
496 lines
17 KiB

import asyncio
import random
import pytest
from import ID
from libp2p.pubsub.gossipsub import PROTOCOL_ID
from import GOSSIPSUB_PARAMS, GossipsubParams
from import dense_connect, one_to_all_connect
from import connect
"num_hosts, gossipsub_params",
((4, GossipsubParams(degree=4, degree_low=3, degree_high=5)),),
async def test_join(num_hosts, hosts, pubsubs_gsub):
gossipsubs = tuple(pubsub.router for pubsub in pubsubs_gsub)
hosts_indices = list(range(num_hosts))
topic = "test_join"
central_node_index = 0
# Remove index of central host from the indices
num_subscribed_peer = 2
subscribed_peer_indices = random.sample(hosts_indices, num_subscribed_peer)
# All pubsub except the one of central node subscribe to topic
for i in subscribed_peer_indices:
await pubsubs_gsub[i].subscribe(topic)
# Connect central host to all other hosts
await one_to_all_connect(hosts, central_node_index)
# Wait 2 seconds for heartbeat to allow mesh to connect
await asyncio.sleep(2)
# Central node publish to the topic so that this topic
# is added to central node's fanout
# publish from the randomly chosen host
await pubsubs_gsub[central_node_index].publish(topic, b"data")
# Check that the gossipsub of central node has fanout for the topic
assert topic in gossipsubs[central_node_index].fanout
# Check that the gossipsub of central node does not have a mesh for the topic
assert topic not in gossipsubs[central_node_index].mesh
# Central node subscribes the topic
await pubsubs_gsub[central_node_index].subscribe(topic)
await asyncio.sleep(2)
# Check that the gossipsub of central node no longer has fanout for the topic
assert topic not in gossipsubs[central_node_index].fanout
for i in hosts_indices:
if i in subscribed_peer_indices:
assert hosts[i].get_id() in gossipsubs[central_node_index].mesh[topic]
assert hosts[central_node_index].get_id() in gossipsubs[i].mesh[topic]
assert hosts[i].get_id() not in gossipsubs[central_node_index].mesh[topic]
assert topic not in gossipsubs[i].mesh
@pytest.mark.parametrize("num_hosts", (1,))
async def test_leave(pubsubs_gsub):
gossipsub = pubsubs_gsub[0].router
topic = "test_leave"
assert topic not in gossipsub.mesh
await gossipsub.join(topic)
assert topic in gossipsub.mesh
await gossipsub.leave(topic)
assert topic not in gossipsub.mesh
# Test re-leave
await gossipsub.leave(topic)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("num_hosts", (2,))
async def test_handle_graft(pubsubs_gsub, hosts, event_loop, monkeypatch):
gossipsubs = tuple(pubsub.router for pubsub in pubsubs_gsub)
index_alice = 0
id_alice = hosts[index_alice].get_id()
index_bob = 1
id_bob = hosts[index_bob].get_id()
await connect(hosts[index_alice], hosts[index_bob])
# Wait 2 seconds for heartbeat to allow mesh to connect
await asyncio.sleep(2)
topic = "test_handle_graft"
# Only lice subscribe to the topic
await gossipsubs[index_alice].join(topic)
# Monkey patch bob's `emit_prune` function so we can
# check if it is called in `handle_graft`
event_emit_prune = asyncio.Event()
async def emit_prune(topic, sender_peer_id):
monkeypatch.setattr(gossipsubs[index_bob], "emit_prune", emit_prune)
# Check that alice is bob's peer but not his mesh peer
assert gossipsubs[index_bob].peer_protocol[id_alice] == PROTOCOL_ID
assert topic not in gossipsubs[index_bob].mesh
await gossipsubs[index_alice].emit_graft(topic, id_bob)
# Check that `emit_prune` is called
await asyncio.wait_for(event_emit_prune.wait(), timeout=1, loop=event_loop)
assert event_emit_prune.is_set()
# Check that bob is alice's peer but not her mesh peer
assert topic in gossipsubs[index_alice].mesh
assert id_bob not in gossipsubs[index_alice].mesh[topic]
assert gossipsubs[index_alice].peer_protocol[id_bob] == PROTOCOL_ID
await gossipsubs[index_bob].emit_graft(topic, id_alice)
await asyncio.sleep(1)
# Check that bob is now alice's mesh peer
assert id_bob in gossipsubs[index_alice].mesh[topic]
"num_hosts, gossipsub_params", ((2, GossipsubParams(heartbeat_interval=3)),)
async def test_handle_prune(pubsubs_gsub, hosts):
gossipsubs = tuple(pubsub.router for pubsub in pubsubs_gsub)
index_alice = 0
id_alice = hosts[index_alice].get_id()
index_bob = 1
id_bob = hosts[index_bob].get_id()
topic = "test_handle_prune"
for pubsub in pubsubs_gsub:
await pubsub.subscribe(topic)
await connect(hosts[index_alice], hosts[index_bob])
# Wait for heartbeat to allow mesh to connect
await asyncio.sleep(1)
# Check that they are each other's mesh peer
assert id_alice in gossipsubs[index_bob].mesh[topic]
assert id_bob in gossipsubs[index_alice].mesh[topic]
# alice emit prune message to bob, alice should be removed
# from bob's mesh peer
await gossipsubs[index_alice].emit_prune(topic, id_bob)
# `emit_prune` does not remove bob from alice's mesh peers
assert id_bob in gossipsubs[index_alice].mesh[topic]
# NOTE: We increase `heartbeat_interval` to 3 seconds so that bob will not
# add alice back to his mesh after heartbeat.
# Wait for bob to `handle_prune`
await asyncio.sleep(0.1)
# Check that alice is no longer bob's mesh peer
assert id_alice not in gossipsubs[index_bob].mesh[topic]
@pytest.mark.parametrize("num_hosts", (10,))
async def test_dense(num_hosts, pubsubs_gsub, hosts):
num_msgs = 5
# All pubsub subscribe to foobar
queues = []
for pubsub in pubsubs_gsub:
q = await pubsub.subscribe("foobar")
# Add each blocking queue to an array of blocking queues
# Densely connect libp2p hosts in a random way
await dense_connect(hosts)
# Wait 2 seconds for heartbeat to allow mesh to connect
await asyncio.sleep(2)
for i in range(num_msgs):
msg_content = b"foo " + i.to_bytes(1, "big")
# randomly pick a message origin
origin_idx = random.randint(0, num_hosts - 1)
# publish from the randomly chosen host
await pubsubs_gsub[origin_idx].publish("foobar", msg_content)
await asyncio.sleep(0.5)
# Assert that all blocking queues receive the message
for queue in queues:
msg = await queue.get()
assert == msg_content
@pytest.mark.parametrize("num_hosts", (10,))
async def test_fanout(hosts, pubsubs_gsub):
num_msgs = 5
# All pubsub subscribe to foobar except for `pubsubs_gsub[0]`
queues = []
for i in range(1, len(pubsubs_gsub)):
q = await pubsubs_gsub[i].subscribe("foobar")
# Add each blocking queue to an array of blocking queues
# Sparsely connect libp2p hosts in random way
await dense_connect(hosts)
# Wait 2 seconds for heartbeat to allow mesh to connect
await asyncio.sleep(2)
topic = "foobar"
# Send messages with origin not subscribed
for i in range(num_msgs):
msg_content = b"foo " + i.to_bytes(1, "big")
# Pick the message origin to the node that is not subscribed to 'foobar'
origin_idx = 0
# publish from the randomly chosen host
await pubsubs_gsub[origin_idx].publish(topic, msg_content)
await asyncio.sleep(0.5)
# Assert that all blocking queues receive the message
for queue in queues:
msg = await queue.get()
assert == msg_content
# Subscribe message origin
queues.insert(0, await pubsubs_gsub[0].subscribe(topic))
# Send messages again
for i in range(num_msgs):
msg_content = b"bar " + i.to_bytes(1, "big")
# Pick the message origin to the node that is not subscribed to 'foobar'
origin_idx = 0
# publish from the randomly chosen host
await pubsubs_gsub[origin_idx].publish(topic, msg_content)
await asyncio.sleep(0.5)
# Assert that all blocking queues receive the message
for queue in queues:
msg = await queue.get()
assert == msg_content
@pytest.mark.parametrize("num_hosts", (10,))
async def test_fanout_maintenance(hosts, pubsubs_gsub):
num_msgs = 5
# All pubsub subscribe to foobar
queues = []
topic = "foobar"
for i in range(1, len(pubsubs_gsub)):
q = await pubsubs_gsub[i].subscribe(topic)
# Add each blocking queue to an array of blocking queues
# Sparsely connect libp2p hosts in random way
await dense_connect(hosts)
# Wait 2 seconds for heartbeat to allow mesh to connect
await asyncio.sleep(2)
# Send messages with origin not subscribed
for i in range(num_msgs):
msg_content = b"foo " + i.to_bytes(1, "big")
# Pick the message origin to the node that is not subscribed to 'foobar'
origin_idx = 0
# publish from the randomly chosen host
await pubsubs_gsub[origin_idx].publish(topic, msg_content)
await asyncio.sleep(0.5)
# Assert that all blocking queues receive the message
for queue in queues:
msg = await queue.get()
assert == msg_content
for sub in pubsubs_gsub:
await sub.unsubscribe(topic)
queues = []
await asyncio.sleep(2)
# Resub and repeat
for i in range(1, len(pubsubs_gsub)):
q = await pubsubs_gsub[i].subscribe(topic)
# Add each blocking queue to an array of blocking queues
await asyncio.sleep(2)
# Check messages can still be sent
for i in range(num_msgs):
msg_content = b"bar " + i.to_bytes(1, "big")
# Pick the message origin to the node that is not subscribed to 'foobar'
origin_idx = 0
# publish from the randomly chosen host
await pubsubs_gsub[origin_idx].publish(topic, msg_content)
await asyncio.sleep(0.5)
# Assert that all blocking queues receive the message
for queue in queues:
msg = await queue.get()
assert == msg_content
"num_hosts, gossipsub_params",
async def test_gossip_propagation(hosts, pubsubs_gsub):
topic = "foo"
await pubsubs_gsub[0].subscribe(topic)
# node 0 publish to topic
msg_content = b"foo_msg"
# publish from the randomly chosen host
await pubsubs_gsub[0].publish(topic, msg_content)
# now node 1 subscribes
queue_1 = await pubsubs_gsub[1].subscribe(topic)
await connect(hosts[0], hosts[1])
# wait for gossip heartbeat
await asyncio.sleep(2)
# should be able to read message
msg = await queue_1.get()
assert == msg_content
"num_hosts, gossipsub_params", ((1, GossipsubParams(heartbeat_initial_delay=100)),)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("initial_mesh_peer_count", (7, 10, 13))
async def test_mesh_heartbeat(
num_hosts, initial_mesh_peer_count, pubsubs_gsub, hosts, monkeypatch
# It's difficult to set up the initial peer subscription condition.
# Ideally I would like to have initial mesh peer count that's below ``GossipSubDegree``
# so I can test if `mesh_heartbeat` return correct peers to GRAFT.
# The problem is that I can not set it up so that we have peers subscribe to the topic
# but not being part of our mesh peers (as these peers are the peers to GRAFT).
# So I monkeypatch the peer subscriptions and our mesh peers.
total_peer_count = 14
fake_peer_ids = [
ID((i).to_bytes(2, byteorder="big")) for i in range(total_peer_count)
peer_protocol = {peer_id: PROTOCOL_ID for peer_id in fake_peer_ids}
monkeypatch.setattr(pubsubs_gsub[0].router, "peer_protocol", peer_protocol)
peer_topics = {topic: set(fake_peer_ids)}
# Monkeypatch the peer subscriptions
monkeypatch.setattr(pubsubs_gsub[0], "peer_topics", peer_topics)
mesh_peer_indices = random.sample(range(total_peer_count), initial_mesh_peer_count)
mesh_peers = [fake_peer_ids[i] for i in mesh_peer_indices]
router_mesh = {topic: set(mesh_peers)}
# Monkeypatch our mesh peers
monkeypatch.setattr(pubsubs_gsub[0].router, "mesh", router_mesh)
peers_to_graft, peers_to_prune = pubsubs_gsub[0].router.mesh_heartbeat()
if initial_mesh_peer_count >
# If number of initial mesh peers is more than `GossipSubDegree`, we should PRUNE mesh peers
assert len(peers_to_graft) == 0
assert len(peers_to_prune) == initial_mesh_peer_count -
for peer in peers_to_prune:
assert peer in mesh_peers
elif initial_mesh_peer_count <
# If number of initial mesh peers is less than `GossipSubDegree`, we should GRAFT more peers
assert len(peers_to_prune) == 0
assert len(peers_to_graft) == - initial_mesh_peer_count
for peer in peers_to_graft:
assert peer not in mesh_peers
assert len(peers_to_prune) == 0 and len(peers_to_graft) == 0
"num_hosts, gossipsub_params", ((1, GossipsubParams(heartbeat_initial_delay=100)),)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("initial_peer_count", (1, 4, 7))
async def test_gossip_heartbeat(
num_hosts, initial_peer_count, pubsubs_gsub, hosts, monkeypatch
# The problem is that I can not set it up so that we have peers subscribe to the topic
# but not being part of our mesh peers (as these peers are the peers to GRAFT).
# So I monkeypatch the peer subscriptions and our mesh peers.
total_peer_count = 28
topic_mesh = "TEST_GOSSIP_HEARTBEAT_1"
topic_fanout = "TEST_GOSSIP_HEARTBEAT_2"
fake_peer_ids = [
ID((i).to_bytes(2, byteorder="big")) for i in range(total_peer_count)
peer_protocol = {peer_id: PROTOCOL_ID for peer_id in fake_peer_ids}
monkeypatch.setattr(pubsubs_gsub[0].router, "peer_protocol", peer_protocol)
topic_mesh_peer_count = 14
# Split into mesh peers and fanout peers
peer_topics = {
topic_mesh: set(fake_peer_ids[:topic_mesh_peer_count]),
topic_fanout: set(fake_peer_ids[topic_mesh_peer_count:]),
# Monkeypatch the peer subscriptions
monkeypatch.setattr(pubsubs_gsub[0], "peer_topics", peer_topics)
mesh_peer_indices = random.sample(range(topic_mesh_peer_count), initial_peer_count)
mesh_peers = [fake_peer_ids[i] for i in mesh_peer_indices]
router_mesh = {topic_mesh: set(mesh_peers)}
# Monkeypatch our mesh peers
monkeypatch.setattr(pubsubs_gsub[0].router, "mesh", router_mesh)
fanout_peer_indices = random.sample(
range(topic_mesh_peer_count, total_peer_count), initial_peer_count
fanout_peers = [fake_peer_ids[i] for i in fanout_peer_indices]
router_fanout = {topic_fanout: set(fanout_peers)}
# Monkeypatch our fanout peers
monkeypatch.setattr(pubsubs_gsub[0].router, "fanout", router_fanout)
def window(topic):
if topic == topic_mesh:
return [topic_mesh]
elif topic == topic_fanout:
return [topic_fanout]
return []
# Monkeypatch the memory cache messages
monkeypatch.setattr(pubsubs_gsub[0].router.mcache, "window", window)
peers_to_gossip = pubsubs_gsub[0].router.gossip_heartbeat()
# If our mesh peer count is less than `GossipSubDegree`, we should gossip to up to
# `GossipSubDegree` peers (exclude mesh peers).
if topic_mesh_peer_count - initial_peer_count <
# The same goes for fanout so it's two times the number of peers to gossip.
assert len(peers_to_gossip) == 2 * (topic_mesh_peer_count - initial_peer_count)
elif topic_mesh_peer_count - initial_peer_count >=
assert len(peers_to_gossip) == 2 * (
for peer in peers_to_gossip:
if peer in peer_topics[topic_mesh]:
# Check that the peer to gossip to is not in our mesh peers
assert peer not in mesh_peers
assert topic_mesh in peers_to_gossip[peer]
elif peer in peer_topics[topic_fanout]:
# Check that the peer to gossip to is not in our fanout peers
assert peer not in fanout_peers
assert topic_fanout in peers_to_gossip[peer]