#!/bin/bash # # Copyright © 2017 The qTox Project Contributors # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # Generates qtox.ico from qtox.svg # # Dependencies: # base64 8.25 # ImageMagick 7.0.4 # icoutils 0.31.0 # Black, gray and transparent colors from Windows 16-color palette base64 -d <<< R0lGODlhBAABAPEAAAAAAAAAAICAgMDAwCH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAAEAAEAAAIDjAYFADs= > pal.gif # Generate 32 bpp images convert -background none -depth 8 qtox.svg qtox_256_256_32.png convert -resize 64x64 qtox_256_256_32.png qtox_64_64_32.png convert -resize 48x48 qtox_256_256_32.png qtox_48_48_32.png convert -resize 32x32 qtox_256_256_32.png qtox_32_32_32.png convert -resize 24x24 qtox_256_256_32.png qtox_24_24_32.png convert -resize 16x16 qtox_256_256_32.png qtox_16_16_32.png # Generate 8 bpp images convert +dither qtox_48_48_32.png png8:qtox_48_48_8.png convert +dither qtox_32_32_32.png png8:qtox_32_32_8.png convert +dither qtox_16_16_32.png png8:qtox_16_16_8.png # Generate 1 bpp images convert +dither -remap pal.gif qtox_32_32_8.png png8:qtox_32_32_1.png convert +dither -remap pal.gif qtox_16_16_8.png png8:qtox_16_16_1.png # Hack for Windows XP file properties page convert -modulate 99.5 -strip qtox_256_256_32.png qtox_256_256_32.png convert -modulate 99.5 qtox_64_64_32.png qtox_64_64_32.png convert -modulate 99.5 qtox_48_48_32.png qtox_48_48_32.png convert -modulate 99.5 qtox_32_32_32.png qtox_32_32_32.png convert -modulate 99.5 qtox_24_24_32.png qtox_24_24_32.png convert -modulate 99.5 qtox_16_16_32.png qtox_16_16_32.png # Build .ico file from .png images icotool -c -t 32 \ qtox_32_32_1.png \ qtox_16_16_1.png \ qtox_48_48_8.png \ qtox_32_32_8.png \ qtox_16_16_8.png \ --raw=qtox_256_256_32.png \ qtox_64_64_32.png \ qtox_48_48_32.png \ qtox_32_32_32.png \ qtox_24_24_32.png \ qtox_16_16_32.png \ > qtox.ico # Show debug information icotool -l qtox.ico