# Copyright 2019 Google LLC # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """Tests for code.""" from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function from absl.testing import absltest from absl.testing import parameterized from clang import cindex from com_google_sandboxed_api.sandboxed_api.tools.generator2 import code from com_google_sandboxed_api.sandboxed_api.tools.generator2 import code_test_util CODE = """ typedef int(fun*)(int,int); extern "C" int function_a(int x, int y) { return x + y; } extern "C" int function_b(int a, int b) { return a + b; } struct a { void (*fun_ptr)(char, long); } """ def analyze_string(content, path='tmp.cc', limit_scan_depth=False): """Returns Analysis object for in memory content.""" return analyze_strings(path, [(path, content)], limit_scan_depth) def analyze_strings(path, unsaved_files, limit_scan_depth=False): """Returns Analysis object for in memory content.""" return code.Analyzer._analyze_file_for_tu(path, None, False, unsaved_files, limit_scan_depth) class CodeAnalysisTest(parameterized.TestCase): def testInMemoryFile(self): translation_unit = analyze_string(CODE) self.assertIsNotNone(translation_unit._tu.cursor) def testSimpleASTTraversal(self): translation_unit = analyze_string(CODE) structs = 0 functions = 0 params = 0 typedefs = 0 for cursor in translation_unit._walk_preorder(): if cursor.kind == cindex.CursorKind.FUNCTION_DECL: functions += 1 elif cursor.kind == cindex.CursorKind.STRUCT_DECL: structs += 1 elif cursor.kind == cindex.CursorKind.PARM_DECL: params += 1 elif cursor.kind == cindex.CursorKind.TYPEDEF_DECL: typedefs += 1 self.assertEqual(functions, 2) self.assertEqual(structs, 1) self.assertEqual(params, 8) self.assertEqual(typedefs, 1) def testParseSkipFunctionBodies(self): function_body = 'extern "C" int function(bool a1) { return a1 ? 1 : 2; }' translation_unit = analyze_string(function_body) for cursor in translation_unit._walk_preorder(): if cursor.kind == cindex.CursorKind.FUNCTION_DECL: # cursor.get_definition() is None when we skip parsing function bodies self.assertIsNone(cursor.get_definition()) def testExternC(self): translation_unit = analyze_string('extern "C" int function(char* a);') cursor_kinds = [ x.kind for x in translation_unit._walk_preorder() if x.kind != cindex.CursorKind.MACRO_DEFINITION ] self.assertListEqual(cursor_kinds, [ cindex.CursorKind.TRANSLATION_UNIT, cindex.CursorKind.UNEXPOSED_DECL, cindex.CursorKind.FUNCTION_DECL, cindex.CursorKind.PARM_DECL ]) @parameterized.named_parameters( ('1:', '/tmp/test.h', 'tmp', 'tmp/test.h'), ('2:', '/a/b/c/d/tmp/test.h', 'c/d', 'c/d/tmp/test.h'), ('3:', '/tmp/test.h', None, '/tmp/test.h'), ('4:', '/tmp/test.h', '', '/tmp/test.h'), ('5:', '/tmp/test.h', 'xxx', 'xxx/test.h'), ) def testGetIncludes(self, path, prefix, expected): function_body = 'extern "C" int function(bool a1) { return a1 ? 1 : 2; }' translation_unit = analyze_string(function_body) for cursor in translation_unit._walk_preorder(): if cursor.kind == cindex.CursorKind.FUNCTION_DECL: fn = code.Function(translation_unit, cursor) fn.get_absolute_path = lambda: path self.assertEqual(fn.get_include_path(prefix), expected) def testCodeGeneratorOutput(self): body = """ extern "C" { int function_a(int x, int y) { return x + y; } int types_1(bool a0, unsigned char a1, char a2, unsigned short a3, short a4); int types_2(int a0, unsigned int a1, long a2, unsigned long a3); int types_3(long long a0, unsigned long long a1, float a2, double a3); int types_4(signed char a0, signed short a1, signed int a2, signed long a3); int types_5(signed long long a0, long double a1); void types_6(char* a0); } """ functions = [ 'function_a', 'types_1', 'types_2', 'types_3', 'types_4', 'types_5', 'types_6' ] generator = code.Generator([analyze_string(body)]) result = generator.generate('Test', functions, 'sapi::Tests', None, None) self.assertMultiLineEqual(code_test_util.CODE_GOLD, result) def testElaboratedArgument(self): body = """ struct x { int a; }; extern "C" int function(struct x a) { return a.a; } """ generator = code.Generator([analyze_string(body)]) with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, r'Elaborate.*mapped.*'): generator.generate('Test', ['function'], 'sapi::Tests', None, None) def testElaboratedArgument2(self): body = """ typedef struct { int a; char b; } x; extern "C" int function(x a) { return a.a; } """ generator = code.Generator([analyze_string(body)]) with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, r'Elaborate.*mapped.*'): generator.generate('Test', ['function'], 'sapi::Tests', None, None) def testGetMappedType(self): body = """ typedef unsigned int uint; typedef uint* uintp; extern "C" uint function(uintp a) { return *a; } """ generator = code.Generator([analyze_string(body)]) result = generator.generate('Test', [], 'sapi::Tests', None, None) self.assertMultiLineEqual(code_test_util.CODE_GOLD_MAPPED, result) @parameterized.named_parameters( ('1:', '/tmp/test.h', '_TMP_TEST_H_'), ('2:', 'tmp/te-st.h', 'TMP_TE_ST_H_'), ('3:', 'tmp/te-st.h.gen', 'TMP_TE_ST_H_'), ('4:', 'xx/genfiles/tmp/te-st.h', 'TMP_TE_ST_H_'), ('5:', 'xx/genfiles/tmp/te-st.h.gen', 'TMP_TE_ST_H_'), ('6:', 'xx/genfiles/.gen/tmp/te-st.h', '_GEN_TMP_TE_ST_H_'), ) def testGetHeaderGuard(self, path, expected): self.assertEqual(code.get_header_guard(path), expected) @parameterized.named_parameters( ('function with return value and arguments', 'extern "C" int function(bool arg_bool, char* arg_ptr);', ['arg_bool', 'arg_ptr']), ('function without return value and no arguments', 'extern "C" void function();', []), ) def testArgumentNames(self, body, names): generator = code.Generator([analyze_string(body)]) functions = generator._get_functions() self.assertLen(functions, 1) self.assertLen(functions[0].argument_types, len(names)) # Extra check for generation, in case rendering throws error for this test. generator.generate('Test', [], 'sapi::Tests', None, None) for t in functions[0].argument_types: self.assertIn(t.name, names) def testStaticFunctions(self): body = 'static int function() { return 7; };' generator = code.Generator([analyze_string(body)]) self.assertEmpty(generator._get_functions()) def testEnumGeneration(self): body = """ enum ProcessStatus { OK = 0, ERROR = 1, }; extern "C" ProcessStatus ProcessDatapoint(ProcessStatus status) { return status; } """ generator = code.Generator([analyze_string(body)]) result = generator.generate('Test', [], 'sapi::Tests', None, None) self.assertMultiLineEqual(code_test_util.CODE_ENUM_GOLD, result) def testTypeEq(self): body = """ typedef unsigned int uint; extern "C" void function(uint a1, uint a2, char a3); """ generator = code.Generator([analyze_string(body)]) functions = generator._get_functions() self.assertLen(functions, 1) args = functions[0].arguments() self.assertLen(args, 3) self.assertEqual(args[0], args[1]) self.assertNotEqual(args[0], args[2]) self.assertNotEqual(args[1], args[2]) self.assertLen(set(args), 2) # Extra check for generation, in case rendering throws error for this test. generator.generate('Test', [], 'sapi::Tests', None, None) def testTypedefRelatedTypes(self): body = """ typedef unsigned int uint; typedef uint* uint_p; typedef uint_p* uint_pp; typedef struct data { int a; int b; } data_s; typedef data_s* data_p; extern "C" uint function_using_typedefs(uint_p a1, uint_pp a2, data_p a3); """ generator = code.Generator([analyze_string(body)]) functions = generator._get_functions() self.assertLen(functions, 1) args = functions[0].arguments() self.assertLen(args, 3) types = args[0].get_related_types() names = [t._clang_type.spelling for t in types] self.assertLen(types, 2) self.assertSameElements(names, ['uint_p', 'uint']) types = args[1].get_related_types() names = [t._clang_type.spelling for t in types] self.assertLen(types, 3) self.assertSameElements(names, ['uint_pp', 'uint_p', 'uint']) types = args[2].get_related_types() names = [t._clang_type.spelling for t in types] self.assertLen(types, 2) self.assertSameElements(names, ['data_s', 'data_p']) # Extra check for generation, in case rendering throws error for this test. generator.generate('Test', [], 'sapi::Tests', None, None) def testTypedefDuplicateType(self): body = """ typedef struct data { int a; int b; } data_s; struct s { struct data* f1; }; extern "C" uint function_using_typedefs(struct s* a1, data_s* a2); """ generator = code.Generator([analyze_string(body)]) functions = generator._get_functions() self.assertLen(functions, 1) args = functions[0].arguments() self.assertLen(args, 2) types = generator._get_related_types() self.assertLen(generator.translation_units[0].types_to_skip, 1) names = [t._clang_type.spelling for t in types] self.assertSameElements(['data_s', 's'], names) # Extra check for generation, in case rendering throws error for this test. generator.generate('Test', [], 'sapi::Tests', None, None) def testStructureRelatedTypes(self): body = """ typedef unsigned int uint; typedef struct { uint a; struct { int a; int b; } b; } struct_1; struct struct_2 { uint a; char b; struct_1* c; }; typedef struct a { int b; } struct_a; extern "C" int function_using_structures(struct struct_2* a1, struct_1* a2, struct_a* a3); """ generator = code.Generator([analyze_string(body)]) functions = generator._get_functions() self.assertLen(functions, 1) args = functions[0].arguments() self.assertLen(args, 3) types = args[0].get_related_types() names = [t._clang_type.spelling for t in types] self.assertLen(types, 4) self.assertSameElements(names, [ 'struct_2', 'struct_1::(unnamed struct at tmp.cc:6:9)', 'uint', 'struct_1' ]) types = args[1].get_related_types() names = [t._clang_type.spelling for t in types] self.assertLen(types, 3) self.assertSameElements( names, ['struct_1', 'struct_1::(unnamed struct at tmp.cc:6:9)', 'uint']) names = [t._clang_type.spelling for t in generator._get_related_types()] self.assertEqual(names, [ 'uint', 'struct_1', 'struct_1::(unnamed struct at tmp.cc:6:9)', 'struct_2', 'struct_a' ]) types = args[2].get_related_types() self.assertLen(types, 1) # Extra check for generation, in case rendering throws error for this test. generator.generate('Test', [], 'sapi::Tests', None, None) def testUnionRelatedTypes(self): body = """ typedef unsigned int uint; typedef union { uint a; union { int a; int b; } b; } union_1; union union_2 { uint a; char b; union_1* c; }; extern "C" int function_using_unions(union union_2* a1, union_1* a2); """ generator = code.Generator([analyze_string(body)]) functions = generator._get_functions() self.assertLen(functions, 1) args = functions[0].arguments() self.assertLen(args, 2) types = args[0].get_related_types() names = [t._clang_type.spelling for t in types] self.assertLen(types, 4) self.assertSameElements(names, [ 'union_2', 'union_1::(unnamed union at tmp.cc:6:9)', 'uint', 'union_1' ]) types = args[1].get_related_types() names = [t._clang_type.spelling for t in types] self.assertLen(types, 3) self.assertSameElements( names, ['union_1', 'union_1::(unnamed union at tmp.cc:6:9)', 'uint']) # Extra check for generation, in case rendering throws error for this test. generator.generate('Test', [], 'sapi::Tests', None, None) def testFunctionPointerRelatedTypes(self): body = """ typedef unsigned int uint; typedef unsigned char uchar; typedef uint (*funcp)(uchar, uchar); struct struct_1 { uint (*func)(uchar); int a; }; extern "C" void function(struct struct_1* a1, funcp a2); """ generator = code.Generator([analyze_string(body)]) functions = generator._get_functions() self.assertLen(functions, 1) args = functions[0].arguments() self.assertLen(args, 2) types = args[0].get_related_types() names = [t._clang_type.spelling for t in types] self.assertLen(types, 3) self.assertSameElements(names, ['struct_1', 'uint', 'uchar']) types = args[1].get_related_types() names = [t._clang_type.spelling for t in types] self.assertLen(types, 3) self.assertSameElements(names, ['funcp', 'uint', 'uchar']) # Extra check for generation, in case rendering throws error for this test. generator.generate('Test', [], 'sapi::Tests', None, None) def testForwardDeclaration(self): body = """ struct struct_6_def; typedef struct struct_6_def struct_6; typedef struct_6* struct_6p; typedef void (*function_p3)(struct_6p); struct struct_6_def { function_p3 fn; }; extern "C" void function_using_type_loop(struct_6p a1); """ generator = code.Generator([analyze_string(body)]) functions = generator._get_functions() self.assertLen(functions, 1) args = functions[0].arguments() self.assertLen(args, 1) types = args[0].get_related_types() names = [t._clang_type.spelling for t in types] self.assertLen(types, 4) self.assertSameElements( names, ['struct_6p', 'struct_6', 'struct_6_def', 'function_p3']) self.assertLen(generator.translation_units, 1) self.assertLen(generator.translation_units[0].forward_decls, 1) t = next( x for x in types if x._clang_type.spelling == 'struct_6_def') self.assertIn(t, generator.translation_units[0].forward_decls) names = [t._clang_type.spelling for t in generator._get_related_types()] self.assertEqual( names, ['struct_6', 'struct_6p', 'function_p3', 'struct_6_def']) # Extra check for generation, in case rendering throws error for this test. forward_decls = generator._get_forward_decls(generator._get_related_types()) self.assertLen(forward_decls, 1) self.assertEqual(forward_decls[0], 'struct struct_6_def;') generator.generate('Test', [], 'sapi::Tests', None, None) def testEnumRelatedTypes(self): body = """ enum Enumeration { ONE, TWO, THREE }; typedef enum Numbers { UNKNOWN, FIVE = 5, SE7EN = 7 } Nums; typedef enum { SIX = 6, TEN = 10 } SixOrTen; enum class Color : long long { RED, GREEN = 20, BLUE }; // NOLINT enum struct Direction { LEFT = 'l', RIGHT = 'r' }; enum __rlimit_resource { RLIMIT_CPU = 0, RLIMIT_MEM = 1}; extern "C" int function_using_enums(Enumeration a1, SixOrTen a2, Color a3, Direction a4, Nums a5, enum __rlimit_resource a6); """ generator = code.Generator([analyze_string(body)]) functions = generator._get_functions() self.assertLen(functions, 1) args = functions[0].arguments() self.assertLen(args, 6) self.assertLen(args[0].get_related_types(), 1) self.assertLen(args[1].get_related_types(), 1) self.assertLen(args[2].get_related_types(), 1) self.assertLen(args[3].get_related_types(), 1) self.assertLen(args[4].get_related_types(), 1) self.assertLen(args[5].get_related_types(), 1) # Extra check for generation, in case rendering throws error for this test. generator.generate('Test', [], 'sapi::Tests', None, None) def testArrayAsParam(self): body = """ extern "C" int function_using_enums(char a[10], char *const __argv[]); """ generator = code.Generator([analyze_string(body)]) functions = generator._get_functions() self.assertLen(functions, 1) args = functions[0].arguments() self.assertLen(args, 2) @parameterized.named_parameters( ('uint < ushort ', 'assertLess', 1, 2), ('uint < chr ', 'assertLess', 1, 3), ('uint < uchar ', 'assertLess', 1, 4), ('uint < u32 ', 'assertLess', 1, 5), ('uint < ulong ', 'assertLess', 1, 6), ('ushort < chr ', 'assertLess', 2, 3), ('ushort < uchar ', 'assertLess', 2, 4), ('ushort < u32 ', 'assertLess', 2, 5), ('ushort < ulong ', 'assertLess', 2, 6), ('chr < uchar ', 'assertLess', 3, 4), ('chr < u32 ', 'assertLess', 3, 5), ('chr < ulong ', 'assertLess', 3, 6), ('uchar < u32 ', 'assertLess', 4, 5), ('uchar < ulong ', 'assertLess', 4, 6), ('u32 < ulong ', 'assertLess', 5, 6), ('ushort > uint ', 'assertGreater', 2, 1), ('chr > uint ', 'assertGreater', 3, 1), ('uchar > uint ', 'assertGreater', 4, 1), ('u32 > uint ', 'assertGreater', 5, 1), ('ulong > uint ', 'assertGreater', 6, 1), ('chr > ushort ', 'assertGreater', 3, 2), ('uchar > ushort ', 'assertGreater', 4, 2), ('u32 > ushort ', 'assertGreater', 5, 2), ('ulong > ushort ', 'assertGreater', 6, 2), ('uchar > chr ', 'assertGreater', 4, 3), ('u32 > chr ', 'assertGreater', 5, 3), ('ulong > chr ', 'assertGreater', 6, 3), ('u32 > uchar ', 'assertGreater', 5, 4), ('ulong > uchar ', 'assertGreater', 6, 4), ('ulong > u32 ', 'assertGreater', 6, 5), ) def testTypeOrder(self, func, a1, a2): """Checks if comparison functions of Type class work properly. This is necessary for Generator._get_related_types to return types in proper order, ready to be emitted in the generated file. To be more specific: emitted types will be ordered in a way that would allow compilation ie. if structure field type is a typedef, typedef definition will end up before structure definition. Args: func: comparison assert to call a1: function argument number to take the type to compare a2: function argument number to take the type to compare """ file1_code = """ typedef unsigned int uint; #include "/f2.h" typedef uint u32; #include "/f3.h" struct args { u32 a; uchar b; ulong c; ushort d; chr e; }; extern "C" int function(struct args* a0, uint a1, ushort a2, chr a3, uchar a4, u32 a5, ulong a6, struct args* a7); """ file2_code = """ typedef unsigned short ushort; #include "/f4.h" typedef unsigned char uchar;""" file3_code = 'typedef unsigned long ulong;' file4_code = 'typedef char chr;' files = [('f1.h', file1_code), ('/f2.h', file2_code), ('/f3.h', file3_code), ('/f4.h', file4_code)] generator = code.Generator([analyze_strings('f1.h', files)]) functions = generator._get_functions() self.assertLen(functions, 1) args = functions[0].arguments() getattr(self, func)(args[a1], args[a2]) # Extra check for generation, in case rendering throws error for this test. generator.generate('Test', [], 'sapi::Tests', None, None) def testFilterFunctionsFromInputFilesOnly(self): file1_code = """ #include "/f2.h" extern "C" int function1(); """ file2_code = """ extern "C" int function2(); """ files = [('f1.h', file1_code), ('/f2.h', file2_code)] generator = code.Generator([analyze_strings('f1.h', files)]) functions = generator._get_functions() self.assertLen(functions, 2) generator = code.Generator([analyze_strings('f1.h', files, True)]) functions = generator._get_functions() self.assertLen(functions, 1) def testTypeToString(self): body = """ #define SIZE 1024 typedef unsigned int uint; typedef struct { #if SOME_DEFINE >= 12 \ && SOME_OTHER == 13 uint a; #else uint aa; #endif struct { uint a; int b; char c[SIZE]; } b; } struct_1; extern "C" int function_using_structures(struct_1* a1); """ # pylint: disable=trailing-whitespace expected = """typedef struct { #if SOME_DEFINE >= 12 && SOME_OTHER == 13 \tuint a ; #else \tuint aa ; #endif \tstruct { \t\tuint a ; \t\tint b ; \t\tchar c [ SIZE ] ; \t} b ; } struct_1""" generator = code.Generator([analyze_string(body)]) functions = generator._get_functions() self.assertLen(functions, 1) types = generator._get_related_types() self.assertLen(types, 3) self.assertEqual('typedef unsigned int uint', types[0].stringify()) self.assertMultiLineEqual(expected, types[1].stringify()) # Extra check for generation, in case rendering throws error for this test. generator.generate('Test', [], 'sapi::Tests', None, None) def testCollectDefines(self): body = """ #define SIZE 1024 #define NOT_USED 7 #define SIZE2 2*1024 #define SIZE3 1337 #define SIZE4 10 struct test { int a[SIZE]; char b[SIZE2]; float c[777]; int (*d)[SIZE3*SIZE4]; }; extern "C" int function_1(struct test* a1); """ generator = code.Generator([analyze_string(body)]) self.assertLen(generator.translation_units, 1) generator._get_related_types() tu = generator.translation_units[0] tu._process() self.assertLen(tu.required_defines, 4) defines = generator._get_defines() self.assertLen(defines, 4) self.assertIn('#define SIZE 1024', defines) self.assertIn('#define SIZE2 2 * 1024', defines) self.assertIn('#define SIZE3 1337', defines) self.assertIn('#define SIZE4 10', defines) # Extra check for generation, in case rendering throws error for this test. generator.generate('Test', [], 'sapi::Tests', None, None) def testYaraCase(self): body = """ #define YR_ALIGN(n) __attribute__((aligned(n))) #define DECLARE_REFERENCE(type, name) union { \ type name; \ int64_t name##_; \ } YR_ALIGN(8) struct YR_NAMESPACE { int32_t t_flags[1337]; DECLARE_REFERENCE(char*, name); }; extern "C" int function_1(struct YR_NAMESPACE* a1); """ generator = code.Generator([analyze_string(body)]) self.assertLen(generator.translation_units, 1) generator._get_related_types() tu = generator.translation_units[0] tu._process() self.assertLen(tu.required_defines, 2) defines = generator._get_defines() # _get_defines will add dependant defines to tu.required_defines self.assertLen(defines, 2) gold = '#define DECLARE_REFERENCE(' # DECLARE_REFERENCE must be second to pass this test self.assertTrue(defines[1].startswith(gold)) # Extra check for generation, in case rendering throws error for this test. generator.generate('Test', [], 'sapi::Tests', None, None) def testDoubleFunction(self): body = """ extern "C" int function_1(int a); extern "C" int function_1(int a) { return a + 1; }; """ generator = code.Generator([analyze_string(body)]) self.assertLen(generator.translation_units, 1) tu = generator.translation_units[0] tu._process() self.assertLen(tu.functions, 1) # Extra check for generation, in case rendering throws error for this test. generator.generate('Test', [], 'sapi::Tests', None, None) def testDefineStructBody(self): body = """ #define STRUCT_BODY \ int a; \ char b; \ long c struct test { STRUCT_BODY; }; extern "C" void function(struct test* a1); """ generator = code.Generator([analyze_string(body)]) self.assertLen(generator.translation_units, 1) # initialize all internal data generator.generate('Test', [], 'sapi::Tests', None, None) tu = generator.translation_units[0] self.assertLen(tu.functions, 1) self.assertLen(tu.required_defines, 1) def testJpegTurboCase(self): body = """ typedef short JCOEF; #define DCTSIZE2 1024 typedef JCOEF JBLOCK[DCTSIZE2]; extern "C" void function(JBLOCK* a); """ generator = code.Generator([analyze_string(body)]) self.assertLen(generator.translation_units, 1) # initialize all internal data generator.generate('Test', [], 'sapi::Tests', None, None) tu = generator.translation_units[0] self.assertLen(tu.functions, 1) self.assertLen(generator._get_defines(), 1) self.assertLen(generator._get_related_types(), 2) def testMultipleTypesWhenConst(self): body = """ struct Instance { void* instance = nullptr; void* state_memory = nullptr; void* scratch_memory = nullptr; }; extern "C" void function1(Instance* a); extern "C" void function2(const Instance* a); """ generator = code.Generator([analyze_string(body)]) self.assertLen(generator.translation_units, 1) # Initialize all internal data generator.generate('Test', [], 'sapi::Tests', None, None) tu = generator.translation_units[0] self.assertLen(tu.functions, 2) self.assertLen(generator._get_related_types(), 1) def testReference(self): body = """ struct Instance { int a; }; void Function1(Instance& a, Instance&& a); """ generator = code.Generator([analyze_string(body)]) self.assertLen(generator.translation_units, 1) # Initialize all internal data generator.generate('Test', [], 'sapi::Tests', None, None) tu = generator.translation_units[0] self.assertLen(tu.functions, 1) # this will return 0 related types because function will be mangled and # filtered out by generator self.assertEmpty(generator._get_related_types()) self.assertLen(next(iter(tu.functions)).get_related_types(), 1) def testCppHeader(self): path = 'tmp.h' content = """ int sum(int a, float b); extern "C" int sum(int a, float b); """ unsaved_files = [(path, content)] generator = code.Generator([analyze_strings(path, unsaved_files)]) # Initialize all internal data generator.generate('Test', [], 'sapi::Tests', None, None) # generator should filter out mangled function functions = generator._get_functions() self.assertLen(functions, 1) tu = generator.translation_units[0] functions = tu.get_functions() self.assertLen(functions, 2) mangled_names = [f.cursor.mangled_name for f in functions] self.assertSameElements(mangled_names, ['sum', '_Z3sumif']) if __name__ == '__main__': absltest.main()