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synced 2024-03-22 14:00:36 +08:00
Not enough freedom. Fixed.
This commit is contained in:
@ -673,3 +673,103 @@ the library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Lesser General
Public License instead of this License. But first, please read
1991Copyr ightC1 9891991FreeSo ftwareFo un dationI
nc5 9Te m plePlaceSuite330BostonMA 021111307USAEveryoneIsP
ermittedToCopyAndDi stributeVerbatimCopiesofTh isLicenseDocumentbutC
yYourfreedomToShareAndC hangeItByContrasttheGNUGeneralPublicLicenseIsIntendedTo
GuaranteeYourFreedomToShareAndChangeF reeso f tw aretoMakeSureTheSoftwar eIsFr
eeForAllItsUsersT hisGeneralPublicLic ens eA p p liesToMostOfTheFreeSof t
wareFoundationsSoftwareAndToAnyOt h erPr ogramW ho se Au t horsCommitTousingItSomeOt
herFreeSoftwareFoundationSoftw ar e I s Cov er edBytheGNULibraryGen e
ralPublicLicenseInsteadYouCa nA p p l y I tToyourProgramstooWh en
WeSpeakOfFreeSoftwarewe AreReferr i n g T oFre e do mnotpriceOurGeneralP u
blicLicensesAreDesignedT oMake Su re Th at YouhaveTheFreed omToD is
tributeCopiesOfFreeSoftwar eand Ch ar geF orthisServ iceI fY
ouWishthatYouReceiveSou r ceCod eO rC anG etItifYouWantItthat
YouCanChangeTheSoftware OrUsePi e ce sOfItinNewFreePro grams
AndThatYouKnowYouCanDoTheseTh ingsToProtectYourRig htswe
NeedToMak eRestrictionsTh a tForbi danyoneToDenyYou Thes
eRightsOrToAskYouToS u r renderTh eRigh tsTheseRestrict
ionsTranslateToCerta i nR espo nsibi litiesForYouIfYoud
istributeCopiesOfT h eSo ftwa reorI fYouModifyItFor Examplei
fYouDistributeCopi es O f Suc hAProgramwh ethergratisOrF or
AFeeyouMustGiveTh e R e cip i entsAllTheRightsThatyouHaveY
ouMustMakeSureTha tT h ey too receiveOrCanGetThesourceCodeA
ndYouMustShowThemThes e Ter ms SoT h eyKnowTh eirrightsWeProtec t
Yo urRights WithTwoSt eps 1 CopyrightTheS oftwarean d 2Of
f erYouThisLicenseW h i ch G ivesYouLegalPe rmissionToCopyd is
t ribut eAndorModifyTh eS o f twar eAlsoforEachAutho rsProtectionAnd Ou
rsweWantToMak eC ert a i n th a t EveryoneUnderstandsThatThereIsNoWarr a
nty ForThisFr ee soft wa r e I f The SoftwareI sModifiedBySomeoneElseA
ndPassedOnwewan tItsRe c i pi ent s ToKnowThatWh atTheyHaveIsNotTheOrigina
lsothatAnyPr oblem sIntr o d u c e d B yO thersWillNotReflectOnTheOriginalau t
horsReputationsFinal ly an y F r e e Pr ogramIsT hreatenedConstantlyBySoftw a re
patentsWeWishToAvoidTheDange rT hatRedistributorsOfAFreeprogramWillIndivi du a
llyObt ainPatentLicens esin Eff ectM akin g TheprogramProprietaryToPreventThis weHav
eMadeItClearThatAnypatentMust B eLic ens e dForEver yon esFreeU seOrNotLicensedAtAllThePreciseTe r ms
AndConditionsForCopyingdi st r i butionAndm odificatio nFollowG NUGE NE RALPUBLICLICENSETERMSANDCONDIT I
ONSFORCOPYINGDISTRIBUTIONAN D M ODIFICATION0ThisLice n s eAppliesTo AnyProgramOrOtherWorkWhichConta i n
s aNoticePlacedByTheC opyright Holde rS a yingItMayBeDist r ibutedund e rTheT e rmsOfThisGeneralPublicLicenseTh e
ProgrambelowrefersToA nySuc h ProgramOrW o rkandAw orkB asedOnTheProgrammeansEi therTheProgra m
OrAnyDerivativeWorkUnderCop yrightLawthatIsToSayaWo r k Co nta inin gTheProgramOrAPortionO fIteitherVerbat
i mOrWithModificationsAndorTr anslatedIntoAnotherl an guag eH ere inaftertran s la tio nIsIncludedWithoutLimitationInth
e TermmodificationEachLicens eeIsAdd r e ss edAsyouAc tivitiesOt her Tha nCopyingdistributionA ndModificationAr e N
o tcoveredByThisLicenseTheyAreOu tsideIt s ScopeTh eActOfrunningT he Pro g r a m IsNotRestrictedandTheOutputFromTh e
Pr ogramisCovere dOnlyIfItsContent s ConstituteA WorkB as ed OnTh eProgramind ependentOfHav in gB een Ma de ByRunningTheProgramWhetherThatIsTr
u eDependsOnWhatTheProgramDo es1 Y o uMayCop yAndDistrib uteVerbatimCop iesOfThePr ogramssou rc e C od eAsYouReceiveItinAnyM ediumprovi d
e dThatYouconspicu ouslyAn dAppropriatel yPublishOnEac hCopyAn Appro p r iateco py rightNoti ce A nd DisclaimerOfWarrantyKeep IntactAllTh e
n oticesThatReferToThisLicenseAn dToT heAbsenc eOfA nyWa rran ty an dGiveAnyOthe r Rec ip ientsOf T heP rogramACopyOfThis LicensealongWithTh e
P rogramYouMayChargeAFeeFo rTheP hysicalAct OfTransf er rin gA Co p y a n dyouMa yAtY o u rOptionOfferWarran tyProtectionInExc h
angeForAFee2YouMayModi fyYou rCopyOrCop iesOfTheProgramOrAn yP ortion o fI tthusF o r min gAWorkBasedOnTheProgramandCopyAnd d
istributeSuchModificationsO r WorkUnder Th e Ter ms OfS ec t ion1abovep r o vi de dTha tYouA lsoM eetAllOfTheseConditionsaYouMu
s tCauseTheModifiedFilesToCarr yProminen tNotic e s sta tingThat Y ouChang e dT h e Fi lesAndTheDateOfAnyChangebYouMustCa u
se AnyWorkThatYouDistributeOr Publishtha t Inwho leOr I n Part Con ta i nsOr Is DerivedFromTheProgramOrAnypartThe r
eoftoBeLicensedAsAWholeAtNoC hargeToAllT hirdp a rtiesU n de r T heTerm sOfThisLic ensecIfTheModifiedProgramN
o r mallyReadsCommandsInteracti velyw henRunyouMus tCa us e Itw he nSt a rtedR u n ningForSuchin teractiveUseInTheMos tO
r dinaryWaytoPrintOrDisplayAna nnou n ce m e n tIn cl u d in gAnA ppropriateCopyrightNoticeAndAnoticeTh
a tThereIsNoWarrantyorElsesayin gThat Yo u P r ovi de a War r an ty AndTh atUsersMayRedistributeTheProgramUnder
theseConditionsandTellingTheUs erH ow ToVi e wA C opyO fThisLicenseExceptionIfTheProgra mItse
lfIsInteractiveButdoesNotNormal l yP r in tSuch A n Ann ouncementyourWorkBasedOntheProgr amIsNotRequ
i re dToPrintAnAnnouncementThese Re qu i r e m ent sApp l y ToT heModifiedWorkAsAWholeIfidentifiableSect
i o nsOfThatWor kAreNotDerivedFromTh e Pro gramandC a nBeRea sonablyConsideredIndependentAn dSepa
ra teWorksInthemselvesthenThisL ice ns ea n dIt sTerm s do No tAp plyT oThosesectionsWhenYouDistributeT
h em AsSeparateWorksButWhenYoudistr i b u teT h eS am eSecti o n sAsPartOfAWholeWhichIsAWorkBasedonTh
eP r ogramtheDi stributionOfTheWhole M u s tBe On T heT er msO fthisLicensewhos ePermissionsFor
O th erLicenseesExtendToTheentireW h o l ea ndT husToEa chAndEveryPartRegard lessOfWhoWroteI
t ThusitIsNotTheIntentOfThisSectionTo C l ai mR ightsOrCo nte s t y ou rRightsToWorkWrittenEntirelyByYouRatherthe
In tentIsToexerciseTheRightToControl T h e Di stribut ionOfDe ri va t iveOrcol le ctiveWorksBasedOnTheProgramInAdditi
onmereAggregationOfAnotherWorkNotBase d O nT heP rogram w ithTh e Pr og ramo r Wi t hAWorkBasedOnTheProgramOnAVolumeOfa
S torageOrDistributionMediumDoesNotBri ngT h eO therWorkUnde r theSc opeOfTh is Li cense3YouMa yCopyAndDistribute TheProgramorAWor
kBa sedOnItunderSection2InObjectCodeOr E xe cu tableF ormUnderTheT ermsOfSe ct i on s1 And2AboveProvidedThatYouAlsoDoOneOfTheFo llo
wi ngaAccompanyItWithTheCompleteCorrespond i ngMachiner e adablesource Co dewhichM us t Be Di stributedU nderTheTermsOfSection s1And2Above
OnA MediumCustomarilyUsedForSoftwareIn te rchangeOrbAccompa nyItWithAWrittenOfferv ali dFo rAt L ea s tThreeyear stoGiveAnyThirdP artyforACharge
No M oreThanYourcostOfPhysicallyP erform in g Sour ceDistributionaComplet emachinere adableCopyOfTheCorr espo n di ngSourceCodetoBedistributedUnde rTheTermsOfSect
i ons 1And2AboveOnAMediumcustomarilyUs ed Fo rSoftwareInterchang eOrcAccompanyItWithTheIn formationY o uRece ivedAsToT heOffertoDistributeCorrespondin
g SourceCodeThisAlternativeIsallowedOnl yF o r N oncommercialDistributionAndOnlyIfYou receivedT heProgramI nObj ec tC o deOrExecutableFormWithSuchanOfferinA ccordWithS
u bsectionBAboveTheSourceCodeForAWor kM e a nsThePreferredFo rmOfTheWorkFor m aking Modific ationsToI tFor A n Ex e cuta bleWorkcompleteSourceco deMeansAllTheSource
Co deForAllModulesItContainsplusAny associ a t edIn te rfaceDefin itionFile splus Th e ScriptsUsed T oco ntr olC o mpil ationAndInstallationOfTheExecutableHoweverasAs
pecialExceptiontheSourceCodeDistribu te d N e e dNotIncludean ythi ngThatIsNo rmallyDistributedinEitherSourceO r Bin ar yf orm W ithTheMajorCo mpone ntscompilerkernelandSoOn
O fTheoperatingSystemOnWhichTheExecutab l eRunsunlessThatCompone nt itselfAccompa nie sThe Ex ecutab le IfDi s t r ibu tio nOfExecutabl eOrObjectCodeIsMadeByOfferingacce
s sToCopyFromADesignatedPlacethenOfferin gEq uiv alen ta ccessToCopyTheSourceCode FromTh eSamePlac eCou ntsA sdi stribu tio n O fThe SourceCodeev enThoughThirdPart iesAreNotcompe
ll edToCopyTheSourceAlongWithTheObjectC o de 4YouMayN otCopymodifysubli cens eo rD istribute T heProgr a m exceptAsExpre sslyProvi dedUnderThisLi censeAnyAttemp
t otherwiseToCopymodifysublicenseOrD istrib u t eThe ProgramIsvoidandWill A ut oma ticall y T e rmin at e Y ou rRightsUnderThisLicenseHow everpartiesWhoHaveRecei
v edCopiesorRightsfromYouUnderthisLicense W il lNotHaveTheirLic ensesTerm i n a t ed SoLongAsS uchpartie sR e mainInFullCompliance5YouAreNotRequiredToAcceptThisLice
n sesinceYouHaveNotsignedItHowevernothingEl s eGran ts YouPer mission To Mo d if yOrdis trib uteTheProgra mO rItsDeri vativeWorksTheseActionsArepr ohibitedByLawIfYouDoNot
AcceptThisLicenseThereforebymodifyin gOrD istributi ng TheP r ogra morAnyWorkBase d OnThe P rogra my ouIndicateY o ur Acc eptanceOfThisLicenseToDoSoandallItsTermsAndConditionsFo
rCopyingdistributingOrModifyingtheProgram OrWork sBasedOn It6Ea c hTimeY ouRedi stribute T h eProgr am orAny WorkBasedOnTheProgramtheRecipientAutomaticallyReceivesAL
icenseFromTheoriginalLicensorToCopydis tributeOr Modify TheP r o gramS ubj e c t To t heseTermsAndCond i tion sYouMayNotImposeAnyFurtherrestrictionsOnTheRecipients
GN UGENERALPUBLICLICENSEVersion2June1991CopyrightC19891 991 Fr e eSoftwa r e Fo un dationIn c 59Temp lePlaceSuite330BostonMA0211 11307USAEveryoneIsPermitt
ed ToCopyAndDistributeVerbatimCopiesofThisLicens eD ocumentbutCh a ng in g I tI sNo t Al lowedP reamble TheLicen sesForMostSoftwareAreDesignedToTakeAwayYourfreed
o m ToShareAndChangeItByContrasttheGNUGeneralPub licLi censeIsIn te n d e d ToGuaran t ee YourFre ed om ToShareAndChangeFreesoftwaretoMakeSureTheSoftwareIsFreeF
or AllItsUsersThisGeneralPublicLicenseApplies ToMostOf TheFree S of twa re Fo un dat ions So ftware A ndToAnyOthe rProgramWhoseAuthorsCommitTous ingItSome OtherFreeSoftware
F oundationSoftwareIsCoveredBytheGNULibraryGeneralP ubli c Licens e In s te adYo uCanApplyItToyour Pr og ra mst ooWh en WeSpeakOfFreeSoftwareweAreReferringToFreedomnotpriceOurGen
er alPublicLicensesAreDesignedToMakeSureThatYouhaveTheFreedom ToDis tributeCopiesOfFreeSoftwar e a ndCharg e ForthisServiceIfYouWishthatYouReceiveSourceCodeOrCanGetItifYouWantItthatYouC
anChangeTheSoftwareOrUsePiecesOfItinNewFreeProgramsAndThatYouKnowYou Ca nD oTheseThingsToProtectYourRigh tswe N eedToMakeRes tr ictionsThatForbidanyoneToDenyYouTheseRightsOrToAskYouToSur
renderTheRightsTheseRestrictionsTranslateToCertainResponsibili tiesForYouIfYoudistributeCopiesOfTheSoftwa reo rIf YouModifyItForExampleifYouDistributeCopiesOfSuchAProgramwhethergratisO
r F orAFeeyouMustGiveTheRecipientsAllTheRightsThatyouHaveYouMustMakeSureT hatTheytooreceiveOrCanGetThe sourceCodeAnd YouMustShowThemTheseTermsSoTheyKnowTheirrightsWeProtectYourRightsWithTwoS
t eps1CopyrightTheSoftwareand2OfferYouThisLicen seWhichGivesYouLegalPermissionToCopydistributeA n dorModifyTheSoftwareAlsoforEachAuthorsProtectionAndOursweWantToMakeCertainthatEveryoneUnd
ers tandsThatThereIsNoWarrantyForThisFreesoftw areIfTheSoft wareIsModif iedBySomeoneElseAndPassed O n wewantItsRecipientsToKnowThatWhatTheyHaveIsNotTheOriginalsothatAnyProblemsIntroducedByO
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