// Copyright 2019 Google LLC // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // Implementation of the sandbox2::ForkServer class. #include "sandboxed_api/sandbox2/global_forkclient.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "sandboxed_api/util/flag.h" #include "absl/memory/memory.h" #include "absl/status/status.h" #include "absl/status/statusor.h" #include "absl/strings/ascii.h" #include "absl/strings/str_cat.h" #include "absl/strings/str_join.h" #include "absl/strings/str_split.h" #include "absl/strings/string_view.h" #include "absl/synchronization/mutex.h" #include "sandboxed_api/config.h" #include "sandboxed_api/embed_file.h" #include "sandboxed_api/sandbox2/comms.h" #include "sandboxed_api/sandbox2/fork_client.h" #include "sandboxed_api/sandbox2/forkserver_bin_embed.h" #include "sandboxed_api/sandbox2/util.h" #include "sandboxed_api/util/fileops.h" #include "sandboxed_api/util/raw_logging.h" #include "sandboxed_api/util/status_macros.h" namespace sandbox2 { namespace file_util = ::sapi::file_util; bool AbslParseFlag(absl::string_view text, GlobalForkserverStartModeSet* out, std::string* error) { *out = {}; if (text == "never") { return true; } for (absl::string_view mode : absl::StrSplit(text, ',')) { mode = absl::StripAsciiWhitespace(mode); if (mode == "ondemand") { *out |= GlobalForkserverStartMode::kOnDemand; } else { *error = absl::StrCat("Invalid forkserver start mode: ", mode); return false; } } return true; } namespace { std::string ToString(GlobalForkserverStartMode mode) { switch (mode) { case GlobalForkserverStartMode::kOnDemand: return "ondemand"; default: return "unknown"; } } bool ValidateStartMode(const char*, const std::string& flag) { GlobalForkserverStartModeSet unused; std::string error; if (!AbslParseFlag(flag, &unused, &error)) { SAPI_RAW_LOG(ERROR, "%s", error.c_str()); return false; } return true; } } // namespace std::string AbslUnparseFlag(GlobalForkserverStartModeSet in) { std::vector str_modes; for (size_t i = 0; i < GlobalForkserverStartModeSet::kSize; ++i) { auto mode = static_cast(i); if (in.contains(mode)) { str_modes.push_back(ToString(mode)); } } if (str_modes.empty()) { return "never"; } return absl::StrJoin(str_modes, ","); } } // namespace sandbox2 ABSL_FLAG(string, sandbox2_forkserver_binary_path, "", "Path to forkserver_bin binary"); ABSL_FLAG(string, sandbox2_forkserver_start_mode, "ondemand", "When Sandbox2 Forkserver process should be started"); DEFINE_validator(sandbox2_forkserver_start_mode, &sandbox2::ValidateStartMode); namespace sandbox2 { namespace { GlobalForkserverStartModeSet GetForkserverStartMode() { GlobalForkserverStartModeSet rv; std::string error; CHECK(AbslParseFlag(absl::GetFlag(FLAGS_sandbox2_forkserver_start_mode), &rv, &error)); return rv; } absl::StatusOr> StartGlobalForkServer() { SAPI_RAW_LOG(INFO, "Starting global forkserver"); // Allow passing of a spearate forkserver_bin via flag int exec_fd = -1; if (!absl::GetFlag(FLAGS_sandbox2_forkserver_binary_path).empty()) { exec_fd = open(absl::GetFlag(FLAGS_sandbox2_forkserver_binary_path).c_str(), O_RDONLY); } if (exec_fd < 0) { // For Android we expect the forkserver_bin in the flag if constexpr (sapi::host_os::IsAndroid()) { return absl::ErrnoToStatus( errno, "Open init binary passed via --sandbox2_forkserver_binary_path"); } // Extract the fd when it's owned by EmbedFile exec_fd = sapi::EmbedFile::instance()->GetDupFdForFileToc( forkserver_bin_embed_create()); } if (exec_fd < 0) { return absl::InternalError("Getting FD for init binary failed"); } file_util::fileops::FDCloser exec_fd_closer(exec_fd); std::string proc_name = "S2-FORK-SERV"; int sv[2]; if (socketpair(AF_LOCAL, SOCK_STREAM | SOCK_CLOEXEC, 0, sv) == -1) { return absl::ErrnoToStatus(errno, "Creating socket pair failed"); } // Fork the fork-server, and clean-up the resources (close remote sockets). pid_t pid = util::ForkWithFlags(SIGCHLD); if (pid == -1) { return absl::ErrnoToStatus(errno, "Forking forkserver process failed"); } // Child. if (pid == 0) { // Move the comms FD to the proper, expected FD number. // The new FD will not be CLOEXEC, which is what we want. // If exec_fd == Comms::kSandbox2ClientCommsFD then it would be replaced by // the comms fd and result in EACCESS at execveat. // So first move exec_fd to another fd number. if (exec_fd == Comms::kSandbox2ClientCommsFD) { exec_fd = dup(exec_fd); SAPI_RAW_PCHECK(exec_fd != -1, "duping exec fd failed"); fcntl(exec_fd, F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC); } SAPI_RAW_PCHECK(dup2(sv[0], Comms::kSandbox2ClientCommsFD) != -1, "duping comms fd failed"); char* const args[] = {proc_name.data(), nullptr}; char* const envp[] = {nullptr}; syscall(__NR_execveat, exec_fd, "", args, envp, AT_EMPTY_PATH); SAPI_RAW_PLOG(FATAL, "Could not launch forkserver binary"); abort(); } close(sv[0]); return absl::make_unique(sv[1], pid); } void WaitForForkserver(pid_t pid) { int status; pid_t wpid = TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(waitpid(pid, &status, 0)); if (wpid != pid) { SAPI_RAW_PLOG(ERROR, "Waiting for %d failed", pid); } if (WIFEXITED(status)) { int exit_code = WEXITSTATUS(status); if (exit_code == 0) { SAPI_RAW_LOG(INFO, "forkserver (pid=%d) terminated normally", pid); } else { SAPI_RAW_LOG(WARNING, "forkserver (pid=%d) terminated with exit code %d", pid, exit_code); } } else if (WIFSIGNALED(status)) { SAPI_RAW_LOG(WARNING, "forkserver (pid=%d) terminated by signal %d", pid, WTERMSIG(status)); } } } // namespace absl::Mutex GlobalForkClient::instance_mutex_(absl::kConstInit); GlobalForkClient* GlobalForkClient::instance_ = nullptr; void GlobalForkClient::EnsureStarted(GlobalForkserverStartMode mode) { absl::MutexLock lock(&instance_mutex_); EnsureStartedLocked(mode); } void GlobalForkClient::EnsureStartedLocked(GlobalForkserverStartMode mode) { if (instance_) { return; } if (getenv(kForkServerDisableEnv)) { SAPI_RAW_LOG(ERROR, "Start of the Global Fork-Server prevented by the %s " "environment variable present", kForkServerDisableEnv); return; } if (!GetForkserverStartMode().contains(mode)) { SAPI_RAW_LOG( ERROR, "Start of the Global Fork-Server prevented by commandline flag"); return; } absl::StatusOr> forkserver = StartGlobalForkServer(); if (!forkserver.ok()) { SAPI_RAW_LOG(ERROR, "Starting forkserver failed: %s", forkserver.status().message().data()); } instance_ = forkserver->release(); } void GlobalForkClient::ForceStart() { absl::MutexLock lock(&GlobalForkClient::instance_mutex_); SAPI_RAW_CHECK(instance_ == nullptr, "A force start requested when the Global Fork-Server was " "already running"); absl::StatusOr> forkserver = StartGlobalForkServer(); SAPI_RAW_CHECK(forkserver.ok(), forkserver.status().message().data()); instance_ = forkserver->release(); } void GlobalForkClient::Shutdown() { pid_t pid = -1; { absl::MutexLock lock(&GlobalForkClient::instance_mutex_); if (instance_) { pid = instance_->fork_client_.pid(); } delete instance_; instance_ = nullptr; } if (pid != -1) { WaitForForkserver(pid); } } pid_t GlobalForkClient::SendRequest(const ForkRequest& request, int exec_fd, int comms_fd, int user_ns_fd, pid_t* init_pid) { absl::ReleasableMutexLock lock(&GlobalForkClient::instance_mutex_); EnsureStartedLocked(GlobalForkserverStartMode::kOnDemand); if (!instance_) { return -1; } pid_t pid = instance_->fork_client_.SendRequest(request, exec_fd, comms_fd, user_ns_fd, init_pid); if (instance_->comms_.IsTerminated()) { LOG(ERROR) << "Global forkserver connection terminated"; pid_t server_pid = instance_->fork_client_.pid(); delete instance_; instance_ = nullptr; // Don't wait for process exit while still holding the lock and potentially // blocking other threads. lock.Release(); WaitForForkserver(server_pid); } return pid; } pid_t GlobalForkClient::GetPid() { absl::MutexLock lock(&instance_mutex_); EnsureStartedLocked(GlobalForkserverStartMode::kOnDemand); if (!instance_) { return -1; } return instance_->fork_client_.pid(); } bool GlobalForkClient::IsStarted() { absl::ReaderMutexLock lock(&instance_mutex_); return instance_ != nullptr; } } // namespace sandbox2