# type: ignore # To add typing to this module, it's better to do it after refactoring test cases into classes import pytest import trio from libp2p.tools.constants import FLOODSUB_PROTOCOL_ID from libp2p.tools.utils import connect SUPPORTED_PROTOCOLS = [FLOODSUB_PROTOCOL_ID] FLOODSUB_PROTOCOL_TEST_CASES = [ { "name": "simple_two_nodes", "supported_protocols": SUPPORTED_PROTOCOLS, "nodes": ["A", "B"], "adj_list": {"A": ["B"]}, "topic_map": {"topic1": ["B"]}, "messages": [{"topics": ["topic1"], "data": b"foo", "node_id": "A"}], }, { "name": "three_nodes_two_topics", "supported_protocols": SUPPORTED_PROTOCOLS, "nodes": ["A", "B", "C"], "adj_list": {"A": ["B"], "B": ["C"]}, "topic_map": {"topic1": ["B", "C"], "topic2": ["B", "C"]}, "messages": [ {"topics": ["topic1"], "data": b"foo", "node_id": "A"}, {"topics": ["topic2"], "data": b"Alex is tall", "node_id": "A"}, ], }, { "name": "two_nodes_one_topic_single_subscriber_is_sender", "supported_protocols": SUPPORTED_PROTOCOLS, "nodes": ["A", "B"], "adj_list": {"A": ["B"]}, "topic_map": {"topic1": ["B"]}, "messages": [{"topics": ["topic1"], "data": b"Alex is tall", "node_id": "B"}], }, { "name": "two_nodes_one_topic_two_msgs", "supported_protocols": SUPPORTED_PROTOCOLS, "nodes": ["A", "B"], "adj_list": {"A": ["B"]}, "topic_map": {"topic1": ["B"]}, "messages": [ {"topics": ["topic1"], "data": b"Alex is tall", "node_id": "B"}, {"topics": ["topic1"], "data": b"foo", "node_id": "A"}, ], }, { "name": "seven_nodes_tree_one_topics", "supported_protocols": SUPPORTED_PROTOCOLS, "nodes": ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7"], "adj_list": {"1": ["2", "3"], "2": ["4", "5"], "3": ["6", "7"]}, "topic_map": {"astrophysics": ["2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7"]}, "messages": [{"topics": ["astrophysics"], "data": b"e=mc^2", "node_id": "1"}], }, { "name": "seven_nodes_tree_three_topics", "supported_protocols": SUPPORTED_PROTOCOLS, "nodes": ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7"], "adj_list": {"1": ["2", "3"], "2": ["4", "5"], "3": ["6", "7"]}, "topic_map": { "astrophysics": ["2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7"], "space": ["2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7"], "onions": ["2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7"], }, "messages": [ {"topics": ["astrophysics"], "data": b"e=mc^2", "node_id": "1"}, {"topics": ["space"], "data": b"foobar", "node_id": "1"}, {"topics": ["onions"], "data": b"I am allergic", "node_id": "1"}, ], }, { "name": "seven_nodes_tree_three_topics_diff_origin", "supported_protocols": SUPPORTED_PROTOCOLS, "nodes": ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7"], "adj_list": {"1": ["2", "3"], "2": ["4", "5"], "3": ["6", "7"]}, "topic_map": { "astrophysics": ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7"], "space": ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7"], "onions": ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7"], }, "messages": [ {"topics": ["astrophysics"], "data": b"e=mc^2", "node_id": "1"}, {"topics": ["space"], "data": b"foobar", "node_id": "4"}, {"topics": ["onions"], "data": b"I am allergic", "node_id": "7"}, ], }, { "name": "three_nodes_clique_two_topic_diff_origin", "supported_protocols": SUPPORTED_PROTOCOLS, "nodes": ["1", "2", "3"], "adj_list": {"1": ["2", "3"], "2": ["3"]}, "topic_map": {"astrophysics": ["1", "2", "3"], "school": ["1", "2", "3"]}, "messages": [ {"topics": ["astrophysics"], "data": b"e=mc^2", "node_id": "1"}, {"topics": ["school"], "data": b"foobar", "node_id": "2"}, {"topics": ["astrophysics"], "data": b"I am allergic", "node_id": "1"}, ], }, { "name": "four_nodes_clique_two_topic_diff_origin_many_msgs", "supported_protocols": SUPPORTED_PROTOCOLS, "nodes": ["1", "2", "3", "4"], "adj_list": { "1": ["2", "3", "4"], "2": ["1", "3", "4"], "3": ["1", "2", "4"], "4": ["1", "2", "3"], }, "topic_map": { "astrophysics": ["1", "2", "3", "4"], "school": ["1", "2", "3", "4"], }, "messages": [ {"topics": ["astrophysics"], "data": b"e=mc^2", "node_id": "1"}, {"topics": ["school"], "data": b"foobar", "node_id": "2"}, {"topics": ["astrophysics"], "data": b"I am allergic", "node_id": "1"}, {"topics": ["school"], "data": b"foobar2", "node_id": "2"}, {"topics": ["astrophysics"], "data": b"I am allergic2", "node_id": "1"}, {"topics": ["school"], "data": b"foobar3", "node_id": "2"}, {"topics": ["astrophysics"], "data": b"I am allergic3", "node_id": "1"}, ], }, { "name": "five_nodes_ring_two_topic_diff_origin_many_msgs", "supported_protocols": SUPPORTED_PROTOCOLS, "nodes": ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5"], "adj_list": {"1": ["2"], "2": ["3"], "3": ["4"], "4": ["5"], "5": ["1"]}, "topic_map": { "astrophysics": ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5"], "school": ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5"], }, "messages": [ {"topics": ["astrophysics"], "data": b"e=mc^2", "node_id": "1"}, {"topics": ["school"], "data": b"foobar", "node_id": "2"}, {"topics": ["astrophysics"], "data": b"I am allergic", "node_id": "1"}, {"topics": ["school"], "data": b"foobar2", "node_id": "2"}, {"topics": ["astrophysics"], "data": b"I am allergic2", "node_id": "1"}, {"topics": ["school"], "data": b"foobar3", "node_id": "2"}, {"topics": ["astrophysics"], "data": b"I am allergic3", "node_id": "1"}, ], }, ] floodsub_protocol_pytest_params = [ pytest.param(test_case, id=test_case["name"]) for test_case in FLOODSUB_PROTOCOL_TEST_CASES ] async def perform_test_from_obj(obj, pubsub_factory) -> None: """ Perform pubsub tests from a test object, which is composed as follows: .. code-block:: python { "supported_protocols": ["supported/protocol/1.0.0",...], "adj_list": { "node1": ["neighbor1_of_node1", "neighbor2_of_node1", ...], "node2": ["neighbor1_of_node2", "neighbor2_of_node2", ...], ... }, "topic_map": { "topic1": ["node1_subscribed_to_topic1", "node2_subscribed_to_topic1", ...] }, "messages": [ { "topics": ["topic1_for_message", "topic2_for_message", ...], "data": b"some contents of the message (newlines are not supported)", "node_id": "message sender node id" }, ... ] } .. note:: In adj_list, for any neighbors A and B, only list B as a neighbor of A or B as a neighbor of A once. Do NOT list both A: ["B"] and B:["A"] as the behavior is undefined (even if it may work) """ # Step 1) Create graph adj_list = obj["adj_list"] node_list = obj["nodes"] node_map = {} pubsub_map = {} async with pubsub_factory( number=len(node_list), protocols=obj["supported_protocols"] ) as pubsubs: for node_id_str, pubsub in zip(node_list, pubsubs): node_map[node_id_str] = pubsub.host pubsub_map[node_id_str] = pubsub # Connect nodes and wait at least for 2 seconds async with trio.open_nursery() as nursery: for start_node_id in adj_list: # For each neighbor of start_node, create if does not yet exist, # then connect start_node to neighbor for neighbor_id in adj_list[start_node_id]: nursery.start_soon( connect, node_map[start_node_id], node_map[neighbor_id] ) nursery.start_soon(trio.sleep, 2) # Step 2) Subscribe to topics queues_map = {} topic_map = obj["topic_map"] async def subscribe_node(node_id, topic): if node_id not in queues_map: queues_map[node_id] = {} # Avoid repeated works if topic in queues_map[node_id]: # Checkpoint await trio.hazmat.checkpoint() return sub = await pubsub_map[node_id].subscribe(topic) queues_map[node_id][topic] = sub async with trio.open_nursery() as nursery: for topic, node_ids in topic_map.items(): for node_id in node_ids: nursery.start_soon(subscribe_node, node_id, topic) nursery.start_soon(trio.sleep, 2) # Step 3) Publish messages topics_in_msgs_ordered = [] messages = obj["messages"] for msg in messages: topics = msg["topics"] data = msg["data"] node_id = msg["node_id"] # Publish message # TODO: Should be single RPC package with several topics for topic in topics: await pubsub_map[node_id].publish(topic, data) # For each topic in topics, add (topic, node_id, data) tuple to ordered test list for topic in topics: topics_in_msgs_ordered.append((topic, node_id, data)) # Allow time for publishing before continuing await trio.sleep(1) # Step 4) Check that all messages were received correctly. for topic, origin_node_id, data in topics_in_msgs_ordered: # Look at each node in each topic for node_id in topic_map[topic]: # Get message from subscription queue msg = await queues_map[node_id][topic].get() assert data == msg.data # Check the message origin assert node_map[origin_node_id].get_id().to_bytes() == msg.from_id