import asyncio import pytest from tests.configs import LISTEN_MADDR from .configs import GOSSIPSUB_PARAMS from .factories import FloodsubFactory, GossipsubFactory, HostFactory, PubsubFactory # pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name @pytest.fixture def num_hosts(): return 3 @pytest.fixture async def hosts(num_hosts): _hosts = HostFactory.create_batch(num_hosts) await asyncio.gather( *[_host.get_network().listen(LISTEN_MADDR) for _host in _hosts] ) yield _hosts # Clean up listeners = [] for _host in _hosts: for listener in _host.get_network().listeners.values(): listener.server.close() listeners.append(listener) await asyncio.gather(*[listener.server.wait_closed() for listener in listeners]) @pytest.fixture def floodsubs(num_hosts): return FloodsubFactory.create_batch(num_hosts) @pytest.fixture def gossipsub_params(): return GOSSIPSUB_PARAMS @pytest.fixture def gossipsubs(num_hosts, gossipsub_params): yield GossipsubFactory.create_batch(num_hosts, **gossipsub_params._asdict()) # TODO: Clean up def _make_pubsubs(hosts, pubsub_routers, cache_size): if len(pubsub_routers) != len(hosts): raise ValueError( f"lenght of pubsub_routers={pubsub_routers} should be equaled to the " f"length of hosts={len(hosts)}" ) return tuple( PubsubFactory(host=host, router=router, cache_size=cache_size) for host, router in zip(hosts, pubsub_routers) ) @pytest.fixture def pubsub_cache_size(): return None # default @pytest.fixture def pubsubs_fsub(hosts, floodsubs, pubsub_cache_size): _pubsubs_fsub = _make_pubsubs(hosts, floodsubs, pubsub_cache_size) yield _pubsubs_fsub # TODO: Clean up @pytest.fixture def pubsubs_gsub(hosts, gossipsubs, pubsub_cache_size): _pubsubs_gsub = _make_pubsubs(hosts, gossipsubs, pubsub_cache_size) yield _pubsubs_gsub # TODO: Clean up