AVForm Audio/Video Zvok/Video Default resolution Privzeta resolucija Disabled Select region Izberite območje Screen %1 Zaslon %1 Audio Settings Nastavitve zvoka Gain Playback device Naprava za predvajanje Use slider to set volume of your speakers. Uporabi drsalo za nastavitev glasnosti zvočnika. Capture device Naprava za zajemanje zvoka Volume Glasnost Video Settings Nastavitve video Video device Video naprave Set resolution of your camera. The higher values, the better video quality your friends may get. Note though that with better video quality there is needed better internet connection. Sometimes your connection may not be good enough to handle higher video quality, which may lead to problems with video calls. Nastavi resolucijo tvoje kamere. Večja vrednost pomeni boljša kvaliteta slike. Vendar je za to potrebna hitrejša internetna povezava. Včasih se lahko zgodi da je tvoj internet prepočasen za visoko kvaliteto videa in zato lahko pride do problemov pri video pogovorih. Resolution Resolucija Rescan devices Preglej znova naprave Test Sound Test zvoka Enables the experimental audio backend with echo cancelling support, needs qTox restart to take effect. Enable experimental audio backend Audio quality Kakovost zvoka Transmitted audio quality. Lower this setting if your bandwidth is not high enough or if you want to lower the internet usage. High (64 kbps) Visoka (64 kbps) Medium (32 kbps) Srednja (32 kbps) Low (16 kbps) Nizka (16 kbps) Very low (8 kbps) Zelo nizka (8 kbps) Threshold Vhod AboutForm Restart qTox to install version %1 Ponovno zaženi qTox za namestiti verzijo %1 qTox is downloading update %1 %1 is the version of the update qTox sedaj nalaga posodobitev %1 About Več o qTox Original author: %1 Začetni avtor: %1 You are using qTox version %1. Uporabljate qTox %1. Commit hash: %1 toxcore version: %1 Verzija toxcore: %1 Qt version: %1 Različica Qt: %1 A list of all known issues may be found at our %1 at Github. If you discover a bug or security vulnerability within qTox, please report it according to the guidelines in our %2 wiki article. `%1` is replaced by translation of `bug tracker` `%2` is replaced by translation of `Writing Useful Bug Reports` Click here to report a bug. Kliknite tukaj, če želite prijaviti napako. See a full list of %1 at Github `%1` is replaced with translation of word `contributors` Glej celoten seznam %1 na Github bug-tracker Replaces `%1` in the `A list of all known…` bug-tracker Writing Useful Bug Reports Replaces `%2` in the `A list of all known…` Pisanje poročil o napakah contributors Replaces `%1` in `See a full list of…` sodelavci AboutFriendForm Dialog Okno sporočila username uporabniško ime status message sporočilo o stanju Public key: Javni ključ: Used aliases: Uporabljeni vzdevki: HISTORY OF ALIASES ZGODOVINA VZDEVKOV Automatically accept files from contact if set Samodejno sprejemanje datotek iz kontakta (če nastavljen) Auto accept files Samodejno sprejemanje datotek Default directory to save files: Privzeta mapa za shranjevanje datotek: Auto accept for this contact is disabled Auto accept call: Samodejno sprejemanje klica: Manual Ročno Audio Zvok Audio + Video Zvok + Video Automatically accept group chat invitations from this contact if set. Sprejmi samodejno skupinski klepet za ta kontakt (če nastavljen). Auto accept group invites Sprejmi samodejno vabila na skupine Remove history (operation can not be undone!) Izbriši zgodovino (operacije ni mogoče razveljaviti!) Notes Opombe Input field for notes about the contact Polje za opombe o kontaktu You can save comment about this contact here. Lahko shranite komentar o tem kontaktu tukaj. History removed Zgodovina izbrisana Chat history with %1 removed! Zgodovina klepeta z %1 izbrisana! Choose an auto accept directory popup title Izberi mapo za avtomatsko sprejemanje datotek AboutSettings Version Verzija Downloading update: %p% Nalaganje posodobitve: %p% License Licenca Authors Avtorji Known Issues Poznane napake AddFriendForm Add Friends Dodaj stike Send friend request Dodaj med stike Couldn't add friend Nemogoče dodati kontakta Invalid Tox ID format Format Tox ID ni veljaven Add a friend Dodaj stik Friend requests Prošnje prijateljstva Accept Sprejmi Reject Zavrni Tox ID, either 76 hexadecimal characters or name@example.com Tox ID, 76 šestnajstiških znakov ali name@example.com Type in Tox ID of your friend Vnesite Tox ID vašega prijatelja Friend request message Sporočilo o prošnji prijateljstva Type message to send with the friend request or leave empty to send a default message Vnesite sporočilo, ki želite poslati s prošnjo prijateljstva ali pustite prazno, če želite poslati privzeto sporočilo %1 Tox ID is invalid or does not exist Toxme error %1 Tox ID, je neveljaven ali ne obstaja You can't add yourself as a friend! When trying to add your own Tox ID as friend Samega sebe ne moreš dodati med stike! Open contact list Odpri imenik Couldn't open file Datoteke ni mogoče odpreti Couldn't open the contact file Error message when trying to open a contact list file to import Ni bilo mogoče odpreti datoteke kontakta Invalid file Neveljavna datoteka We couldn't find any contacts to import in this file! Ni nobenega kontakta v tej datoteki! Tox ID Tox ID of the person you're sending a friend request to Tox ID either 76 hexadecimal characters or name@example.com Tox ID format description 76 šestnajstiških znakov ali name@example.com Message The message you send in friend requests Sporočilo Open Button to choose a file with a list of contacts to import Odpri Send friend requests Pošlji prošnje prijateljstva %1 here! Tox me maybe? Default message in friend requests if the field is left blank. Write something appropriate! %1 tukaj. Tox me maybe? Import a list of contacts, one Tox ID per line Vnesite imenik, en Tox ID na linijo Ready to import %n contact(s), click send to confirm Shows the number of contacts we're about to import from a file (at least one) Pripravljen na vnos %n kontakta(-ov), kliknite pošlji za potrditi Pripravljen na vnos %n kontaktov, kliknite pošlji za potrditi Pripravljen na vnos %n kontaktov, kliknite pošlji za potrditi Pripravljen na vnos %n kontaktov, kliknite pošlji za potrditi Import contacts Vnesi kontakte AdvancedForm Advanced Napredno Unless you %1 know what you are doing, please do %2 change anything here. Changes made here may lead to problems with qTox, and even to loss of your data, e.g. history. really da not ne IMPORTANT NOTE POMEMBNA OPOMBA Reset settings Ponastavi nastavitve All settings will be reset to default. Are you sure? Vse nastavitve se bodo ponastavile na privzete. Ste prepričani? Yes Da No Ne Call active popup title Klic je aktiven You can't disconnect while a call is active! popup text Ne moreš se odjaviti med klicem! Save File Shrani datoteko Logs (*.log) Dnevniki (* .log) AdvancedSettings Save settings to the working directory instead of the usual conf dir describes makeToxPortable checkbox Shrani nastavitve v trenutno mapo namesto običajno konfiguracijsko mapo Make Tox portable Naredi Tox prenosen Reset to default settings Ponastavi na začetne nastavitve Portable Prenosni Connection Settings Nastavitve povezave Enable IPv6 (recommended) Text on a checkbox to enable IPv6 Omogoči IPv6 (priporočeno) Disabling this allows, e.g., toxing over Tor. It adds load to the Tox network however, so uncheck only when necessary. force tcp checkbox tooltip Enable UDP (recommended) Text on checkbox to disable UDP Omogoči UDP (priporočeno) Proxy type: Vrsta proxy-ja: Address: Text on proxy addr label Naslov: Port: Text on proxy port label Vrata: None Brez SOCKS5 SOCKS5 HTTP HTTP Reconnect reconnect button Ponovno poveži Debug Razhroščevanje Export Debug Log Dnevnik razhroščevanja Copy Debug Log Kopiraj dnevnik razhroščevanja ChatForm Load chat history... Naloži zgodovino pogovorov... Send a file Pošlji datoteko qTox wasn't able to open %1 qTox ni mogel odpreti %1 %1 calling %1 te kliče Failed to send file "%1" Pošiljanje datoteke "%1" ni uspelo Call with %1 ended. %2 Klic s osebo %1 je končan. %2 Call duration: Trajanje klica: Unable to open Nemogoče odpreti Bad idea Slaba ideja Calling %1 Kličem %1 Failed to open temporary file Temporary file for screenshot Ni uspelo odpreti začasne datoteke qTox wasn't able to save the screenshot qTox ni uspel shraniti screenshot %1 is typing %1 piše Copy Kopiraj You're trying to send a sequential file, which is not going to work! Skušate poslati zaporedno datoteko, ne bo delalo! away contact status odsoten busy contact status zaseden offline contact status nedosegljiv online contact status dosegljiv %1 is now %2 e.g. "Dubslow is now online" %1 je zdaj %2 Export to file Prenesi v datoteko Save chat log Shrani zgodovino pogovorov Call with %1 ended unexpectedly. %2 Klic z %1 se je končal nepričakovano. %2 ChatFormHeader Can't start audio call Ni mogoče začeti zvočnega klica Start audio call Začni glasovni pogovor End audio call Končaj glasovni pogovor Cancel audio call Prekini glasovni klic Accept audio call Sprejmi glasovni klic Can't start video call Ni mogoče začeti video klic Start video call Začni video pogovor End video call Končaj video pogovor Cancel video call Prekini video klic Accept video call Sprejmi video klic Sound can be disabled only during a call Unmute call Vklopi zvok Mute call Izklopi zvok Microphone can be muted only during a call Mikrofon se lahko izključi samo med klicem Unmute microphone Vklopi mikrofon Mute microphone Izklopi mikrofon ChatLog Copy Kopiraj Select all Izberi vse pending čakanje ChatTextEdit Type your message here... Vnesi sporočilo tukaj... CircleWidget Rename circle Menu for renaming a circle Preimenuj krog Remove circle Menu for removing a circle Odstrani krog Open all in new window Odpri vse v novem oknu Core Toxing on qTox Toxanje na qToxu /me offers friendship, "%1" /me ponuja prijateljstvo, "%1" Invalid Tox ID Error while sending friendship request Neveljaven ID Tox You need to write a message with your request Error while sending friendship request Morate napisati sporočilo z vašo prošnjo Your message is too long! Error while sending friendship request Vaše sporočilo je predolgo! Friend is already added Error while sending friendship request Stik je že dodan FileTransferWidget Form Nastavitve 10Mb 10Mb 0kb/s 0kb/s ETA:10:10 Čas:10:10 Filename Ime datoteke Waiting to send... file transfer widget Čakanje na pošiljanje... Accept to receive this file file transfer widget Sprejmi to datoteko Location not writable Title of permissions popup Lokacija zaščitena You do not have permission to write that location. Choose another, or cancel the save dialog. text of permissions popup Nimaš dovoljenja za pisanje na to lokacijo. Prosim izberi drugo ali prekliči shranjevanje. Save a file Title of the file saving dialog Shrani datoteko Paused file transfer widget Premor Resuming... file transfer widget Nadaljevanje... Open file Odpri datoteko Open file directory Odprite mapo Pause transfer Ustavite prenos Cancel transfer Prekliči prenos Resume transfer Nadaljuj prenos Accept transfer Sprejmi prenos FilesForm Downloads Prenosi Uploads Poslane datoteke Transferred Files "Headline" of the window Prenesene datoteke FriendListWidget Today Danes Yesterday Včeraj Last 7 days Zadnji 7 dni This month Zadnji mesec Older than 6 Months Starejši kot 6 mesecev Never Nikoli FriendRequestDialog Friend request Title of the window to aceept/deny a friend request Zahteve za stike Someone wants to make friends with you Nekdo te hoče dodati med stike User ID: Uporabniški ID: Friend request message: Sporočilo: Accept Accept a friend request Sprejmi Reject Reject a friend request Zavrni FriendWidget Invite to group Menu to invite a friend to a groupchat Povabi v skupino Set alias... Nastavi vzdevek... Auto accept files from this friend context menu entry Samodejno sprejmi datoteke od te osebe Remove friend Menu to remove the friend from our friendlist Odstrani stik Choose an auto accept directory popup title Izberi mapo za avtomatsko sprejemanje datotek Open chat in new window Odpri klepet v novem oknu Remove chat from this window Zapri klepet v tem oknu To new group V novi skupini Invite to group '%1' Povabi v skupino '%1' Move to circle... Menu to move a friend into a different circle Premakni v krog... To new circle V novi krog Remove from circle '%1' Odstrani iz kroga '%1' Move to circle "%1" Premakni v krog '%1' Show details Pokaži podrobnosti New message Novo sporočilo Online Dosegljiv Away Odsoten Busy Zaseden Offline Nedosegljiv GUI Enter your password Vnesi tvoje geslo Decrypt Odšifriraj You must enter a non-empty password: Ne smeš vnesti praznega gesla: GeneralForm General Splošno Choose an auto accept directory popup title Izberi mapo za avtomatsko sprejemanje datotek GeneralSettings General Settings Splošne nastavitve The translation may not load until qTox restarts. Prevod se morda ne bo naložil dokler se ne bo qTox ponovno naložil. Language: Jezik: Show system tray icon Pokaži ikono v orodni vrstici Enable light tray icon. toolTip for light icon setting Omogoči svetlo ikono. Light icon Svetla ikona qTox will start minimized in tray. toolTip for Start in tray setting qTox se bo zagnal v orodni vrstici. Start in tray Zaženi v orodni vrstici After pressing close (X) qTox will minimize to tray, instead of closing itself. toolTip for close to tray setting Po kliku na izhod (X) se bo qTox pomanjšal v orodno vrstico, namesto da bi se čisto zaprl. Close to tray Preveri Zapri v ozadje After pressing minimize (_) qTox will minimize itself to tray, instead of system taskbar. toolTip for minimize to tray setting Po kliku na pomanjšanje (_) se bo qTox pomanjšal v orodno vrstico, namesto da bi ostal med programi. Minimize to tray Pomanjšaj v ozadje Autostart Samodejno zaženi Check for updates on startup Poišči posodobitve ob zagonu programa Set where files will be saved. Nastavi kje bodo datoteke shranjene. You can set this on a per-friend basis by right clicking them. autoaccept cb tooltip Tole lahko nastaviš za vsak stik posebaj, tako da uporabiš desni miškin klik na njih. Autoaccept files Samodejno sprejmi datoteke Set to 0 to disable Izberi 0 za izklop Your status is changed to Away after set period of inactivity. Tvoje stanje bo spremenjeno na Odsotno ob neaktivnosti. Auto away after (0 to disable): Odsoten po X minutah (0 za izklop): Show contacts' status changes Pokaži spremembe statusa stika On new message: Ob novih sporočilih: Faux offline messaging Preveri Pošiljanje sporočil nedosegljivim Start qTox on operating system startup (current profile). Odpri qTox na zagon operacijskega sistema (sedanji profil). Default directory to save files: Privzeta mapa za shranjevanje datotek: Play sound Predvajaj zvok Play sound while Busy Predvajanje zvoka, ko si zaseden GenericChatForm Send message Pošlji sporočilo Smileys Smajliji Send file(s) Pošlji datoteke Save chat log Shrani zgodovino pogovorov Clear displayed messages Skrij prikazana sporočila Not sent Ni bilo poslano Cleared Skrito Send a screenshot Pošlji posnetek zaslona Quote selected text Citiraj izbrano besedilo Copy link address Kopiraj naslov povezave GenericNetCamView Tox video Tox video Show Messages Prikaži sporočila Hide Messages Skrij sporočila Group <Empty> Placeholder when someone's name in a group chat is empty <prazno> GroupChatForm %1 users in chat Number of users in chat %1 ljudi v pogovoru 1 user in chat Number of users in chat 1 uporabnik v klepet %1 has set the title to %2 %1 je spremenil naslov v %2 GroupInviteForm Groups Skupine Create new group Ustvari novo skupino Group invites Vabila na skupine GroupInviteWidget Invited by %1 on %2 at %3. Povabljen od %1 na %2 ob %3. Join Pridruži se Decline Zavrni GroupWidget %1 users in chat %1 ljudi v pogovoru Set title... Nastavi naslov... Quit group Menu to quit a groupchat Zapusti skupino Open chat in new window Odpri klepet v novem oknu Remove chat from this window Zapri klepet v tem oknu 1 user in chat 1 uporabnik v klepet IdentitySettings Public Information Javne informacije Tox ID Tox ID This bunch of characters tells other Tox clients how to contact you. Share it with your friends to communicate. Tox ID tooltip Ta koda pove drugim Tox klientom kako te kontaktirati. Deli jo z ljudmi, ki jih želiš dodati med stike. Your Tox ID (click to copy) Tvoj Tox ID (klikni za kopiranje) Rename rename profile button Preimenuj Export export profile button Shrani Allows you to export your Tox profile to a file. Profile does not contain your history. tooltip for profile exporting button Omogoči ti da shraniš tvoj Tox profil v datoteko. Profil ne vsebuje tvoje zgodovine pogovorov. Delete delete profile button Izbriši This QR code contains your Tox ID. You may share this with your friends as well. Ta QR koda vsebuje vaš Tox ID. Lahko jo delite s prijatelji namesto kode. Save image Shrani sliko Copy image Kopiraj sliko Server Strežnik Hide my name from the public list Skrij moje ime iz javnega seznama Register Registriraj se Your password Geslo Update Posodobi Profile Profil Rename profile. tooltip for renaming profile button Preimenuj profil. Delete profile. delete profile button tooltip Izbriši profil. Go back to the login screen tooltip for logout button Pojdi nazaj na prijavni zaslon Logout import profile button Odjava Remove password Odstrani geslo Change password Spremeni geslo Register on ToxMe Registrirajte se na ToxMe Name for the ToxMe service. Tooltip for the `Username` ToxMe field. Ime za ToxMe storitev. Optional. Something about you. Or your cat. Tooltip for the Biography text. Dodatno. Nekaj o vas in o vaši mački. Optional. Something about you. Or your cat. Tooltip for the Biography field. Dodatno. Nekaj o vas in o vaši mački. ToxMe service to register on. ToxMe storitev za registracijo. If not set, ToxMe entries are publicly visible. Tooltip for the `Hide my name from public list` ToxMe checkbox. Če ni določeno, ToxMe vnosi so javno vidni. Remove your password and encryption from your profile. Tooltip for the `Remove password` button. Odstranjevanje gesla in šifriranja iz vašega profila. Name input Vnos imena Name visible to contacts Ime vidno v imenik Status message input Sporočilo o stanju Status message visible to contacts Statusno sporočilo vidno v imenik Your Tox ID Vaš Tox ID Save QR image as file Shranite QR sliko kot datoteko Copy QR image to clipboard Kopiranje QR slike v zapiskih ToxMe username to be shown on ToxMe ToxMe uporabniško ime, ki bo prikazano na ToxMe Optional ToxMe biography to be shown on ToxMe Dodatni ToxMe življenjepis, ki bo prikazan na ToxMe ToxMe service address ToxMe naslov Visibility on the ToxMe service Prepoznavnost na ToxMe storitev Password Geslo Update ToxMe entry Posodobitev podatkov ToxMe Rename profile. Preimenuj profil. Delete profile. Izbriši profil. Export profile Shrani profil Remove password from profile Odstrani geslo iz profila Change profile password Spremenite geslo profila My name: Moje ime: My status: Moje stanje: My username Moje uporabniško ime My biography Moj življenjepis My profile Moj profil LoadHistoryDialog Load History Dialog Naloži zgodovino pogovorov Load history from: Naloži zgodovino od: %1 messages %1 sporočil LoginScreen Username: Uporabniško ime: Password: Geslo: Confirm: Potrdi: Password strength: %p% Moč gesla: %p% Create Profile Ustvarite Profil If the profile does not have a password, qTox can skip the login screen Če profil nima gesla, qTox preskoči prijavni zaslon Load automatically Naloži samodejno Import Vstavi Load Potrdi izbiro New Profile Nov profil Load Profile Nalaganje profila Couldn't create a new profile Nemogoče ustvariti nov profil The username must not be empty. Uporabniško ime ne sme biti prazno. The password must be at least 6 characters long. Geslo mora vsebovati vsaj 6 znakov. The passwords you've entered are different. Please make sure to enter same password twice. Gesla, ki ste vnesli, sta različna. Prosimo, da vnesete dvakrat pravilno geslo. A profile with this name already exists. Profil s tem imenom že obstaja. Unknown error: Couldn't create a new profile. If you encountered this error, please report it. Neznana napaka: ne morem ustvariti nov profil. Če je prišlo do te napake, prosimo, o tem obvestite. Password protected profiles can't be automatically loaded. Z geslom zaščitenih profilov ni mogoče samodejno naložiti. Couldn't load profile Ni mogoče naložiti profil There is no selected profile. You may want to create one. Ni nobenega izbranega profila. Lahko ustvarite enega. Couldn't load this profile Ni bilo mogoče naložiti ta profil This profile is already in use. Ta profil je že v uporabi. Profile already in use. Close other clients. Wrong password. Username input field Password input field, you can leave it empty (no password), or type at least 6 characters Password confirmation field Create a new profile button Profile list List of profiles Password input Load automatically checkbox Import profile Naloži profil Load selected profile button New profile creation page Loading existing profile page MainWindow Your name Tvoje ime Your status Tvoje stanje Add friends Dodaj stike Create a group chat Ustvari skupen pogovor View completed file transfers Pokaži končane prenose datotek Change your settings Spremeni nastavitve Close Zapri ... Open profile Open profile page when clicked Status message input Set your status message that will be shown to others Status Stanje Set availability status Contact search Contact search input for known friends Sorting and visibility Set friends sorting and visibility Open Add friends page Groupchat Open groupchat management page File transfers history Open File transfers history Settings Nastavitve Open Settings Nexus Images (%1) filetype filter Slike (%1) View OS X Menu bar Window OS X Menu bar Minimize OS X Menu bar Bring All to Front OS X Menu bar Exit Fullscreen Enter Fullscreen NotificationEdgeWidget Unread message(s) PasswordEdit CAPS-LOCK ENABLED PrivacyForm Privacy Zasebnost Confirmation Do you want to permanently delete all chat history? PrivacySettings Your friends will be able to see when you are typing. tooltip for typing notifications setting Tvoji stiki bodo lahko videl kdaj tipkaš. Chat history keeping is still in development. Save format changes are possible, which may result in data loss. toolTip for Keep History setting Zgodovina sporočil je še vedno v izdelavi. Vrsta datotek za shranjevanje se lahko spremeni in podatki se izgubijo. Send typing notifications Keep chat history NoSpam is part of your Tox ID. If you are being spammed with friend requests, you should change your NoSpam. People will be unable to add you with your old ID, but you will keep your current friends. toolTip for nospam NoSpam NoSpam is a part of your ID that can be changed at will. If you are getting spammed with friend requests, change the NoSpam. Generate random NoSpam Privacy Zasebnost BlackList Filter group message by group member's public key. Put public key here, one per line. Profile Failed to derive key from password, the profile won't use the new password. Couldn't change password on the database, it might be corrupted or use the old password. ProfileForm Current profile: Remove Choose a profile picture Izberi sliko profila Error Napaka Unable to open this file. Unable to read this image. The supplied image is too large. Please use another image. Rename "%1" renaming a profile Preimenuj "%1" Couldn't rename the profile to "%1" Location not writable Title of permissions popup Lokacija zaščitena You do not have permission to write that location. Choose another, or cancel the save dialog. text of permissions popup Nimaš dovoljenja za pisanje na to lokacijo. Prosim izberi drugo ali prekliči shranjevanje. Failed to copy file Napaka pri kopiranju datoteke The file you chose could not be written to. Zapis v to datoteko ni mogoč. Really delete profile? deletion confirmation title Are you sure you want to delete this profile? deletion confirmation text Files could not be deleted! deletion failed title Save save qr image Save QrCode (*.png) save dialog filter Nothing to remove Your profile does not have a password! Really delete password? deletion confirmation title Please enter a new password. Register (processing) Update (processing) Done! Account %1@%2 updated successfully Successfully added %1@%2 to the database. Save your password Toxme error Register Update Posodobi Change password button text Spremeni geslo Set profile password button text Current profile location: %1 Couldn't change password This bunch of characters tells other Tox clients how to contact you. Share it with your friends to communicate. This ID includes the NoSpam code (in blue), and the checksum (in gray). Empty path is unavaliable Failed to rename Profile already exists Profil že obstaja A profile named "%1" already exists. Empty name Empty name is unavaliable Empty path Couldn't change password on the database, it might be corrupted or use the old password. Export profile Shrani profil Tox save file (*.tox) save dialog filter Tox datoteka (*.tox) The following files could not be deleted: deletion failed text part 1 Please manually remove them. deletion failed text part 2 Are you sure you want to delete your password? deletion confirmation text ProfileImporter Import profile import dialog title Naloži profil Tox save file (*.tox) import dialog filter Tox datoteka (*.tox) Ignoring non-Tox file popup title Ignoriraj ne-Tox datoteke Warning: You have chosen a file that is not a Tox save file; ignoring. popup text Profile already exists import confirm title Profil že obstaja A profile named "%1" already exists. Do you want to erase it? import confirm text Profil z imenom "%1" že obstaja. Ga želiš izbrisati? File doesn't exist Profile doesn't exist Profile imported Profil dodan %1.tox was successfully imported %1.tox je bila uspešno dodana QApplication Ok Cancel Prekliči Yes No LTR Translate this string to the string 'RTL' in right-to-left languages (for example Hebrew and Arabic) to get proper widget layout QMessageBox Couldn't add friend %1 is not a valid Toxme address. You can't add yourself as a friend! When trying to add your own Tox ID as friend Samega sebe ne moreš dodati med stike! QObject Update The title of a message box Posodobi An update is available, do you want to download it now? It will be installed when qTox restarts. Posodobitev je na voljo, jo želiš prenesti? Nameščena bo ob ponovne zagonu qToxa. Tox URI to parse Preveri Tox URI za interpretirati Starts new instance and loads specified profile. Odpre novo okno z določenim profilom. profile profil Default Privzeto Blue Modro Olive Olivno Red Rdeče Violet Violično Incoming call... Prihajujoči klic... %1 here! Tox me maybe? Default message in Tox URI friend requests. Write something appropriate! %1 tukaj. Tox me maybe? Version %1, %2 Server doesn't support Toxme You're making too many requests. Wait an hour and try again This name is already in use This Tox ID is already registered under another name Please don't use a space in your name Password incorrect You can't use this name Name not found Tox ID not sent That user does not exist Error Napaka qTox couldn't open your chat logs, they will be disabled. None No camera device set Brez Desktop Desktop as a camera input for screen sharing Problem with HTTPS connection Internal ToxMe error Reformatting text in progress.. Starts new instance and opens the login screen. RemoveFriendDialog Remove friend Odstrani stik Also remove chat history Remove Are you sure you want to remove %1 from your contacts list? Remove all chat history with the friend if set ScreenshotGrabber Click and drag to select a region. Press %1 to hide/show qTox window, or %2 to cancel. Help text shown when no region has been selected yet Space [Space] key on the keyboard Escape [Escape] key on the keyboard Press %1 to send a screenshot of the selection, %2 to hide/show qTox window, or %3 to cancel. Help text shown when a region has been selected Enter [Enter] key on the keyboard SetPasswordDialog Set your password Nastavi geslo Confirm: Password: Password strength: %p% The password is too short The password doesn't match. Confirm password Confirm password input Password input Password input field, minimum 6 characters long Settings Circle #%1 ToxURIDialog Add a friend Title of the window to add a friend through Tox URI Dodaj stik Do you want to add %1 as a friend? Želiš dodati %1 med stike? User ID: Uporabniški ID: Friend request message: Sporočilo: Send Send a friend request Pošlji Cancel Don't send a friend request Prekliči UserInterfaceForm None Brez User Interface UserInterfaceSettings Chat Pogovor Base font: px Size: New text styling preference may not load until qTox restarts. Text Style format: Select text styling preference. Plaintext Show formatting characters Don't show formatting characters New message Open qTox's window when you receive a new message and no window is open yet. tooltip for Show window setting Open window Focus qTox when you receive message. toolTip for Focus window setting Fokusiraj qTox ko dobiš sporočilo. Focus window Fokusiraj okno Contact list Always notify about new messages in groupchats. toolTip for Group chat always notify Vedno sporoči o novih sporočilih v skupinah. Group chats always notify Obvestila za skupine If checked, groupchats will be placed at the top of the friends list, otherwise, they'll be placed below online friends. toolTip for groupchat positioning Place groupchats at top of friend list Your contact list will be shown in compact mode. toolTip for compact layout setting Tvoj seznam stiko bo prikazan zgoščeno. Compact contact list Zgoščen prikaz stikov Multiple windows mode Open each chat in an individual window Emoticons Use emoticons Uporabi smajlije Smiley Pack: Text on smiley pack label Smajli paket: Emoticon size: Velikost smajlijev: px px Theme Tema Style: Stil: Theme color: Barva teme: Timestamp format: Oblika časa: Date format: If enabled every contact without an avatar set will have a generated avatar based on their Tox ID instead of a default picture. Requires restart to apply. toolTip for show identicons Use identicons instead of empty avatars Widget Online Button to set your status to 'Online' Dosegljiv Away Button to set your status to 'Away' Odsoten Busy Button to set your status to 'Busy' Zaseden toxcore failed to start with your proxy settings. qTox cannot run; please modify your settings and restart. popup text Toxcore se ni uspešno zagnal s tvojimi proxy nastavitvami. qTox ne more delovati, prosim spremeni nastavitve in ponovno zaženi. Executable file popup title Zagonska datoteka You have asked qTox to open an executable file. Executable files can potentially damage your computer. Are you sure want to open this file? popup text Želiš odpreti zagonsko datoteko. Te datoteke so lahko nevarne in škodijo računalniku. Želiš vseeno odpreti? Couldn't request friendship Zahteva za stik ni bila uspešna Message failed to send Sporočilo ni bilo poslano Status Stanje toxcore failed to start, the application will terminate after you close this message. Your name Tvoje ime Your status Tvoje stanje <Empty> Placeholder when someone's name in a group chat is empty Groupchat #%1 Create new group... Add new circle... %n New Friend Request(s) %n New Group Invite(s) By Name By Activity All Online Dosegljiv Offline Friends Groups Search Contacts Logout Tray action menu to logout user Exit Tray action menu to exit tox Filter... File Edit Contacts Change Status Edit Profile Log out Add Contact... Next Conversation Previous Conversation Show Tray action menu to show qTox window Add friend title of the window Dodaj stik Group invites title of the window File transfers title of the window Prenosti datotek Settings title of the window Nastavitve My profile title of the window