# Copyright 2019 Google LLC # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # Embeds arbitrary binary data into a static library. # # NAME specifies the name for this target. # NAMESPACE is the C++ namespace the generated code is placed in. Can be empty. # SOURCES is a list of files that should be embedded. If a source names a # target the target binary is embedded instead. macro(sapi_cc_embed_data) cmake_parse_arguments(_sapi_embed "" "OUTPUT_NAME;NAME;NAMESPACE" "SOURCES" ${ARGN}) foreach(src IN LISTS _sapi_embed_SOURCES) if(TARGET "${src}") get_target_property(_sapi_embed_src_OUTPUT_NAME ${src} OUTPUT_NAME) if(NOT _sapi_embed_src_OUTPUT_NAME) set(_sapi_embed_src_OUTPUT_NAME "${src}") endif() list(APPEND _sapi_embed_in "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${_sapi_embed_src_OUTPUT_NAME}") else() list(APPEND _sapi_embed_in "${src}") endif() endforeach() file(RELATIVE_PATH _sapi_embed_pkg "${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}" "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}") if(NOT _sapi_embed_OUTPUT_NAME) set(_sapi_embed_OUTPUT_NAME "${_sapi_embed_NAME}") endif() add_custom_command( OUTPUT "${_sapi_embed_OUTPUT_NAME}.h" "${_sapi_embed_OUTPUT_NAME}.cc" WORKING_DIRECTORY "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}" COMMAND filewrapper "${_sapi_embed_pkg}" "${_sapi_embed_OUTPUT_NAME}" "${_sapi_embed_NAMESPACE}" "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${_sapi_embed_OUTPUT_NAME}.h" "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${_sapi_embed_OUTPUT_NAME}.cc" ${_sapi_embed_in} DEPENDS ${_sapi_embed_SOURCES} VERBATIM ) add_library("${_sapi_embed_NAME}" STATIC "${_sapi_embed_OUTPUT_NAME}.h" "${_sapi_embed_OUTPUT_NAME}.cc" ) target_link_libraries("${_sapi_embed_NAME}" PRIVATE sapi::base absl::core_headers ) endmacro() # Adds a library target implementing a sandboxed API for another library. # The first argument is the target name, similar to the native add_library(). # This function implements the same functionality as the Bazel version in # sandboxed_api/bazel/sapi.bzl. # # SOURCES Any additional sources to include with the Sandboxed API library. # Typically not necessary, unless the sandbox definition should be in a .cc # file instead of the customary "sandbox.h" header. Bazel also has a "hdrs" # attribute, but CMake does not distinguish headers from sources. # FUNCTIONS A list of functions that to use in from host code. Leaving this # list empty will export and wrap all functions found in the library. # NOEMBED Whether the SAPI library should be embedded inside host code, so the # SAPI Sandbox can be initialized with the # ::sapi::Sandbox::Sandbox(FileToc*) constructor. # LIBRARY The library target to sandbox and expose to the host code (required). # LIBRARY_NAME The name of the class which will proxy the library functions # from the functions list (required). You will call functions from the # sandboxed library via instances of this class. # INPUTS List of source files which the SAPI interface generator should scan # for function declarations. Library header files are always scanned, so # this can usually be empty/omitted. # NAMESPACE C++ namespace identifier to place API class defined by # LIBRARY_NAME into. # HEADER If set, does not generate an interface header, but uses the one # specified. function(add_sapi_library) set(_sapi_opts NOEMBED) set(_sapi_one_value HEADER LIBRARY LIBRARY_NAME NAMESPACE) set(_sapi_multi_value SOURCES FUNCTIONS INPUTS) cmake_parse_arguments(_sapi "${_sapi_opts}" "${_sapi_one_value}" "${_sapi_multi_value}" ${ARGN}) set(_sapi_NAME "${ARGV0}") set(_sapi_gen_header "${_sapi_NAME}.sapi.h") foreach(func IN LISTS _sapi_FUNCTIONS) list(APPEND _sapi_exported_funcs "-Wl,--export-dynamic-symbol,${func}") endforeach() if(NOT _sapi_exported_funcs) set(_sapi_exported_funcs -Wl,--whole-archive -Wl,--allow-multiple-definition) endif() # The sandboxed binary set(_sapi_bin "${_sapi_NAME}.bin") set(_sapi_force_cxx_linkage "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${_sapi_bin}_force_cxx_linkage.cc") file(WRITE "${_sapi_force_cxx_linkage}" "") add_executable("${_sapi_bin}" "${_sapi_force_cxx_linkage}") # TODO(cblichmann): Use target_link_options on CMake >= 3.13 target_link_libraries("${_sapi_bin}" PRIVATE -fuse-ld=gold "${_sapi_LIBRARY}" sapi::client ${CMAKE_DL_LIBS} -Wl,-E ${_sapi_exported_funcs} ) if(NOT _sapi_NOEMBED) set(_sapi_embed "${_sapi_NAME}_embed") sapi_cc_embed_data(NAME "${_sapi_embed}" NAMESPACE "${_sapi_NAMESPACE}" SOURCES "${_sapi_bin}" ) endif() # Interface list(JOIN _sapi_FUNCTIONS "," _sapi_funcs) foreach(src IN LISTS _sapi_INPUTS) get_filename_component(src "${src}" ABSOLUTE) list(APPEND _sapi_full_inputs "${src}") endforeach() if(NOT _sapi_NOEMBED) set(_sapi_embed_dir "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}") set(_sapi_embed_name "${_sapi_NAME}") endif() set(_sapi_isystem "${_sapi_NAME}.isystem") list(APPEND _sapi_generator_args "--sapi_name=${_sapi_LIBRARY_NAME}" "--sapi_out=${_sapi_gen_header}" "--sapi_embed_dir=${_sapi_embed_dir}" "--sapi_embed_name=${_sapi_embed_name}" "--sapi_functions=${_sapi_funcs}" "--sapi_ns=${_sapi_NAMESPACE}" "--sapi_isystem=${_sapi_isystem}" ) if(SAPI_ENABLE_GENERATOR) list(APPEND _sapi_generator_command sapi_generator_tool -p "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}" ${_sapi_generator_args} ${_sapi_full_inputs} ) else() list(JOIN _sapi_full_inputs "," _sapi_full_inputs) list(APPEND _sapi_generator_command "${SAPI_PYTHON3_EXECUTABLE}" -B "${SAPI_SOURCE_DIR}/sandboxed_api/tools/generator2/sapi_generator.py" ${_sapi_generator_args} "--sapi_in=${_sapi_full_inputs}" ) endif() add_custom_command( OUTPUT "${_sapi_gen_header}" "${_sapi_isystem}" COMMAND sh -c "${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER} -E -x c++ -v /dev/null 2>&1 | \ awk '/> search starts here:/{f=1;next}/^End of search/{f=0}f{print $1}' \ > \"${_sapi_isystem}\"" COMMAND ${_sapi_generator_command} COMMENT "Generating interface" DEPENDS ${_sapi_INPUTS} VERBATIM ) # Library with the interface if(NOT _sapi_SOURCES) set(_sapi_force_cxx_linkage "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${_sapi_NAME}_force_cxx_linkage.cc") file(WRITE "${_sapi_force_cxx_linkage}" "") list(APPEND _sapi_SOURCES "${_sapi_force_cxx_linkage}") endif() add_library("${_sapi_NAME}" STATIC "${_sapi_gen_header}" ${_sapi_SOURCES} ) target_link_libraries("${_sapi_NAME}" PRIVATE sapi::sapi sapi::vars ) if(NOT _sapi_NOEMBED) target_link_libraries("${_sapi_NAME}" PRIVATE "${_sapi_embed}" ) endif() endfunction()