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This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters

This file contains Unicode characters that might be confused with other characters. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

Copyright © 2014-2015 by The qTox Project
This file is part of qTox, a Qt-based graphical interface for Tox.
qTox is libre software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
qTox is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with qTox. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "chatmessage.h"
#include "chatlinecontentproxy.h"
#include "content/text.h"
#include "content/timestamp.h"
#include "content/spinner.h"
#include "content/filetransferwidget.h"
#include "content/image.h"
#include "content/notificationicon.h"
#include <QDebug>
#include "src/persistence/settings.h"
#include "src/persistence/smileypack.h"
#include "src/widget/style.h"
#define NAME_COL_WIDTH 90.0
#define TIME_COL_WIDTH 90.0
ChatMessage::Ptr ChatMessage::createChatMessage(const QString &sender, const QString &rawMessage, MessageType type, bool isMe, const QDateTime &date)
ChatMessage::Ptr msg = ChatMessage::Ptr(new ChatMessage);
QString text = rawMessage.toHtmlEscaped();
QString senderText = sender;
const QColor actionColor = QColor("#1818FF"); // has to match the color in innerStyle.css (div.action)
if (Settings::getInstance().getUseEmoticons())
text = SmileyPack::getInstance().smileyfied(text);
//quotes (green text)
text = detectQuotes(detectAnchors(text), type);
if (Settings::getInstance().getMarkdownPreference() != MarkdownType::NONE)
text = detectMarkdown(text);
case ACTION:
senderText = "*";
text = wrapDiv(QString("%1 %2").arg(sender.toHtmlEscaped(), text), "action");
case ALERT:
text = wrapDiv(text, "alert");
text = wrapDiv(text, "msg");
// Note: Eliding cannot be enabled for RichText items. (QTBUG-17207)
msg->addColumn(new Text(senderText, isMe ? Style::getFont(Style::BigBold) : Style::getFont(Style::Big), true, sender, type == ACTION ? actionColor : Qt::black), ColumnFormat(NAME_COL_WIDTH, ColumnFormat::FixedSize, ColumnFormat::Right));
msg->addColumn(new Text(text, Style::getFont(Style::Big), false, ((type == ACTION) && isMe) ? QString("%1 %2").arg(sender, rawMessage) : rawMessage), ColumnFormat(1.0, ColumnFormat::VariableSize));
msg->addColumn(new Spinner(":/ui/chatArea/spinner.svg", QSize(16, 16), 360.0/1.6), ColumnFormat(TIME_COL_WIDTH, ColumnFormat::FixedSize, ColumnFormat::Right));
if (!date.isNull())
return msg;
ChatMessage::Ptr ChatMessage::createChatInfoMessage(const QString &rawMessage, SystemMessageType type, const QDateTime &date)
ChatMessage::Ptr msg = ChatMessage::Ptr(new ChatMessage);
QString text = rawMessage.toHtmlEscaped();
QString img;
case INFO: img = ":/ui/chatArea/info.svg"; break;
case ERROR: img = ":/ui/chatArea/error.svg"; break;
case TYPING: img = ":/ui/chatArea/typing.svg"; break;
msg->addColumn(new Image(QSize(18, 18), img), ColumnFormat(NAME_COL_WIDTH, ColumnFormat::FixedSize, ColumnFormat::Right));
msg->addColumn(new Text("<b>" + text + "</b>", Style::getFont(Style::Big), false, ""), ColumnFormat(1.0, ColumnFormat::VariableSize, ColumnFormat::Left));
msg->addColumn(new Timestamp(date, Settings::getInstance().getTimestampFormat(), Style::getFont(Style::Big)), ColumnFormat(TIME_COL_WIDTH, ColumnFormat::FixedSize, ColumnFormat::Right));
return msg;
ChatMessage::Ptr ChatMessage::createFileTransferMessage(const QString& sender, ToxFile file, bool isMe, const QDateTime& date)
ChatMessage::Ptr msg = ChatMessage::Ptr(new ChatMessage);
msg->addColumn(new Text(sender, isMe ? Style::getFont(Style::BigBold) : Style::getFont(Style::Big), true), ColumnFormat(NAME_COL_WIDTH, ColumnFormat::FixedSize, ColumnFormat::Right));
msg->addColumn(new ChatLineContentProxy(new FileTransferWidget(0, file), 320, 0.6f), ColumnFormat(1.0, ColumnFormat::VariableSize));
msg->addColumn(new Timestamp(date, Settings::getInstance().getTimestampFormat(), Style::getFont(Style::Big)), ColumnFormat(TIME_COL_WIDTH, ColumnFormat::FixedSize, ColumnFormat::Right));
return msg;
ChatMessage::Ptr ChatMessage::createTypingNotification()
ChatMessage::Ptr msg = ChatMessage::Ptr(new ChatMessage);
// Note: "[user]..." is just a placeholder. The actual text is set in ChatForm::setFriendTyping()
// FIXME: Due to circumstances, placeholder is being used in a case where
// user received typing notifications constantly since contact came online.
// This causes "[user]..." to be displayed in place of user nick, as long
// as user will keep typing. Issue #1280
msg->addColumn(new NotificationIcon(QSize(18, 18)), ColumnFormat(NAME_COL_WIDTH, ColumnFormat::FixedSize, ColumnFormat::Right));
msg->addColumn(new Text("[user]...", Style::getFont(Style::Big), false, ""), ColumnFormat(1.0, ColumnFormat::VariableSize, ColumnFormat::Left));
return msg;
ChatMessage::Ptr ChatMessage::createBusyNotification()
ChatMessage::Ptr msg = ChatMessage::Ptr(new ChatMessage);
// TODO: Bigger font
msg->addColumn(new Text(QObject::tr("Resizing"), Style::getFont(Style::ExtraBig), false, ""), ColumnFormat(1.0, ColumnFormat::VariableSize, ColumnFormat::Center));
return msg;
void ChatMessage::markAsSent(const QDateTime &time)
// remove the spinner and replace it by $time
replaceContent(2, new Timestamp(time, Settings::getInstance().getTimestampFormat(), Style::getFont(Style::Big)));
QString ChatMessage::toString() const
ChatLineContent* c = getContent(1);
if (c)
return c->getText();
return QString();
bool ChatMessage::isAction() const
return action;
void ChatMessage::setAsAction()
action = true;
void ChatMessage::hideSender()
ChatLineContent* c = getContent(0);
if (c)
void ChatMessage::hideDate()
ChatLineContent* c = getContent(2);
if (c)
QString ChatMessage::detectMarkdown(const QString &str)
QString out = str;
// Create regex for certain markdown syntax
QRegExp exp("(\\*\\*)([^\\*\\*]{2,})(\\*\\*)" // Bold **text**
"|(\\*)([^\\*]{2,})(\\*)" // Italics *text*
"|(\\_)([^\\_]{2,})(\\_)" // Italics _text_
"|(\\_\\_)([^\\_\\_]{2,})(\\_\\_)" // Bold __text__
"|(\\-)([^\\-]{2,})(\\-)" // Underline -text-
"|(\\~)([^\\~]{2,})(\\~)" // Strike ~text~
"|(\\~~)([^\\~\\~]{2,})(\\~~)" // Strike ~~text~~
"|(\\`)([^\\`]{2,})(\\`)" // Codeblock `text`
int offset = 0;
while ((offset = exp.indexIn(out, offset)) != -1)
QString snipCheck = out.mid(offset-1,exp.cap(0).length()+2);
QString snippet = exp.cap(0).trimmed();
QString htmledSnippet;
// Only parse if surrounded by spaces, newline(s) and/or beginning/end of line
if ((snipCheck.startsWith(' ') || snipCheck.startsWith('>') || offset == 0) && ((snipCheck.endsWith(' ') || snipCheck.endsWith('<')) || offset + snippet.toHtmlEscaped().length() == out.toHtmlEscaped().length()))
int mul = 0; // Determines how many characters to strip from markdown text
// Set mul depending on markdownPreference
if (Settings::getInstance().getMarkdownPreference() == MarkdownType::WITHOUT_CHARS)
mul = 2;
// Match captured string to corresponding md format
if (exp.cap(1) == "**") // Bold **text**
htmledSnippet = QString(" <b>%1</b> ").arg(snippet.mid(mul,snippet.length()-2*mul));
else if (exp.cap(4) == "*" && snippet.length() > 2) // Italics *text*
htmledSnippet = QString(" <i>%1</i> ").arg(snippet.mid(mul/2,snippet.length()-mul));
else if (exp.cap(7) == "_" && snippet.length() > 2) // Italics _text_
htmledSnippet = QString(" <i>%1</i> ").arg(snippet.mid(mul/2,snippet.length()-mul));
else if (exp.cap(10) == "__"&& snippet.length() > 4) // Bold __text__
htmledSnippet = QString(" <b>%1</b> ").arg(snippet.mid(mul,snippet.length()-2*mul));
else if (exp.cap(13) == "-" && snippet.length() > 2) // Underline -text-
htmledSnippet = QString(" <u>%1</u> ").arg(snippet.mid(mul/2,snippet.length()-mul));
else if (exp.cap(16) == "~" && snippet.length() > 2) // Strikethrough ~text~
htmledSnippet = QString(" <s>%1</s> ").arg(snippet.mid(mul/2,snippet.length()-mul));
else if (exp.cap(19) == "~~" && snippet.length() > 4) // Strikethrough ~~text~~
htmledSnippet = QString(" <s>%1</s> ").arg(snippet.mid(mul,snippet.length()-2*mul));
else if (exp.cap(22) == "`" && snippet.length() > 2) // Codeblock `text`
htmledSnippet = QString("<font color=#595959><code>%1</code></font>").arg(snippet.mid(mul/2,snippet.length()-mul));
htmledSnippet = snippet;
out.replace(offset, exp.cap().length(), htmledSnippet);
offset += htmledSnippet.length();
} else
offset += snippet.length();
return out;
QString ChatMessage::detectAnchors(const QString &str)
QString out = str;
// detect URIs
QRegExp exp("("
"(?:\\b)((www\\.)|(http[s]?|ftp)://)" // (protocol)://(printable - non-special character)
"\\w+\\S+)" // any other character, lets domains and other
"|(?:\\b)(file:///)([\\S| ]*)" //link to a local file, valid until the end of the line
"|(?:\\b)(tox:[a-zA-Z\\d]{76}$)" //link with full user address
"|(?:\\b)(mailto:\\S+@\\S+\\.\\S+)" //@mail link
"|(?:\\b)(tox:\\S+@\\S+)"); // starts with `tox` then : and only alpha-digits till the end
// also accepts tox:agilob@net as simplified TOX ID
int offset = 0;
while ((offset = exp.indexIn(out, offset)) != -1)
QString url = exp.cap();
// If there's a trailing " it's a HTML attribute, e.g. a smiley img's title=":tox:"
if (url == "tox:\"")
offset += url.length();
QString htmledUrl;
// add scheme if not specified
if (exp.cap(2) == "www.")
htmledUrl = QString("<a href=\"http://%1\">%1</a>").arg(url);
htmledUrl = QString("<a href=\"%1\">%1</a>").arg(url);
out.replace(offset, exp.cap().length(), htmledUrl);
offset += htmledUrl.length();
return out;
QString ChatMessage::detectQuotes(const QString& str, MessageType type)
// detect text quotes
QStringList messageLines = str.split("\n");
QString quotedText;
for (int i = 0; i < messageLines.size(); ++i)
// don't quote first line in action message. This makes co-existence of
// quotes and action messages possible, since only first line can cause
// problems in case where there is quote in it used.
if (QRegExp("^(&gt;|).*").exactMatch(messageLines[i])) {
if (i > 0 || type != ACTION)
quotedText += "<span class=quote>" + messageLines[i] + "</span>";
quotedText += messageLines[i];
} else {
quotedText += messageLines[i];
if (i < messageLines.size() - 1)
quotedText += "<br/>";
return quotedText;
QString ChatMessage::wrapDiv(const QString &str, const QString &div)
return QString("<div class=%1>%2</div>").arg(div, str);