mhchia 006002f687
Move interop tests out of tests
It is moved to the top level package `tests_interop`, to avoid circular
dependency, with the dependency moved to `tox`.
2019-09-23 22:00:40 +08:00

84 lines
2.7 KiB

import asyncio
from multiaddr import Multiaddr
import pytest
from libp2p.peer.peerinfo import info_from_p2p_addr
from libp2p.typing import TProtocol
from .constants import PEXPECT_NEW_LINE
from .envs import GO_BIN_PATH
ECHO_PROTOCOL_ID = TProtocol("/echo/1.0.0")
async def make_echo_proc(
proc_factory, port: int, is_secure: bool, destination: Multiaddr = None
args = [f"-l={port}"]
if not is_secure:
if destination is not None:
echo_proc = proc_factory(str(ECHO_PATH), args)
await echo_proc.expect(r"I am ([\w\./]+)" + PEXPECT_NEW_LINE, async_=True)
maddr_str_ipfs =
maddr_str = maddr_str_ipfs.replace("ipfs", "p2p")
maddr = Multiaddr(maddr_str)
go_pinfo = info_from_p2p_addr(maddr)
if destination is None:
await echo_proc.expect("listening for connections", async_=True)
return echo_proc, go_pinfo
@pytest.mark.parametrize("num_hosts", (1,))
async def test_insecure_conn_py_to_go(
hosts, proc_factory, is_host_secure, unused_tcp_port
go_proc, go_pinfo = await make_echo_proc(
proc_factory, unused_tcp_port, is_host_secure
host = hosts[0]
await host.connect(go_pinfo)
await go_proc.expect("swarm listener accepted connection", async_=True)
s = await host.new_stream(go_pinfo.peer_id, [ECHO_PROTOCOL_ID])
await go_proc.expect("Got a new stream!", async_=True)
data = "data321123\n"
await s.write(data.encode())
await go_proc.expect(f"read: {data[:-1]}", async_=True)
echoed_resp = await
assert echoed_resp.decode() == data
await s.close()
@pytest.mark.parametrize("num_hosts", (1,))
async def test_insecure_conn_go_to_py(
hosts, proc_factory, is_host_secure, unused_tcp_port
host = hosts[0]
expected_data = "Hello, world!\n"
reply_data = "Replyooo!\n"
event_handler_finished = asyncio.Event()
async def _handle_echo(stream):
read_data = await
assert read_data == expected_data.encode()
await stream.write(reply_data.encode())
await stream.close()
host.set_stream_handler(ECHO_PROTOCOL_ID, _handle_echo)
py_maddr = host.get_addrs()[0]
go_proc, _ = await make_echo_proc(
proc_factory, unused_tcp_port, is_host_secure, py_maddr
await go_proc.expect("connect with peer", async_=True)
await go_proc.expect("opened stream", async_=True)
await event_handler_finished.wait()
await go_proc.expect(f"read reply: .*{reply_data.rstrip()}.*", async_=True)