To avoid `self.writer.drain()` is called in parallel. Reference: https://bugs.python.org/issue29930
100 lines
2.7 KiB
100 lines
2.7 KiB
import asyncio
import struct
from typing import Tuple
from libp2p.typing import StreamReader
def encode_uvarint(number: int) -> bytes:
"""Pack `number` into varint bytes"""
buf = b""
while True:
towrite = number & 0x7F
number >>= 7
if number:
buf += bytes((towrite | 0x80,))
buf += bytes((towrite,))
return buf
def decode_uvarint(buff: bytes, index: int) -> Tuple[int, int]:
shift = 0
result = 0
while True:
i = buff[index]
result |= (i & 0x7F) << shift
shift += 7
if not i & 0x80:
index += 1
return result, index + 1
async def decode_uvarint_from_stream(reader: StreamReader, timeout: float) -> int:
shift = 0
result = 0
while True:
byte = await asyncio.wait_for(reader.read(1), timeout=timeout)
i = struct.unpack(">H", b"\x00" + byte)[0]
result |= (i & 0x7F) << shift
shift += 7
if not i & 0x80:
return result
# Varint-prefixed read/write
def encode_varint_prefixed(msg_bytes: bytes) -> bytes:
varint_len = encode_uvarint(len(msg_bytes))
return varint_len + msg_bytes
async def read_varint_prefixed_bytes(reader: StreamReader) -> bytes:
len_msg = await decode_uvarint_from_stream(reader, None)
data = await reader.read(len_msg)
if len(data) != len_msg:
raise ValueError(
f"failed to read enough bytes: len_msg={len_msg}, data={data!r}"
return data
# Delimited read/write, used by multistream-select.
# Reference: https://github.com/gogo/protobuf/blob/07eab6a8298cf32fac45cceaac59424f98421bbc/io/varint.go#L109-L126 # noqa: E501
def encode_delim(msg: bytes) -> bytes:
delimited_msg = msg + b"\n"
return encode_varint_prefixed(delimited_msg)
async def read_delim(reader: StreamReader) -> bytes:
msg_bytes = await read_varint_prefixed_bytes(reader)
# TODO: Investigate if it is possible to have empty `msg_bytes`
if len(msg_bytes) != 0 and msg_bytes[-1:] != b"\n":
raise ValueError(f'msg_bytes is not delimited by b"\\n": msg_bytes={msg_bytes}')
return msg_bytes[:-1]
# Fixed-prefixed read/write, used by "/plaintext/2.0.0".
# Reference: https://github.com/libp2p/go-msgio/blob/d5bbf59d3c4240266b1d2e5df9dc993454c42011/num.go#L11-L33 # noqa: E501 # noqa: E501
def encode_fixedint_prefixed(msg_bytes: bytes) -> bytes:
len_prefix = len(msg_bytes).to_bytes(SIZE_LEN_BYTES, "big")
return len_prefix + msg_bytes
async def read_fixedint_prefixed(reader: StreamReader) -> bytes:
len_bytes = await reader.read(SIZE_LEN_BYTES)
len_int = int.from_bytes(len_bytes, "big")
return await reader.read(len_int)