_cluster[3], "\n")); } absl::Status CheckRgbPixel(int pixel, int min_red, int max_red, int min_green, int max_green, int min_blue, int max_blue, const sapi::v::Array& buffer) { uint8_t* rgb = buffer.GetData() + 3 * pixel; if (rgb[0] >= min_red && rgb[0] <= max_red && rgb[1] >= min_green && rgb[1] <= max_green && rgb[2] >= min_blue && rgb[2] <= max_blue) { return absl::OkStatus(); } return absl::InternalError(absl::StrCat( "Pixel ", pixel, " did not match expected results.\n", "Got R=", rgb[0], " (expected ", min_red, "..", max_red, "), G=", rgb[1], " (expected ", min_green, "..", max_green, "), B=", rgb[2], " (expected ", min_blue, "..", max_blue, ")\n")); } absl::Status CheckRgbaPixel(int pixel, int min_red, int max_red, int min_green, int max_green, int min_blue, int max_blue, int min_alpha, int max_alpha, const sapi::v::Array& buffer) { // RGBA images are upside down - adjust for normal ordering int adjusted_pixel = pixel % 128 + (127 - (pixel / 128)) * 128; uint32 rgba = buffer[adjusted_pixel]; if (TIFFGetR(rgba) >= (uint32)min_red && TIFFGetR(rgba) <= (uint32)max_red && TIFFGetG(rgba) >= (uint32)min_green && TIFFGetG(rgba) <= (uint32)max_green && TIFFGetB(rgba) >= (uint32)min_blue && TIFFGetB(rgba) <= (uint32)max_blue && TIFFGetA(rgba) >= (uint32)min_alpha && TIFFGetA(rgba) <= (uint32)max_alpha) { return absl::OkStatus(); } return absl::InternalError(absl::StrCat( "Pixel ", pixel, " did not match expected results.\n", "Got R=", TIFFGetR(rgba), " (expected ", min_red, "..", max_red, "), G=", TIFFGetG(rgba), " (expected ", min_green, "..", max_green, "), B=", TIFFGetB(rgba), " (expected ", min_blue, "..", max_blue, "), A=", TIFFGetA(rgba), " (expected ", min_alpha, "..", max_alpha, ")\n")); } } // namespace std::string GetFilePath(const std::string& dir, const std::string& filename) { return sandbox2::file::JoinPath(dir, "test", "images", filename); } std::string GetFilePath(const std::string filename) { std::string cwd = sandbox2::file_util::fileops::GetCWD(); auto find = cwd.rfind("build"); std::string project_path; if (find == std::string::npos) { LOG(ERROR) << "Something went wrong: CWD don't contain build dir. " << "Please run tests from build dir or send project dir as a " << "parameter: ./sandboxed /absolute/path/to/project/dir \n"; project_path = cwd; } else { project_path = cwd.substr(0, find); } return sandbox2::file::JoinPath(project_path, "test", "images", filename); } absl::Status LibTIFFMain(const std::string& srcfile) { // without addDir to sandbox. to add dir use // sandbox(absolute_path_to_dir, srcfile) or // sandbox(absolute_path_to_dir). file and dir should be exists. // srcfile must also be absolute_path_to_file TiffSapiSandbox sandbox("", srcfile); // initialize sapi vars after constructing TiffSapiSandbox sapi::v::UShort h, v; sapi::StatusOr status_or_tif; sapi::StatusOr status_or_int; sapi::StatusOr status_or_long; absl::Status status; status = sandbox.Init(); SAPI_RETURN_IF_ERROR(sandbox.Init()); TiffApi api(&sandbox); sapi::v::ConstCStr srcfile_var(srcfile.c_str()); sapi::v::ConstCStr r_var("r"); SAPI_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN( status_or_tif, api.TIFFOpen(srcfile_var.PtrBefore(), r_var.PtrBefore())); sapi::v::RemotePtr tif(status_or_tif.value()); if (!tif.GetValue()) { // tif is NULL return absl::InternalError(absl::StrCat("Could not open ", srcfile)); } SAPI_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN(status_or_int, api.TIFFGetField2(&tif, TIFFTAG_YCBCRSUBSAMPLING, h.PtrBoth(), v.PtrBoth())); if (status_or_int.value() == 0 || h.GetValue() != 2 || v.GetValue() != 2) { return absl::InternalError("Could not retrieve subsampling tag"); } SAPI_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN(status_or_long, api.TIFFTileSize(&tif)); if (status_or_long.value() != 24576) { return absl::InternalError( absl::StrCat("tiles are ", status_or_long.value(), " bytes\n")); } tsize_t sz = status_or_long.value(); sapi::v::Array buffer_(sz); SAPI_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN( status_or_long, api.TIFFReadEncodedTile(&tif, 9, buffer_.PtrBoth(), sz)); if (status_or_long.value() != sz) { return absl::InternalError(absl::StrCat( "Did not get expected result code from TIFFReadEncodedTile(): ", status_or_long.value(), " instead of ", sz)); } unsigned pixel_status = 1; if (status = CheckCluster(0, buffer_, kCluster0); !status.ok()) { LOG(ERROR) << "CheckCluster failed:\n" << status.ToString(); } pixel_status &= status.ok(); if (status = CheckCluster(64, buffer_, kCluster64); !status.ok()) { LOG(ERROR) << "CheckCluster failed:\n" << status.ToString(); } pixel_status &= status.ok(); if (status = CheckCluster(128, buffer_, kCluster128); !status.ok()) { LOG(ERROR) << "CheckCluster failed:\n" << status.ToString(); } pixel_status &= status.ok(); if (!pixel_status) { return absl::InternalError("unexpected pixel_status value"); } SAPI_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN( status_or_int, api.TIFFSetFieldU1(&tif, TIFFTAG_JPEGCOLORMODE, JPEGCOLORMODE_RGB)); if (!status_or_int.value()) { return absl::InternalError("TIFFSetFieldU1 not available"); } SAPI_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN(status_or_long, api.TIFFTileSize(&tif)); if (status_or_long.value() != 128 * 128 * 3) { return absl::InternalError( absl::StrCat("tiles are ", status_or_long.value(), " bytes")); } sz = status_or_long.value(); sapi::v::Array buffer2_(sz); SAPI_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN( status_or_long, api.TIFFReadEncodedTile(&tif, 9, buffer2_.PtrBoth(), sz)); if (status_or_long.value() != sz) { return absl::InternalError(absl::StrCat( "Did not get expected result code from TIFFReadEncodedTile(): ", status_or_long.value(), " instead of ", sz)); } pixel_status = 1; if (status = CheckRgbPixel(0, 15, 18, 0, 0, 18, 41, buffer2_); !status.ok()) { LOG(ERROR) << "CheckRgbPixel failed:\n" << status.ToString(); } pixel_status &= status.ok(); if (status = CheckRgbPixel(64, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, buffer2_); !status.ok()) { LOG(ERROR) << "CheckRgbPixel failed:\n" << status.ToString(); } pixel_status &= status.ok(); if (status = CheckRgbPixel(512, 5, 6, 34, 36, 182, 196, buffer2_); !status.ok()) { LOG(ERROR) << "CheckRgbPixel failed:\n" << status.ToString(); } pixel_status &= status.ok(); SAPI_RETURN_IF_ERROR(api.TIFFClose(&tif)); SAPI_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN( status_or_tif, api.TIFFOpen(srcfile_var.PtrBefore(), r_var.PtrBefore())); sapi::v::RemotePtr tif2(status_or_tif.value()); if (!tif2.GetValue()) { // tif is NULL return absl::InternalError(absl::StrCat("Could not reopen ", srcfile)); } sapi::v::Array rgba_buffer_(128 * 128); SAPI_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN( status_or_int, api.TIFFReadRGBATile(&tif2, 1 * 128, 2 * 128, rgba_buffer_.PtrBoth())); if (!status_or_int.value()) { return absl::InternalError("TIFFReadRGBATile() returned failure code"); } if (status = CheckRgbaPixel(0, 15, 18, 0, 0, 18, 41, 255, 255, rgba_buffer_); !status.ok()) { LOG(ERROR) << "CheckRgbaPixel failed:\n" << status.ToString(); } pixel_status &= status.ok(); if (status = CheckRgbaPixel(64, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 255, 255, rgba_buffer_); !status.ok()) { LOG(ERROR) << "CheckRgbaPixel failed:\n" << status.ToString(); } pixel_status &= status.ok(); if (status = CheckRgbaPixel(512, 5, 6, 34, 36, 182, 196, 255, 255, rgba_buffer_); !status.ok()) { LOG(ERROR) << "CheckRgbaPixel failed:\n" << status.ToString(); } pixel_status &= status.ok(); SAPI_RETURN_IF_ERROR(api.TIFFClose(&tif2)); if (!pixel_status) { return absl::InternalError("unexpected pixel_status value"); } return absl::OkStatus(); } int main(int argc, char** argv) { gflags::ParseCommandLineFlags(&argc, &argv, true); std::string srcfile; // "test/images/quad-tile.jpg.tiff" std::string srcfilerel = "quad-tile.jpg.tiff"; if (argc < 2) { srcfile = GetFilePath(srcfilerel); } else { srcfile = GetFilePath(argv[1], srcfilerel); } auto status = LibTIFFMain(srcfile); if (!status.ok()) { LOG(ERROR) << "LibTIFFMain failed with error:\n" << status.ToString() << '\n'; return EXIT_FAILURE; } return EXIT_SUCCESS; }