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tux3 c75ee8a661
fix: Various IPC event handling and related bugs on startup
Fixes #1926 : When an IPC event was processed locally, if the window was closed before the core could start, the event handler would be forever stuck in the background waiting for the core to start. We fix this by substituting QApplication::quit() by a Nexus::quit() function and a Nexus::isRunning() function, which gives us a condition for exiting blocking processEvents() loops. We cannot simply use QApplication::quit(), because this function has no effect before the start of the event loop.

The problem was further exacerbated by the Tox URI event handler being (incorrectly) blocking. The IPC owner would block in this event handler, and the sender of the event would give up waiting and process the event itself a second time, potentially triggering the first bug. We fix the event handlers accordingly to be (mostly) non-blocking.

Also fixes a related deadlock between ~Core and ~Profile in the case of an early exit
2017-02-17 17:18:52 +01:00

324 lines
9.5 KiB

Copyright © 2014-2015 by The qTox Project Contributors
This file is part of qTox, a Qt-based graphical interface for Tox.
qTox is libre software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
qTox is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with qTox. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "src/ipc.h"
#include "src/persistence/settings.h"
#include <QCoreApplication>
#include <QDebug>
#include <QThread>
#include <random>
#include <unistd.h>
* @var time_t IPC::lastEvent
* @brief When last event was posted.
* @var time_t IPC::lastProcessed
* @brief When processEvents() ran last time
* @class IPC
* @brief Inter-process communication
: globalMemory{"qtox-" IPC_PROTOCOL_VERSION}
connect(&timer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &IPC::processEvents);
// The first started instance gets to manage the shared memory by taking ownership
// Every time it processes events it updates the global shared timestamp "lastProcessed"
// If the timestamp isn't updated, that's a timeout and someone else can take ownership
// This is a safety measure, in case one of the clients crashes
// If the owner exits normally, it can set the timestamp to 0 first to immediately give ownership
std::default_random_engine randEngine((std::random_device())());
std::uniform_int_distribution<uint64_t> distribution;
globalId = distribution(randEngine);
qDebug() << "Our global IPC ID is " << globalId;
if (globalMemory.create(sizeof(IPCMemory)))
if (globalMemory.lock())
IPCMemory* mem = global();
memset(mem, 0, sizeof(IPCMemory));
mem->globalId = globalId;
mem->lastProcessed = time(0);
qWarning() << "Couldn't lock to take ownership";
else if (globalMemory.attach())
qDebug() << "Attaching to the global shared memory";
qDebug() << "Failed to attach to the global shared memory, giving up";
return; // We won't be able to do any IPC without being attached, let's get outta here
if (isCurrentOwner())
if (globalMemory.lock())
global()->globalId = 0;
* @brief Returns the singleton instance.
IPC& IPC::getInstance()
static IPC instance;
return instance;
* @brief Post IPC event.
* @param name Name to set in IPC event.
* @param data Data to set in IPC event (default QByteArray()).
* @param dest Settings::getCurrentProfileId() or 0 (main instance, default).
* @return Time the event finished.
time_t IPC::postEvent(const QString &name, const QByteArray& data, uint32_t dest)
QByteArray binName = name.toUtf8();
if (binName.length() > (int32_t)sizeof(IPCEvent::name))
return 0;
if (data.length() > (int32_t)sizeof(IPCEvent::data))
return 0;
if (globalMemory.lock())
IPCEvent* evt = nullptr;
IPCMemory* mem = global();
time_t result = 0;
for (uint32_t i = 0; !evt && i < EVENT_QUEUE_SIZE; ++i)
if (mem->events[i].posted == 0)
evt = &mem->events[i];
if (evt)
memset(evt, 0, sizeof(IPCEvent));
memcpy(evt->name, binName.constData(), binName.length());
memcpy(evt->data, data.constData(), data.length());
mem->lastEvent = evt->posted = result = qMax(mem->lastEvent + 1, time(0));
evt->dest = dest;
evt->sender = getpid();
qDebug() << "postEvent " << name << "to" << dest;
return result;
qDebug() << "Failed to lock in postEvent()";
return 0;
bool IPC::isCurrentOwner()
if (globalMemory.lock())
void* data = globalMemory.data();
if (!data)
qWarning() << "isCurrentOwner failed to access the memory, returning false";
return false;
bool isOwner = ((*(uint64_t*)data) == globalId);
return isOwner;
qWarning() << "isCurrentOwner failed to lock, returning false";
return false;
* @brief Register a handler for an IPC event
* @param handler The handler callback. Should not block for more than a second, at worst
void IPC::registerEventHandler(const QString &name, IPCEventHandler handler)
eventHandlers[name] = handler;
bool IPC::isEventAccepted(time_t time)
bool result = false;
if (globalMemory.lock())
if (difftime(global()->lastProcessed, time) > 0)
IPCMemory* mem = global();
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < EVENT_QUEUE_SIZE; ++i)
if (mem->events[i].posted == time && mem->events[i].processed)
result = mem->events[i].accepted;
return result;
bool IPC::waitUntilAccepted(time_t postTime, int32_t timeout/*=-1*/)
bool result = false;
time_t start = time(0);
result = isEventAccepted(postTime);
if (result || (timeout > 0 && difftime(time(0), start) >= timeout))
return result;
* @brief Only called when global memory IS LOCKED.
* @return nullptr if no evnts present, IPC event otherwise
IPC::IPCEvent *IPC::fetchEvent()
IPCMemory* mem = global();
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < EVENT_QUEUE_SIZE; ++i)
IPCEvent* evt = &mem->events[i];
// Garbage-collect events that were not processed in EVENT_GC_TIMEOUT
// and events that were processed and EVENT_GC_TIMEOUT passed after
// so sending instance has time to react to those events.
if ((evt->processed && difftime(time(0), evt->processed) > EVENT_GC_TIMEOUT) ||
(!evt->processed && difftime(time(0), evt->posted) > EVENT_GC_TIMEOUT))
memset(evt, 0, sizeof(IPCEvent));
if (evt->posted && !evt->processed && evt->sender != getpid()
&& (evt->dest == Settings::getInstance().getCurrentProfileId()
|| (evt->dest == 0 && isCurrentOwner())))
return evt;
return nullptr;
bool IPC::runEventHandler(IPCEventHandler handler, const QByteArray& arg)
bool result = false;
if (QThread::currentThread() == qApp->thread())
result = handler(arg);
QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this, "runEventHandler",
Q_RETURN_ARG(bool, result),
Q_ARG(IPCEventHandler, handler),
Q_ARG(const QByteArray&, arg));
return result;
void IPC::processEvents()
if (globalMemory.lock())
IPCMemory* mem = global();
if (mem->globalId == globalId)
// We're the owner, let's process those events
mem->lastProcessed = time(0);
// Only the owner processes events. But if the previous owner's dead, we can take ownership now
if (difftime(time(0), mem->lastProcessed) >= OWNERSHIP_TIMEOUT_S)
qDebug() << "Previous owner timed out, taking ownership" << mem->globalId << "->" << globalId;
// Ignore events that were not meant for this instance
memset(mem, 0, sizeof(IPCMemory));
mem->globalId = globalId;
mem->lastProcessed = time(0);
// Non-main instance is limited to events destined for specific profile it runs
while (IPCEvent* evt = fetchEvent())
QString name = QString::fromUtf8(evt->name);
auto it = eventHandlers.find(name);
if (it != eventHandlers.end())
qDebug() << "Processing event: " << name << ":" << evt->posted << "=" << evt->accepted;
evt->accepted = runEventHandler(it.value(), evt->data);
if (evt->dest == 0)
// Global events should be processed only by instance that accepted event. Otherwise global
// event would be consumed by very first instance that gets to check it.
if (evt->accepted)
evt->processed = time(0);
evt->processed = time(0);
IPC::IPCMemory *IPC::global()
return static_cast<IPCMemory*>(globalMemory.data());