417 lines
14 KiB
417 lines
14 KiB
from typing import Any, AsyncIterator, Dict, List, Sequence, Tuple, cast
from async_exit_stack import AsyncExitStack
from async_generator import asynccontextmanager
from async_service import background_trio_service
import factory
from multiaddr import Multiaddr
import trio
from libp2p import generate_new_rsa_identity, generate_peer_id_from
from libp2p.crypto.keys import KeyPair
from libp2p.host.basic_host import BasicHost
from libp2p.host.host_interface import IHost
from libp2p.host.routed_host import RoutedHost
from libp2p.io.abc import ReadWriteCloser
from libp2p.network.connection.raw_connection import RawConnection
from libp2p.network.connection.raw_connection_interface import IRawConnection
from libp2p.network.connection.swarm_connection import SwarmConn
from libp2p.network.stream.net_stream_interface import INetStream
from libp2p.network.swarm import Swarm
from libp2p.peer.id import ID
from libp2p.peer.peerinfo import PeerInfo
from libp2p.peer.peerstore import PeerStore
from libp2p.pubsub.abc import IPubsubRouter
from libp2p.pubsub.floodsub import FloodSub
from libp2p.pubsub.gossipsub import GossipSub
from libp2p.pubsub.pubsub import Pubsub
from libp2p.routing.interfaces import IPeerRouting
from libp2p.security.base_transport import BaseSecureTransport
from libp2p.security.insecure.transport import PLAINTEXT_PROTOCOL_ID, InsecureTransport
import libp2p.security.secio.transport as secio
from libp2p.stream_muxer.mplex.mplex import MPLEX_PROTOCOL_ID, Mplex
from libp2p.stream_muxer.mplex.mplex_stream import MplexStream
from libp2p.tools.constants import GOSSIPSUB_PARAMS
from libp2p.transport.tcp.tcp import TCP
from libp2p.transport.typing import TMuxerOptions
from libp2p.transport.upgrader import TransportUpgrader
from libp2p.typing import TProtocol
from .utils import connect, connect_swarm
class IDFactory(factory.Factory):
class Meta:
model = ID
peer_id_bytes = factory.LazyFunction(
lambda: generate_peer_id_from(generate_new_rsa_identity())
def initialize_peerstore_with_our_keypair(self_id: ID, key_pair: KeyPair) -> PeerStore:
peer_store = PeerStore()
peer_store.add_key_pair(self_id, key_pair)
return peer_store
def security_transport_factory(
is_secure: bool, key_pair: KeyPair
) -> Dict[TProtocol, BaseSecureTransport]:
if not is_secure:
return {PLAINTEXT_PROTOCOL_ID: InsecureTransport(key_pair)}
return {secio.ID: secio.Transport(key_pair)}
async def raw_conn_factory(
nursery: trio.Nursery
) -> AsyncIterator[Tuple[IRawConnection, IRawConnection]]:
conn_0 = None
conn_1 = None
event = trio.Event()
async def tcp_stream_handler(stream: ReadWriteCloser) -> None:
nonlocal conn_1
conn_1 = RawConnection(stream, initiator=False)
await trio.sleep_forever()
tcp_transport = TCP()
listener = tcp_transport.create_listener(tcp_stream_handler)
await listener.listen(LISTEN_MADDR, nursery)
listening_maddr = listener.get_addrs()[0]
conn_0 = await tcp_transport.dial(listening_maddr)
await event.wait()
yield conn_0, conn_1
class SwarmFactory(factory.Factory):
class Meta:
model = Swarm
class Params:
is_secure = False
key_pair = factory.LazyFunction(generate_new_rsa_identity)
muxer_opt = {MPLEX_PROTOCOL_ID: Mplex}
peer_id = factory.LazyAttribute(lambda o: generate_peer_id_from(o.key_pair))
peerstore = factory.LazyAttribute(
lambda o: initialize_peerstore_with_our_keypair(o.peer_id, o.key_pair)
upgrader = factory.LazyAttribute(
lambda o: TransportUpgrader(
security_transport_factory(o.is_secure, o.key_pair), o.muxer_opt
transport = factory.LazyFunction(TCP)
async def create_and_listen(
cls, is_secure: bool, key_pair: KeyPair = None, muxer_opt: TMuxerOptions = None
) -> AsyncIterator[Swarm]:
# `factory.Factory.__init__` does *not* prepare a *default value* if we pass
# an argument explicitly with `None`. If an argument is `None`, we don't pass it to
# `factory.Factory.__init__`, in order to let the function initialize it.
optional_kwargs: Dict[str, Any] = {}
if key_pair is not None:
optional_kwargs["key_pair"] = key_pair
if muxer_opt is not None:
optional_kwargs["muxer_opt"] = muxer_opt
swarm = cls(is_secure=is_secure, **optional_kwargs)
async with background_trio_service(swarm):
await swarm.listen(LISTEN_MADDR)
yield swarm
async def create_batch_and_listen(
cls, is_secure: bool, number: int, muxer_opt: TMuxerOptions = None
) -> AsyncIterator[Tuple[Swarm, ...]]:
async with AsyncExitStack() as stack:
ctx_mgrs = [
await stack.enter_async_context(
cls.create_and_listen(is_secure=is_secure, muxer_opt=muxer_opt)
for _ in range(number)
yield tuple(ctx_mgrs)
class HostFactory(factory.Factory):
class Meta:
model = BasicHost
class Params:
is_secure = False
key_pair = factory.LazyFunction(generate_new_rsa_identity)
network = factory.LazyAttribute(lambda o: SwarmFactory(is_secure=o.is_secure))
async def create_batch_and_listen(
cls, is_secure: bool, number: int
) -> AsyncIterator[Tuple[BasicHost, ...]]:
async with SwarmFactory.create_batch_and_listen(is_secure, number) as swarms:
hosts = tuple(BasicHost(swarm) for swarm in swarms)
yield hosts
class DummyRouter(IPeerRouting):
_routing_table: Dict[ID, PeerInfo]
def __init__(self) -> None:
self._routing_table = dict()
def _add_peer(self, peer_id: ID, addrs: List[Multiaddr]) -> None:
self._routing_table[peer_id] = PeerInfo(peer_id, addrs)
async def find_peer(self, peer_id: ID) -> PeerInfo:
await trio.hazmat.checkpoint()
return self._routing_table.get(peer_id, None)
class RoutedHostFactory(factory.Factory):
class Meta:
model = RoutedHost
class Params:
is_secure = False
network = factory.LazyAttribute(
lambda o: HostFactory(is_secure=o.is_secure).get_network()
router = factory.LazyFunction(DummyRouter)
async def create_batch_and_listen(
cls, is_secure: bool, number: int
) -> AsyncIterator[Tuple[RoutedHost, ...]]:
routing_table = DummyRouter()
async with HostFactory.create_batch_and_listen(is_secure, number) as hosts:
for host in hosts:
routing_table._add_peer(host.get_id(), host.get_addrs())
routed_hosts = tuple(
RoutedHost(host.get_network(), routing_table) for host in hosts
yield routed_hosts
class FloodsubFactory(factory.Factory):
class Meta:
model = FloodSub
class GossipsubFactory(factory.Factory):
class Meta:
model = GossipSub
degree = GOSSIPSUB_PARAMS.degree
degree_low = GOSSIPSUB_PARAMS.degree_low
degree_high = GOSSIPSUB_PARAMS.degree_high
time_to_live = GOSSIPSUB_PARAMS.time_to_live
gossip_window = GOSSIPSUB_PARAMS.gossip_window
gossip_history = GOSSIPSUB_PARAMS.gossip_history
heartbeat_initial_delay = GOSSIPSUB_PARAMS.heartbeat_initial_delay
heartbeat_interval = GOSSIPSUB_PARAMS.heartbeat_interval
class PubsubFactory(factory.Factory):
class Meta:
model = Pubsub
host = factory.SubFactory(HostFactory)
router = None
cache_size = None
strict_signing = False
async def create_and_start(
cls, host: IHost, router: IPubsubRouter, cache_size: int, strict_signing: bool
) -> AsyncIterator[Pubsub]:
pubsub = cls(
async with background_trio_service(pubsub):
await pubsub.wait_until_ready()
yield pubsub
async def _create_batch_with_router(
number: int,
routers: Sequence[IPubsubRouter],
is_secure: bool = False,
cache_size: int = None,
strict_signing: bool = False,
) -> AsyncIterator[Tuple[Pubsub, ...]]:
async with HostFactory.create_batch_and_listen(is_secure, number) as hosts:
# Pubsubs should exit before hosts
async with AsyncExitStack() as stack:
pubsubs = [
await stack.enter_async_context(
cls.create_and_start(host, router, cache_size, strict_signing)
for host, router in zip(hosts, routers)
yield tuple(pubsubs)
async def create_batch_with_floodsub(
number: int,
is_secure: bool = False,
cache_size: int = None,
strict_signing: bool = False,
protocols: Sequence[TProtocol] = None,
) -> AsyncIterator[Tuple[Pubsub, ...]]:
if protocols is not None:
floodsubs = FloodsubFactory.create_batch(number, protocols=list(protocols))
floodsubs = FloodsubFactory.create_batch(number)
async with cls._create_batch_with_router(
number, floodsubs, is_secure, cache_size, strict_signing
) as pubsubs:
yield pubsubs
async def create_batch_with_gossipsub(
number: int,
is_secure: bool = False,
cache_size: int = None,
strict_signing: bool = False,
protocols: Sequence[TProtocol] = None,
degree: int = GOSSIPSUB_PARAMS.degree,
degree_low: int = GOSSIPSUB_PARAMS.degree_low,
degree_high: int = GOSSIPSUB_PARAMS.degree_high,
time_to_live: int = GOSSIPSUB_PARAMS.time_to_live,
gossip_window: int = GOSSIPSUB_PARAMS.gossip_window,
gossip_history: int = GOSSIPSUB_PARAMS.gossip_history,
heartbeat_interval: float = GOSSIPSUB_PARAMS.heartbeat_interval,
heartbeat_initial_delay: float = GOSSIPSUB_PARAMS.heartbeat_initial_delay,
) -> AsyncIterator[Tuple[Pubsub, ...]]:
if protocols is not None:
gossipsubs = GossipsubFactory.create_batch(
gossipsubs = GossipsubFactory.create_batch(
async with cls._create_batch_with_router(
number, gossipsubs, is_secure, cache_size, strict_signing
) as pubsubs:
async with AsyncExitStack() as stack:
for router in gossipsubs:
await stack.enter_async_context(background_trio_service(router))
yield pubsubs
async def swarm_pair_factory(
is_secure: bool, muxer_opt: TMuxerOptions = None
) -> AsyncIterator[Tuple[Swarm, Swarm]]:
async with SwarmFactory.create_batch_and_listen(
is_secure, 2, muxer_opt=muxer_opt
) as swarms:
await connect_swarm(swarms[0], swarms[1])
yield swarms[0], swarms[1]
async def host_pair_factory(
is_secure: bool
) -> AsyncIterator[Tuple[BasicHost, BasicHost]]:
async with HostFactory.create_batch_and_listen(is_secure, 2) as hosts:
await connect(hosts[0], hosts[1])
yield hosts[0], hosts[1]
async def swarm_conn_pair_factory(
is_secure: bool, muxer_opt: TMuxerOptions = None
) -> AsyncIterator[Tuple[SwarmConn, SwarmConn]]:
async with swarm_pair_factory(is_secure) as swarms:
conn_0 = swarms[0].connections[swarms[1].get_peer_id()]
conn_1 = swarms[1].connections[swarms[0].get_peer_id()]
yield cast(SwarmConn, conn_0), cast(SwarmConn, conn_1)
async def mplex_conn_pair_factory(
is_secure: bool
) -> AsyncIterator[Tuple[Mplex, Mplex]]:
muxer_opt = {MPLEX_PROTOCOL_ID: Mplex}
async with swarm_conn_pair_factory(is_secure, muxer_opt=muxer_opt) as swarm_pair:
yield (
cast(Mplex, swarm_pair[0].muxed_conn),
cast(Mplex, swarm_pair[1].muxed_conn),
async def mplex_stream_pair_factory(
is_secure: bool
) -> AsyncIterator[Tuple[MplexStream, MplexStream]]:
async with mplex_conn_pair_factory(is_secure) as mplex_conn_pair_info:
mplex_conn_0, mplex_conn_1 = mplex_conn_pair_info
stream_0 = cast(MplexStream, await mplex_conn_0.open_stream())
await trio.sleep(0.01)
stream_1: MplexStream
async with mplex_conn_1.streams_lock:
if len(mplex_conn_1.streams) != 1:
raise Exception("Mplex should not have any other stream")
stream_1 = tuple(mplex_conn_1.streams.values())[0]
yield stream_0, stream_1
async def net_stream_pair_factory(
is_secure: bool
) -> AsyncIterator[Tuple[INetStream, INetStream]]:
protocol_id = TProtocol("/example/id/1")
stream_1: INetStream
# Just a proxy, we only care about the stream
def handler(stream: INetStream) -> None:
nonlocal stream_1
stream_1 = stream
async with host_pair_factory(is_secure) as hosts:
hosts[1].set_stream_handler(protocol_id, handler)
stream_0 = await hosts[0].new_stream(hosts[1].get_id(), [protocol_id])
yield stream_0, stream_1