/* Copyright (C) 2013 by Maxim Biro This file is part of Tox Qt GUI. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the COPYING file for more details. */ #include "settings.h" #include "smileypack.h" #include "src/corestructs.h" #include "src/misc/db/plaindb.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef Q_OS_LINUX #define SHOW_SYSTEM_TRAY_DEFAULT (bool) false #else // OS is not linux #define SHOW_SYSTEM_TRAY_DEFAULT (bool) true #endif const QString Settings::OLDFILENAME = "settings.ini"; const QString Settings::FILENAME = "qtox.ini"; bool Settings::makeToxPortable{false}; Settings::Settings() : loaded(false), useCustomDhtList{false} { load(); } Settings& Settings::getInstance() { static Settings* settings{nullptr}; if (!settings) settings = new Settings(); return *settings; } void Settings::load() { if (loaded) return; if (QFile(FILENAME).exists()) { QSettings ps(FILENAME, QSettings::IniFormat); ps.beginGroup("General"); makeToxPortable = ps.value("makeToxPortable", false).toBool(); ps.endGroup(); } else if (QFile(OLDFILENAME).exists()) { QSettings ps(OLDFILENAME, QSettings::IniFormat); ps.beginGroup("General"); makeToxPortable = ps.value("makeToxPortable", false).toBool(); ps.endGroup(); } else makeToxPortable = false; QDir dir(getSettingsDirPath()); QString filePath = dir.filePath(FILENAME); //if no settings file exist -- use the default one if (!QFile(filePath).exists()) { if (!QFile(filePath = dir.filePath(OLDFILENAME)).exists()) { qDebug() << "No settings file found, using defaults"; filePath = ":/conf/" + FILENAME; } } qDebug() << "Settings: Loading from "<(Db::syncType::stFull)).toInt(); setDbSyncType(sType); s.endGroup(); s.beginGroup("Widgets"); QList objectNames = s.childKeys(); for (const QString& name : objectNames) { widgetSettings[name] = s.value(name).toByteArray(); } s.endGroup(); s.beginGroup("GUI"); enableSmoothAnimation = s.value("smoothAnimation", true).toBool(); smileyPack = s.value("smileyPack", ":/smileys/cylgom/emoticons.xml").toString(); customEmojiFont = s.value("customEmojiFont", true).toBool(); emojiFontFamily = s.value("emojiFontFamily", "DejaVu Sans").toString(); emojiFontPointSize = s.value("emojiFontPointSize", 12).toInt(); firstColumnHandlePos = s.value("firstColumnHandlePos", 50).toInt(); secondColumnHandlePosFromRight = s.value("secondColumnHandlePosFromRight", 50).toInt(); timestampFormat = s.value("timestampFormat", "hh:mm").toString(); minimizeOnClose = s.value("minimizeOnClose", false).toBool(); minimizeToTray = s.value("minimizeToTray", false).toBool(); useNativeStyle = s.value("nativeStyle", false).toBool(); useEmoticons = s.value("useEmoticons", true).toBool(); statusChangeNotificationEnabled = s.value("statusChangeNotificationEnabled", false).toBool(); themeColor = s.value("themeColor", 0).toInt(); style = s.value("style", "").toString(); if (style == "") // Default to Fusion if available, otherwise no style { if (QStyleFactory::keys().contains("Fusion")) style = "Fusion"; else style = "None"; } s.endGroup(); s.beginGroup("State"); windowGeometry = s.value("windowGeometry", QByteArray()).toByteArray(); windowState = s.value("windowState", QByteArray()).toByteArray(); splitterState = s.value("splitterState", QByteArray()).toByteArray(); s.endGroup(); s.beginGroup("Privacy"); typingNotification = s.value("typingNotification", false).toBool(); enableLogging = s.value("enableLogging", false).toBool(); encryptLogs = s.value("encryptLogs", false).toBool(); encryptTox = s.value("encryptTox", false).toBool(); s.endGroup(); s.beginGroup("Audio"); inDev = s.value("inDev", "").toString(); outDev = s.value("outDev", "").toString(); s.endGroup(); // Read the embedded DHT bootsrap nodes list if needed if (dhtServerList.isEmpty()) { qDebug() << "Using embeded bootstrap nodes list"; QSettings rcs(":/conf/settings.ini", QSettings::IniFormat); rcs.beginGroup("DHT Server"); int serverListSize = rcs.beginReadArray("dhtServerList"); for (int i = 0; i < serverListSize; i ++) { rcs.setArrayIndex(i); DhtServer server; server.name = rcs.value("name").toString(); server.userId = rcs.value("userId").toString(); server.address = rcs.value("address").toString(); server.port = rcs.value("port").toInt(); dhtServerList << server; } rcs.endArray(); rcs.endGroup(); } loaded = true; } void Settings::save() { QString filePath = QDir(getSettingsDirPath()).filePath(FILENAME); save(filePath); } void Settings::save(QString path) { qDebug() << "Settings: Saving in "<(dbSyncType)); s.endGroup(); s.beginGroup("Widgets"); const QList widgetNames = widgetSettings.keys(); for (const QString& name : widgetNames) { s.setValue(name, widgetSettings.value(name)); } s.endGroup(); s.beginGroup("GUI"); s.setValue("smoothAnimation", enableSmoothAnimation); s.setValue("smileyPack", smileyPack); s.setValue("customEmojiFont", customEmojiFont); s.setValue("emojiFontFamily", emojiFontFamily); s.setValue("emojiFontPointSize", emojiFontPointSize); s.setValue("firstColumnHandlePos", firstColumnHandlePos); s.setValue("secondColumnHandlePosFromRight", secondColumnHandlePosFromRight); s.setValue("timestampFormat", timestampFormat); s.setValue("minimizeOnClose", minimizeOnClose); s.setValue("minimizeToTray", minimizeToTray); s.setValue("nativeStyle", useNativeStyle); s.setValue("useEmoticons", useEmoticons); s.setValue("themeColor", themeColor); s.setValue("style", style); s.setValue("statusChangeNotificationEnabled", statusChangeNotificationEnabled); s.endGroup(); s.beginGroup("State"); s.setValue("windowGeometry", windowGeometry); s.setValue("windowState", windowState); s.setValue("splitterState", splitterState); s.endGroup(); s.beginGroup("Privacy"); s.setValue("typingNotification", typingNotification); s.setValue("enableLogging", enableLogging); s.setValue("encryptLogs", encryptLogs); s.setValue("encryptTox", encryptTox); s.endGroup(); s.beginGroup("Audio"); s.setValue("inDev", inDev); s.setValue("outDev", outDev); s.endGroup(); } QString Settings::getSettingsDirPath() { if (makeToxPortable) return "."; // workaround for https://bugreports.qt-project.org/browse/QTBUG-38845 #ifdef Q_OS_WIN return QDir::cleanPath(QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::HomeLocation) + QDir::separator() + "AppData" + QDir::separator() + "Roaming" + QDir::separator() + "tox"); #else return QDir::cleanPath(QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::ConfigLocation) + QDir::separator() + "tox"); #endif } QPixmap Settings::getSavedAvatar(const QString &ownerId) { QDir dir(getSettingsDirPath()); QString filePath = dir.filePath("avatars/"+ownerId.left(64)+".png"); QFileInfo info(filePath); QPixmap pic; if (!info.exists()) { QString filePath = dir.filePath("avatar_"+ownerId.left(64)); if (!QFileInfo(filePath).exists()) // try without truncation, for old self avatars filePath = dir.filePath("avatar_"+ownerId); pic.load(filePath); saveAvatar(pic, ownerId); QFile::remove(filePath); } else pic.load(filePath); return pic; } void Settings::saveAvatar(QPixmap& pic, const QString& ownerId) { QDir dir(getSettingsDirPath()); dir.mkdir("avatars/"); // ignore nospam (good idea, and also the addFriend funcs which call getAvatar don't have it) QString filePath = dir.filePath("avatars/"+ownerId.left(64)+".png"); pic.save(filePath, "png"); } void Settings::saveAvatarHash(const QByteArray& hash, const QString& ownerId) { QDir dir(getSettingsDirPath()); dir.mkdir("avatars/"); QFile file(dir.filePath("avatars/"+ownerId.left(64)+".hash")); if (!file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) return; file.write(hash); file.close(); } QByteArray Settings::getAvatarHash(const QString& ownerId) { QDir dir(getSettingsDirPath()); dir.mkdir("avatars/"); QFile file(dir.filePath("avatars/"+ownerId.left(64)+".hash")); if (!file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) return QByteArray(); QByteArray out = file.readAll(); file.close(); return out; } const QList& Settings::getDhtServerList() const { return dhtServerList; } void Settings::setDhtServerList(const QList& newDhtServerList) { dhtServerList = newDhtServerList; emit dhtServerListChanged(); } bool Settings::getEnableIPv6() const { return enableIPv6; } void Settings::setEnableIPv6(bool newValue) { enableIPv6 = newValue; } bool Settings::getMakeToxPortable() const { return makeToxPortable; } void Settings::setMakeToxPortable(bool newValue) { makeToxPortable = newValue; save(FILENAME); // Commit to the portable file that we don't want to use it if (!newValue) // Update the new file right now if not already done save(); } bool Settings::getAutostartInTray() const { return autostartInTray; } QString Settings::getStyle() const { return style; } void Settings::setStyle(const QString& newStyle) { style = newStyle; } bool Settings::getShowSystemTray() const { return showSystemTray; } void Settings::setShowSystemTray(const bool& newValue) { showSystemTray = newValue; } void Settings::setUseEmoticons(bool newValue) { useEmoticons = newValue; } bool Settings::getUseEmoticons() const { return useEmoticons; } void Settings::setAutoSaveEnabled(bool newValue) { autoSaveEnabled = newValue; } bool Settings::getAutoSaveEnabled() const { return autoSaveEnabled; } void Settings::setAutostartInTray(bool newValue) { autostartInTray = newValue; } bool Settings::getCloseToTray() const { return closeToTray; } void Settings::setCloseToTray(bool newValue) { closeToTray = newValue; } bool Settings::getTrayShowsUserStatus() const { return trayShowsUserStatus; } void Settings::setTrayShowsUserStatus(bool newValue) { trayShowsUserStatus = newValue; } bool Settings::getMinimizeToTray() const { return minimizeToTray; } void Settings::setMinimizeToTray(bool newValue) { minimizeToTray = newValue; } bool Settings::getStatusChangeNotificationEnabled() const { return statusChangeNotificationEnabled; } void Settings::setStatusChangeNotificationEnabled(bool newValue) { statusChangeNotificationEnabled = newValue; } bool Settings::getShowInFront() const { return showInFront; } void Settings::setShowInFront(bool newValue) { showInFront = newValue; } QString Settings::getTranslation() const { return translation; } void Settings::setTranslation(QString newValue) { translation = newValue; } bool Settings::getForceTCP() const { return forceTCP; } void Settings::setForceTCP(bool newValue) { forceTCP = newValue; } bool Settings::getUseProxy() const { return useProxy; } void Settings::setUseProxy(bool newValue) { useProxy = newValue; } QString Settings::getProxyAddr() const { return proxyAddr; } void Settings::setProxyAddr(const QString& newValue) { proxyAddr = newValue; } int Settings::getProxyPort() const { return proxyPort; } void Settings::setProxyPort(int newValue) { proxyPort = newValue; } QString Settings::getCurrentProfile() const { return currentProfile; } void Settings::setCurrentProfile(QString profile) { currentProfile = profile; } bool Settings::getEnableLogging() const { return enableLogging; } void Settings::setEnableLogging(bool newValue) { enableLogging = newValue; } bool Settings::getEncryptLogs() const { return encryptLogs; } void Settings::setEncryptLogs(bool newValue) { encryptLogs = newValue; } bool Settings::getEncryptTox() const { return encryptTox; } void Settings::setEncryptTox(bool newValue) { encryptTox = newValue; } Db::syncType Settings::getDbSyncType() const { return dbSyncType; } void Settings::setDbSyncType(int newValue) { if (newValue >= 0 && newValue <= 2) dbSyncType = static_cast(newValue); else dbSyncType = Db::syncType::stFull; } int Settings::getAutoAwayTime() const { return autoAwayTime; } void Settings::setAutoAwayTime(int newValue) { if (newValue < 0) newValue = 10; autoAwayTime = newValue; } QString Settings::getAutoAcceptDir(const ToxID& id) const { QString key = id.publicKey; auto it = friendLst.find(key); if (it != friendLst.end()) { return it->autoAcceptDir; } return QString(); } void Settings::setAutoAcceptDir(const ToxID &id, const QString& dir) { QString key = id.publicKey; auto it = friendLst.find(key); if (it != friendLst.end()) { it->autoAcceptDir = dir; } else { updateFriendAdress(id.toString()); setAutoAcceptDir(id, dir); } } QString Settings::getGlobalAutoAcceptDir() const { return globalAutoAcceptDir; } void Settings::setGlobalAutoAcceptDir(const QString& newValue) { globalAutoAcceptDir = newValue; } void Settings::setWidgetData(const QString& uniqueName, const QByteArray& data) { widgetSettings[uniqueName] = data; } QByteArray Settings::getWidgetData(const QString& uniqueName) const { return widgetSettings.value(uniqueName); } bool Settings::isAnimationEnabled() const { return enableSmoothAnimation; } void Settings::setAnimationEnabled(bool newValue) { enableSmoothAnimation = newValue; } QString Settings::getSmileyPack() const { return smileyPack; } void Settings::setSmileyPack(const QString &value) { smileyPack = value; emit smileyPackChanged(); } bool Settings::isCurstomEmojiFont() const { return customEmojiFont; } void Settings::setCurstomEmojiFont(bool value) { customEmojiFont = value; emit emojiFontChanged(); } int Settings::getEmojiFontPointSize() const { return emojiFontPointSize; } void Settings::setEmojiFontPointSize(int value) { emojiFontPointSize = value; emit emojiFontChanged(); } int Settings::getFirstColumnHandlePos() const { return firstColumnHandlePos; } void Settings::setFirstColumnHandlePos(const int pos) { firstColumnHandlePos = pos; } int Settings::getSecondColumnHandlePosFromRight() const { return secondColumnHandlePosFromRight; } void Settings::setSecondColumnHandlePosFromRight(const int pos) { secondColumnHandlePosFromRight = pos; } const QString &Settings::getTimestampFormat() const { return timestampFormat; } void Settings::setTimestampFormat(const QString &format) { timestampFormat = format; emit timestampFormatChanged(); } QString Settings::getEmojiFontFamily() const { return emojiFontFamily; } void Settings::setEmojiFontFamily(const QString &value) { emojiFontFamily = value; emit emojiFontChanged(); } bool Settings::getUseNativeStyle() const { return useNativeStyle; } void Settings::setUseNativeStyle(bool value) { useNativeStyle = value; } QByteArray Settings::getWindowGeometry() const { return windowGeometry; } void Settings::setWindowGeometry(const QByteArray &value) { windowGeometry = value; } QByteArray Settings::getWindowState() const { return windowState; } void Settings::setWindowState(const QByteArray &value) { windowState = value; } bool Settings::getCheckUpdates() const { return checkUpdates; } void Settings::setCheckUpdates(bool newValue) { checkUpdates = newValue; } QByteArray Settings::getSplitterState() const { return splitterState; } void Settings::setSplitterState(const QByteArray &value) { splitterState = value; } bool Settings::isMinimizeOnCloseEnabled() const { return minimizeOnClose; } void Settings::setMinimizeOnClose(bool newValue) { minimizeOnClose = newValue; } bool Settings::isTypingNotificationEnabled() const { return typingNotification; } void Settings::setTypingNotification(bool enabled) { typingNotification = enabled; } QString Settings::getInDev() const { return inDev; } void Settings::setInDev(const QString& deviceSpecifier) { inDev = deviceSpecifier; } QString Settings::getOutDev() const { return outDev; } void Settings::setOutDev(const QString& deviceSpecifier) { outDev = deviceSpecifier; } QString Settings::getFriendAdress(const QString &publicKey) const { QString key = ToxID::fromString(publicKey).publicKey; auto it = friendLst.find(key); if (it != friendLst.end()) { return it->addr; } return QString(); } void Settings::updateFriendAdress(const QString &newAddr) { QString key = ToxID::fromString(newAddr).publicKey; auto it = friendLst.find(key); if (it != friendLst.end()) { it->addr = newAddr; } else { friendProp fp; fp.addr = newAddr; fp.alias = ""; fp.autoAcceptDir = ""; friendLst[newAddr] = fp; } } QString Settings::getFriendAlias(const ToxID &id) const { QString key = id.publicKey; auto it = friendLst.find(key); if (it != friendLst.end()) { return it->alias; } return QString(); } void Settings::setFriendAlias(const ToxID &id, const QString &alias) { QString key = id.publicKey; auto it = friendLst.find(key); if (it != friendLst.end()) { it->alias = alias; } else { friendProp fp; fp.addr = key; fp.alias = alias; fp.autoAcceptDir = ""; friendLst[key] = fp; } } void Settings::removeFriendSettings(const ToxID &id) { QString key = id.publicKey; friendLst.remove(key); } bool Settings::getFauxOfflineMessaging() const { return fauxOfflineMessaging; } void Settings::setFauxOfflineMessaging(bool value) { fauxOfflineMessaging = value; } int Settings::getThemeColor() const { return themeColor; } void Settings::setThemeColor(const int &value) { themeColor = value; }