// Copyright 2020 Google LLC // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. #include "get_raster_data.h" #include #include #include "gdal.h" namespace gdal::sandbox::tests::parser { namespace { inline constexpr int kGeoTransformSize = 6; } // namespace RasterDataset GetRasterBandsFromFile(const std::string& filename) { GDALAllRegister(); GDALDatasetH dataset = GDALOpen(filename.data(), GA_ReadOnly); GDALDriverH driver = GDALGetDatasetDriver(dataset); RasterDataset result_dataset = { GDALGetRasterXSize(dataset), GDALGetRasterYSize(dataset) }; if (GDALGetProjectionRef(dataset) != nullptr) { result_dataset.wkt_projection = std::string(GDALGetProjectionRef(dataset)); } std::vector geo_transform(kGeoTransformSize, 0.0); if (GDALGetGeoTransform(dataset, geo_transform.data()) == CE_None) { result_dataset.geo_transform = std::move(geo_transform); } int bands_count = GDALGetRasterCount(dataset); std::vector bands_data; bands_data.reserve(bands_count); for (int i = 1; i <= bands_count; ++i) { GDALRasterBandH band = GDALGetRasterBand(dataset, i); int width = GDALGetRasterBandXSize(band); int height = GDALGetRasterBandYSize(band); std::unique_ptr no_data_result = nullptr; double no_data_value = GDALGetRasterNoDataValue(band, no_data_result.get()); std::optional no_data_value_holder = no_data_result.get() == nullptr ? std::nullopt : std::make_optional(no_data_value); int data_type = static_cast(GDALGetRasterDataType(band)); int color_interp = static_cast(GDALGetRasterColorInterpretation(band)); // Use std::variant or void* and reinterpet casts for the runtime template deduction std::vector band_raster_data; band_raster_data.resize(width * height); // GDALRasterIO with GF_Write should use the same type (GDT_Int32) GDALRasterIO(band, GF_Read, 0, 0, width, height, band_raster_data.data(), width, height, GDT_Int32, 0, 0); bands_data.push_back( { width, height, std::move(band_raster_data), data_type, color_interp, std::move(no_data_value_holder) } ); } result_dataset.bands = std::move(bands_data); return result_dataset; } bool operator==(const RasterBandData& lhs, const RasterBandData& rhs) { return lhs.width == rhs.width && lhs.height == rhs.height && lhs.data == rhs.data && lhs.data_type == rhs.data_type && lhs.color_interp == rhs.color_interp && lhs.no_data_value == rhs.no_data_value; } bool operator==(const RasterDataset& lhs, const RasterDataset& rhs) { return lhs.width == rhs.width && lhs.height == rhs.height && lhs.bands == rhs.bands && lhs.wkt_projection == rhs.wkt_projection && lhs.geo_transform == rhs.geo_transform; } } // namespace gdal::sandbox::tests:parser