// Copyright 2019 Google LLC // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. #include "sandboxed_api/sandbox2/mounts.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "google/protobuf/util/message_differencer.h" #include "absl/container/flat_hash_set.h" #include "absl/status/status.h" #include "absl/status/statusor.h" #include "absl/strings/ascii.h" #include "absl/strings/match.h" #include "absl/strings/str_cat.h" #include "absl/strings/str_join.h" #include "absl/strings/str_split.h" #include "absl/strings/string_view.h" #include "absl/strings/strip.h" #include "sandboxed_api/config.h" #include "sandboxed_api/sandbox2/mount_tree.pb.h" #include "sandboxed_api/sandbox2/util/minielf.h" #include "sandboxed_api/util/fileops.h" #include "sandboxed_api/util/path.h" #include "sandboxed_api/util/raw_logging.h" #include "sandboxed_api/util/status_macros.h" #include "sandboxed_api/util/strerror.h" namespace sandbox2 { namespace { namespace cpu = ::sapi::cpu; namespace file_util = ::sapi::file_util; namespace host_cpu = ::sapi::host_cpu; bool PathContainsNullByte(absl::string_view path) { return absl::StrContains(path, '\0'); } absl::string_view GetOutsidePath(const MountTree::Node& node) { switch (node.node_case()) { case MountTree::Node::kFileNode: return node.file_node().outside(); case MountTree::Node::kDirNode: return node.dir_node().outside(); default: SAPI_RAW_LOG(FATAL, "Invalid node type"); return ""; // NOT REACHED } } absl::StatusOr ExistingPathInsideDir( absl::string_view dir_path, absl::string_view relative_path) { auto path = sapi::file::CleanPath(sapi::file::JoinPath(dir_path, relative_path)); if (file_util::fileops::StripBasename(path) != dir_path) { return absl::InvalidArgumentError("Relative path goes above the base dir"); } if (!file_util::fileops::Exists(path, false)) { return absl::NotFoundError(absl::StrCat("Does not exist: ", path)); } return path; } absl::Status ValidateInterpreter(absl::string_view interpreter) { const absl::flat_hash_set allowed_interpreters = { "/lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2", "/lib64/ld64.so.2", // PPC64 "/lib/ld-linux-aarch64.so.1", // AArch64 "/lib/ld-linux-armhf.so.3", // Arm "/system/bin/linker64", // android_arm64 }; if (!allowed_interpreters.contains(interpreter)) { return absl::InvalidArgumentError( absl::StrCat("Interpreter not on the whitelist: ", interpreter)); } return absl::OkStatus(); } std::string ResolveLibraryPath(absl::string_view lib_name, const std::vector& search_paths) { for (const auto& search_path : search_paths) { if (auto path_or = ExistingPathInsideDir(search_path, lib_name); path_or.ok()) { return path_or.value(); } } return ""; } constexpr absl::string_view GetPlatformCPUName() { switch (host_cpu::Architecture()) { case cpu::kX8664: return "x86_64"; case cpu::kPPC64LE: return "ppc64"; case cpu::kArm64: return "aarch64"; default: return "unknown"; } } std::string GetPlatform(absl::string_view interpreter) { return absl::StrCat(GetPlatformCPUName(), "-linux-gnu"); } } // namespace namespace internal { bool IsSameFile(const std::string& path1, const std::string& path2) { if (path1 == path2) { return true; } struct stat stat1, stat2; if (stat(path1.c_str(), &stat1) == -1) { return false; } if (stat(path2.c_str(), &stat2) == -1) { return false; } return stat1.st_dev == stat2.st_dev && stat1.st_ino == stat2.st_ino; } bool IsEquivalentNode(const MountTree::Node& n1, const MountTree::Node& n2) { // Return early when node types are different if (n1.node_case() != n2.node_case()) { return false; } // Compare proto fileds switch (n1.node_case()) { case MountTree::Node::kFileNode: // Check whether files are the same (e.g. symlinks / hardlinks) return n1.file_node().writable() == n2.file_node().writable() && IsSameFile(n1.file_node().outside(), n2.file_node().outside()); case MountTree::Node::kDirNode: // Check whether dirs are the same (e.g. symlinks / hardlinks) return n1.dir_node().writable() == n2.dir_node().writable() && IsSameFile(n1.dir_node().outside(), n2.dir_node().outside()); case MountTree::Node::kTmpfsNode: return n1.tmpfs_node().tmpfs_options() == n2.tmpfs_node().tmpfs_options(); case MountTree::Node::kRootNode: return n1.root_node().writable() == n2.root_node().writable(); default: return false; } } } // namespace internal absl::Status Mounts::Remove(absl::string_view path) { if (PathContainsNullByte(path)) { return absl::InvalidArgumentError( absl::StrCat("Path contains a null byte: ", path)); } std::string fixed_path = sapi::file::CleanPath(path); if (!sapi::file::IsAbsolutePath(fixed_path)) { return absl::InvalidArgumentError("Only absolute paths are supported"); } if (fixed_path == "/") { return absl::InvalidArgumentError("Cannot remove root"); } std::vector parts = absl::StrSplit(absl::StripPrefix(fixed_path, "/"), '/'); MountTree* curtree = &mount_tree_; for (absl::string_view part : parts) { if (curtree->has_node() && curtree->node().has_file_node()) { return absl::NotFoundError( absl::StrCat("File node is mounted at parent of: ", path)); } auto it = curtree->mutable_entries()->find(std::string(part)); if (it == curtree->mutable_entries()->end()) { return absl::NotFoundError( absl::StrCat("Path does not exist in mounts: ", path)); } curtree = &it->second; } curtree->clear_node(); curtree->clear_entries(); return absl::OkStatus(); } absl::Status Mounts::Insert(absl::string_view path, const MountTree::Node& new_node) { // Some sandboxes allow the inside/outside paths to be partially // user-controlled with some sanitization. // Since we're handling C++ strings and later convert them to C style // strings, a null byte in a path component might silently truncate the path // and mount something not expected by the caller. Check for null bytes in the // strings to protect against this. if (PathContainsNullByte(path)) { return absl::InvalidArgumentError( absl::StrCat("Inside path contains a null byte: ", path)); } switch (new_node.node_case()) { case MountTree::Node::kFileNode: case MountTree::Node::kDirNode: { auto outside_path = GetOutsidePath(new_node); if (outside_path.empty()) { return absl::InvalidArgumentError("Outside path cannot be empty"); } if (PathContainsNullByte(outside_path)) { return absl::InvalidArgumentError( absl::StrCat("Outside path contains a null byte: ", outside_path)); } break; } case MountTree::Node::kRootNode: return absl::InvalidArgumentError("Cannot insert a RootNode"); case MountTree::Node::kTmpfsNode: case MountTree::Node::NODE_NOT_SET: break; } std::string fixed_path = sapi::file::CleanPath(path); if (!sapi::file::IsAbsolutePath(fixed_path)) { return absl::InvalidArgumentError("Only absolute paths are supported"); } if (fixed_path == "/") { return absl::InvalidArgumentError("The root already exists"); } std::vector parts = absl::StrSplit(absl::StripPrefix(fixed_path, "/"), '/'); std::string final_part(parts.back()); parts.pop_back(); MountTree* curtree = &mount_tree_; for (absl::string_view part : parts) { curtree = &(curtree->mutable_entries() ->insert({std::string(part), MountTree()}) .first->second); if (curtree->has_node() && curtree->node().has_file_node()) { return absl::FailedPreconditionError( absl::StrCat("Cannot insert ", path, " since a file is mounted as a parent directory")); } } curtree = &(curtree->mutable_entries() ->insert({final_part, MountTree()}) .first->second); if (curtree->has_node()) { if (internal::IsEquivalentNode(curtree->node(), new_node)) { SAPI_RAW_LOG(INFO, "Inserting %s with the same value twice", std::string(path).c_str()); return absl::OkStatus(); } return absl::FailedPreconditionError(absl::StrCat( "Inserting ", path, " twice with conflicting values ", curtree->node().DebugString(), " vs. ", new_node.DebugString())); } if (new_node.has_file_node() && !curtree->entries().empty()) { return absl::FailedPreconditionError( absl::StrCat("Trying to mount file over existing directory at ", path)); } *curtree->mutable_node() = new_node; return absl::OkStatus(); } absl::Status Mounts::AddFile(absl::string_view path, bool is_ro) { return AddFileAt(path, path, is_ro); } absl::Status Mounts::AddFileAt(absl::string_view outside, absl::string_view inside, bool is_ro) { MountTree::Node node; auto* file_node = node.mutable_file_node(); file_node->set_outside(std::string(outside)); file_node->set_writable(!is_ro); return Insert(inside, node); } absl::Status Mounts::AddDirectoryAt(absl::string_view outside, absl::string_view inside, bool is_ro) { MountTree::Node node; auto dir_node = node.mutable_dir_node(); dir_node->set_outside(std::string(outside)); dir_node->set_writable(!is_ro); return Insert(inside, node); } absl::StatusOr Mounts::ResolvePath(absl::string_view path) const { if (!sapi::file::IsAbsolutePath(path)) { return absl::InvalidArgumentError("Path has to be absolute"); } std::string fixed_path = sapi::file::CleanPath(path); absl::string_view tail = absl::StripPrefix(fixed_path, "/"); const MountTree* curtree = &mount_tree_; while (!tail.empty()) { std::pair parts = absl::StrSplit(tail, absl::MaxSplits('/', 1)); const std::string cur(parts.first); const auto it = curtree->entries().find(cur); if (it == curtree->entries().end()) { if (curtree->node().has_dir_node()) { return sapi::file::JoinPath(curtree->node().dir_node().outside(), tail); } return absl::NotFoundError("Path could not be resolved in the mounts"); } curtree = &it->second; tail = parts.second; } switch (curtree->node().node_case()) { case MountTree::Node::kFileNode: case MountTree::Node::kDirNode: return std::string(GetOutsidePath(curtree->node())); case MountTree::Node::kRootNode: case MountTree::Node::kTmpfsNode: case MountTree::Node::NODE_NOT_SET: break; } return absl::NotFoundError("Path could not be resolved in the mounts"); } namespace { void LogContainer(const std::vector& container) { for (size_t i = 0; i < container.size(); ++i) { SAPI_RAW_LOG(INFO, "[%4zd]=%s", i, container[i].c_str()); } } } // namespace absl::Status Mounts::AddMappingsForBinary(const std::string& path, absl::string_view ld_library_path) { SAPI_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN( auto elf, ElfFile::ParseFromFile( path, ElfFile::kGetInterpreter | ElfFile::kLoadImportedLibraries)); const std::string& interpreter = elf.interpreter(); if (interpreter.empty()) { SAPI_RAW_VLOG(1, "The file %s is not a dynamic executable", path.c_str()); return absl::OkStatus(); } SAPI_RAW_VLOG(1, "The file %s is using interpreter %s", path.c_str(), interpreter.c_str()); SAPI_RETURN_IF_ERROR(ValidateInterpreter(interpreter)); std::vector search_paths; // 1. LD_LIBRARY_PATH if (!ld_library_path.empty()) { std::vector ld_library_paths = absl::StrSplit(ld_library_path, absl::ByAnyChar(":;")); search_paths.insert(search_paths.end(), ld_library_paths.begin(), ld_library_paths.end()); } // 2. Standard paths search_paths.insert(search_paths.end(), { "/lib", "/lib64", "/usr/lib", "/usr/lib64", }); std::vector hw_cap_paths = { GetPlatform(interpreter), "tls", }; std::vector full_search_paths; for (const auto& search_path : search_paths) { for (int hw_caps_set = (1 << hw_cap_paths.size()) - 1; hw_caps_set >= 0; --hw_caps_set) { std::string path = search_path; for (int hw_cap = 0; hw_cap < hw_cap_paths.size(); ++hw_cap) { if ((hw_caps_set & (1 << hw_cap)) != 0) { path = sapi::file::JoinPath(path, hw_cap_paths[hw_cap]); } } if (file_util::fileops::Exists(path, /*fully_resolve=*/false)) { full_search_paths.push_back(path); } } } // Arbitrary cut-off values, so we can safely resolve the libs. constexpr int kMaxWorkQueueSize = 1000; constexpr int kMaxResolvingDepth = 10; constexpr int kMaxResolvedEntries = 1000; constexpr int kMaxLoadedEntries = 100; constexpr int kMaxImportedLibraries = 100; absl::flat_hash_set imported_libraries; std::vector> to_resolve; { auto imported_libs = elf.imported_libraries(); if (imported_libs.size() > kMaxWorkQueueSize) { return absl::FailedPreconditionError( "Exceeded max entries pending resolving limit"); } for (const auto& imported_lib : imported_libs) { to_resolve.emplace_back(imported_lib, 1); } if (SAPI_VLOG_IS_ON(1)) { SAPI_RAW_VLOG( 1, "Resolving dynamic library dependencies of %s using these dirs:", path.c_str()); LogContainer(full_search_paths); } if (SAPI_VLOG_IS_ON(2)) { SAPI_RAW_VLOG(2, "Direct dependencies of %s to resolve:", path.c_str()); LogContainer(imported_libs); } } // This is DFS with an auxiliary stack int resolved = 0; int loaded = 0; while (!to_resolve.empty()) { int depth; std::string lib; std::tie(lib, depth) = to_resolve.back(); to_resolve.pop_back(); ++resolved; if (resolved > kMaxResolvedEntries) { return absl::FailedPreconditionError( "Exceeded max resolved entries limit"); } if (depth > kMaxResolvingDepth) { return absl::FailedPreconditionError( "Exceeded max resolving depth limit"); } std::string resolved_lib = ResolveLibraryPath(lib, full_search_paths); if (resolved_lib.empty()) { SAPI_RAW_LOG(ERROR, "Failed to resolve library: %s", lib.c_str()); continue; } if (imported_libraries.contains(resolved_lib)) { continue; } SAPI_RAW_VLOG(1, "Resolved library: %s => %s", lib.c_str(), resolved_lib.c_str()); imported_libraries.insert(resolved_lib); if (imported_libraries.size() > kMaxImportedLibraries) { return absl::FailedPreconditionError( "Exceeded max imported libraries limit"); } ++loaded; if (loaded > kMaxLoadedEntries) { return absl::FailedPreconditionError("Exceeded max loaded entries limit"); } SAPI_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN( auto lib_elf, ElfFile::ParseFromFile(resolved_lib, ElfFile::kLoadImportedLibraries)); auto imported_libs = lib_elf.imported_libraries(); if (imported_libs.size() > kMaxWorkQueueSize - to_resolve.size()) { return absl::FailedPreconditionError( "Exceeded max entries pending resolving limit"); } if (SAPI_VLOG_IS_ON(2)) { SAPI_RAW_VLOG(2, "Transitive dependencies of %s to resolve (depth = %d): ", resolved_lib.c_str(), depth + 1); LogContainer(imported_libs); } for (const auto& imported_lib : imported_libs) { to_resolve.emplace_back(imported_lib, depth + 1); } } imported_libraries.insert(interpreter); for (const auto& lib : imported_libraries) { SAPI_RETURN_IF_ERROR(AddFile(lib)); } return absl::OkStatus(); } absl::Status Mounts::AddTmpfs(absl::string_view inside, size_t sz) { MountTree::Node node; auto tmpfs_node = node.mutable_tmpfs_node(); tmpfs_node->set_tmpfs_options(absl::StrCat("size=", sz)); return Insert(inside, node); } namespace { uint64_t GetMountFlagsFor(const std::string& path) { struct statvfs vfs; if (TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(statvfs(path.c_str(), &vfs)) == -1) { SAPI_RAW_PLOG(ERROR, "statvfs"); return 0; } uint64_t flags = 0; using MountPair = std::pair; for (const auto& [mount_flag, vfs_flag] : { MountPair(MS_RDONLY, ST_RDONLY), MountPair(MS_NOSUID, ST_NOSUID), MountPair(MS_NODEV, ST_NODEV), MountPair(MS_NOEXEC, ST_NOEXEC), MountPair(MS_SYNCHRONOUS, ST_SYNCHRONOUS), MountPair(MS_MANDLOCK, ST_MANDLOCK), MountPair(MS_NOATIME, ST_NOATIME), MountPair(MS_NODIRATIME, ST_NODIRATIME), MountPair(MS_RELATIME, ST_RELATIME), }) { if (vfs.f_flag & vfs_flag) { flags |= mount_flag; } } return flags; } std::string MountFlagsToString(uint64_t flags) { #define SAPI_MAP(x) \ { x, #x } static constexpr std::pair kMap[] = { SAPI_MAP(MS_RDONLY), SAPI_MAP(MS_NOSUID), SAPI_MAP(MS_NODEV), SAPI_MAP(MS_NOEXEC), SAPI_MAP(MS_SYNCHRONOUS), SAPI_MAP(MS_REMOUNT), SAPI_MAP(MS_MANDLOCK), SAPI_MAP(MS_DIRSYNC), SAPI_MAP(MS_NOATIME), SAPI_MAP(MS_NODIRATIME), SAPI_MAP(MS_BIND), SAPI_MAP(MS_MOVE), SAPI_MAP(MS_REC), #ifdef MS_VERBOSE SAPI_MAP(MS_VERBOSE), // Deprecated #endif SAPI_MAP(MS_SILENT), SAPI_MAP(MS_POSIXACL), SAPI_MAP(MS_UNBINDABLE), SAPI_MAP(MS_PRIVATE), SAPI_MAP(MS_SLAVE), // Inclusive language: system constant SAPI_MAP(MS_SHARED), SAPI_MAP(MS_RELATIME), SAPI_MAP(MS_KERNMOUNT), SAPI_MAP(MS_I_VERSION), SAPI_MAP(MS_STRICTATIME), #ifdef MS_LAZYTIME SAPI_MAP(MS_LAZYTIME), // Added in Linux 4.0 #endif }; #undef SAPI_MAP std::vector flags_list; for (const auto& [val, str] : kMap) { if ((flags & val) == val) { flags &= ~val; flags_list.push_back(str); } } std::string flags_str = absl::StrCat(flags); if (flags_list.empty() || flags != 0) { flags_list.push_back(flags_str); } return absl::StrJoin(flags_list, "|"); } void MountWithDefaults(const std::string& source, const std::string& target, const char* fs_type, uint64_t extra_flags, const char* option_str, bool is_ro) { uint64_t flags = MS_REC | MS_NOSUID | extra_flags; if (is_ro) { flags |= MS_RDONLY; } SAPI_RAW_VLOG(1, R"(mount("%s", "%s", "%s", %s, "%s"))", source.c_str(), target.c_str(), fs_type, MountFlagsToString(flags).c_str(), option_str); int res = mount(source.c_str(), target.c_str(), fs_type, flags, option_str); if (res == -1) { if (errno == ENOENT) { // File does not exist (anymore). This is e.g. the case when we're trying // to gather stack-traces on SAPI crashes. The sandboxee application is a // memfd file that is not existing anymore. SAPI_RAW_LOG(WARNING, "Could not mount %s: file does not exist", source.c_str()); return; } SAPI_RAW_PLOG(FATAL, "mounting %s to %s failed (flags=%s)", source, target, MountFlagsToString(flags)); } // Flags are ignored for a bind mount, a remount is needed to set the flags. if (extra_flags & MS_BIND) { // Get actual mount flags. uint64_t target_flags = GetMountFlagsFor(target); if ((target_flags & MS_RDONLY) != 0 && (flags & MS_RDONLY) == 0) { SAPI_RAW_LOG(FATAL, "cannot remount %s as read-write as it's on read-only dev", target.c_str()); } res = mount("", target.c_str(), "", flags | target_flags | MS_REMOUNT, nullptr); SAPI_RAW_PCHECK(res != -1, "remounting %s with flags=%s failed", target, MountFlagsToString(flags)); } // Mount propagation has to be set separately const uint64_t propagation = extra_flags & (MS_SHARED | MS_PRIVATE | MS_SLAVE | MS_UNBINDABLE); if (propagation != 0) { res = mount("", target.c_str(), "", propagation, nullptr); SAPI_RAW_PCHECK(res != -1, "changing %s mount propagation to %s failed", target, MountFlagsToString(propagation).c_str()); } } // Traverses the MountTree to create all required files and perform the mounts. void CreateMounts(const MountTree& tree, const std::string& path, bool create_backing_files) { // First, create the backing files if needed. if (create_backing_files) { switch (tree.node().node_case()) { case MountTree::Node::kFileNode: { SAPI_RAW_VLOG(2, "Creating backing file at %s", path.c_str()); int fd = open(path.c_str(), O_CREAT | O_EXCL | O_WRONLY, 0600); SAPI_RAW_PCHECK(fd != -1, ""); SAPI_RAW_PCHECK(close(fd) == 0, ""); break; } case MountTree::Node::kDirNode: case MountTree::Node::kTmpfsNode: case MountTree::Node::kRootNode: case MountTree::Node::NODE_NOT_SET: SAPI_RAW_VLOG(2, "Creating directory at %s", path.c_str()); SAPI_RAW_PCHECK(mkdir(path.c_str(), 0700) == 0 || errno == EEXIST, ""); break; // Intentionally no default to make sure we handle all the cases. } } // Perform the actual mounts based on the node type. switch (tree.node().node_case()) { case MountTree::Node::kDirNode: { // Since this directory is bind mounted, it's the users // responsibility to make sure that all backing files are in place. create_backing_files = false; auto node = tree.node().dir_node(); MountWithDefaults(node.outside(), path, "", MS_BIND, nullptr, !node.writable()); break; } case MountTree::Node::kTmpfsNode: { // We can always create backing files under a tmpfs. create_backing_files = true; auto node = tree.node().tmpfs_node(); MountWithDefaults("", path, "tmpfs", 0, node.tmpfs_options().c_str(), /* is_ro */ false); break; } case MountTree::Node::kFileNode: { auto node = tree.node().file_node(); MountWithDefaults(node.outside(), path, "", MS_BIND, nullptr, !node.writable()); // A file node has to be a leaf so we can skip traversing here. return; } case MountTree::Node::kRootNode: case MountTree::Node::NODE_NOT_SET: // Nothing to do, we already created the directory above. break; // Intentionally no default to make sure we handle all the cases. } // Traverse the subtrees. for (const auto& kv : tree.entries()) { std::string new_path = sapi::file::JoinPath(path, kv.first); CreateMounts(kv.second, new_path, create_backing_files); } } } // namespace void Mounts::CreateMounts(const std::string& root_path) const { sandbox2::CreateMounts(mount_tree_, root_path, true); } namespace { void RecursivelyListMountsImpl(const MountTree& tree, const std::string& tree_path, std::vector* outside_entries, std::vector* inside_entries) { const MountTree::Node& node = tree.node(); if (node.has_dir_node()) { const char* rw_str = node.dir_node().writable() ? "W " : "R "; inside_entries->emplace_back(absl::StrCat(rw_str, tree_path, "/")); outside_entries->emplace_back(absl::StrCat(node.dir_node().outside(), "/")); } else if (node.has_file_node()) { const char* rw_str = node.file_node().writable() ? "W " : "R "; inside_entries->emplace_back(absl::StrCat(rw_str, tree_path)); outside_entries->emplace_back(absl::StrCat(node.file_node().outside())); } else if (node.has_tmpfs_node()) { inside_entries->emplace_back(tree_path); outside_entries->emplace_back( absl::StrCat("tmpfs: ", node.tmpfs_node().tmpfs_options())); } for (const auto& subentry : tree.entries()) { RecursivelyListMountsImpl(subentry.second, absl::StrCat(tree_path, "/", subentry.first), outside_entries, inside_entries); } } } // namespace void Mounts::RecursivelyListMounts(std::vector* outside_entries, std::vector* inside_entries) { RecursivelyListMountsImpl(GetMountTree(), "", outside_entries, inside_entries); } } // namespace sandbox2