diff --git a/translations/zh.ts b/translations/zh.ts index 815aa3f4d..dfea4a83a 100644 --- a/translations/zh.ts +++ b/translations/zh.ts @@ -1005,12 +1005,12 @@ instead of system taskbar. Set where files will be saved. - + 设置文件保存位置 Save to: - + 保存到: @@ -1020,69 +1020,70 @@ instead of system taskbar. Your status is changed to Away after set period of inactivity. - + 你的状态将在设置的分钟无活动后被修改为离开 Chat - + 聊天 Always notify about new messages in groupchats. toolTip for Group chat always notify - + 一直向我提示所有群聊新消息 Group chats always notify - + 提醒所有群聊消息 On new message: - + 当收到新消息: Show qTox's window when you receive new message. tooltip for Show window setting - + 当收到消息时打开qTox窗口 Show window - + 显示窗口 Focus qTox when you receive message. toolTip for Focus window setting - + 当收到消息时将qTox窗口设为活动窗口 Focus window - + 设为活动窗口 Messages you are trying to send to your friends when they are not online will be sent to them when they will appear online to you. toolTip for Faux offline messaging setting - + 你在好友离线时试图发送的消息将在他们对你显示在线时发送 Your contact list will be shown in compact mode. qTox's restart needed. toolTip for compact layout setting - + 你的联系人列表将被以紧缩格式显示 +qTox重启后生效 Compact contact list - + 紧缩显示联系人列表 @@ -1098,18 +1099,18 @@ qTox's restart needed. Emoticon size: - + 表情大小 Proxy type: - + 代理服务器类型 Address: Text on proxy addr label - + 代理服务器地址 :) @@ -1139,12 +1140,12 @@ qTox's restart needed. Theme color: - + 主题颜色 Timestamp format: - + 时间戳格式 @@ -1376,7 +1377,7 @@ qTox's restart needed. Not sent - + 未发送 @@ -1604,7 +1605,8 @@ Associated friend information and chat logs will be deleted as well. This bunch of characters tells other Tox clients how to contact you. Share it with your friends to communicate. Tox ID tooltip - + 这组字符告诉其他Tox客户端如何与你联系 +将它共享给你的朋友来进行Tox通信 @@ -1625,13 +1627,13 @@ Share it with your friends to communicate. Currently selected profile. toolTip for currently set profile - + 当前选择的配置文件 Load selected profile and switch to it. tooltip for loading profile button - + 加载选择的配置文件并切换到它 @@ -1654,7 +1656,7 @@ Share it with your friends to communicate. Rename selected profile. tooltip for renaming profile button - + 重命名选择的配置文件 @@ -1667,13 +1669,14 @@ Share it with your friends to communicate. Allows you to export your Tox profile to a file. Profile does not contain your history. tooltip for profile exporting button - + 导出你的Tox配置文件到一个独立文件 +配置文件不包含你的历史记录 Delete selected profile. delete profile button tooltip - + 删除配置文件 @@ -1696,13 +1699,13 @@ Profile does not contain your history. Import Tox profile from a .tox file. tooltip for importing profile button - + 从一个.tox中导入Tox用户配置文件 Create new Tox ID and switch to it. tooltip for creating new Tox ID button - + 创建一个新的Tox ID并切换至它 @@ -1808,37 +1811,37 @@ Profile does not contain your history. Please set your new chat history password. - + 请设置你的新聊天记录密码 It appears you have an unused encrypted chat history; if the password matches, it will be added to your current history. - + 看起来你有一个未被使用的加密聊天记录,如果密码正确,它将被导入你现有的历史记录 Use data file password pushbutton text - + 使用数据文件密码 Successfully decrypted old chat history popup title - + 成功解密旧的聊天记录 You have succesfully decrypted the old chat history, and it has been added to your current history and re-encrypted. popup text - + 你成功解密了旧的聊天记录,它已被加入你现有的聊天记录并被重新加密 Old encrypted chat history popup title - + 旧的加密聊天记录 @@ -1847,53 +1850,57 @@ Profile does not contain your history. If you don't care about the old history, you may click Ok to delete it and use the password you just entered. Otherwise, hit cancel to try again. This happens when enabling encryption after previously "Disabling History" - + 现在有一个未被使用的加密聊天记录,但是你输入的密码不正确 + +如果你不在乎你的旧聊天记录,你可以点Ok来删除它,使用你刚才输入的密码 +否则请点击Cancel以重试 Are you absolutely sure you want to lose the unused encrypted chat history? secondary popup - + 你确定你想失去未使用的加密聊天记录吗? Old encrypted chat history title - + 旧的加密聊天记录 Would you like to decrypt your chat history? Otherwise it will be deleted. - + 你想要解密你的聊天记录吗? +否则它将被删除 Are you sure you want to lose your entire chat history? - + 你确定你想要失去当前的聊天记录吗? Please set your new data file password. - + 请设置新的数据文件密码 Use chat history password pushbutton text - + 使用聊天记录密码 Decrypt your data file title - + 解密你的数据文件 Would you like to decrypt your data file? - + 你想要解密的数据文件吗 Encrypted log @@ -1919,7 +1926,7 @@ Do you want to delete old history file? Your friends will be able to see when you are typing. tooltip for typing notifications setting - + 你的好友将看到你“正在输入”的提示 @@ -1931,38 +1938,39 @@ Do you want to delete old history file? Chat history keeping is still in development. Save format changes are possible, which may result in data loss. toolTip for Keep History setting - + 聊天记录的保存仍然在开发中 +保存格式的更改是有可能的,这意味着数据丢失 Keep chat history (mostly stable) - + 保存聊天记录(通常是稳定的) Local file encryption - + 本地文件加密 All Tox communications over the internet are encrypted, and this cannot be disabled. However, you may optionally password protect your local Tox files. - + 网络上所有的Tox通讯都是加密的,并且这不能被关闭,但是你可以选择是否为本地的Tox文件设置密码 Encrypt Tox data file - + 加密Tox数据文件 Change password - + 更改密码 Encrypt chat history - + 加密聊天历史记录 @@ -1971,7 +1979,10 @@ It is there to help you change your Tox ID when you feel like you are getting to When you change nospam, your current contacts still can communicate with you, but new contacts need to know your new Tox ID to be able to add you. toolTip for nospam - + 反垃圾是你Tox ID的一部分 +这将在你收到大量垃圾好友请求是帮助你更改你的Tox ID +当你修改了反垃圾之后,你当前的好友依然可以与你通信 +但是新的联系人需要得到你新的Tox ID后才能添加你为好友 Keep History (unstable)