# Copyright 2019 Google LLC # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # Creates an alias for SOURCE, called DESTINATION. # # On platforms that support them, this rule will effectively create a symlink. # # SOURCE may be relative to CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR, or absolute. # DESTINATION may relative to CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR, or absolute. # # Adapted from https://github.com/google/binexport/blob/master/util.cmake function(create_directory_symlink SOURCE DESTINATION) get_filename_component(_destination_parent "${DESTINATION}" DIRECTORY) file(MAKE_DIRECTORY "${_destination_parent}") if(WIN32) file(TO_NATIVE_PATH "${SOURCE}" _native_source) file(TO_NATIVE_PATH "${DESTINATION}" _native_destination) execute_process(COMMAND $ENV{ComSpec} /c mklink /J "${_native_destination}" "${_native_source}" ERROR_QUIET) else() execute_process(COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E create_symlink "${SOURCE}" "${DESTINATION}") endif() endfunction() # Helper function that behaves just like Protobuf's protobuf_generate_cpp(), # except that it strips import paths. This is necessary, because CMake's # protobuf rules don't work well with imports across different directories. function(sapi_protobuf_generate_cpp SRCS HDRS) cmake_parse_arguments(PARSE_ARGV 2 _pb "" "EXPORT_MACRO" "") if(NOT _pb_UNPARSED_ARGUMENTS) message(FATAL_ERROR "sapi_protobuf_generate_cpp() missing proto files") return() endif() foreach(_file IN LISTS _pb_UNPARSED_ARGUMENTS) get_filename_component(_abs_file_orig "${_file}" ABSOLUTE) get_filename_component(_abs_file_repl "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${_file}" ABSOLUTE) # Add a CMake script that replaces the actual import paths. An extra # script file is necessary so that this happens at build time. set(_cmake_gen "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${_file}.gen.cmake") file(WRITE "${_cmake_gen}" "\ file(READ \"${_abs_file_orig}\" _pb_orig) string(REGEX REPLACE \"import \\\".*/([^/]+\\\\.proto)\\\"\"\ \"import \\\"\\\\1\\\"\" _pb_repl \"\${_pb_orig}\") file(WRITE \"${_abs_file_repl}\" \"\${_pb_repl}\")\ ") add_custom_command(OUTPUT "${_abs_file_repl}" COMMAND "${CMAKE_COMMAND}" ARGS -P "${_cmake_gen}" DEPENDS "${_abs_file_orig}") list(APPEND _pb_files "${_abs_file_repl}") endforeach() set(_outvar) sapi_protobuf_generate(APPEND_PATH LANGUAGE cpp EXPORT_MACRO ${_pb_EXPORT_MACRO} OUT_VAR _outvar PROTOS ${_pb_files}) set(${SRCS}) set(${HDRS}) foreach(_file IN LISTS _outvar) if(_file MATCHES "cc$") list(APPEND ${SRCS} ${_file}) else() list(APPEND ${HDRS} ${_file}) endif() endforeach() set(${SRCS} ${${SRCS}} PARENT_SCOPE) set(${HDRS} ${${HDRS}} PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() # Runs the protocol buffer compiler on the given proto files. Compatible # with the upstream version and included here so we can add_subdirectory() # the protobuf source tree. # One difference to the protobuf version is that this function handles # relative paths differently, which is relevant when Sandboxed API is # embedded in another project. # TODO(cblichmann): We should try and upstream this behavior. function(sapi_protobuf_generate) set(_options APPEND_PATH) set(_singleargs LANGUAGE OUT_VAR EXPORT_MACRO PROTOC_OUT_DIR TARGET) set(_multiargs PROTOS IMPORT_DIRS GENERATE_EXTENSIONS) cmake_parse_arguments(_pb "${_options}" "${_singleargs}" "${_multiargs}" "${ARGN}") if(NOT _pb_PROTOS AND NOT _pb_TARGET) message(FATAL_ERROR "sapi_protobuf_generate missing targets or sources") return() endif() if(NOT _pb_OUT_VAR AND NOT _pb_TARGET) message(FATAL_ERROR "sapi_protobuf_generate missing target or output var") return() endif() if(NOT _pb_LANGUAGE) set(_pb_LANGUAGE cpp) else() string(TOLOWER ${_pb_LANGUAGE} _pb_LANGUAGE) endif() if(NOT _pb_PROTOC_OUT_DIR) set(_pb_PROTOC_OUT_DIR ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}) endif() if(_pb_EXPORT_MACRO AND _pb_LANGUAGE STREQUAL cpp) set(_dll_export_decl "dllexport_decl=${_pb_EXPORT_MACRO}:") endif() if(NOT _pb_GENERATE_EXTENSIONS) if(_pb_LANGUAGE STREQUAL cpp) set(_pb_GENERATE_EXTENSIONS .pb.h .pb.cc) elseif(_pb_LANGUAGE STREQUAL python) set(_pb_GENERATE_EXTENSIONS _pb2.py) else() message(FATAL_ERROR "sapi_protobuf_generate given unknown language ${_pb_LANGUAGE}") return() endif() endif() if(_pb_TARGET) get_target_property(_source_list ${_pb_TARGET} SOURCES) foreach(_file IN LISTS _source_list) if(_file MATCHES "proto$") list(APPEND _pb_PROTOS "${_file}") endif() endforeach() endif() if(NOT _pb_PROTOS) message(FATAL_ERROR "sapi_protobuf_generate could not find any .proto files") return() endif() # Create an include path for each file specified foreach(_file ${_pb_PROTOS}) get_filename_component(_abs_file "${_file}" ABSOLUTE) get_filename_component(_abs_path "${_abs_file}" PATH) list(FIND _protobuf_include_path "${_abs_path}" _contains_already) if(${_contains_already} EQUAL -1) list(APPEND _protobuf_include_path -I ${_abs_path}) endif() endforeach() foreach(_dir IN LISTS _pb_IMPORT_DIRS) get_filename_component(_abs_path "${_dir}" ABSOLUTE) list(FIND _protobuf_include_path "${_abs_path}" _contains_already) if(${_contains_already} EQUAL -1) list(APPEND _protobuf_include_path -I "${_abs_path}") endif() endforeach() set(_generated_srcs_all) foreach(_proto IN LISTS _pb_PROTOS) get_filename_component(_abs_file "${_proto}" ABSOLUTE) get_filename_component(_abs_dir "${_abs_file}" DIRECTORY) get_filename_component(_basename "${_proto}" NAME_WE) set(_generated_srcs) foreach(_ext ${_pb_GENERATE_EXTENSIONS}) # Use _pb_PROTOC_OUT_DIR directly without computing a relative path list(APPEND _generated_srcs "${_pb_PROTOC_OUT_DIR}/${_basename}${_ext}") endforeach() list(APPEND _generated_srcs_all ${_generated_srcs}) add_custom_command(OUTPUT ${_generated_srcs} COMMAND protobuf::protoc ARGS --${_pb_LANGUAGE}_out ${_dll_export_decl}${_pb_PROTOC_OUT_DIR} ${_protobuf_include_path} ${_abs_file} DEPENDS ${_abs_file} protobuf::protoc COMMENT "Running ${_pb_LANGUAGE} protoc on ${_proto}" VERBATIM) endforeach() set_source_files_properties(${_generated_srcs_all} PROPERTIES GENERATED TRUE) if(_pb_OUT_VAR) set(${_pb_OUT_VAR} ${_generated_srcs_all} PARENT_SCOPE) endif() if(_pb_TARGET) target_sources(${_pb_TARGET} PRIVATE ${_generated_srcs_all}) endif() endfunction() # Adds a sub-directory from Sandboxed API to the build. This is a simple macro # that calls `add_subdirectory()` with Sandboxed API's source and binary # directories and `EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL`. # This is useful in embedding projects to be able to refer to pre-sandboxed # libraries easily. # In order to be able build everything in one go, this macro also accepts a # `INCLUDE_FROM_ALL` option. It is expected that this will only be used from # `contrib/CMakeLists.txt`. macro(add_sapi_subdirectory) cmake_parse_arguments(_sd "INCLUDE_FROM_ALL" "" "" ${ARGN}) if(NOT ${_sd_INCLUDE_FROM_ALL}) set(_sd_exclude_from_all EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL) endif() add_subdirectory("${SAPI_SOURCE_DIR}/${ARGV0}" "${SAPI_BINARY_DIR}/${ARGV0}" ${_sd_exclude_from_all}) endmacro()