AddFriendForm Add Friends Ajouter des amis Tox ID Tox ID of the person you're sending a friend request to ID Tox Message The message you send in friend requests Message Send friend request Envoyer la demande d'ami Tox me maybe? Default message in friend requests if the field is left blank. Write something appropriate! Je souhaiterais vous ajouter à mes contacts Please fill in a valid Tox ID Tox ID of the friend you're sending a friend request to Merci de remplir un ID Tox valide Error while looking up DNS The DNS gives the Tox ID associated to addresses Erreur en consultant le serveur DNS Unexpected number of text records Error with the DNS Nombre d'entrées texte innatendu Unexpected number of values in text record Error with the DNS Nombre d'entrées numériques dans l'entrée texte innatendu The DNS lookup does not contain any Tox ID Error with the DNS La réponse DNS ne contient aucun ID Tox The DNS lookup does not contain a valid Tox ID Error with the DNS La réponse DNS ne contient pas d'ID Tox valide Camera Camera eror Erreur de caméra Camera format %1 not supported, can't use the camera Format %1 de la caméra non supporté, impossible de l'utiliser ChatForm Send a file Envoyer un fichier Save chat log Sauvegarder l'historique de conversation CopyableElideLabel Copy Copier FileTransfertWidget Save a file Title of the file saving dialog Sauvegarder un fichier FriendRequestDialog Friend request Title of the window to aceept/deny a friend request Demande d'ami Someone wants to make friends with you Quelqu'un veut devenir votre ami User ID: ID utilisateur: Friend request message: Message de demande d'ami: Accept Accept a friend request Accepter Reject Reject a friend request Rejeter FriendWidget Copy friend ID Menu to copy the Tox ID of that friend Copier l'ID ami Invite in group Menu to invite a friend in a groupchat Inviter dans un groupe Remove friend Menu to remove the friend from our friendlist Supprimer ami GroupChatForm %1 users in chat Number of users in chat %1 personnes <Unknown> <Inconnu> %1 users in chat %1 personnes Save chat log Sauvegarder l'historique de conversation GroupWidget %1 users in chat %1 personnes 0 users in chat 0 personnes Quit group Menu to quit a groupchat Quitter le groupe SelfCamView Tox video test Title of the window to test the video/webcam Test vidéo Tox SettingsForm User Settings "Headline" of the window Configuration Name Username/nick Nom Status Status message Status Test video Text on a button to test the video/webcam Tester la vidéo Enable IPv6 (recommended) Text on a checkbox to enable IPv6 Activer IPv6 (recommandé) Widget Tox Tox Your name Votre nom Your status Votre status Close Fermer Ctrl+Q Ctrl+Q Online Button to set your status to 'Online' Connecté Away Button to set your status to 'Away' Indisponnible Busy Button to set your status to 'Busy' Occupé