#!/usr/bin/env bash # Install verifying the hash # Get Python >=3.5 if [ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" == "osx" ] then brew update # make sha256sum available export PATH="/usr/local/opt/coreutils/libexec/gnubin:$PATH" brew upgrade python || true python --version || true python3 --version || true pyenv versions || true cd . cd "$(mktemp -d)" virtualenv env -p python3 set +u source env/bin/activate set -u cd - else python --version || true python3 --version || true pyenv versions || true pyenv global $(pyenv versions | grep -o ' 3\.[5-99]\.[1-99]' | tail -n1) fi pip install --upgrade pip check_sha256() { if ! ( echo "$1 $2" | sha256sum -c --status - ) then echo "Error: sha256 of $2 doesn't match the known one." echo "Expected: $1 $2" echo -n "Got: " sha256sum "$2" exit 1 else echo "sha256 matches the expected one: $1" fi } # Don't install again if already installed. # OSX keeps re-installing it tough, as it uses a temp per-script virtualenv. if ! pip list --format=columns | grep '^ci-release-publisher ' then cd . cd "$(mktemp -d)" VERSION="0.2.0a3" FILENAME="ci_release_publisher-$VERSION-py3-none-any.whl" HASH="399d0c645ea115d72c646c87e3b4094af04018c5bcb6a95abed4c09cdeec8bd3" pip download ci_release_publisher==$VERSION check_sha256 "$HASH" "$FILENAME" pip install --no-index --find-links "$PWD" "$FILENAME" cd - fi