AVFormAgordoj de sonoAgordoj de videoReskani aparatojnAboutFormVi povas trovi liston de problemoj konatoj je nia %1 je Github. Se vi trovos cimon aŭ atakeblan punkton en qTox, bonvole %3 laŭ la petoj en nia %2 vikia artikolo.Restartigu qTox por instalo de versio %1%1 is the version of the updateqTox elŝutas ĝisdatigon %1PriAboutSettingsVersioVersio de toxcore: $TOXCOREVERSIONVersio de Qt: $QTVERSIONAboutUserpopup titleAddFriendFormDNS errorWhen trying to add your own Tox ID as friendTox ID of the person you're sending a friend request toTox ID format descriptionThe message you send in friend requestsDefault message in friend requests if the field is left blank. Write something appropriate!AdvancedFormAdvancedSettingsdescribes makeToxPortable checkboxChatFormTemporary file for screenshotChatLogChatTextEditCircleWidgetMenu for renaming a circleMenu for removing a circleCoreused in load() when no hist pw setused on retries in load()part of history password dialogused only when pw set before load() doesn't workFileTransferWidgetfile transfer widgetfile transfer widgetTitle of permissions popuptext of permissions popupfile transfer widgetfile transfer widgetTitle of the file saving dialogFilesForm"Headline" of the windowFriendListWidgetCategory for sorting friends by activityCategory for sorting friends by activityCategory for sorting friends by activityCategory for sorting friends by activityCategory for sorting friends by activityCategory for sorting friends by activityFriendRequestDialogTitle of the window to aceept/deny a friend requestAccept a friend requestReject a friend requestFriendWidgetMenu to invite a friend to a groupchatMenu to move a friend into a different circlecontext menu entryMenu to remove the friend from our friendlistpopup titleGUIGeneralFormpopup titlepopup titlepopup textGeneralSettingstoolTip for light icon settingtoolTip for Start in tray settingtoolTip for minimize to tray settingtoolTip for close to tray settingautoaccept cb tooltiptoolTip for Notify sound settingtooltip for Show window settingtoolTip for Focus window settingtoolTip for Group chat always notifytoolTip for groupchat positioningtoolTip for Faux offline messaging settingtoolTip for compact layout settingText on smiley pack labelText on a checkbox to enable IPv6force tcp checkbox tooltipText on checkbox to disable UDPText on proxy addr labelText on proxy port labelreconnect buttonGenericChatFormGenericNetCamViewGroupPlaceholder when someone's name in a group chat is emptyGroupChatFormNumber of users in chatNumber of users in chatGroupInviteFormGroupWidgetMenu to quit a groupchatIdentitySettingsTox ID tooltiptooltip for renaming profile buttonrename profile buttondelete profile button tooltipdelete profile buttontooltip for profile exporting buttonexport profile buttontooltip for logout buttonimport profile buttonLoadHistoryDialogLoginScreenMainWindowNexusfiletype filterOS X Menu barOS X Menu barOS X Menu barOS X Menu barNotificationEdgeWidgetPasswordEditPrivacyFormPrivacySettingstooltip for typing notifications settingtoolTip for Keep History settingtoolTip for nospamProfileFormrenaming a profilerename failure titlerename confirm textrename failed titlesave dialog titlesave dialog filterTitle of permissions popuptext of permissions popupdeletion confirmation titledeletion confirmation textdeletion failed text part 1deletion failed text part 2deletion failed titlebutton textbutton textsave qr imagesave dialog filterdeletion confirmation titledeletion confirmation textProfileImporterimport dialog titleimport dialog filterpopup titlepopup textimport confirm titleimport confirm textQApplicationTranslate this string to the string 'RTL' in right-to-left languages (for example Hebrew and Arabic) to get proper widget layoutQObjectThe title of a message boxDefault message in Tox URI friend requests. Write something appropriate!No camera device setDesktop as a camera input for screen sharingRemoveFriendDialogScreenshotGrabberHelp text shown when no region has been selected yetHelp text shown when a region has been selectedSetPasswordDialogSettingsToxDNSThe DNS gives the Tox ID associated to toxme.se addressesThe DNS gives the Tox ID associated to toxme.se addressesThe DNS gives the Tox ID associated to toxme.se addressesError with the DNSError with the DNSToxURIDialogTitle of the window to add a friend through Tox URISend a friend requestDon't send a friend requestWidgetpopup textpopup titlepopup textcontact statuscontact statuscontact statuscontact statuse.g. "Dubslow is now online"Placeholder when someone's name in a group chat is emptyButton to set your status to 'Online'Button to set your status to 'Away'Button to set your status to 'Busy'Tray action menu to logout userTray action menu to exit toxElsalutiAldoni kontakton...Malantaŭa retbabiloAntaŭa retbabiloTray action menu to show qTox window