216 lines
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216 lines
7.1 KiB
import asyncio
from typing import Dict, Tuple
import factory
from libp2p import generate_new_rsa_identity, generate_peer_id_from
from libp2p.crypto.keys import KeyPair
from libp2p.host.basic_host import BasicHost
from libp2p.network.connection.swarm_connection import SwarmConn
from libp2p.network.stream.net_stream_interface import INetStream
from libp2p.network.swarm import Swarm
from libp2p.peer.peerstore import PeerStore
from libp2p.pubsub.floodsub import FloodSub
from libp2p.pubsub.gossipsub import GossipSub
from libp2p.pubsub.pubsub import Pubsub
from libp2p.security.base_transport import BaseSecureTransport
from libp2p.security.insecure.transport import PLAINTEXT_PROTOCOL_ID, InsecureTransport
import libp2p.security.secio.transport as secio
from libp2p.stream_muxer.mplex.mplex import MPLEX_PROTOCOL_ID, Mplex
from libp2p.stream_muxer.mplex.mplex_stream import MplexStream
from libp2p.transport.tcp.tcp import TCP
from libp2p.transport.typing import TMuxerOptions
from libp2p.transport.upgrader import TransportUpgrader
from libp2p.typing import TProtocol
from tests.configs import LISTEN_MADDR
from tests.pubsub.configs import (
from tests.utils import connect, connect_swarm
def security_transport_factory(
is_secure: bool, key_pair: KeyPair
) -> Dict[TProtocol, BaseSecureTransport]:
if not is_secure:
return {PLAINTEXT_PROTOCOL_ID: InsecureTransport(key_pair)}
return {secio.ID: secio.Transport(key_pair)}
class SwarmFactory(factory.Factory):
class Meta:
model = Swarm
class Params:
is_secure = False
key_pair = factory.LazyFunction(generate_new_rsa_identity)
muxer_opt = {MPLEX_PROTOCOL_ID: Mplex}
peer_id = factory.LazyAttribute(lambda o: generate_peer_id_from(o.key_pair))
peerstore = factory.LazyFunction(PeerStore)
upgrader = factory.LazyAttribute(
lambda o: TransportUpgrader(
security_transport_factory(o.is_secure, o.key_pair), o.muxer_opt
transport = factory.LazyFunction(TCP)
async def create_and_listen(
cls, is_secure: bool, key_pair: KeyPair = None, muxer_opt: TMuxerOptions = None
) -> Swarm:
# `factory.Factory.__init__` does *not* prepare a *default value* if we pass
# an argument explicitly with `None`. If an argument is `None`, we don't pass it to
# `factory.Factory.__init__`, in order to let the function initialize it.
optional_kwargs = {}
if key_pair is not None:
optional_kwargs["key_pair"] = key_pair
if muxer_opt is not None:
optional_kwargs["muxer_opt"] = muxer_opt
swarm = cls(is_secure=is_secure, **optional_kwargs)
await swarm.listen(LISTEN_MADDR)
return swarm
async def create_batch_and_listen(
cls, is_secure: bool, number: int, muxer_opt: TMuxerOptions = None
) -> Tuple[Swarm, ...]:
return await asyncio.gather(
cls.create_and_listen(is_secure=is_secure, muxer_opt=muxer_opt)
for _ in range(number)
class HostFactory(factory.Factory):
class Meta:
model = BasicHost
class Params:
is_secure = False
key_pair = factory.LazyFunction(generate_new_rsa_identity)
public_key = factory.LazyAttribute(lambda o: o.key_pair.public_key)
network = factory.LazyAttribute(
lambda o: SwarmFactory(is_secure=o.is_secure, key_pair=o.key_pair)
async def create_batch_and_listen(
cls, is_secure: bool, number: int
) -> Tuple[BasicHost, ...]:
key_pairs = [generate_new_rsa_identity() for _ in range(number)]
swarms = await asyncio.gather(
SwarmFactory.create_and_listen(is_secure, key_pair)
for key_pair in key_pairs
return tuple(
BasicHost(key_pair.public_key, swarm)
for key_pair, swarm in zip(key_pairs, swarms)
class FloodsubFactory(factory.Factory):
class Meta:
model = FloodSub
class GossipsubFactory(factory.Factory):
class Meta:
model = GossipSub
degree = GOSSIPSUB_PARAMS.degree
degree_low = GOSSIPSUB_PARAMS.degree_low
degree_high = GOSSIPSUB_PARAMS.degree_high
time_to_live = GOSSIPSUB_PARAMS.time_to_live
gossip_window = GOSSIPSUB_PARAMS.gossip_window
gossip_history = GOSSIPSUB_PARAMS.gossip_history
heartbeat_interval = GOSSIPSUB_PARAMS.heartbeat_interval
class PubsubFactory(factory.Factory):
class Meta:
model = Pubsub
host = factory.SubFactory(HostFactory)
router = None
my_id = factory.LazyAttribute(lambda obj: obj.host.get_id())
cache_size = None
async def swarm_pair_factory(
is_secure: bool, muxer_opt: TMuxerOptions = None
) -> Tuple[Swarm, Swarm]:
swarms = await SwarmFactory.create_batch_and_listen(
is_secure, 2, muxer_opt=muxer_opt
await connect_swarm(swarms[0], swarms[1])
return swarms[0], swarms[1]
async def host_pair_factory(is_secure) -> Tuple[BasicHost, BasicHost]:
hosts = await HostFactory.create_batch_and_listen(is_secure, 2)
await connect(hosts[0], hosts[1])
return hosts[0], hosts[1]
async def swarm_conn_pair_factory(
is_secure: bool, muxer_opt: TMuxerOptions = None
) -> Tuple[SwarmConn, Swarm, SwarmConn, Swarm]:
swarms = await swarm_pair_factory(is_secure)
conn_0 = swarms[0].connections[swarms[1].get_peer_id()]
conn_1 = swarms[1].connections[swarms[0].get_peer_id()]
return conn_0, swarms[0], conn_1, swarms[1]
async def mplex_conn_pair_factory(is_secure: bool) -> Tuple[Mplex, Swarm, Mplex, Swarm]:
muxer_opt = {MPLEX_PROTOCOL_ID: Mplex}
conn_0, swarm_0, conn_1, swarm_1 = await swarm_conn_pair_factory(
is_secure, muxer_opt=muxer_opt
return conn_0.muxed_conn, swarm_0, conn_1.muxed_conn, swarm_1
async def mplex_stream_pair_factory(
is_secure: bool
) -> Tuple[MplexStream, Swarm, MplexStream, Swarm]:
mplex_conn_0, swarm_0, mplex_conn_1, swarm_1 = await mplex_conn_pair_factory(
stream_0 = await mplex_conn_0.open_stream()
await asyncio.sleep(0.01)
stream_1: MplexStream
async with mplex_conn_1.streams_lock:
if len(mplex_conn_1.streams) != 1:
raise Exception("Mplex should not have any stream upon connection")
stream_1 = tuple(mplex_conn_1.streams.values())[0]
return stream_0, swarm_0, stream_1, swarm_1
async def net_stream_pair_factory(
is_secure: bool
) -> Tuple[INetStream, BasicHost, INetStream, BasicHost]:
protocol_id = "/example/id/1"
stream_1: INetStream
# Just a proxy, we only care about the stream
def handler(stream: INetStream) -> None:
nonlocal stream_1
stream_1 = stream
host_0, host_1 = await host_pair_factory(is_secure)
host_1.set_stream_handler(protocol_id, handler)
stream_0 = await host_0.new_stream(host_1.get_id(), [protocol_id])
return stream_0, host_0, stream_1, host_1