// // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // Unittest for the sandbox2::Comms class. #include "sandboxed_api/sandbox2/comms.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // NOLINT(build/c++11) #include #include "gmock/gmock.h" #include "gtest/gtest.h" #include "absl/container/fixed_array.h" #include "absl/log/check.h" #include "absl/log/log.h" #include "absl/status/status.h" #include "absl/strings/str_cat.h" #include "absl/strings/string_view.h" #include "sandboxed_api/sandbox2/comms_test.pb.h" #include "sandboxed_api/util/status_matchers.h" using ::sapi::IsOk; using ::sapi::StatusIs; using ::testing::Eq; using ::testing::IsFalse; using ::testing::IsTrue; namespace sandbox2 { using CommunicationHandler = std::function; class CommsTest : public ::testing::TestWithParam { void SetUp() override { use_abstract_socket_ = GetParam(); timespec ts1, ts2; CHECK_NE(clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &ts1), -1); CHECK_NE(clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &ts2), -1); // If the test does not use an abstract socket, create the socket in the // '/tmp' directory. The reason to put it in tmp is that we want to // guarantee that the sockname_ does not go over the limit of 108 (107 char // + '/0'). if (!use_abstract_socket_) { sockname_ = "/tmp/"; } absl::StrAppend(&sockname_, "comms-test-", static_cast(ts1.tv_sec), "-", static_cast(ts1.tv_nsec)); absl::StrAppend(&sockname_, static_cast(ts2.tv_sec), "-", static_cast(ts2.tv_nsec)); LOG(INFO) << "Sockname: " << sockname_; CHECK_LT(sockname_.size(), 108); // Comms channel using a descriptor (initialized with a file descriptor). int sv[2]; CHECK_NE(socketpair(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0, sv), -1); fd_server_ = sv[0]; fd_client_ = sv[1]; LOG(INFO) << "FD(client): " << fd_client_ << ", FD(server): " << fd_server_; } void TearDown() override { close(fd_server_); close(fd_client_); } protected: std::string sockname_ = ""; bool use_abstract_socket_ = true; int fd_client_; int fd_server_; }; constexpr char kProtoStr[] = "ABCD"; static absl::string_view NullTestString() { static constexpr char kHelperStr[] = "test\0\n\r\t\x01\x02"; return absl::string_view(kHelperStr, sizeof(kHelperStr) - 1); } // Helper function that handles the communication between the two handler // functions. void HandleCommunication(const std::string& socketname, bool use_abstract_socket, const CommunicationHandler& a, const CommunicationHandler& b) { Comms comms(socketname, use_abstract_socket); comms.Listen(); // Start handler a. std::thread remote([&socketname, &a, use_abstract_socket]() { Comms my_comms(socketname, use_abstract_socket); CHECK(my_comms.Connect()); a(&my_comms); }); // Accept connection and run handler b. CHECK(comms.Accept()); b(&comms); remote.join(); } INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P(Comms, CommsTest, ::testing::Bool(), ::testing::PrintToStringParamName()); TEST_P(CommsTest, TestSendRecv8) { auto a = [](Comms* comms) { // Send Uint8. ASSERT_THAT(comms->SendUint8(192), IsTrue()); // Recv Int8. int8_t tmp8; ASSERT_THAT(comms->RecvInt8(&tmp8), IsTrue()); EXPECT_THAT(tmp8, Eq(-7)); }; auto b = [](Comms* comms) { // Recv Uint8. uint8_t tmpu8; ASSERT_THAT(comms->RecvUint8(&tmpu8), IsTrue()); EXPECT_THAT(tmpu8, Eq(192)); // Send Int8. ASSERT_THAT(comms->SendInt8(-7), IsTrue()); }; HandleCommunication(sockname_, use_abstract_socket_, a, b); } TEST_P(CommsTest, TestSendRecv16) { auto a = [](Comms* comms) { // Send Uint16. ASSERT_THAT(comms->SendUint16(40001), IsTrue()); // Recv Int16. int16_t tmp16; ASSERT_THAT(comms->RecvInt16(&tmp16), IsTrue()); EXPECT_THAT(tmp16, Eq(-22050)); }; auto b = [](Comms* comms) { // Recv Uint16. uint16_t tmpu16; ASSERT_THAT(comms->RecvUint16(&tmpu16), IsTrue()); EXPECT_THAT(tmpu16, Eq(40001)); // Send Int16. ASSERT_THAT(comms->SendInt16(-22050), IsTrue()); }; HandleCommunication(sockname_, use_abstract_socket_, a, b); } TEST_P(CommsTest, TestSendRecv32) { auto a = [](Comms* comms) { // SendUint32. ASSERT_THAT(comms->SendUint32(3221225472UL), IsTrue()); // Recv Int32. int32_t tmp32; ASSERT_THAT(comms->RecvInt32(&tmp32), IsTrue()); EXPECT_THAT(tmp32, Eq(-1073741824)); }; auto b = [](Comms* comms) { // Recv Uint32. uint32_t tmpu32; ASSERT_THAT(comms->RecvUint32(&tmpu32), IsTrue()); EXPECT_THAT(tmpu32, Eq(3221225472UL)); // Send Int32. ASSERT_THAT(comms->SendInt32(-1073741824), IsTrue()); }; HandleCommunication(sockname_, use_abstract_socket_, a, b); } TEST_P(CommsTest, TestSendRecv64) { auto a = [](Comms* comms) { // SendUint64. ASSERT_THAT(comms->SendUint64(1099511627776ULL), IsTrue()); // Recv Int64. int64_t tmp64; ASSERT_THAT(comms->RecvInt64(&tmp64), IsTrue()); EXPECT_THAT(tmp64, Eq(-1099511627776LL)); }; auto b = [](Comms* comms) { // Recv Uint64. uint64_t tmpu64; ASSERT_THAT(comms->RecvUint64(&tmpu64), IsTrue()); EXPECT_THAT(tmpu64, Eq(1099511627776ULL)); // Send Int64. ASSERT_THAT(comms->SendInt64(-1099511627776LL), IsTrue()); }; HandleCommunication(sockname_, use_abstract_socket_, a, b); } TEST_P(CommsTest, TestTypeMismatch) { auto a = [](Comms* comms) { uint8_t tmpu8; // Receive Int8 (but Uint8 expected). EXPECT_THAT(comms->RecvUint8(&tmpu8), IsFalse()); }; auto b = [](Comms* comms) { // Send Int8 (but Uint8 expected). ASSERT_THAT(comms->SendInt8(-93), IsTrue()); }; HandleCommunication(sockname_, use_abstract_socket_, a, b); } TEST_P(CommsTest, TestSendRecvString) { auto a = [](Comms* comms) { std::string tmps; ASSERT_THAT(comms->RecvString(&tmps), IsTrue()); EXPECT_TRUE(tmps == NullTestString()); EXPECT_THAT(tmps.size(), Eq(NullTestString().size())); }; auto b = [](Comms* comms) { ASSERT_THAT(comms->SendString(std::string(NullTestString())), IsTrue()); }; HandleCommunication(sockname_, use_abstract_socket_, a, b); } TEST_P(CommsTest, TestSendRecvArray) { auto a = [](Comms* comms) { // Receive 1M bytes. std::vector buffer; ASSERT_THAT(comms->RecvBytes(&buffer), IsTrue()); EXPECT_THAT(buffer.size(), Eq(1024 * 1024)); }; auto b = [](Comms* comms) { // Send 1M bytes. std::vector buffer(1024 * 1024); memset(buffer.data(), 0, buffer.size()); ASSERT_THAT(comms->SendBytes(buffer), IsTrue()); }; HandleCommunication(sockname_, use_abstract_socket_, a, b); } TEST_P(CommsTest, TestSendRecvFD) { auto a = [](Comms* comms) { // Receive FD and test it. int fd = -1; ASSERT_THAT(comms->RecvFD(&fd), IsTrue()); EXPECT_GE(fd, 0); EXPECT_NE(fcntl(fd, F_GETFD), -1); }; auto b = [](Comms* comms) { // Send our STDERR to the thread. ASSERT_THAT(comms->SendFD(STDERR_FILENO), IsTrue()); }; HandleCommunication(sockname_, use_abstract_socket_, a, b); } TEST_P(CommsTest, TestSendRecvEmptyTLV) { auto a = [](Comms* comms) { // Receive TLV without a value. uint32_t tag; std::vector value; ASSERT_THAT(comms->RecvTLV(&tag, &value), IsTrue()); // NOLINT EXPECT_THAT(tag, Eq(0x00DEADBE)); EXPECT_THAT(value.size(), Eq(0)); }; auto b = [](Comms* comms) { // Send TLV without a value. ASSERT_THAT(comms->SendTLV(0x00DEADBE, 0, nullptr), IsTrue()); }; HandleCommunication(sockname_, use_abstract_socket_, a, b); } TEST_P(CommsTest, TestSendRecvEmptyTLV2) { auto a = [](Comms* comms) { // Receive TLV without a value. uint32_t tag; std::vector data; ASSERT_THAT(comms->RecvTLV(&tag, &data), IsTrue()); EXPECT_THAT(tag, Eq(0x00DEADBE)); EXPECT_THAT(data.size(), Eq(0)); }; auto b = [](Comms* comms) { // Send TLV without a value. ASSERT_THAT(comms->SendTLV(0x00DEADBE, 0, nullptr), IsTrue()); }; HandleCommunication(sockname_, use_abstract_socket_, a, b); } TEST_P(CommsTest, TestSendRecvProto) { auto a = [](Comms* comms) { // Receive a ProtoBuf. std::unique_ptr comms_msg(new CommsTestMsg()); ASSERT_THAT(comms->RecvProtoBuf(comms_msg.get()), IsTrue()); ASSERT_THAT(comms_msg->value_size(), Eq(1)); EXPECT_THAT(comms_msg->value(0), Eq(kProtoStr)); }; auto b = [](Comms* comms) { // Send a ProtoBuf. std::unique_ptr comms_msg(new CommsTestMsg()); comms_msg->add_value(kProtoStr); ASSERT_THAT(comms_msg->value_size(), Eq(1)); ASSERT_THAT(comms->SendProtoBuf(*comms_msg), IsTrue()); }; HandleCommunication(sockname_, use_abstract_socket_, a, b); } TEST_P(CommsTest, TestSendRecvStatusOK) { auto a = [](Comms* comms) { // Receive a good status. absl::Status status; ASSERT_THAT(comms->RecvStatus(&status), IsTrue()); EXPECT_THAT(status, IsOk()); }; auto b = [](Comms* comms) { // Send a good status. ASSERT_THAT(comms->SendStatus(absl::OkStatus()), IsTrue()); }; HandleCommunication(sockname_, use_abstract_socket_, a, b); } TEST_P(CommsTest, TestSendRecvStatusFailing) { auto a = [](Comms* comms) { // Receive a failing status. absl::Status status; ASSERT_THAT(comms->RecvStatus(&status), IsTrue()); EXPECT_THAT(status, Not(IsOk())); EXPECT_THAT(status, StatusIs(absl::StatusCode::kInternal, "something odd")); }; auto b = [](Comms* comms) { // Send a failing status. ASSERT_THAT(comms->SendStatus( absl::Status{absl::StatusCode::kInternal, "something odd"}), IsTrue()); }; HandleCommunication(sockname_, use_abstract_socket_, a, b); } TEST_P(CommsTest, TestUsesDistinctBuffers) { auto a = [](Comms* comms) { // Receive 1M bytes. std::vector buffer1, buffer2; ASSERT_THAT(comms->RecvBytes(&buffer1), IsTrue()); // NOLINT EXPECT_THAT(buffer1.size(), Eq(1024 * 1024)); ASSERT_THAT(comms->RecvBytes(&buffer2), IsTrue()); // NOLINT EXPECT_THAT(buffer2.size(), Eq(1024 * 1024)); // Make sure we can access the buffer (memory was not free'd). // Probably only useful when running with ASAN/MSAN. EXPECT_THAT(buffer1[1024 * 1024 - 1], Eq(buffer1[1024 * 1024 - 1])); EXPECT_THAT(buffer2[1024 * 1024 - 1], Eq(buffer2[1024 * 1024 - 1])); EXPECT_NE(buffer1.data(), buffer2.data()); }; auto b = [](Comms* comms) { // Send 1M bytes. absl::FixedArray buf(1024 * 1024); memset(buf.data(), 0, buf.size()); ASSERT_THAT(comms->SendBytes(buf.data(), buf.size()), IsTrue()); ASSERT_THAT(comms->SendBytes(buf.data(), buf.size()), IsTrue()); }; HandleCommunication(sockname_, use_abstract_socket_, a, b); } TEST_P(CommsTest, TestSendRecvCredentials) { auto a = [](Comms* comms) { // Check credentials. pid_t pid; uid_t uid; gid_t gid; ASSERT_THAT(comms->RecvCreds(&pid, &uid, &gid), IsTrue()); EXPECT_THAT(pid, Eq(getpid())); EXPECT_THAT(uid, Eq(getuid())); EXPECT_THAT(gid, Eq(getgid())); }; auto b = [](Comms* comms) { // Nothing to do here. }; HandleCommunication(sockname_, use_abstract_socket_, a, b); } TEST_P(CommsTest, TestSendTooMuchData) { auto a = [](Comms* comms) { // Nothing to do here. }; auto b = [](Comms* comms) { // Send too much data. ASSERT_THAT(comms->SendBytes(nullptr, comms->GetMaxMsgSize() + 1), IsFalse()); }; HandleCommunication(sockname_, use_abstract_socket_, a, b); } TEST_P(CommsTest, TestSendRecvBytes) { auto a = [](Comms* comms) { std::vector buffer; ASSERT_THAT(comms->RecvBytes(&buffer), IsTrue()); ASSERT_THAT(comms->SendBytes(buffer), IsTrue()); }; auto b = [](Comms* comms) { const std::vector request = {0, 1, 2, 3, 7}; ASSERT_THAT(comms->SendBytes(request), IsTrue()); std::vector response; ASSERT_THAT(comms->RecvBytes(&response), IsTrue()); EXPECT_THAT(request, Eq(response)); }; HandleCommunication(sockname_, use_abstract_socket_, a, b); } // We cannot test this in the Client or Server tests, as the endpoint needs to // be unconnected. TEST_P(CommsTest, TestMsgSize) { // There will be no actual connection to this socket. const std::string socket_name = "sandbox2_comms_msg_size_test"; Comms c(socket_name); } } // namespace sandbox2